Thursday, August 4, 19T7—MIRROR*HERAL>D—Page llA 1 \ % THE MARKET PLACE ★ BUY ★SELL ★RENT ★TRADE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE MARKET PLACE, COME BY OUR OFFICE AT 204 S. PIEDMONT AVE. MINIMUM CHARGE *1.50 FOR UP TO TWENTY WORDS. ALL ADS ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE EXCEPT ESTABLISHED ACCOUNTS. CHARLES OWENS PAINTINO a PAPER HANOINQ. First class work. Llcsnjed and tuUy Insured. Free estimates. Phone 789-8648. 8;mfn _ TAX LET US strip your fur niture. Wicker Furniture sprayed at Wood Restoration and Finishing, Inc. Antique Reflnlshlng. 718 York Road. Phone 789- 7771. 8:24tfn FOR SALE FOUR FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday beglnnlngSa. m.until.. . 407 York Road. 8:4 FOR SALE - agarettes, , $8.00 a carton. DaUy fresh Coble milk. Fresh fruits and vegetables. TWO FAMILY BACK Gas 80.0 a gaUon. New YARD SALE - Moving : shipment of pottery and ceramics. BAR NETTE’S PARK-INN. Phone 780-6916. 6:a4tfn USED APPUANOES - - ; Refrigerators, some froat free. 3 door models, ranges, washers and diyers. Prices start at 838.00 TIMHS FURNI TURE OO. Phone 780- 8686. l:30tfn F(» SALE J^artment siae gas stove. Avocado. Good condition. Call 780- 3848. 7:l8ttoTAT FDR SALE - One •Westlnghouse Dryer, boppertone. 8 cycle. One Heavy-duty Kelvlnator dryer. White. RON’S appliance SERV., Ph. 780-8808. 7:’38,38A 8:3 A 4 RIRBY VACUUM CLEANERS Sales A Service. Call Charles Sdsm. 780-8864 attar 8 p. m. 4:23tfn FOR SALE - 1978 Chevy Impala, AC, AM-FM, Good Condition. Ph. 780- 8830 pd. 8:3.4, 0 FOR SALE - One ’! Monogram Oil Heater : and Dnim In perfect .condition. Call 789- 8817. 8:4 A 8:11 t to new location. Saturday morning from 8:80 to 8 p. m. 103 Fulton Drive. Formlka top dining room table with four sturdy chairs, badqtrsads, cuitatos, some glassware, toys, stoe 10 lady’s clothes. Jewelry, yard chairs, odds and ends. Ihirry tor beet aelaeUon. 8:4 YARD SALES at 601 Meadowbrook Road and 310 York Road, next to Little Moo and 408 N. Piedmont at Morris Street. Saturday, August OfromOa. m.tll3p. m. 8:4 WANTED WANTED - A baby sitter for two small children. 8 a. m.-8:S0 p. m., Monday Dim Friday. CaU 789- 8368 after 8 p. m. References required. 7:36; 8:3 A 8:4 BABY SITTINO and grass cutting. Phone 780-4883. WIU pick iq> and deliver. Any shift. 8:3 A 8:4 WANTED: Journeyman Meat Cutter. Bx- perleneed stock clerk. Apply at Lowes Foods, West Gate Plain, Kings Mtn., B. O. B. 8 :4 WILL KEEP ONE (» TWO CHnJDjdBN In I 1iom« on first shift be tween 8 a. m. and Op. m. Ages 7 months to 4 years. Ph. 780-8400. e:4 WANTED TO BUY - Mobile home. Phone 487- 0874. 8:4 WANTED FOR SECOND SHIFT — Narrow Fabric Weaver or wUl train Broadloom Weaver. Must have good work record, top pay $4.81 per hour. B. O. B. RIDDLE FABRICS, Second St. Ext Phone 780- 7781. 7:36tfiiTAT AVON-SUMBfERUME - AND TIBfE ON YOUR HANDSr Use It to earn money selling prestigious Avon Products. Learn how to become an Avon representative. CaU 484- 0773, eoUect. 8:3 A 8:4 WILL DO BABY SIT’IINO In my home. Phone 780- 8804. 8:4 A 8:9 BE A TOY LADIES HOSTESS NOW (no party required). Bam 30 percent of your order In free toys and gifts. Phone 780-6831. 8:3 A 8:4 FOR RENT MOBILE HOME FOB BENT when available. Inside city, good location. Phone 780- 4438. 7:31tfn lOTPOINTB RANGE FOR SALE... ExoMlent condition. 160. Also, four slot American Mags, 878. BxceUent shape. Fits ’Fcwota tmck or Ford C«. Ph. 7»-80a8. 8:4 want TO GET IN ON A GOOD MONE MAKING Dr. Investment of 848 OaU Pat Dockary tor datalls, 887-8881. 8:4 * 8:0 ”We Do AU Types of Home Imp. Work." Bird wind-seal shingles. Flat roofs, tar A gravel roofs. Alcoa Insulated imlnum siding. Alcoa umlnum ., gutters A I rates. Work guaranteed Free estimates CaU Mr. Roofer 780-3488 YARD SALK YARD SALE - 408 North Oansler St, Sat, August 0. Beginning 0 a. m. Rain, no sale. 8:4 BIG YARD SALE Sat., August 0 from 7:00 a. m. untU ... 