VOL. 88 NO. S TUESDAY, JANUARY 18,1877 THE TUESDAY EDITION KIMC; MOUMTWM MIRROR-HCRIMD Big Star 2.45 1.35 • 2.19 .89 1.49 1.09 1.69 1.37 M. ►T! r. When City Lies In Two Counties.... Where Is Police Jurisdiction? By TOM McIntyre Editor, Mtaror-Herkld Hie fact that Kings Mountain's boundvies lie In two counties does create some problems as far as law enforcement Is concerned. Although there has not been a real test case to date, there have been some disagreements arising from the geographical lines of the historical city. Recently, Cleveland County District Court Judge Ralph Phillips threw a case Involving a neighbor dljg>ute out of court because the claimants resided In the Oaston County portion of the city. Judge Phillips said he felt the case should have been drawn by a Oaston County magistrate and handled in the Oaston County court. The warrants In that case were drawn by a Cleveland County magistrate, Charles Carpenter. In the final analysis the case was redrawn and docketed In Oaston County, where a Judge dismissed It because both parties had made counter-charges. How will such questions be resolved In the future? Kings Mountain Police Chief Earl Lloyd said his department will continue to handle cases Inside the city limits of Kings Mountain, even though a portion of It Is In Oaston County, and that the department will continue answering assistance calls within the five-mile perimeter of the city, as outlined by state law. "In the former case,” Chief Uoyd said, "I called a magistrate In Oastonla to ask if we had to come to Oastonia In order to get a warrant signed and was told no. It was not necessary. I was advised to get the magistrate In Kings Mountain to draw the warrant." Under the present system of order a magistrate In Cleveland County Is only able to draw warrants In this county. The same is true of magistrates In their respective counties. However, there Is still the question of whether this point cannot be stretched to cover the entire city limits of Kings Mountain, the majority of which is In Clevelsuid County and only a portion of situated In Oaston. “If the Kings Mountain officers arrest someone in that part of the city lying in Gaston County," Chief Lloyd said, "they have been Instructed to bring that person before Magistrate Carpenter In Kings Mountain. And the next time there is occasion to take such a case to Cleveland County District Court, I plan to attend personally to see If we can't get this situation straightened out." Supply Cut Five Percent Monday Duke Restores Full Power To City SDA, lOICE 22« 45c 39c 52* $1 >inl >nles TSIAL >G ION 299 OR PLAIN ■uce WHY PAY $1.31 By TOM McIntyre Editor, Mirror-Herald Kings Mountlana were asked to conserve electrical power over the weekend and through Monday af ternoon, according to Mayor John H. Moss. The mayor said Duke Power Company notified the city that due to the dropping of the Bdews Ckeek units from the power grid, the city was being cut back by five percent on Its electric power supply. Monday morning the mayor said Duke had not stated how long the cutback would be In effect. Howevrr,’iat. Monday spokesman from Duke called to say the 'power units had been nmc- ttvated and that die cutback was off. "We want to thank the dtlsens of Kings Mountain for their cooi>eratlon during this emergen cy," the Duke spokesman said. "However, everything Is back to normal now and full electric service restored to the Kings Mountain system." dtlsens had been asked to bum no lights not absolutely necessary and use all electric appliances spangly during the emergency. Mayor Moss said, "The request was not made lightly and, speaking for the city officials, we appreciate the cooperation shown by our ciUsens. It Is hard for us to realise there can be shortages of anything In America, but It happens. When It does happen It Is up to all of us to help. Again, our thanks. The mayor said the city's elec trical system and gas system have held very well during the extreme cold weather and the only problMn at this point with any city servlc. was a break In a water line In the Margrace Mill area about 4:80 a. m. Sunday. The break was due to the weather. However, the city water department has the line repalrMl and service restored by 10:80 a. m. Sunday. “The city is still waiting, along with the rest of North Oarollna, for the final word from the Federal Power Commission on extra natural gas for the state during the cold weather," the mayor said. "We have qgt )>een told of Uie ability to pu^ chase extra gas, nor what our aUocatlan will be nor the pricing of the new supply." W. D. Edwards, the city's gas consultant engineer, said Monday that Kings Mountain has been for tunate In Its natural gas supply. "There are communities all around Kings Mountain toat have had to close down schools because of the lack of natural gas for heating," Edwards said. "Some hospitals are seeking alternate fuels now to keep the buildings operating. This Is a serious situation and pecgile have got to realize It. Conserving as much as possible will go a long way toward helping this situation." The mayor said the city's gas supply has held very well despite tbs extreme weather, with only the Interruptible customers feeling the bite. However, the mayor said all of the city's Interruptible customers have second sources of fuel to operate their businesses. ANYBODY IN THEREf - Out in the Oansler Bt Urban Renewal area project where desens of men are^ struggling against the weather and the clock tocesnplete the work modem convenlencee are a bit crude. Relief Is Photo By Gary Stewart only aPort-a-Johnawsy. But in this case reUef would be aMt dlfflcult to obtain. We don’t know whether anyone was In there when the ship hit the sand, but It does make tor an Interesting picture and even wilder speculation. Band Parents Meet Tonight To Talk Funds A meeting of edl pfu'ents of Kings Mountain Senior High band mem bers Is planned tonight at 7:80 at Barnes Auditorium to discuss fund raising. The fund-raising Is to finance a trip for the entire band to Disney World on April 18 to participate as band of the