THEIMRSDAV BITION Kincj MOUMTMM VOL. 88 NO. St THUBSDAV, APRIL*!, 1*77 MIRROR-H€RMD 15' Wo Party’ Designation Not Allowed North Carolina only recognlxea tha Democratic and Republican PairtlM aa legally conatltuted with tha enactment of House Blil 48 thla month. The only other dealgnatlaa a regiatratlon applicant may taka la "UnaffUlated.” The new blU eliminates the terms Independent and No Party a* deslgnatlotu tor registrants. Several months ago, due to a laaa than 10 percent vote count in tha American Labor and libetailaa parties, those, too, were dropped from the state political reglatratloa book vocabulary. Elections boards in all 100 countlos have been notified to change all Independent and No Party registrations now on the books to UnaffUlated status. All appUcanta who want to register to vote can either go UnaffUlated, Democrat or Republican on the books. Any voter now registered as UnaffUlated who wishes to vote in either a Democratic or OOP primary electlcn must change Ids or her party registration prior to the time set for closing of registration tor that primary. Registered voters with Unaf> filiated status may not vote In either DemocraUc or RepubUcan primary elections. Legion Elates Saturday Dance , A Disco dsmce band wUl provide music for dsmdng from • it- m. untU 1 a. m. Saturday night at the American Legion BuUdlng. Legionnaires, their wives and guests are Invited to participate In the Post-sponaorad danoa for which ttakalB are avaflaUa at tha doer. On Rezoning Request Z&P Board Said ‘No’, But City Said ‘Yes’ < \ K!\‘ In a surprise motion at a special city board meeting Wednesday, the four commissioners voted to rezone property from R4 to BG to aUow the construction of a auto service garage. Commissioner Humes Houston msule the motion to rezone property owned by Darvln Moss at Phenlx and Cherry Sts. despite a petition from residents protesting the acUon and a recommendation from the planning and zoning board denying the request. “m view of the fact the request *!«■ been on fUe for four months,” Cbtnmlssloner Houston said, "In aU fairness, I am going to move we allow the rezonlngon this property.” Commissioners Jim Childers, Cbrbet Nicholson and BUI Grissom voted favorably. Commissioners Norman King and Fred Wright were absent from the meeting. Meeting Monday night, the planning and zoning board members fait the Phenlx St. area wUl become one of the major connectors of traffic when the new bypass Is constructed and that with heavy traffic Ingress and egress Into business driveways would be dif ficult. Unanimously the ZAP board voted against rezoning the Moss property. Hie lot is sought by Eddie Left- wlch for the constructlan of an $11,000 concrete block buUdlng to be used In Ms auto mechanics business. Leftwlch Is presently located In a garage behind Hardee’s on Cleveland Ave. The property has been sold to Hardee's for expanded ' parking and Leftwlch must be out of the buUdlng by April 80. _ - In other action the city agreed to buy power lines owned by Duke Power Co. from the Gaston St. substation to Kings Mountsdn Cotton Oil Co. for $13,687, provided the oU company becomes a city electrical customer. — Approved no parking atiy time signs on S. Cherokee St., with the exception of spaces In front of Kings Mountain Office Supply. These spaces are for loading zone pur poses. — Approved hiring Mr^. LatIco (Kathleen) WUson as school crossing guard for the post at Gold and Watterson Sts. \ " WGr RBAmr FOB BENEFIT-bits. D.K. Tate, left, Mrs. Charles Maoney, Birs. Oeerge Klepper irad Mrs. PhlUp -Wske', right, are all ready for toHplit’a Woman’s OW> Bridge Benefit at 7 30 p. m. at Bie WomaiVs dub where Photo By Ufi Stewart pMy«rs wlU be deaUag cards of spring tomatoes and radlabes for benefit of community projecta. The spring gardesilng theme wUl feahire del^oratlons and refresh ments. 'noliets are a vatlshlc to the public at $3. Connor k Elected To State YDC Office To Present Program singing Teachers and Employes from the Kings Mountain District Schools - about 40 strong - wlU present a musical program at Monday night’s meeting of the Kings Mountain Woman’s Club at 7 ;48 p. m. at the Womtui’s Club. The Singers are under the direction of Mrs. DarreU Austin. Members of the Public Affairs Depsutment are in charge of the program and Mrs. W. L. Mauney la chairman. Mrs. George Klepper, publicity chsdrman, said the community Is invited to attend and hear what she caUed an ‘‘outstanding program by Singing Teachers and Educators.” Talent Show Scheduled t I DEsDONWOMilCK Womack The annual Kings Mountain Klwanls Talent Show will be presented In Barnes Auditorium tonight (April 21) and Thurs., Apr. ». Shows on both evenings begin at 7:80 p. m. Tonight the winners of Individual competition among students from Kindergarten through the seventh grades will be presented. Next week students from the eighth through senior year Mgh school will perform. TTie annual Klwanls Talent Show Is a fund-raising project of the local chib and the revenue la used for some worthwhile community program. Tickets tor the shows are 80 cents tor 12-years-old and under, $1 for over 12 years of age. Two Are Named To Police Force Linda Smith Ford, wife of Ted Forth and former office employe of McC^ ainlc, has Joined the staff of Kin^Mountaln Police Department as Records Clerk and Anthony Jerome Ag^r, 22, Is a new patrolman on the force. Announcement was made by Qilef of Police Earl Lloyd. Mrs. Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Kings Mountain, Is a graduate of Kings Mountain High School. She and her husband and two children, Amy, age three, and Aaron, age nine months, reside on Mauney Avenue. Mr. Agar, the city’s second Black patrolman. Is single and is a former employe of Woodbrldge Country Chib. He Is son of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam F. Agar, Jr. of Kings Mountain and Is a 1973 graduate of Buna IBiB Mioot. Nelson Connor of Kings Mountsdn was elected vice president of the North Carolina Young Democrats dub at the annual YDC convention Saturday In Chariotte. Connor, 27, now serving as Tenth District YDC chairman, assumes hla new duties May 1 and will be In- stalled at the state banquet of YDC In Raleigh on June 2Bth. develand County YDC Chairman Myers Hambrlght, Jr. of Kings Mountain accepted the Paul Dickson attendance trc^hy with 44 people from Cleveland County present at the banquet, develand narrowly won the award over Wake County which has carried home the trophy for the past three state meetlnga Connor served two years as president of the develand County YDC and was Instrumental In Its reorganization In 1974. He has bean active In the Democratic party, serving as a delegate to the county and district conventions and alternate to the state convention. Ha Is chairman of Bethwsu'e precinct committee. Other officers elected were M. C. Teage of Wake County, presldsnt; Sherry Mason of Mecklenburg County, saeiatary; La AnnNeasa a( Orange County, treasurer; and Nancy HaU of Lenoir County, national committee woman. Connor Is associated with Momtaln View Farms. HBlBOMOniOlOB Will Lead Eiastside Revival Is Set w Crusade Don Womack, fUU-tlme evsngeUst far 39 years and Executive Director of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelista, will lead an evangelistic crusade beginning Sunday and continuing through B(ay 1 at First Baptist Church. Services are at 7:80 p. m. nightly with Christian Life classes un- derway Monday through Thursday from 7 until 7:38 p. m. R Allen Jolley will direct the song services for the crusade. A nursery will be provided for children Dr. Womack received his formal education at Memphis State University, Southwestern Seminary and American Divinity School. He la a native of Arkansas and author of six books, "Heaven,” "Faith”, “Rivers of Blood,” ’’God’s Baby Book,” “Let The Fire Fall” and “Sermons in Miniature.” He and his wife, Lorene, and their daughter, Doima, reside In Mem phis, Tennetoee. "Oorne and bring the family to the crusade,” said Rev. Qyde Bearden In announcing the aeiiee of sendees. Rev. Gary Lockee, Evangelist of Greenville, S. C., will be speaker for revival services beginning Sunday and continuing through April 80th at Eastslde Baptist Church on York Rd. Mr. Lockee will fill the pulpit at the 11 o’clock worship hour Sunday and will speak at evening services at 7:18 p. m. each evening. The nursery will be open tor children at each service and special singing will be featured each evening. Senior atlzens Band from Kings Mountain wUl be featured at the Wednesday evening service. Rev. Buddy Williams, pastor, said the community Is Invited to worship In the series of services. Temple To Hold Service f ■ y V Rev. Russell Fitts, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, will lead revival eervlces at Temple Baptist Church on CJansler Street beginning Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock worship hour. Services will continue each evening through Friday at 7:80 p. m. Rev. Mr. Fitts, pastor at Bethlehem the past nine years, attended Mars Hill College and Furman University and graduated from Southern Seminary In Louisville, Ky., having served 39 years In the ministry. He Is well known In this area as an “aftsr dinner” speaker and has recorded "Fitts of Laughter.” Rocky Tajdor, minister of musle at Temple Baptist Church, will direct the song service. He majored In Church Music at Gardner Webb college. SpecUl music during the service will be provided by singers In the church, as well as outside groups. A nursery will also be provided during services. Rev. Frank Shirley, pastor, vltes the community to attend. In- ■i'n JONES HONORED - Raeford White, Preeldent of Bethware Progreerive Club, ehakes the hand of Supt. Donald Jonee as he presents him an engraved plaque from the civic club recognizing his service to the Phste By I. O. Alesnndsr community and school system. Looking on an Hambrlght, loft, and Hal Bforris, far right, charter members.

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