THE THURSDAY EDITION VOL. 8S NO. U THUB8, FEBRUARY 10, ltT7 KIMGS MOUMTWM MIRROR-HCRI^LD 25‘ Second Public Hearing Next Tuesday Mappings Streets New CD Grant Requests ByTOltlffdMTYRE Edttar, Bthror-HonM PUDMuotrie ond topocmphloia mapping, itreet widening and ■IdewaUio wero the only new prapoeals made‘nieaday night at the flrat of two pubUe heailD|i on the third year of the city's Community Development funding. pump Hager, preRdent a< the Kings Kountaln Improvement Association, requested eon- Rderatlan of widening Wattorson 8t hum Iforrla St to Waoo Rd., and for Mon^ BL If Wattsraon Is not widened on out to Waoo Rd.,” Hager oommeated at the 7:00 p. m. tsraon St. under the Oansler Urban Renewal program. It etopa at Horrls St And with Duplex (plant) located In that area there wlU be traffic haaarda at the change of ths work siilfta.” A1 lloreta. Kings Mountain planner, raoonunended CD funding be appuikl for to create planemetrlc and topoRraphleal mapping In the planning for the dty. We have bad a great deal of planning In area, but I’m talking about what tha city wm need hi the next 10 to 40 yeart." aerial photos and shows all of the exlatlng structures and streets and green arena Topogiaphloal map. ping will give ths land elevations (the high and low levels of the land). “M the Candor Street project we are cleenlng up the mass of water and sewer llnee, which la there due to not enough long range planning In the past." Morets said. "When this project Is completed this area will be one of the most beautifid reddendal areas In the dty. Residents wlU have fOr CD money to widen Watterson Marable asked for mere CD money Grover^Waiite Eaton Water Line Extended 11 1. GROVER - Ihe town council Monday night voted to request the county to extend the water line serving Eaton Corporation to Orover. Councilman said by Installing a pressure regulating valve the water level in the community water storage tank could be controlled and that using this control Orover could supplement Its present system or use water supplied by Kings Mountain entirely. In July 1976 the town suffered a severe water shorUge because of pump and control fallurs and a second ahortage last month because of a broken water main. Because of this the council felt ths reddents were baing Jeopardlaed because of Inadequate fire protectlan. Utader Its present system, the Town of Ch-over cannot adequately service more or larger water con- aumers and there la a demand for At Monday’s meeting for the council also voted to make ap plication for 97,377.76 under the Ctoan Water Bond Act of 1971 for a deep well and water line con struction on Hwy. 236 northwest of town. The total projected coat of the project la f39,Ul. The. town will pay $21,886.36 from Its general fund and revenue sharing monies. Orover presently operates off three deep wells and has a fourth available for manual operation If needed. The town consulting englnsers, John A. Edwards and Co. of Raleigh, will advertise tor bids on February 30. The Mda will be opened on March 1 at 3 p. m. and there will be a town hall meeting at 6:80 p. m. tha same day to hear the engineering recommendations. Project com pletion Is expected to be about July electrical service and there will be a beautiful paric with a clear stream. The green area has. In the past, been a Jungle with debris hidden In high weeds and a breeding ground ^ into." At the second public hearing next Tuesday (February 16) Kings Mountain Redevelopment Com mission executive director Cans Rfhlte will give a complete update on the Canaler St. Urban Reiwwal project. For the third year of a flve-yaar CD fund project the city Is entitled to $1,040,000 for community projects. The total entitlement under the Federal Housing and (Community Development Act of 1974 Is 94,160,000. Tile majority of Tuesday’s publle hearing was taken up with recm>- Idng past projects and ongoing projects under CD funding. Mrs. Joel Marabto, who heads ths Home Base Child Care Program, told the board and audience Tuesday night that about 10 youngstara In the community have been helped under this program. "And It la having a poslttvo affect on the parents of these children and on ths neighborhood where they live,” she said. "We have seen not only Inner prtds, but outer pride as well. The yoiaiipters In this program have asked me to give you their thanks and to teU you that their future lies In your hands.’’ The first year ths program was funded 96,000 In order to create a pilot program and to give Urns to organise and discover where ths needs are hi the community. During that year (1970) Mrs. Marable and her volunteers worked without ccmpensatlaa. The second year the project was funded lX.OOO, "to carry on the program. For tha third year Mrs. Marable la requeatliig an Increase hi budget to |M,000. "to expand the program and bring more Applicants For Rural Route Needed Missing For One Week Have You Seen George SuUens? Iliaa., Feb. l, and parsons knowing of his whsrsabouta are asked to oontaet his mother, 7994713, or the Xtags Mountain Pollee Department. Mrs. Ora Lae Parham, mother of Sm missing youth, said aha talked to bar son at 9 a. m. on February 1 bMore he left tor sohool. Ho never nported to Junior High nor to the home of one of Ms friends. Cemetery Oean Up Is Urged A GLEANINO UP THE MAZE - AI Morels, Kings Mountain planner, asked tor Oommnntty Development grant funding this year tor ptauiBinetrlc and topognqiMcal mapping