Page K—MIRROR-HERALD—Tueiday, February 18, 1877 Sprouse-Mauney Vows Spoken On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Kemp Mauney, in, who were wed Saturday In a Valentine wedding, are on a wedding trip to Beech Mountain and afterwards will be at home at Lake Montonla. Miss Debbie Ann Sprouse became Mr. Mauney's bride In a 7 p. m. formal wedding In Saint Matthew's Lutheran Oiurch. The Rev. Robert Eugene Allen hesu'd the exchange of vows, using the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. L. E. Hlnnant was organist, Christopher Oole was trumpeter suid Mrs. Laurln Whlsnant sang "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee” before the exchange of vows. The altar of the church was enhanced by white tapers In four wrought-lron candelabrum arranged with red roses and background greenery. Arthur Sprouse escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her In marriage. The bride's wedding gown wsts an Original Bridal Choice gown In white Qulana Knit, the bodice featuring an empire waistline, deep V neckline and long slender sleeves. The floor-length skirt was a full A-Une design and -further enhanced by a long, flowing Chapel length detachable cape with hood bordered In elegant white marlbou. For "something old", she added the pearls worn by her slater at her wedding and carried a bouquet of orchids and stephanotls. Mrs. Steven Wells at tended her sister as matron of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. David Logan of Chartotte, Mrs. Bill Herndon of Carrboro, Miss Martha Jane Mauney and Mrs. Bolin-George Wedding Vows Exchanged David Baptist Church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Debbie Susan Bolin to Mark Steven George, Sun., February 20 at 8 p. m. The Rev. Dwight Ed wards, assisted by the Rev. Mai Schuman, of ficiated during the double ring ceremony and the organist was Frances Lall, soloist, Linda Dixon. Special music Included "Love Never Falleth” and "Bless These Hands.” The church was decoratad with flve-«vwi branched candelabra with traditional palms. Max Bolin gave his daughter In marriage and John George Jr. served as beat man for his son. The bride carried a nosegay of starburst poms centered with white cymbldlum orchids. Her wedding gown, an original ctoalgn by David Harris, was created of Ivory silk chiffon and Imported French alencon lace posed over faille taffeta. The lace bodice featured a hor- OMfeoa oecfeliae cuflliied *' * MRS. MARK STEVEN GBOBOB (Debbie BoUn) Mrs. Roberts Hosts Garden Club Meeting The Open Gate Garden Chib met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. R. Roberts. 818 N. Pledmcnt Ave. Co-hostess with Mrs. Roberts was Miss Annie B. Roberts. The program, "Flowers For Tour Church." was presented by Mrs. M. C. Amos, who brought along a floral arrangements to dramatize her talk. dub members brou^t along specimens at their own house plants to show under the continuing project of "House Plants To Brag About" Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mrs. E. R. Roberta and Miss Annie Roberts showed plantings to be Judged using the theme of red, white and blue, "A Tribute To George." Bride-Beet Honored At Wednesday Party Mrs. Margaret Williams, Mrs. Helen Blanton and Mrs. Hallle Blanton co hosted a bridge last Wednesday for Miss Priscilla Padgett, bride- elect of U. S. Army Capt. Christopher John Blan chard. The bridge began at 7 ;S0 p. m. at the home of Mrs. WUUams and four tables were set for play. Attending were the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Charlene Padgett, Alice Anne Adams, Marlon Thomasson. Dottle South- well, Laura Houser, Christine Ramseur, Eleanor Cooper. Mary Mauney. Haxd Jackson, and Helen Hendrix Roaalee Suber. Quests were served strawberry tart cake, laced with fresh strawbeniea hot spiced apple drink and cheese straws. A Valentine theme was used In decoration and Miss Padgett was presented a gift of a one- place setting In her chosen everyday tableware pattern. TTte daughter at Dr. and Mrs. Philip Padgett, the bride-elect and C^pt. Blanchard will be married Febnmry 18 In an 11:80 a. m. ceremony at First Presbyterian Church. with lace scallops. A crushed cummberbund caught up with lace motifs encircled the waist. Full bishop sleeves were trimmed In lace at the wiists. The flowing cir cular skirt had back fullness which dipped to a chapel-length train. The gown was topped off with a chapel-length mantilla veil of Ivory English tulle with wide border of alencon lace scallops and was caught to a lace camelot cap. Miss Janice Bolin, sister at the bride, served as maid of honor. She wore a beige dress with small floral print, capped sleeves and tucked empire bodice and beige wlde-brlmmed hat. She carried a lusegay at yellow garza daisies with babys breath. Wearing the same style dress as the maid of honor were the bridesmaids, Barbara Medlln, Nancy Hord, Mrs. David Bolin and Mrs. Bart George, Hater-In-laws of the bride, and groom, aU of Kings Mountain, and Susan Richards of Charlotte. Honorary bridesmaids were Pam Davis of Raleigh and Sandy Vinson of Highlands. At the register were Becky Lawson of Spruce Ptne and Linda Cochran of New Canaan, Conn. Flower girl was Tracy Shuford of StonevlUe, cousin of the bride, and rtag bearer was Tommy Chapman of Kings Mountain, also a cousin of the bride. Groomsmen were Myron and Bart George, brothers of the groom, David Bolin, brother of the bride, Jacob Bridges and Bud Bumgardner, all of Kings Mountain. RECEPTION FbUowlng the wedding the parents of the bridal couple hosted a reception and cake-cutting In the David Baptist Church Fellowship Building. A seven-layer bridal cake decorated with daisies was the cen terpiece of the refresh ment table. On either side of the cake were party pickups and a punch bowl. Assisting at the recep tion were Betty Hoyle, Nancy Hoyle, Pat Chap man, Maxine Blggers, Susie Blggers and April Hoyle. