Page 6A—MIRROR-HERALD—Thurwlay, October 37, 1977 THE MARKET PLACE TRADE ★BUY ★SELL ★RENT TO PLACE AN AD IN THE MARKET PLACE. COME BY OUR OFHCE AT 204 S. PIEDMONT AVE. CHARGE *1.50 FOR UP TO TWENTY WORDS. ALL ADS ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE EXCEPT ESTABLISHED ACCOUNTS. MINIMUM SWOFFORD UPHOLSTERY Phifer Road Phone 739i3841 Free Estimates Free Pick Up And Delivery ROBERT'S GREEN- BOCSE - We have nice hanging baaketa, any, khid of houae planta, daak ganlona. We deliver tohoapltala; we wlU rent, flowera tor weddlnga or to churchea. Located one mUe from underpath on liargraee Road on left. S:utfn SEE..... (oSUdfandmr ★ BUYING ★SELLING ★BUILDING INVEST IN REAL ESTATE Phone 739-2217 1 READ ON FOR GREAT BUYS NEW LISTINGS Attractive brick home with three bedroome and two full baths, central air, electric heat, two car garage and many other desired features put together and neatly placed on approximately one acre In Woodbridge. New - Located In the circle of WUllamaburg Drive on a very large lot Pretty from the first glance and continue through the three bedrooms and two full batbs. Energy efficient heat pomp. Under oonstractlon— Brick home on Fulton Drive — Make the Initial step to buying now and have the excitement of selecting numy your home. Items at color In Economy Home — SIS Cleveland Avenne, tsro bedrooms, one large bath, kitchen, dining and living room with cony flreplaoe. Just painted and ready for moving In. EXECUTIVE HOME Beautiful two story New Orleans oolonlal featuring four bedrooms, three batha, two car garage, and many other desired convenlencea Located on 1.6 lovely wooded acres In a most desirable neigh borhood. Shown by appointment only to qualified Owner Transferred. Like New — Quail Bun, S BR, bath and half, central air, electric heat pump. Great room with flreplaoe. Inside utlUty room. Fully carpeted. 413 Bennett Street, brick honie. Located on nice large lot 3 oversixed bedrooms, t fireplaces, 1100 square foot live In basement. Immediate occupancy - 304 Amhurst Drive, brick, three bedrooms, one bath, gas forced air. 1030 Barnette Drive. Wood siding home with t bedrooms, located on large lot. Economy iwlced home. Commercial Property Excellent return on Investment. Established mobile home park In quality location. Gall tor appointment to tour park and discuss terms. 786- M17. Profitable small business tor sale In a most desirable location. Can be managed by one person and operated with two or three employes. Detailed InformaHon given only In person. Call tor ap pointment 736-«ei7. Lots For Sale Woodbridge waterfront lot, wooded, gentle siope to water. ^ ^ Two wooded building lots; Lee Street; one comer lot and one with spring. 416 Ralhoad Zoned R-6 416 CUnton Zoned R-6 407 Chestnut ZoUed R-6 400 Chestnut Zoned R-6 11 Bennett Dr. Zoned R-6 307 Linwood Rd. R-8 804 Fourth St. Zoned N-B 804 Fourth St. Zoned N-B *7 Bennett Dr. Zoned R-6 *** Third Street R-6 817 Third St R-6 303 Battleground Ave. Zoned OB Baker ft RaUroad Zoned B-6 RUBY M. ALEXANDER With more than W years experience In the building trade to Miare with you In yonr Important real estate Investment. &9Uxa»idmr ^xaltn PHONE 739-2217 If No Answer Call 739-3483 REALTOR* SERVICES HOME REPAIRS AND REMODEUNG SER VICE. Chipenter work. All types. Room ad ditions, cablilets, red wood patios, carports, storm windows and doors. Roofing, fireplaces,bathroom and kitchen remodeling. Call 738-6282. 10:20, 26, 27 ft 11:1 SERVICES: For An swering Service call CHARLSafE ELLIS An swering Service, 789- 8060. 10:6tfn TftT KIRBY VACUUM CLEANERS Sales ft Service. Call Charles Seism. 738-6664 after 6 p. m. 4:22tto JACKY’S APPLIANCES - Refrigeration, alr- condltlonlng service. Service for all makes and models. 788-4618. Jacky Rhea. Kings Mountain, N. C. 6:8tfn LOADER WORK. All types frcnt-ln loader work. VMU cut and clear land, also haul off stumps and brush. Phone 788- 7194. 2:12tfn WILL BABYSIT IN BIY HOME. First shift only. Ph. 738-6664. 10:18, 80 ft 87 CASH PAH) tor TV’s totds, gold rings, gold and silver coins. Cash paid for anything of value. Phone 788- 0213. 