Page lOB-ammOK-MaiAlP-TtiJw. J»mmrr Mi IMt Expansion Work Expansktii wofk at the Kings Mountain Pilot Oeek Waste Treatment Facility Includes a new aerlation filtering tank beyond the one In the foreground. Baw sewage la returned to these tanka tor treatment. Hie Pilot Creek Plant handles both industrial and domestic waste. W‘ Another New Addition Another new addUlon to the Pilot Creek facilities is this clarification tank. Following preliminary treat ment in the aerlation tanks, the waste water Is pumped ■ -'.A.'' 4*/' iii' ,tX Photos By Tom McIntyre here for step number two In the recycling process. From here the water is pumped Into holding tanks. KM Squad Gives 76 Report Kings Mountain Rescue Squad members traveled a total of 33,876 miles during 1876 for a total of 1,886 hours on tr4>a, 3010 ti^is made, 33,876 miles traveled, 8,074 hours in meetings and on stand-by and 468 hours In EMT training. The break-down in- cludea; Kings Mountain Hospital, 676 trips; Cleveland Memorial Hospital, 86 trips; Char lotte Memorial Hospital, 67 trips; Oaston Memorial Hospital, 68 trips; Kings Mountain Convalescent Center, M trips; Kings Mountain area doctors, 61 trips; Shelby area doctors, 14 trips; other hospitals, 36 trips; trips; Ores, 66 tr^; blood relays, 86 trips; worked traffic, 88 trips; dead on arrival trips, 18; house calls, 668 trips; accidents, 143 trips; miscellaneous trips, 44; simulated dlaasters, two trips; ball games, nine tripe; races, two tripe; lake patrol, 10 trqw and were called to the scene of one drowning accident Make Your Own Candles Open Vocal Warfare By JAN CHRISTENSEN N. C. Slate University When you make your own candles, you save money. And you have candles that are uniquely yours—that are different from everyone elses. Joyce Hildreth, extension home economics agent, Rockingham County, ob- serv-es that you can make a very pretty candle by layer ing different colors of wax. Simply pour one color into the candle mold, let it harden, and add additional colors until you have the size candle you want, she suggests. In addition to making candles for yourself, you may wish to make some as gifts, the agent concluded. SPECIAL QUILT A handmade quilt that featured the state flower from each of the 50 states turned out to be a real moneymaker for Warren County’s Extension Home makers. The women, who designed and made the quilt, decided to sell tickets on it and donate all the proceeds to the Warren County 4-H development hind. The final tally was $1,451, says Emily Ballinger, home economics extension agent. RECEIVE GIFTS Patients at McCain Sana torium in Moore County were on the receiving end of gifts donated by members of the county’s Extension Homemakers Clubs. Homemakers made 192 holiday favors and donated 300 hospital gowns and 76 pairs of scuffs, says Jean Hubbard, home economics extension agent. The women also donated used clothing and magazines to the center. "I’m not a health food nut by any means, but I want my baby’s foods to be as pure and as natural as possible.” "Sugar Is an acquired taste. I’d rather my children ac quired it later, if at all." “What’s the purpose of all' these additives?” Such are the typical com ments of concerned mothers who have engaged in an open, vocal warfare with most manufacturers of baby foods. To date, only one company has responded with a com plete line of no-sugar-added baby Juices in glass bottles. Beech-Nut. a forerunner in baby food since 1932, has in troduced 100% natural fruit Juices in 8 flavors, each forti fied with Vitamin C. ’The Juices are clearly labelled, WiadelVnerhas to play catch-up footbaH now that he has plenty of *77 Fords. Wade Tyner didn't have many 'll Fords for his season opener on October 1st. And because of the strike against Ford, he didn't get near enough 'll Fords since then. Which means that Wade's new car sales have been pretty slow in recent months. But now the 'll Fords are rolling in and Wade wants to make up for all the new car sales he didn't get during the strike. He'll hit those 'll Fords where it hurts, right on the old window sticker. That's right.Wade will give you a big discount on any 'll Ford, even a Thunderbird or LTD. He'll consider any kind of unreasonable offer on a trade. So if you've been thinking about getting a spanking brand new 77 automobile, come play catch-up foot ball with Wade Ford. Chances are you'll drive off the field a Wade welcoming convoy of 77 Fords. big winner. Highway 74. Kings Mountain Hit Wade While He’s Down BOUMI GALLON SIZE CLOROX LIQUID BLEACH SAVE 50< PKG. OF 5 “Naturally sweet — No sugar added.” Prepared from natu rally sweet ripened fruits, these Juices are protectively packaged in sterilized, vac uum-packed glass bottles to preserve flavor and freshness. As an added convenience, a standard nipple can be fitted to the bottle, making the Juice ready to serve as is, witoopt the mess and bother of trans ferring from a tin container to a nursing bottle. The Beech-Nut Juices are available in apple, orange, orange/banana, orange/pine apple, apple/cherry, apple/ grape, mixed fruit and prune/ orange flavors. The tour most popular are packaged in handy six-packs for shopping ease. PLATINUM BLADES OUR REG. 504 PKG. 3 $i pkgs.B LIMITS H S- 8 OUNCE ROSE MILK ii LOTION REG. $1.19 ii SAVE 314 LIMIT 2 SAVE A BUNDLE ON PAMPERS! BOX OF 30 DAYTIME OR 24 EXTRA ABSORBENT DISPOSABLE DIAPERS YOUR CHOICE $199 BOX LIMIT 2 CACH OUR BAG IS BARGAINS! 60-: OR WATT WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULBS FIRST QUALI’TY ICOMBED COTTON ilOYS-^ *4'-V4* Briefs or T-SHIRTS PKG. OF 2 ; &i»S 2 *1^* SPECIAL GROUP MEN'S WARM COTTO QUILTED JACKETS ’2 AT THi LOW. LOW FRICC OF . lACH WHILt TMIY LASTI ^UMiooln Hwy. 74 Weit-kfon-gni. lO-B ''1 T^nnklln Ave. Mon.-tet B-S M Beai. City Mon.,.8nt.MFl1.8-6 Ss AUStontoO^nSan. 14 ’-f MICIS GOOD through SATURDAY WHILI QUANTITIfS LAST .'t