Page 8—MIRROR-HERALD—Tue^'day, August 23, 19T7 Hamricks ‘Get-Together’ GET-TOGETHER Their Invitation read, "TTa summer again and time to remember the period of fellowship we had last year together. So two hours after three please come for tea, bring your best smile and a word of cheer to provide us with happy memories for another year.” Mrs. David R. Ham rick and her two daugh ters, Norma Glascoe and daughters, Glgl and Kristina, and Gall Martin were the host esses Friday at the Hamrick home on S. Roxford Rd. FYlends caUed from B until 8 p. m. -oOo- BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Miss Kim Hampton, whose wedding to Ray Howell, Jr. takes place Aug. 27th at 5 p. m. In Grace United Methodist Church, was honored Aug. 7 at a drop-ln bridal party at Grace United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Entertaining together were Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and daughter, Sandi, Mrs. BUI McGin nis and daughter, Donna, and Mrs. Molly Salmons and daughter, Cindy. The 75 guests showered the bride-to- be with gifts for her home and called from 7 untU 9 p. m. Stewart polntments held cake squares, sausage baUs and mints. Miss Hampton was presented a corsage of Shasta daisies to wear with her beige party dress and wedding gifts from the hostesses. -oOo- asslstance to any deserving student, said a spokesman for the church. Tommy Grissom died Aug. 10 at the age of IB. SCHOLARSHIP FUND Receiving with the honoree were her mother, Mrs. Charles Hampton; her future mother-in-law, Mrs. Ray HoweU; and her grandmothers, Mrs. Grace Hampton and Mrs. Laneva Weaver. A green and yellow moUf was featured In decorative details. The bride's table was centered with an arrangement of Shasta daisies flanked by white tapers In sUver can- (UestlckB. A sUver punch bowl was at one end of the table and sUver ap- A Scholarship Fund has been established by friends of the late Tonuny Grissom and memorial contributions can be forwarded to First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 9B4, Kings Mountain, N. C. 28086. The scholarship Is not an athletic grant but wUl provide educational THE MARKET PLACE ★ BUY ★SELL ★RENT ★TRADE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE MARKET PLACE, COME BY OUR OFRCE AT 204 S. PIEDMONT AVE. MINIMUM CHARGE M.50 FOR UP TO TWENTY WORDS. ALL ADS ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE EXCEPT ESTABLISHED ACCOUNTS. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 12 X 68 mobile home. Phone 789- 9879. 8:23 FOB SALE - 1966 Mustang. 6 cylinder. Automatle. aean. Phene 789-7844. 8:16, 18 ft 28. F(m SALE J^artment slse gas stove. Avocado. Good condition. Call 789- 2848. 7;13ttn TftT FOB SALE - 1973 Opal Station .Wagon. Four qpeed. Air.' Pboae 789- 7832. 8:9ttl TftT SERVICES HOME REPAIRS AND REMODEUNO SER. VICE — Carpenter work. All types. Room ad- dltlcns, cabinets, red wood patios, csu*ports, storm windows and doors. Roofing fireplaces, bathroom and kitchen remodeling. CaU 789-9382. 8:38, 38; 9:1, 8, 15, 32 ft 29 REDUCE safe and fast with GoBese Tablets ft E-Vap "water pUls.” Save 10 percent with this ad at Griffin Drug. 8:28,3B; 9:6,18ft 20 WILL DO BABY SITTtNO In my home. Any shift. Waco Road area. Ph. 789-9188. 8:18 ft 8:38 WANTED REAL ESTATE FOB SALE - Three bedroom brick, living room, kitchen and dining area. One bath. Car peted. All electric. Sln^e carport. Nice wooded comer lot One block from Kings Mtn. high schoot 413 Maner Road. Priced at 829,900. Ph. 987-9134, Ghwer. 8: iStfn TftT CHARLES OWENS PAINTINO ft PAPER HANOING. First class work. Licensed and fuUy. Insured. Free estimates. Phone 789-8648. B:13tfn TftT Jim DeUlnger Carl DeVane «8UI1 . Carl D< C.I.CtfpMtiU RIAL ESTATE SMOKER B 739-4487 Lovely 4 bedroom home — All conveniences. Walking distance to town. Price mid flftys. CaU tor an appointment. Old Home — 2 story. Needs repairs. Close In town. Only 816,000.00. Across From West School — 8 bedroom house. 3 baths. Price 838.700.00. We have several Woodbrtdge lots — also Moss Lake lots for sale. Cleveland Ave. — Grover 3 story houses ft restau rant. 9 bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs can be used without equipment. Also have homes not listed by appointment only. Please caU 788- 4487 or see us at 117 E. Mowitaln St. We want to serve you. If we can help you buy or seU your property — Jim DUlInger 7S9-4993 Carl DeVane 7S9-4M3 Jim Dellinger Carl DeVane' CXCiijwit8r,ir. MSL tSTATS eSOKSS Q 739-4487 For the finest in PIANOS and ORGANS — If you are planning to buy an organ or new plsuio, I can supply you with the finest in either. For the next two weeks you can get a 42 console piano for 8350.00 off the retail price. There are other ways I can save you money. You can’t find a better piano for the price. A lifetime warranty. See me about the worid’s flrat self- playing organ with 64 different Instruments. I sell organs for a friend of mine, and pianos direct from the factory. That’s why you can save so much more money. Also, home piano service. Phone 789- 6912. 8:18 ft 8:28 ftnONUB PACKED- ENERGY EFFICIENT HOUSE. Low thlrUee! 1,400 sq. ft. Double carport. Lots of storage. Large comer lot Isuid- scaped. 8BR, spUt baths, living and dining room, kitchen w-bullt-ln stove, beautiful fireplace and large redwood deck. CaU 987-9988. 8:16,18,38,30, 81 ft 9:1 HELP WANTED: Journeyman Meat .putter. Experienced stock clerk. Apply at Lowes Foods, West Gate Plasa, Kings Mtn. E. O. B. 8:ietfi) TftT NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? SARAH COVENTRY, INC. needs ambitious sales people to display costume Jewelry. No Investment, no delivery. Phone 788-7181 after 8 p. m. 8:18, 38, 38 ft 9:1 AVON - LOOKING FOR BfORE OUT OF UFET - Avon Representatives meet people, earn good money, enjoy their work. Learn how you can become an Avon Representative. CaU coUect, 484-9773. 8:38 ft 8:36 LIL '' ' LOOK REAL ESTATE INC Real Estate Appraisals Joe Smith Real Estate Broker 739-4451 m ^ PSAl'OO* LARRY HAMRICK Real Estate Broker All Forms Insurance OFFICE Moot .739 3659 739 6613 FOR SALE - White frame house. 3 BR, 3 baths, recently painted outside. New paneling Inside. 814,000. CaU for ap pointment today, 789- 6066. GRAYSON REAL ESTATE 739-5770 Tom Grayson Roaltor KINGS MOUNTAIN AREA LOW DOWN PAYMENT hov* a 3 b*^oom. I botn Drtch horn* with corpoft pftc«d at only t39 SOO Sailors will poy oil clotiriQ COSH on FHA or VA lo^ It footwro* loncod yord now limo tilo m hitchon corpotirtg. iwst pointod. concroto drivo b«i«lt-irt6. cor>trol Oir. utility building A utility room for siorego. iacollont location oil Coo*on StHlOC AnnHilii Voriono Wright M5-M33 VMon SmMh ASI-MO gStoch .ySs-JTW NOTICE DEALERS WANTED LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION YOUU UKE THE SERVICE AND THE SAVINGS SMITH