< 11 s t tHE THURSDAY EDITION kinG9 MouriTf\iri VOL. 88 NO. SO T1IUB8DAY, APRIL U. 1871 MIRROR-HeRf\LD 15' i fri ■ '.Z ■;*-> i'J Under CD Funding Center Addition Plans Are Approved By Board ARTIST BENDERDfO - Dkvtd Hidl and AMOCiates of Wtauton-Salem did tbli renderlnc of what the Klnss Mountain Oonununltjr Center wU look Uke when ad ditions are made to the front and rear aaetlans of the Photo Bjr Tom MelntTre existing buHdlng. The brick will match exlstlag brick, but the windows are to be the bronse reflector type. The additions were designed by HoUand-MoOInnls, Ar- cfaltecta, of Shelby. ByTOMMcINTYBB Editor, Mirror-Herald CbmmlBsianers gave approval of plans for additions to the Kings Mountain Community Center designed by HoUand-McOlnnls, Architects, of Shelby at Monday nlghl’B meeting. P. H. Holland presented the plans, acknowledging the assistance rendered by City Recreation Committee chairman BUI Qrlssom and members Jim ChUders and Norman King. In the Holland-McOlnnls design the front section of the community center, facing Cleveland Ave., would ba axtandad and constnietad two Harris Bill h Now Law Sen. OUle Harris' bUl to expand the authority of coroners In Cleveland and Rutherford Cbuntlss was passed Into law Monday and ratified Tuesday. The bUl will allow coroners to^ move bodies from the scenes of' violent deaths, sign death cer tificates In eases where no foul play Is suspected, and order autopatos* vnen foul play ie sus^teu. Prwrio passage of the ldn|s Mountain senator's blU, these servlcea could only be done by medical examiners, who objected to the .iU. Hanis' bUl pamed the House and Senate without dissent. The bUl waa requested by the Cleveland County Board of Com' mlssloners to expedite the handling of unusual deaths when medical examlneri are unavaUable. Demo Dinner Tickets On Sede Area Democrats can obtain tickets to the April 80th Jefferson- Jackson Dinner In Raleigh by contsictlng Clyde Nolan, telephone 487-eS4l, In Ids office at the Royster BuUdlng in Shelby. Tickets sue ISO each. Principal speaker at the Democratic fund-raising affidr wUl be Vice President Walter Mondale. The dinner will be held at 7 p. m. In Dorton Arena In Raleigh. Chairman of Cleveland County , Democrats is Joyce Caahlon of •Kings Mountain. I stories high. The rear addiuon would only be one story high. Both ad ditions contain 7,000_aq. ft. of space. Holland said the front addition would contain stairs on either side of the structure with an office, restrooms, a crafts — conference room and storage areas. On the second level there wlU be an office, storage areas, restroom faculties and a large lobby with access to the gymnasium. "Tills lobby would be large enough in Itself to hold concerts or plays," Holland said, “and would serve as an area for gathering between halftimes atbaU games in the gym." The rear addition would contain another lobby area, a concession stand, an office, storage area, ticket booths Sind removable doors. The doors are wide enough to admit vehicles “for possible car shows." Holland said the front addition wUl have large windows made of bronze reflector-type glass and brick that match the existing brick structure. The rear addition la to be of nuit- chlng brick. HoUand said the heating and electrical engineers have to receive the approved plans now to design their portion of the project. He suggested two months be allowed before the final specifications are complete. Holland agreed that the project can be under construction by the first of August 1977. The entire project at the com munity center Is being financed under the city's Community Eievelopment funding program. In other action; Commissioners approved aUocatlon of 40 residential gas taps — ao for existing homes and 90 for new homes. AppUcatlons for the 40 gas tM>s wUl be receiving beginning at 0 a. m. Frl., Apr. 16 at city hall. (Please Turn To Page tA) Bicen Commission Project Gty Approves Gkiforth Project / Photo Qy Ton Melotyre mis IB PLAN B — Gardner Oldley, a reoreatloB cabin for Wsloilcal purposes. The project was approved planner from Winston-Salem, shows "Plan B" devised Monday night, with the stipulation that Bloen Oom- by the Kings asmiiitain Bicentennial Commission for mission members contact property owners Involved to restoring and preserving the Goforth Cemetery and determine response to land aniaa. ByTOMMcINTYBE Editor, Mirror-Herald "Is this property available?" asked Commissioner Jim Childers. "We have one or two agreeable parties, but I expect you'll be In volved In some condemnation proceedings," answered Gardner Qldley. The property In question Is the Preston Goforth