808 Landing St 8:4 NOTICES L-iEZS STATE 739-7942, I AM NOT REBPONSIBLB tor aiv anyone other than myself. Signed: Odrey H. Ernst, 808 Third St 8:4 A 8:0 TWO FAMILY YABD :: SALE Saturday, Aug. 0 on Second Street. 8:4 WANTED TO BUT - - Houas in beat neigh borhood with 8 or 4 8 GRAYSON REAL ESTATE 739-5770 Tom Grayson Realtor Di WIGGINS MOBILE HOME PARK off 161 S. York Road has large 80 x 100 lot tor rent. ISO per month. Free garbage pick-up each week. Nice and quiet. Also, trailers tor rent when avaUable. Phone 8ev4048. 4:21tfn FOR RENT - Mobile Home. OaU 789-3996 after 6 p. in. 8:2, 4Pd. FOB RENT - TraUers for rent when available. Phone 780-6162 or 730- 4806. 0:0tfn SERVICES APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE tor electric washers, dryers, ranges, minor A-C and refrigeration. Also, some used iqipllancea. RON’S APPLIANCE SERVICE, nione 780-8898. 8:10tfn GASH PAID tor TV’s tools, gold rings, gold and silver coins. Cash p^d tor anything of value. Phone 780-6318. 0:10tfn FOR SALE six room frame house. 400 N. Piedmont Ave., range, refrigerator, washer and dryer Included $8,000. Attractive brick home, conveniently located 408 Crescent HIU Road. 8 bedrooms, two full bathe, living room, kitchen den combina tion with Burface unit and oven, back porch, utility room, outside storage buUdlng and gas heat dotnnMrelal property.^ Bethlehem Mini Mart located on state road No. 3346 near Bethlehem Fire Dept. One acre lot. Commercial property: M. L. Harmon’s home- place, 107 W. King Street. Lot else 106 x 180, 18,000 square ft. aoned central bualneas. WELL LOCATED 84 acre tract of wooded land In number 8 townehlp between Kings Mountain and Moss Lake. $1000 per acre. JACKY’S APPLIANCES - Refrigeration, alr- condltlonlng service. Service for aU makes and models. 789-4618. Jacky Rhea, Kings Mountain, N. C. 8:8tfn LOADER WORK AU typos front-ln loader work. WIU cut and clear land, also haul off stumps and brush. Phono 780- 7104. 3:12tfn REAL ESTATE SEVERAL THREE A FOUR ACRE TRACTS. - 10 percent down. $48-886 monthly. Mobile homes welcome. Near Kings Mountain. OaU 808-837- 8034 after 6 p. m. 7:38, 28; 8:2, A 4 FOR SALE - Energy efficient house. t bedroom, epUt baths, foyer, Uvlng and dUUng room, kitchen w-buUt In stove, famUy room with fireplace. Large red wood deck at rear. Inside laundry room, double carport, utUlty room and attic storage. OU heat- central air. Located on fully landscaped comer lot In Spring Acree, Qrover, N. F SERVICE" FAIT-FRIENDLY-FAIR CRAWFORD’S Trenching And Footings, Inc. •11 RHODES AVE. KINDS MOUNTAIN, N. C. 7M6 REALTOP WANTED n Jim DeUlnger C* !• CtfpMiMfk. Mat esTaTt aeoaea B 739-4487 bedrooms, 8 _ baths, large kltohenT living room, dining, famUy room, garage, prefer basement. WIU pay hlgb 840’e. Owners please caU 789-3088. 8:4 LOANS TO •7.500“ FbianceAmeflca aBankAmfricaIIT) Financial Service Company m|, HNANCE AMERICA MORTGAGE SERVICES Inc. 302 W. Main St. Gastonia, N.C. 28052 PHONE 865-8532 ANVIL KNmU/EAR, me. Kings Mountain, N. C. Hk Opmiiigs hr Dyilng 4 RnIsIting PtrttnMl On 2nd 4 3rd ShHIs Compactor Operator Calender Operator Dryer Operator Also, Jersey A lUb Katttors on the RM Shift Apply In persce at Peieoanel Office, IM I lawesi Dr. Monday Friday. 8i» a. m. to tiM p. m. Equal Opportunity Employer BEAUTIFUL HANOINO BASKETS Fem, fUasia, Swedish Ivy, Wandering Jew. Any kind of house pleats, beddtof ptaurie, tomato planti. Roberta Green House Located on jfhrgraoe Road OM aOe from HAL S. PLONK m REALTY Phone 739-2491 IM-Pad Operator Dye Tub Operatore Large wooded lot. String Aerea. Grover, N. C. 88800. Four Room Frame HouM. 803 8. Goforth St. 19.800. 