of the Oaaeler St. Urban Renewal project area and other areas of the city tor more complete long range study and planning. Part of the problem of flalslilng Sm Oaaalor St. area now U oleanhigontthe maaeotundorgroimd water and sewer llnee wbMIi are laadequate to serve needs. The United States Postal Service aimouncea an examination tor substttute rural carrier of record at the Kings Mountain Post Office. The examination will be given In Oiarlotte tor the Khigs Mountain office. Full particulars about this position and an application blank may be ob tained by contacting the local Rev. KSimeth Ceorge, coordinator of the Kings Mmaitaln Program tor The Aging, said ths program has bdon most successful and has hMped 88,000 elderly persona He said the aging program could be expanded greatly because the needs of ths area senior elSaens are great. Rev. Oeorge said his group woiks cloaely with the Kings Mountain Housing Authority In saehliig units for some of the more severe aging cases. "We want to keep these people In their own community," Rev. Oeorge said, "and not see them put Into state Instltutkais. So far during this program we have not seen a single elderly resident have to move away from his or hsr home." The aging program serves about 136 persona dally with hot meals, programs of Interest, escort asrvloe, field trips and oounaelhig. Rev. Oeorgs said tha program la at tempting to offer aide to ths eldsrly In everyway poaslble. Rodney Hunnlcutt, of W. K. Dickson, the city’s engineering eonsultanta, talked about the ongoing water and sewer projects for the city and requaeted that funding emphasis go this year toward upgrading water and sewer lines to sarvloe the residents and large Industry. "The city cannot afford to wait on Federal funding to study the federally Induced 301 sewer plan,” Hunnlcutt said. "There are some projects the city must go ahead with." Hunnlcutt said high priority should be placed on upgraded water lines which will feed the exlatlng water storage tanks on N. Piedmont and tha proposed two-mlUion gallon tank for Cloveland Ava. He also said that Union Un derwear’s plant, while providing more jobs tor local residents, la also creating a sewer-drainage problem. "The plant Is locatod In the McOUl treatment plant basin, which cannot handle the sewerage from the plant," Humlcutt said. "So, we suggest high priority be placed In construction of a larger sewer line and a pumping station In this section of the city to feed the waste water acroas town to tha Pilot Oeek Plant” This, Hisinlcutt, Indicated la what he meant by the city not waiting on the Federal 301 funding. He said the rad tape Involved In getting this ftmdlng can be staggsring and time consuming. Mayor John Moss and Com missioner BUI Orlssom updated the gathering on the ooiklnulng plans tor ITioto By Tom Mebtyre \q>gradlng Davidson and Deal St Parks and for renovation at the community center. Mayor Moas said the dty la negoUaUng with the KM District Schools to purchase 10J4 acres adjoining Deal St., Park to bersase the recreation area. Plans caU for updated field lighting, wldenbg of antranee roads and parking area, bersaabg the road to encircle the park, new fencing and oonstiuctlon of concrete bleacher aeaUng. Also oonatnictlon of tennis courts and new filters for the swimming pools. Mayor Moss said plans also eaU for renovating City Stadium, following completion of Davidson Parii. "The dty Is negotiating with the Mauney fernUy for additional property, with the Idea of expandbg the park and haring It face Cold St.; The mayor said. "We want to have available the best todlltles poaslble for aU of the youth Rtorts events the ’’^^Isens with Ideas tor projects which are eligible under the CD guidelines are urged to attend next Tuesday’s publle hearing. For asdatance hi outllnbg ideas and projects dtlsens are urged to con tact ths mayor’s office prior to the Rev. Robert Boggan bi Motivation Rally Effort city Cemetery Superintendent Ken Jenkins reminds Kings MMsitab area elUsens that all Christmas flowers should bo rsmovod from cemetery graves by Fab. 16, b accordance with a dty ordbanee. Tha dty commission passed on March 33, 1974 ordlnanoe which prohlblb Christmas Sowars botag left on eemetory lots after February iBth. Ths ordlnanoe bstruoto dty employes to remove be Sowers themsslvas aSar that dato and dispoao of thorn. Local Methodists will form a caravan February 36 tor Chartotte Coliseum to Job thoae 376,000 United Methodists Uvlng b the Piedmont and western North Carolina oountles for a major MotlvaUon Rally for Evangellam. The program will last from 10:16 a. m. imtU 1:16 p. m. Christ are belrw lost. So, accordbg to the Kbgs Mountab minister, during 1977-80 the 9.9 mllUon United Mathodlste priority. programs Intentional are bebg Accordbg Robert to Rev. Robert E. Boggan, Jr., pastor of Kings Mountab’s Cmtral United Methodist The church has lost a nlUlon members b a laoada, says Boggan, but Boggan said that during tha period of Feb. 37- March 4 local churehas will hold a program of visitation evangeUsm, mobilising the aotlve members b teams to visit aU Inactive and disen chanted members, and There will foUow during March 19 a program of preaching evangsllsm b Amajor effort during the four-year period of ■vangeUam as a priority will bo made b the Church Behod, accordbg to Rev. Mr. Boggan. StatlsUcs Sm church school. The Motivation Rally b Chartotte wUl feature Dr. 11,000 member First