Cemetery off Hwy. 74 West. Oldley, a recreation jdanner from Winston-Salem, made two proposals to the board of commissioners Monday night. The second proposal, the one he caUed "Plan B", calls for the city to buy about one and a hsUf acres of land, Including the cemetery. In order to protect, restore and rehabUltate It as an historical site. Qxnmissloner Fred Wright nuule a motion that Plan B be approved, then before action could be tsdcen he withdrew tiie motion to make a new one; that the plan be approved If the members of the KM Bicentennial Commission will go to the lan downers Involved to determine If they sue willing to negotiate a sale of the land. Gldley told commissioners that none of the landowners In the area of the cemetery have been contacted LEAA Grant For Vehicle Board Examines Crime Prevention Unit •Cl HSU [ik.r The KU^lis Mountain Police Department has a grant of $6,B00 tor a vehicle to be used as a crime prevention dlaplay unit. This grant amount la the msudmum ^iproved by the Law Enforcement Administration Agency (LEAA). Monday night city oommlasloners had a chance to examine the Mecklenburg Ooimty Crime Preven tion Unit to aee what can be done with such a grant and to learn how effective such a unit can be hi com batting crime wlthhi the com munity. Lt Mitch Barnes of the Mecklen burg Oounty Police brought that county's unit to Kings Mountain City Hall and explained how tt waa put together, how It functions and the coat Involved. "We have designed this unit so It can bo set up tor the pUbhc In lees thim five minutes," Barnes said. “Tlie major set up la the steps on the back of the van.” Inside the 16 to 18 toot van the floor, walla and overhead are covered with thick carpet. Attached to the upper cornices of the van la Indirect lighting. Attached to the croasmembers on the walls are dlaplay cabinets, arranged to give the public a step by step look at how cttlxena can work to prevent crime In their neighborhoods. There Is a dlaplay featuring “Officer Friendly,” a nationwide program, geared to appeal to the elementary school-age young people. It la designed to acquaint them with the police and how they work to protect them. "bn Mecklenburg Oounty we have designed a coloring book based on Officer Friendly,” Barnes said. "Of course we have adapted the figure to look like a Mecklenburg County officer. The coloring books are distributed to the young students, tt Is our biggest single Item going out to the public.” The van also contains various types of locking devices used la homes and businesses and tips oa how these devices can be upgradad to foil the breaking and entering experts. Bamea points out that 70 percent of all burglaries are accom plished by entering through doors. This display also demonatatea mom effective methods of securing windows against Illegal entry. There Is a dlaplay to show how citizens can help keep an eye on their neighborhood and how to report to police anything out of the ordinary. (Please Turn To Page >A) directly about a possible sale. Gldley said the restoration of the cemetery was the plan approved and recommended by the Bicen commlsslcn at a recent meeting. Plan B Includes the purchase of the one and a half acres about the cemetery, restoring the grounds and place approprlatemarkers to tell the story of the area In historical terms. Also the cutting of a new approach road, fencing In the area and restoring an 18” by 30 foot log cabin the pro-type of the one Goforth lived In, on the new site. Also providing picnic area for the many students who would come to the site. "We figure this plan would coat less than 830,000," Oldley said. "The Bicen commission has been allocated 140,000 in Community Development funds for the puipoae of memorializing Preston Ctoforth. The commission recommends that the remainder of the money be used to hire a sculptor to do a llfe-slae statue of Goforth to be placed In the plaza area of the new Govemmrntal Services Facilities Building.” Plan A, a much more elaborate scheme. Involved the purchase of 90 acres of land, restoring the Gkrforth home as It now stands and relocating (Please TUn Ts Page SA) ROLLING DISPLAT — Kings Mountain Olty Oom- mlasloners and police officers wars given a demon- sbratlon of what can be done to provide a ooaunnnlty with a crime prevention program by Lt Blltch Bameo (extreme right) of tbs MeeUenbarg County Police. Photo By Tans MeMIyr Bamea brought that county’s crime preventlaa m here Monday. Meckleaburg started with a 86E1* LEAA ] grant, the same amount already approved tor the KT PoUce Cklme Prevention Bureau.

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