6:lStfn TWO BEDROOM frame with four acres land on York Road. Small creek. 128,700. 8 bedroom stucco on large lot. 407 York Road. 830,600. 'Agency In’surance . And REAL ESTATE- 739-6411 FOR RENT FOR RENT - TraUers for rent when available. Phone 788-6162 or 789- 4086. 10:28tfn WIGGINS MOBILE HOME PARK off 161 8. York Road has large 50 X100 lot for rent. ISO per month. Free garbage pick-up each week. Nice and quiet Also, trailers fm- rent when available. Phone 864- 4043. 9:13 tfn 'TftT FOR RENT - MINI STORAGE - Family or Business, 00 sq. ft. and iq>. Available October 1, 1977. Joseph R. Smith, Broker. Phone 739-4451 cr 438-1461. 9:13 tfn TRT MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT WHEN AVAILABLE. Inside City. Good location. Ph. 738-4428. 10:26tfn. TftT MOBILE HOME FOR RENT. References required. Private lot. Extra nice. Write P. O. Box 762, Kings Mtn., N. C. FOR RENT - Large 4 BR, 3 bath, 2 story dwelling. 108 E. Ridge St. YARD SALE YARD SALE: 612 N. Piedmont, Saturday from 8:30 tU 8:80 p. m. Moving — leftovers must go. Household Items clothes. Sale will be Inside • raht^’''- or' . shine. 10:27 TWO FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, rain, or sMne. 8 a. m.-2 p. m. Two miles on Phifer Road, beyond Junior High. 10:27 FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1972 Chrysler Newport. Custom 4-DR. Air, PS, PB, AM-FM Radio. 66,000 mUes. Gold w-vlnyl top. $1386.00 (Loan value 81228.00). Also, 1968 Chevrolet 4- DR Station Wagon. Air, PS, PB, Radio. Luggage rack. Gold w-black vinyl interior. 8646.00. Ph. 788- 3739. 10:37tfn hay for sale - 11.78 a bale; $2.00 delivered. Phone 789-8727. B:ltfn TftT FOR SALE: 1873 Pontiac Catalina, aean, fully equipped, low mUeage. Will trade for pick-up truck. Call 788-7888 after 4 p.m. 10:18,20.28,27: ll:U, 3 SAND ft GRAVEL FOR SALE. WlU deUver and spread. Ph. 788-6282. 10:20, 26. 27; 11:1 FIREWOOD FOB SALE - |16 per load. Trees topped, Bricklaying, Underpinning. Call 829- 6478 anytime. 8:28tfn TftT AKC REGISTERED St. Bernard puppies (or sale. Dewormed. Call 488-8857. 10:6,11,18,18, 20, 20 ft 27 FOR SALE — -1866 Mercury. Auto., PS. Good running condltkm. Ph. 738-8888. 10:28, 27; 11:1, 3 GAS SPACE HEATER tor sale. 46,000 BTU. Thermostat control. Excellent condition. 846.00. Call 788- 8739. 120:27tfn FOR SALE — 4 Automatic Washers; 1 Refrigerator; lOU Space Heater. RON'S APPLI ANCE SERVICE. Ph. 788-8888. 10:28, 27; 11: 1, 8 AVON - RAISE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVINO. A second In come can easUy make aU the difference between just living and Uvlng weU. That’s why so many people seU Avon. Ear nings are good and hours flexible. Call coUect 484- 8772. 10:26, 27 firewood FOR SALE - Oak ft Hickory Mixed or straight oak. SpUt, ready to bum. Pick-up load or bigger. Phone 486-8687 after 8:80 p. m. 10:28. 27; ft 11:1,8, 8. 10. 18,17 F(Hl SALeTI^ Oina station wagon. Four speed, air. Phone 736- 7328. 8:9 tfn TftT PIANO WANTED WOULD LIKE TO BUY a used small piano. In good condition. CaU 788-8170 anytime or 864-4874 8 a. m. til 6 p. m. 10:37tfn TftT ADVER'nSEMENT FORBIDS Pursuant to Section 148- 129 of General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals for furnishing prie line hardware and distribution transformers for the City of Kings Mountain, North Carolina wlU be received on or before 2:00 PM EST, November 7, 1977,.,In lke_: City Hall In Kings Mountain at which time and place the proposals will be pubUcly opened and read. Instructions for sub mitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained from the City’s Engineer, Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc., P. O. Box 16484, Char lotte, North Carolina, 28210. The City of Kings Mountain reserves the right to reject any or aU proposals, aty of Kings Mountain Kings Mountain, North Carolina John Henry Moss Mayor Oct. 27 A. UNDBERGH DIXOH Building Contractor .Remodeling .New Additions Call 739-2739 LOANS TO *7,500** HnanceAmertca A BANKAMERICA nn Financial Service Company RNANCE AMERICA MORTGAGE SERVICES Inc. 302 W. Main St. Gastonia^ N.C. 28052 PHONE 865-8532' WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLO? . Advertising in Gastonia ft Kings Mtn. . Cte.'tlfted ApiH-alsor . 