THE TUESDAY EDITION mCS MOUMTWM VOL. 88 NO. 41 TUESDAY. MAY M, 187T MIRROR-H€R^LD 15' Dtvyer^ Ollis To Be Hired Eollowlng leveral Interview meeting* the city’* per*onnel committee wa* to recommend to the board of comml**toner* that Ed ward Dwyer and Walter OUl* be hired a* the euperlntendent oi public work* and the foreman of etreet*, 'water and newer conatructlon. Dwyer, 48, of Riviera Beach, Fla. ha* been employed a* director of utUltle* at Rivera Beach *lnce 1073. 0111*, 41, 1* a native of Avery Oounty and for the paat three year* h** been the euperlntendent of newer department In Canton, Ohio. Since the death of Hal Hick*, who nerved a* the etreet*, water and newer conntructlon foreman, there ha* been no one appointed to head thl* relatively new department. Both Mayor John H. Mo** and Bhiglneer A1 Moretc have taken turn* handling the public woilc* department dutlea. Mayor Moan nald of the etreet*, water and newer conntructlon department "With the growing requent* for nervlce* by cltlsena and the requirement* from the En vironmental Protection Agency and state regulation* for water and newer conntructlon, It wa* necessary to add thl* department to the city's public work* program.” Hume* Houston, chairman of the personnel committee, nald the committee advertised tor a public works director In the municipal trade magazine* and the ap plication response wa* large. The committee Interviewed seven ap plicant* before deciding on Dwyer and 0111* a* their recommendation to the full board. Commissioner* James Childers and Norman King also serve on the personnel com mittee. Since The Mirror-Herald went to press before the recommendation* ccune before the commlsslonera Monday night, the full story of the vote will be carried In the Thursday edition. Ladies Ni^ Banquet Set Dr. Stanley F. Hardin, Shelby chiropractor, will present a program of entertainment and music to highlight the annual ladle* night banquet Tuesday night of King* Mountadn Lions Club at 7 p. m. at King* Mountain Inn. lion W. K. Mauney, Jr. 1* ^Irjman of the arrangement* com'nlttee. New officer* of die King* Moun tain lion* Club will assume duties Tuesday. They are; Rev. Oeorge Sherrill, president; Ronald Dale Dodbey, first vice president; Edwin Moore, second vice president; W. K. Mauney, Jr., dilrd vice president; BUI O. Bates, secretary; Johnny Reavls, treasurer; Howard Brysmt, tall twister; Jack Hauser, Uon tamer; smd director for 1078 replacing Orady ChUders, Hal Plotik'; and directors for 1070, Don Olstsa. C; 'r. Barry and Clarence Peele. Steak and aU the trimmings wlU be served. Commencement Set Commencement exercises for 340 King* Mountain Senior High School ^senior* will begin on May 80th with the baccalaureate sermon and culminate on May 81 with gradua tion exercises. The baccalaureate service wUl be bald In B. N. Barnes Auditorium. Oraduatlon exercise* will be held In John Gamble Memorial Stadium. Both program* are at 8 p. m. Minister* partlelpatlng In the Simday night program are all father* of graduating senior*. Rev. J. C. Ooare, pastor of Kings Mointaln Baptist Church, will give the Invocation; Rev. Timothy Ooode wUl read the scripture; Rev. RusseU Hinton wUl Introduce the speaker, and Rev. T. F. Shlriey will pray the benediction. Principal speaker wlU be Rev. C. Oeorge SherrUl, pastor of Grace Unttsd Methodist Church. The aeotor CMr ot KMlHi wlU sing “I’ll Walk With God’’ and "Psu-Ung Blessing” at commence ment exercise* at which diplomas will be presented by Principal Forrest Wheeler, Supt. Donald Jones and John David Reed, chief marshal. Also participating on the program will be Robin Spears, Invocation; Kevin AUlson who wlU present Class President Mike Bumgarner for the welcome; and welcoming remarks by Wesley Narron, SPO president. Treasurer John Maurice Gamble wUl present the class gift and ac ceptance wttl be made by P. A. Francis, chairman of KM Bosurd of Education. After singing of "Alma Mater,” Cynthla Short will pronounce the benediction. All students psu^clpatlng are class officers and seniors. The Kings Mountain High Ninth Grade Band will play the traditional N-l l v 4- Photo By Tom McIntyre CHRISTOPHER 0(»^ OONDUOTS - On Ihm., May 38 the ananal Spring Band Concert wUl be held at 8 p. m. In Barnes Auditorium. Featured selecttons will be played by the Central School seventh grade band, the Junior High seventh and eighth grade bands and by the Kings Mountain Senior High Blaser Band. Conducting will be Donald Deal and Christopher Cole. The public Is cordially invited to attend and the admission Is free. This Is the last public concert before the end of the 1978-7T school year. Braid To Perform At Gastonia Fete The Swinging Mountaineers Band from the Kings Mountain Senior Citizens Program will represent the city Wed., May 36 at the District 8 Senior Citizens Picnic In Gastonia's Lineberger Park. Kenneth George, coordinator of the KM aging program, said 80-86 senior citizens, band members, will attend the festlvltle*. TTie picnic Is scheduled fi-om 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. Horseshoes, bingo, checkers, skittles, singing, square dancing and other games and contests for