Page SB-MnUtOB-HERALD-nonday, Jannaiy M, UTT Some ‘Sticky’ Dishes (From Page 1) SHRIMP IHP 1 large pkg. cream cheese H c. (plus 1 tbsp.) mayonnaise 4 tbsp. Chiu sauce 8 tsp. lemon Juice 1 smaU onion, grated % tsp. Worcestershire sauce H lb. cooked shrimp, cut Oeam cheese and add aU other Ingredients. Let stand a while whUe before serving to let flavors marinade . oOo- COTTAOE CHEESE TOMATO ASPIC 2 cans tomato soup heated 1 jar cottage cheese 1 c. sUced, stuffed oUves 1 c. finely cut celeiy H c. mayonnaise 2 env. plain gelatin, added to H c. water Add gelatin and water to soup and let cool. When cool, add the remaining Ingredients. Put In salad molds and congeal In refrigerator several hours. Serve on lettuce. This Is a good meat substitute. Serves 12. -oOo- FROZEN TREASURE gallon vanilla Ice cream 12 ground almond macaroons H jar Nesselrode fruit % c. sherry Soften Ice cream, add macaroons, fruit and sherry and mix well. Whipped cream and cherries may be added for color. Chn be stored In freezer for emergencies. Easy and good! .oOo- vciiut; m Foods EAST KING STREET ■ KINGS MOUNTAIN U.S. Choice Quality-Trimmed Beef Chuck Steak (Or Roast) Lb. (Arm Shoulder Roast Lb. 99c) Hy-Top Brand Meat Franks Jimmy Dean Sausage Think twioe..before you shop this week You could be paying 20% more for meat if you’re not shopping at Harris-Teeter! Since last year as compared to this year, Harris-Teeter has ^ reduced meat prices over 20% to save you more. ChecK the savings below on some of the meat items you buy most often. ^ Fraehty Cut Chicken 70^ Thighs lo /jT Fieehly Cut KO* Holly Farms Grade "A” Whole V Lsg QuailerS . Lb Fresh Fryers I Sdrofthechix.. 79* A I Wings Lb 59* A\ H Freshly Cut Chicken CA) ■ Breast Quarters ib 59^ Freshly Cut Country style CCC I CUt-Up Lb 55 I K Up...Lb. 49C)H Freshly Cut Chicken H DruiTisticks•••• Lb. ft# (Limit 4 Per customer Please) Breast Halves Lb #9 Frashly Cut Chicken ^ Badks & Necks Lb 19 Roasting ilA« Chicken Lb 49^ Year Ago Lb. 63c Save 38% Meats 12 Oz. (Unk Sausage 12 Oz. 99c) Save 10% More Than 00% Lmh Freshly Made Chopped Steaks Harvest Brand Sliced Bacon PINEAPPLE FLUFF Vi lb. vanilla wafen ii cup butter 1 c. powdered augar Vi tap. almond extract 2 eggs , ,. Vi pint whipping cream 1 small can crushed pineapple, drained Roll vanilla wafers and divide crumbe In half. Line pan with waxed paper and put In Vi of the crumbs. Cream butter with sugar and almond extract. Add eggs, beat thorough after each addition. Spread above mixture on top of crumbs. Whip cream until stiff, add drained pineapple. Spread on top of creamed mixture and top with remaining crumbs. Let stand In refrigerator overnight. .oOo- TIPSY CAKE 2 c. milk 2 tbsp. flour 4 eggs Vi c. sugar Vi pint whipped cream Dash salt Sherry to taste Maraschino cherries Toasted almonds Angel food cake Make boiled custard of milk, flour, eggs, sugar and salt. Cool and add sherry to taste. Tear angel food cake Into small pieces. In large bowl, make layers of cake, slivered almonds, cherries, whipped cream and custard — until all Ingredients have been used. Do not sweeten whipped cream. Refrigerate overnight In covered bowl. Before serving. Ice with wh4>P«d cream and decorate with cherries and whole almonds. This Is lovely In crystal bowl and a very feetlve Chrlstmae dessert. -oOo- PARTYMIX 6 tbsp. butter or margarine 4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp. seasoned salt 2 c. wheat chex 2 c. com chex 2 c. rice chex % c. salted nuts Heat oven to 2B0 degrees. Melt butter In Hiallow pan. Stir In Worcestershire sauce and seasoned salt. Add the cereals and nuts. Mix over low heat unttl aU pieces are coated. Heat In oven for 4B minutes, stliTlng every 16 minutes. Spread on absorbent paper to cool. Yield 6% cups. H-T Thin Sliced Sandwich Bread IV2 Lb. Loaves 00 i'* I UIIIOIW Campbell’s Soup 16w79® (Limit 6 W/$7.S0 Order Please) $-|09 69« Stokely Van Camps $4 00 Franks lo A 16 Oz. ■ Freshly Slices Veinless And Skinless Beans..4 cans l Beef Liver lo 69® Hy-Top Buttermilk Presh Frozen (Hi Lb. To 2 Lb. Avg.) ilftc Pancake CQc croakers u, 48“ !«« shri^s?. .0, *1“ ^rup 24 Oz 99® $<|99 $<100 $-|00 Salmon 89^ Paradise Strawbeny AAc Preserves.... .. 2 Lbs. 99** U.S. Choice Quality-Trimmed Beef Sirloin Steak lUSDAl CHOICE (T-Bone Steak Lb. $1.69) (Semi-Bonele$s Strip Or Porterhouse Steak Lb. $1.79) Year Ago Lb. $2.09 Save 24% . 30 Oz. ■ .Carnation Hot a.. i XiCHioa Mix Del Haven Cut Green _ Beans .5 "S.S’ Ubby Whole Kernel Or Cream Style Qolden Com Or^ Sweet Peas3 Libby’s 100% Pure Florida Frozen Natural Sun Orange Juice Vanity Fair Towels 2 Jumbo Rolls .12 Oz.\ Cans Save 49' Hy-Top Catsup 32 Oz. Lara Lynn Saltines Bakery Our Reg. 49c H-T Cluster Brown & Serve ^ Rolls 2 set 79® Our Reg. 49c Aunt Fanny's Pecan Twirls ^59^ Our Reg. 51c Vemedale jm Aq Italian Bread .. 16 Oz. 40 Sausage. Hamburger, Or Pepperoni G&W Pizzas 82 Oz. Returnable ; DIET l>B>SI OR i PEPSI-COLAj \ ^ ■ Depoeft;^ 111/4 Oz. Old Virginia Grape Jelly Stokely Whole White > Potatoes.....4 Macaroni & Cheese Hy-Top - Dinner 4 1 Lb. More Value Produce Juicy ensp Stayman Winasap Apples 69® Calilomia Large Sized _ m Avocados...4 r» *1“ Carolinaa Finast Sweet ^ Potatoes Lb 19^ Alka Seltzer Canadian Waxed Kraft Mayonnaise] 88" Rutabagas.... Sunny Delight Cftrus 15' Mix Or Match Juicy Sweet Florida Juice Or Drink (Limit 1 W/$7.50 Order) Gal.’ Temple Oranges i 20 99" Quantity Rights Reserved We Gladly Redeem Federal Food Stamps Prices Effective Thru Sat., Jan. 22, 1977 I Frozen Mrs. Smith's AA( Apple Pie W Banquet Or Pet RItz jS <■»_ Pie Shells 2Pk 39* Umas 2 tooz 89* 14 s