14 years experience . Our associates are all brokers CaU our Kings Mtn. broker; WALT BRODNAX 810 Scotland Dr. 788-6248 RIAITOR' GENE NATION REALTOR Gastonia, N. C. 887-6886 anyttms Serving Cleveland ft Gaston Counties NOTKJE OF EXECUTOR TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor at the Estate of Paul Patterson, Deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, thla la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of eatd decedent to present them to the undersigned on or before April 6, 1978. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undenlgned. This 6th day of Oc tober, 1977. F. Lloyd Patterson, Executor 609 Lee Street Kings Mountain, N. C. 380S6 Robert L. Bradley, P. A. Attoney for Estate of Paul Patterson P. O. Box 997 Kings Mountain N. C. 380S6 Oct 6, IS, 90, and 97 BRDADLODM FOR EVERY ROOM Oomplste Selection Of Oommerclal, Shag And Phish Patterns Expert Installation Convenient Credit Terms — Discount Pricing TIMMS FURNITURE 906 Grover Road ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME with three bedrooms, living room, kltchen-den com bination, 1 bath, fuU baaement, front porch, hot air heat. 1004 Ctensler Street. F(m SALE aU room frame houee. 409 N. Piedmont Ave., range, refrigerator, waahar and dryer Included IS.000. Houae and lot located 618 Phenlx Street. 4 bedrooma, dan, llvingroom, dining room, kitchen, baths, front porch and 1 acre of land prlead 817,000. WELL LOCATED 84 acra tract of woodad land In number 8 tcwnehlp between Kings Mountain and Moaa Lake. 11000 par acra. HAL S. PLONK m REALTY Phone ;:739-2491 INSURANCE COLONY UPHOLSTERY SHOP Free Estimates Pick-Up & Delivery 904 W. Gold SL 739-8301 FOR INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES partnership and corporation tax work, general book keeping and account ing work. CALL 739-4260 PAUL SMTH 1017 Brook wood. WATER WEIGHT PROBLEM? USE E-LIM SMITH DRUGS Cimi'Sewing NEW HOME Machine I We seU the best ft :■! Repair the rest. :; Repairing all makes i; by factory trained i; technicians. I GASTON SEWING CENTER GASTON MALL 864-4181 , BUKHOURS: :;Mob. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 8 P.M 8un.l.SP.M. LET US INSTALL ALUMINUM SIDING On Your Home Free Estimate - No Obligation ALLMAN ALUMINUM SUPPLY CO. Kings Mountain, N. C. Call 739-7016 All Work Guaranteed Earl Allman, Owner CONVENTIONAL FINANCINO nlMii Suveloel: MMiMi WANTED List Your Home With Us. We Have Numerous Buyers Waiting To Buy. REDWOOD DECK PLUS FIREPLACE: 8 bdroom, air conditioned nearly new home on large lot in Spring Acres, Grover. For com fortable living, priced REDUCED to $88,800. OaU Hamrick, REALTOR 788-8088. FOR SALE: STORE BUILDING Central Heat and air conditioned store building, paved paiking. Almost 2,000 sq. feet of excellent space located at 416 N. Piedmont Avenue. Catt Hamrick, REALTOR 730-8068. BUILDINO LOTS IN TOWN ... near high school, , wooded and paved streets with city utilities, only $4,000 for good sised lot. OaU Hamrick, REALTOR 739-8080 Country chib Executive Home Just Listed: CaU me for detoUs: Hamrick. Realtor 788-8888. DOUBLE LOT. HOME ft SHOP ... See this package at 208 Catherine Street, modern 8 bedroom home with siding, large porches on front and back, carpeted, 200 ft. lot, concrete drive and large nearly jiew shop buUdlng In rear yard. Call Hamrick, REALTOR 788-8668. LAND 44 Acres: BeanUtal wooded on northeMt border of Kings Mountain at only $1,000 per aere. OaD Hamrick, REALTfHt m $U». SUBDIVISION LAND near High School 10 acres for $86,000. GUI Hamrick, 7894860. 21.4 ACRES on Road 8019, Stony Point area backing up to Muddy Ford Creek, with 880 frontage on paved Road 2019. $1,000 par aci«. LOTS: MOSS LAKE - View lota 100’ x 900’ for only $4,996.00. CALL: MBS. MARY KLBPPBB HOME4S9-0900 OR BOBBY W. 8TRINOFBLLOW HOME 489-0496 LARRY 0. HAMRICK E REALTOR 739-3659 WARUCK INSURANCE AGENCY iBsnraBoeAadRaalBotate REALTOR*

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