7 ROOM BRICK homo. 1V4 hath. QuaUty neigh- iMod. BOO Craaeant HUl. 8S8.80G. INSURANCE And REAL ESTATE 739-6411 BROADLOOM FOR EVERY ROOM' { cAlexander J ^ erroF^ AMERICA INVEST IN REAL ESTATE ★ Buying ★Selling ★Building' Phone 739-2217 311 FULTON DBIVB attractive air conditioned 8 bedroom home, 3batha, gae heat, with chain link fence aroixid wooded area In back. OLDER MASONRY HOIdE with 3 BR, 1 bath, living room, dining, kltohea located oa a oeiaer lot. Priced In low teens. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR AN EXECUTIVE HOME beauUful two story New Orleans oolonlal design featuring tour bedrooms, three balha, twe car garage, and many other deftrad eon- venlences. Located on 1.8 lovely wooded aerea la a most desirable nelghboriiood. Sbewa by ap pointment only to qnaimed buyer. NEW LDTINO - 803 Somerset Drive attractive brick home with 8 bedroomi, 1% bathe, with attractive features and looks new. Two wooded bnUdlng tote; Lee Street: one comer lot and one with spring. Buslneee Inveetments Profitable email bualneae for sale In a moat dwlrable location. Can be managed by one person and operated with two or throe emiteyes. Detailed Information given only In person. CaU tor appointment 738-2317. ExceUent return on Investment. Established mobile home park In quaUty location. Call for a|gx>lntm«ntto tour park and dlacuaa tarma. 739- 2317. Lots For Sale Or WIU BuUd On Lot For You. 803 Battlegroiaid Ave. Zoned OB Baker A Railroad Zoned R-8 complete Selection Of Oommerclal, Shag And Phiah Patterns Expsrt Installation Convanlsnt Cradlt Tarma — Discount Pricing TIMMS FURNITURE 008 Orovsr Road Ust Tour Hama wlSi UB. Wa hAva unmarana buyara wulttaig to buy. 4 r « s ssixs RENTAL AVAILABLE: lAaal for Ottloa Or BnmU Bualnaaa, tit B. King S'/aat (for merly KM Flariat) AvaUaMe Sapt. lat. 1199.00 Monthly. Oamtry ekib BxaeuUve Homs JUat Listed; CaU ms ter dataSs: Hamilek, Rsaltor 780-9680. Hunry: Owaar Tiaaafarrsd: Air Conditioned Bxaeutive Home, Immaculate condltian located at 403 Scotland, I batowema, t baths, dan with Hr^laos, kltehsn with aU extras, separate dkilng room wltli boauUful caipat. Has 3 car- perts, front and raar porehaa with storage on Idee 108 X RW let. OaU Hamrick, Realtor 7SM0B0. Alr-Oendlttaaad bilek home, Sootlaad Drive, ’nurse bedraoma, phia smaU auraaiy or aawlng room. Tw9 baMia. Lovely tonoad-ln backyard with traoa. OhU tor appelatiiMat. Remodeled ■ room frame heme, ready to move in at US SauAi Oofarth; Cheek tola out now. CaU Hamrick. RBALTQR 7R408I. WOODRRIDOB WATBRVBONT LOTi No. SIO with U8 feat on tos water aad ISO roadfront at otoy 811.000 . Don’t delay on this, eaU Hamrick, RBAL’TOR 1804880. m MKAt TBHriM FARRi 8 batooom. brick home lor only 884.800. Fancad yard to raar. CaU fW deteUs: Hamrick, RBALTCHl 710-8880. LAfTD 44 Aerssi BsamiAd tsaadsd sa asrthsast border of KlagB MoaaOabi at aaly 81,00a per aare. OhU Hemrick, REALTOR IR-aOM. 37 Beimott Dr. Zoned R4 t U Baimett Dr. Zoned lU Z 307 Unwood Rd. R-8 X 804 Fourth R. Zoned N-B A 41 416 RaUroad Zoned R-8 'F 418 CUnton Zoned R-8 407 Chestnut Zonsd R-8 4, 408 Chestnut Zonsd R-8 A Morrta Street Zoned R-8 SU ’nUrd SL R-8 A 37 Bennett Dr. Zonsd R4 817 Third SL R-8 CONTACT cAlexander ^^ealtu Hitt more than N years expeclaaee la the buUdtag bade to aharo with yon la year fan- ^ portent real estate lavastmaat. A Ruby Alexander • Phone 739*2217 a IIP NO ANSWER CALL 739-3483 a Pride In, Respect For The t. . RtAlTOR O' I t****?i*********»***********S SUBIMVIUON LAND atar High Sehool 10 acres for lU.OOO. CaU Hamrick, 780-8888. 31.4 ACRES an Road 3013, Stony Point area backing iR to Muddy Ford Crook, with 860 frontage on paved Road S)13. gl.OOw par acre. LOTS: N088 LARE - View tote 100’ x 300’ tor only H.88e.OO. II8088 LARE - Faitoinila Avo. Lot No. 33 814.700. CALL: MBS. MARY KLEPPBR nOMB4SI-ONO OR BOBBY W. SIBINOFELLOW ■OBOB 488-0488 LARRY D. HAMRICK —. REALTOR LH 739-3659 REALTOR' WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY Imnraaoe Aai Raal Batato