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Bolin, Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mountain. A graduate of Kings Mountain High School. Debbie attended Appalachian State University and Is em ployed at Spectrum Textured Fibers as a receptionist. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John George Jr., 400 Scotland Dr., Kings Mountain. Mark Is a graduate of Kings Mountain High and Is employed by the Martin Marietta Co., Kings Mouitaln. Following the wedding reception the bridal couple left for Oatllnburg, Tsnn. on their wedding trtp. Ihe couple will make their home on Waco Rd., Kings Moioitaln. David Faunce, both of Kings Mountain, sisters of the bridegroom. Mrs. Rowland Turner of Kings Mountain was honorsry bridesmaid and her daughter, Natalie Elizabeth Turner, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. All the attendants wore formal-length gowns of Flamingo red Qulana featuring long, flowing set- in capes and square necklines and designed by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Edna Summltt. They carried white fur muffs and wore dyed-to-match suppers. The bridegroom's father wsm beat man. Groomsmen were Jimmy Mauney, cousin of the bridegroom; David B. Faunce, Rowland Q. Turner, brothers-ln-law of the bridegroom, all of Kings Mountain, and Sandy BeU of Charlotte. Stephen Scott Wells, nephew of the bride, was rlngbearer and carried the satin pillow made by his mother and used In her wedding. For her daughter's wedding the bride's mother chose a long for mal of pale green featuring chiffon sleeves and a white orchid shoulder corsage. The bridegroom's mother was gowned In a formal-length design of hot pink chiffon and wore a shoulder corsage of baby green orchids. A reception, hosted by the bride's parents after the ceremony In the Oiurch Fellowship HsU, Miss Tria Is Honored , At Party Miss Diane Trla, wdiose wedding to Lanny Thorn burg takes place February 2Sth In Oak Grove Baptist Church, was honored Tuesday evening at a drep- In bridal party at Georgetown Apartments Clubhouse. Entertaining together were her sister, Mrs. Scott Hill, her aunt, Mrs. Howard Dixon, and Mrs. Ken Cloninger. A yellow and white color scheme was featured in the decorations. The refresh ment table, overlaid with white lace over yellow, held a central arrangement of yeUow and white mums. Green punch was served from a crystal punch bowl at one end of the table and crystal trays held an assortment of sausage balls, decorated yellow and white cake squares, barbecued party chicken legs, orange coconut balls, cheese wafers and ham rolls. The gift table was overlaid with white lace cloth. Receiving with the bride- to-be were her mother, Mrs. John Trla; her future mother-in-law, Mrs. Newell Thornburg; and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson, grandmother of the bride- to-be; and Mrs. Gertrude CSiamplon, grandmother of the prospective bridegroom. Miss Trla wore a beige skirt and floral printed blouse with velvet Jacket and matching velvet boots. She was presented a corsage of white and yellow mums from the hostesses and gifts of crystal In her pattern and a double Mack hamburger grlU. The SO guests showered the bride-to-be with gifts (or her new home. KNITTING CLASSES Cleveland Tech will qxMisor Knitting Classes beginning Mon., Feb. 21 at the Kings Mountain community Center from 7 to 8 p. m. Registration fee will be 18. All Intwested persons are to be at the community canter at the above date and time. Instructor for the classes wUl be Rtta Falls. beautifully csurled out the Valentine theme of the wedding. The bride's table, highlight of decoration, WM overiald with lace over red cloth and cen tered by three-tiered wedding cake enhanced by fresh red roses separating the tiers and frosted with white flowers. Red punch wets served from a silver punch service at one end of the table. A silver can delabrum of red and white flowers and candles enhanced the motif. Stiver trays held an assortment of sugared strawberries, finger sandwlchs, ham biscuits, cheese straws, nuts, mints and cake squares, all prepared by the bride and brldegro<»n for their guests. After the bridal pair cut the first slice of cake, the cake was served by Mrs. BlUy King, assisted by the bride's aunts, Mrs. J. L. Summltt, Mrs. L. G. Summltt and Mrs. Buford Summltt and Mrs. Bob Hullender. