Pace SB-MIRROR-HERALD-Thunday. October 37. 1977 \ DANACLEMMEB Dana Clemmer Redges Zeta Tau Alpha Dana Clemmer, daughter of John and Jane Clemmer of Klnge Moun tain. haa pledged Zeta Tau A^iha sorority at Western Carolina Unlveralty where she la a freshman. Miss Clemmer la a 1977 gnuluate of Kings Moun tain Senior High School where she was co-editor of "The Milestones,” annual staff, a cheerleader for four years and active In numerous campus ac tivities. OPEN SUNDAY 12-7 * KINGS MOUNTAIN PLAZA All W-D BRAND steaks and roasts are closely trimmed of excess bone and I fat, BEFORE there're weighed and sold. You don't pay steak prices for meat scraps. When you buy W-D BRAND beef, you know what you're getting for your money...more choice meat...less waste. BEEFm FRYER PARTS OsdnbBEt HOLLY FARMS U.S. GRADE A COMB-PAa OR FRYER RREAST LB. HOUV FMBMS U.S. ClAOt A FtVit THtCHS OS DRUMSTICKS., t. 79* HOUV SASMS U.S. GSAOt A FRYER WINGS., u 59* HOUV FASMS FRYER BACKS., t. 19* HOLLY FARMS CHICKEN FRANKS 79* HOLLY FARMS U.S. GRADE A "fSniis* U*in4WCU$T0IIH« CMOKI, nus UJ^D IVEBnmEhT CRAOfI m FRYERS WHOLE i CUT UP .36tL44< W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE BONE-IN CHUCK ROAST W4MUNOU.S. CHOICi SOMI-IN CHUCK STEAK ROBERT WILLIAMS Williams Is Promoted By U. S. Army Robert L. WUUams. son of Mr. and Mre. WUlle F. WUUams of Watteraon St. has recently been f- pdnted to the rank of war rant officer In the U. S. Army. WUUams. a 1906 gradu ate of Lincoln High School. Bessemer City, haa been In the army since 1908 and Is presently stationed In Oermsuiy. Prior to being assigned to Germany, warrant officer Williams wsis an ROTC Instructor at Tuskegee Institute In Alabama. Warrant officers are chosen from highly qualified Individuals In their field and are ap pointed by the Secretary of the Army. Womens Circles Meetings Slated For Next Week Cb-clei of First Preeby- terlan Church wlU meet next week. Circle Five wUl meet at S p. m. Mon., Nov. 7, at 3 p. m. at the home of Mre. E. L. Jenkins at 309 N. Gaston St. Mrs. Charles Blanton wUl be hosteaa at The Blanton's Salt Box on Highway 3080 to Circle Two on Monday night at 7:30 Two Circles met yester day. No. One at the home of Mrs. J. C. Nickels at Sharon Towers In Charlotte and No. Three at the home of Mrs. Jerry Nation. 806 AUlson Court. 4-7 LB. AVG. W-D BRAND U.S. GRADE A BAKING HENS LB. HORMEl LimESIZZLERS 89* PALMFnO FARMS PIMENTO CHEESE M” CELLO WRAPPED FULH OF PERCH t. 99* CELLO WRAPfH) FILLH OF TURBOT u M” W-O BRAND U.S. CHOia BONELESS CHUCK ROAST. « W-D BRAND U.S. CHOKE BONELESS SHID. ROAST.. M” W-D ORANO U.S. CHOKi tONEtSSS LEAN STEW... « M” W-O BRAND EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF. t. M'* W-O HAND U.S. CHOKE SIRLOIN STEAK. W-O MIANDU.S. CHOKE T-BONE STEAK, t. M** W-O UANO U.S. CHOKE (FUU CUT) •OfWlESS ROUND STEAK, u M** LB.' W-D BRAND U.S. CHOICE SOUTHERN PRIDE CUBE STEAK This shield is your assurance of top quality beef everytime. Serve W-D BRA&JDUS. CHOICE beef, your f^mfy OTsdf^sRlie best! LB. I , PKK UP YOUR tfCElPf BOOKin AT OUR NLARKETS I HARVEST FRESH P- L HABVBT RISM STATMAN , ALLPURPOSE IPPLES EXTRA SPECIALS! ASSORYiD HAVORS ^PULLYABaNS FULL CASE $3.00 CHEK f DRINKS HALLOWEEN BUYS! PI79 UNIT OM WITH $7.S0 I MMOHrOOOOIOlI Q DEEP SOUTH .Oi Mayonnaise® I HARVEST EIBH WESTERN BART. PURS.» 39’ I HARVEST ERESH RAW PUNUTS..3 & *1” HAIVBT FttSH VIM RPt TOMATOES.. .L. 39 FRESH PORK SPARERIBS LB. FKfSHPOtK4/«LB. AVG. PICNICS t. 69* ERESH PORK (% KHN) ASST.CHOPS., t. MEATV EORK EEET, TAkS OR NECKBONE.... u 39* ARAAOURSTARUKEO BACON M” ARAAOUR STAR OOlOEN STAR I % IR. SIZE CANNED HAM. each ECOEtOMV IRAEIO BACON ENDS. 3 99* SUEENVIANO SeiCI At SAAOREO SAUSAGE ARAAOUR STAR HOT DOGS.... 79* OSCAR AAAVER WMNERS OR FRANKS ^6. OSCAR AAAVER AU VARIETIES UKB 99* HARVEST FRESH SELEQ BAKING ^TATOES ilBB AAtAAANDAAARSEUN SIZE SERCKERS. AARKY WAYORAAUSKETURS CANDIES ERG. HARVISTERfSHREO LBS. HARVmERRSMNRWOORSWm rafiiTOB.S Si 69* POTATOES. 4 SR OCIAN SPRAY HAtVtIY FRfSM CRANBERRIES IS 49* BROCCOLI. 69* HAAVISTRISH SWEET YiLLOW ONIONS 149 REESE'S SNACK SIZE P'NUTBUnER E$ ■i'? «1** AINIORS BUHERFINGER ■RACH-S AUTUMN MIX 65* JUMORS BABY RUTH AUNT JEAAIAAA CORN MEAL MIX... 5 ^a'o 89* SKHBNBTS DUMPUNGS... 49* ARROW DnERGENT.12 E?d •0 CAM THRIFTY AdAIO SPAGMYTI« TOM.SAUCE.4 MAXI PADS STATFREE.... SS ‘3** WINN-DIXIE HAS GREAT SAVINGS ON VITAMINS 199 , AtFKE FMMMUNO OOUBUUNK FRAMES UOI '