day at the Orlando, Fla. family amusement center. The bsmd was invited to par ticipate by the public relatlcms department at Disney World after Judging an audition teq>e sent by band director Donald Deal. Tonight's meeting will be to ex plain a project to raise several thousand dollars toward the esti mated $6,000 needed for the trip. The project Is selling tickets for $1 donations on a 19 Inch RCA portable color television set to be given away to the hicky ticket holder on February 28. The TV set was a special purchase from TTmms Furniture for cost, $496. Ticket holders will not have to be present to win the set. At tonight's meeting each band parent will be asked to sell 40 tickets per band member In respective families. The goal Is to sell 4,000 tickets for donations of $1 each. KM Jaycees Seek New Grover Chapter How About Satellite District Court? In the midst of Orover’s revitalization, another revitalization Is taking place. Young men between the ages of 18 and 98 are Joining together to provide dedicated leadership training through com munity Improvement. The broad alms of this meeting are to train young men for leader ship to give young men a voice In community affairs, to allow young men to participate In ccxnmunlty activities, to Improve the com munity by conducting comunlty Improvement and service programs, and to further democracy and the free enterprise system. The first meeting will take place Thurs., Jan. 90 at 7 p. m. In the Orover School Library. This meeting Is sponsored by the Kings Mountain Jaycees for the purpose of extending a chapter In Orover. For more Information on this group, contoct Kemp Msuney at 789- 8691 or 789-8976. How about asatelllteDlstrlct Court in Kings Mountain one day each week? Does this sound far-fetched? No, because such courts have already been established In other counties In North Carolina. The reason these satellites were esta blished was very sound. There was a great need for them In large populated Judlclsl districts. I Connor Bids For YDC Vice Presidency Nelson Connor of Kings Mountain has announced his candidacy for the office of Vice President at the Young Democrats at North Oarollna. The election will be held In April in Charlotte at the Young Democrats annual state convention. Presently Connor serves as 10th district chairperson of the Young Democrats. He was Instrumental In the reorganisation of the Young Democrats In Cleveland County In 1974 and served as Its president from 1974-1976. In a letter sent to Young Democrats across the state, Connor ^d, "I believe I can help the Young Democrats grow larger, stronger, and more appealing to the vast majority of re^stered Democrats In «hls state." Cleveland County’s Young Democrats president Myers Hambrlght, Jr., also of Kings Mountain, said, "The Cleveland County Young Democrats fully support the candidacy of Nelson Connor and will work hard toward his election at the state convention." The last state YDC officer from Cleveland County was David Royster of Shelby who served as state Treasurer In 1946. NELBONOOBINOR Communities such as Hickory, MooresvlUe and High Point have District court sessions one day each week and these were formed through special Legislative action and approval of the administrative office for the courts In Raleigh. Police Chief Bari Lloyd and Magistrate Charles Carpenter are very much In favor of creating a qieclal satellite District Court day for Kings Mountain and have already mentioned the fact to Senator OUle Heurls. "Sending police officers to Shelby almost everyday and having them spend almost the entire day there In court Is costing the taxpayers of Kings Mountain a great deal of money," Chief Lloyd said. He said the boundary line could be drawn at Buffalo Creek and everything east of that to the Cleveland County line could be taken In. That would mean service to a population of close to 28,000 persons. "It would be a matter of moving a Judge, bailiff, clerk and district attorney to Kings Mountain one day each week,” Chief Lloyd said. "That would seem to be better than moving over a hundred persons to Shelby everyday." currently the criminal cases In District Court are tried on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Friday mornings are taken up with Juvenile and non-jury cases. Magistrate Carpenter suggests Friday as the one day the satellite court could be held In Kings Mountain. "Some people have gotten the Idea the magistrate wants to hold court." Carpenter said. "This Is not true. The satellite court would still be the District Court with a District Court Judge. DA, the works. The Idea Is working In other places and there Is no reason why it couldn’t work here. The satellite court Is saving other communities a great deal of money as far as having officers traveling back and forth to other cities to appear In court. It would do a lot to expedite numerous cases on the docket also.” Carpenter also said a second magistrate Is needed In Kings Mountain, one to handle small claims work such as civil suits, non-payment of contracts and other work not Included under criminal charges. "Cleveland County Is entitled to eight magistrates,” Carpenter said, "but at present there are only seven of us on the Job. I think Kings Mountain and the surrounding area has enough work to warrant the eighth magistrate being appointed and placed here to work.” Of Senate Committee Harris Named Chmrtnan state Senator J. OUle Harris of Kings Mountain has been named chairman of the Department of Human Resources Committee In the North Carolina Senate. Hie Kings Mountsiln mortlclsn, a three-term veteran of the senate, was named by Lt. Oov. Jimmy Oreen. Senator Harris said that all legislative bills pertaining to social ser vices, mental health, the blind and deaf and underprlvUeged, must clear his committee. He ssdd that along with the chairmanship of this committee Is a position on the subcommittee of appropriations for the Department of Human Resour ces which wUl oversee a budget Involving some $200 million during the next two years.

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