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bumgardner served punch, assisted by office aides at Kings Mountain High School, Including EUdne Hullender, Regina Pearson, and Mercedes Smith. Goodbyes were said to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fulton, in. The bridal pair received with their parsnls and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Summltt and Mrs. W K. Mauney, In a formal receiving line to greet guests and left af terwards with members of the wedding peurty tor a champagne party at the home at Mr. and Mrs. David Faunce on Bast Mountain Street. En tertaining suid presenting "toasts" to the newlyweds were Mr. and Mrs. Faunce, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Ammy Simpson, hosts and hostesses. BRIDEAND BRIDEGROOM Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprouse of Kings Mountzdn are parents of the bride who la a graduate of Kings -Mountain High School and la employed at KMHS as secretaiy. The bridegroom, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. of Kings Mountain, Is a graduate of Asheville School for Boys and North Carolina State University zU Raleigh. He is associated with Mauney Hosiery Mills. ’ MRS. WnUAM K. MAUNBT,in (Debbie Sprouse) Poem Is A Reminder... Roses are red, violets are blue. With the annual cupld's holiday yesterday, the Mirror-Herald reprints, while It Isn't exactly a Valentine, but a bit of poetry that cane to us several years ago from MzUUda Dedmon, In the form of a piece of wrapping paper used about the turn of the centu^. The copy Is quite Indicative of the good old days and a reminder of the time when the local stores where the principal miukets for the fanner's output of eggs, butter and other similar products. The poetry la pretty Interesting,^, and here sire a tew samples: Gothlng for the naked. Glasses for the blind; Shoes tor the bsuefooted. Gloves that are lined; Curtsdns tor the wlndowrs. Shoestrings and laces; Lamps, wicks and oil to light the dark places. Dried fruits, canned goods, Elverythlng to eat Caps tor the head. And socks for the feet. Chlico of the finest that neverfades. Woolen goods for dresses, rlbboiM for old maids. Tobacco for men fcBs hats tor the ladles. Toys for the children, bottles for the babies. ()ueensware, glassware, pitchers and bowls. Leather torhsmess and leather for soles. Straps and strings, buckles and screens. The finest of silks and the coarsest of Jeans. Powder for faces. Powder for hunters; Axes tor choppers, remedies tor gruntera. -oOo- Mlas Debbie Sprouse and Kemp Mauney, who were wed Ss^urday, were honored Frtday at a cocktail party and rehearsal dtainer-dance at Gaston Country Club. Hosts for the cocktail hour were Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Poag of McAdenvlUe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sumner of Gastonia, Dr. smd Mrs. Oalg Jones at Shelby, Mr, and Mrs. George Houser of Kings Mountain and Mr. smd Mrs. Alex Bell of Charlotte. Entertaining 76 guests at a rehearsal dinner-dance were the brldegroom-to-be's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. Quests danced from 8 until midnight to music of "The Tapestry.” The Valentine theme of the wedding was carried out in decorations used throughout the reception and bsuiquet room suid in tstole appointments. Miss Sprouse wore a long corsU Qulsma knit gown with long-sleeved crochet lace Jacket and an orchid toom the hosts. BREAKFAST FOR BRIDAL COUPLE Miss Debbie Sprouse and Kemp Msuiney were honored on their weddlngday Saturday at a high noon breakfast hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Howsud B. Jackson at Gaston Cbuntry Club. The 76 guests were members of the wedding party, immediate families and out-of-town guests. The Valentine theme of the wedding was carried out In table appointments and decorattona. Miss Sprouse wore a white sweater suit with corsage of red roses from the hosts. -oOo- IT’S A BOY Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy of Burlington smnounce the surlvsJ of their first child, a son, Matthew Patrick Murphy, Monday, Feb. 7, Alamsmee County Hospital. The baby weighed eight pounds smd Is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Grady K Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Murphy. Great-grandparents sue Mrs. Bertie Murphy and Keever Howsu-d. All are of Kings Mountain. -oOo- -oOo- IT’S A GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grahl of 708 Princeton Dr. announce the arrival of their first child, a daughter. Misty Lee, Jan. 31, Kings Mountain Hospital. The baby weighed six pounds seven and cne-half ounces aixl Is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Conner at Kings MountsUn and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robertson of Lincolnton. She Is great- granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hammett, Mr. smd Mrs. Ervin Ooiuier and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Oooke, skll of Kings . Mrs. Grahl Is the former Gina Lee Oesmer. -oOo- COMINQ8 AND GOINGS A group of Kings Mountain citizens depart February Mth tor a weekend of shows In T jtm Vegas, Nevada. Making the trip wUl be Mr. and Mrs. Chsulle Moss, Mrs. Denver King, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron TompUna. cc THE MEETING PLACE BACK TO THc GOOD OLE OATS” BREAKFAST FOR A BUCK ONE EGG, SAUSAGE OR BACON, GRITS, TOAST AND COFFEE ALL FOR ONLY n.OO GOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - 7:00 - 11:00 TREAT TOUR8ELF TO SOMETHINO DELICHOUSLY DIFFERENT-JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH MONDAY SATURDAY. DELI STYX^B SANDWICHES, CRISP SAX-ADS, HOME MADE DESSERTS OPEN 7:00 TO 2: SO IN THE BLAZBI BiNLOING 219 BATTLEGROUND AVE DOWNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN 4