prizes are planned. cynthla Byars of the OsMtonla Recreation Department, event sponsor, said the activities will also Include a costume and talent con test. Rev. George said the local senior citizens band was Invited to attend and play for the guests after they were heard performing tor the district meeting held recently at King* Mountain Inn. Coffee Break A Coffee Break at the National Guard Armory this Memorial Day weekend will be held from Friday, May 37th, at 4 p. m. until Monday at 6 p. m. Members will be accepting donations to pay for the CPR film for Kings Mountain cltlaana Qeveland Tech Vote Scheduled For June 7 A total of 39.536 (arsons are: eligible to vote In the June 7 bond referendum In Cleveland Oounty. The $5 million bond referendum Is designed for construction at Cleve land County Technical Institute. If approved, the bond money will be used for new classrooms, Ubrsu'y facilities, shop>8, offices and labs. Gay Champion, executive secretary of the Cleveland County Board of Elections said that persons expecting to be absent from the county on June 7 who wish to vote by absentee ballot have untU 6 p. m. June 1 to make application. The May 9 registration, according to the elections board figures. In dicate that over 5,000 persons In the Kings Mountain area are eligible to vote In the June 7 special referen dum. East Klt^gs Mountain precinct has l, 802 persons registered. West KM has a total of 2,933. Grover voters total 681 and at Bethware 906 per sons are eligible to vote. Grover and Bethware voters will go to the polls at the community center and National Guard Armory, respectively. The polls will be open frran 6:30 a. m. until 7:30 p. m. Golf Tournament Wm Aid Bickley A benefit golf tournament Is to be held at the Kings Mountain Country Club on Sat., June 11. All profits from this tournament will be donated to the Brian Bickley Fund at the First Union National Bank of Kings Mountain. The tournament will be open to the public and everyone Is encouraged to attend. The format of the tour nament will be the Cblloway flighted system In which everyone has an equal chance to be a winner. Numerous prizes will be awarded such as merchandise, golf balls, and equipment Prizes will be awarded toe low score, high score, low total putts, high total putts, longest drive on number 2, shortest drive on number 1, closest to the hole cn all par 8’8 and many others. In order to enter, each person must contribute $30 or more. Thl* donation Includes green fee and refreshments (sandwiches and drinks.) Send entry fee along with com pleted entry form. Entries must be received before Wed., June 8. Submission of entry fee automatically qualifies you for the tournament. All participants are to report to Kings Mountain Country Club at 9 a. m. Sat., June U and check in at the scorer’s tent for a shotgun start beginning at 0:80 a. m. lOj TENNIS OHABfPS - Msabsn EM ntag» Mmutain High »■■!* teMU aa« OomS BS Ooy pose with ehamphwahlp trophies won la last week’s Westera N. O. High SehoolB Aetivtttes Assodatlaa tenraameat at Shelby. Left to rig^t are Scott Saaualtt aad Kevla nfcrnhcsil KM’s dooblee entry whieh finished second ant of M teams, third from left Is Ooaeh Ooy with the Fhote By Oory Stewsrt team chansploBBhlp trophy and tar right I* Tim Riddle, who wca the M-ooniereace aad asaodatfon single* ohampIcBshhts aad was named player of the year In both the aasooMtIoa aad the Southwestern Oonferenoe. Stories and more plotnres on the toomameat are on pages six through eight. ENTRY FORM Name Address Phone No. Playing partner preference (If you have one) Please enclose check or money order In the amount of 830 or more made out to Brian Bickley Benefit Tournament and mall to Box 1063, Kings Mtn., N. C. 38086. All entries must be received by Wed., June 8. Reunion Time At Bethuxue It’s Reunion Time. Classes of 1084 through 1060 are planning a big class reunion at Beth ware School May 38th at 6 p. m. Invitatlans have been mailed to 360 Bethwsire alumni. The event will begin with a 6 p. m. picnic on the Bethware School grounds and all class members are asked to bring well-packed picnic baskets and tea, said members of the arrangements committee. Former principals and teachers ar* also Invited to attend. DR. SARA SIN AL Dr. Sinai k Promoted To A8sistant Dr. Sara H. Sinai, formerly of Kings Mountain, has been promoted to assistant professor of pediatrics and family medicine at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Her promotion was one of 21 an nounced by Dr. Richard Jsuieway, dean of the medical school. The promotions are effective July 1. Dr. Sinai Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks, 808 West Mountain St.. Kings Mountain She was appointed to the Bowman Gray faculty In 1076 and has been active In the school's teaching and patient care programs. A graduate of Wake Forest University, she received the M. D. degree from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. She completed residency training at North Carolina Baptist Hospital where she was presented the House Officer Teaching Award by Bowman Gray students In 1974. She Is married to Paul Allen Sinai of Winston-Salem.