Page 2-MIRROR-HERALD-Tue8day, November 8, 1977 Choice comments on the passing parade You Just never know where you will hear choice comments on the passing parade. I gleaned a couple from Carl Mauney, chairman of the KM Redevelopment Commission, last week during the RCs monthly meeting. During the discussion on whether to order aluminum or Iron handrails for a proposed pedestrian bridge to span the green area In the Cansler Street Project the merits of both were brought out. The different costs of the materials were also discussed. The aluminum handrails would be bolted onto the bridge whereas the Iron raUs would be constructed with the bridge. Aluminum lasts a long time without maintenance whereas the Iron rails will rust and need maintenance. At this point Chairman Mauney drily commented, "Maybe we should get the Iron rails because If the mayor runs again and Is elected there might be 1,800 city employes running around without anything to do. They could scri^ and paint the Iron handrails." CDITORIfM opinion Get out and vote! Have you exercised your privilege of voting today? The polls will remain open until 7:80 p. m. ICngs Mountlans must decide whether District Six incumbent Commissioner Fred Wright Jr. or challenger James J. Dickey will round out the six-man city board for the next four years. Wright Is completing his first two-year term on the board. Dickey Is a former city commissioner. In the Oct. 11 municipal election Dickey traUed Wright by six votes. In 1976 Wright and Dickey, again, poUed high vote counts and met In a j-unoff election with Dickey losing out In that round. Both men are experienced In local government and In business management, solid and necessary backgrounds for those who run .this muld-mllllon dollar non- oroflt corporation known as Kings Mountain. Today, five Kings Mountain area men are asking for your votes as they compete for two Kings Mountain District Board of Education seats. The can didates Include Kyle Smith, Charles Mauney, William McDaniel, Dr. Joseph Roberts and Fain Hambrlght. Neither of the candidates have ever served on the education board before, but all are either natives or long-time residents who have sent their youngsters through the Kings Mountain school system. The education of youngsters becomes more vital with each passing year and In their campaigns each of these men have vowed recognition of this fact and have pledged their efforts toward taking the necessary steps for keeping the local school district abreast with the times. Eight Grover residents offer their services as mayor and council members for the next two years In that community. There are two Incumbent council members seeking re-election and one incumbent council-appointee seeking election as mayor. The other five candidates are all novices and all seek the three available council seats. Dean Westmoreland Is the lone mayorlsa candidate. Tommy Keeter, Martha Byers (the Incumbents), Karen Moss, Ray Cash, Harold Herndon, Wendell White i'jid Ronald Queen are the council candidates. Local voters will also be given ballots on the Issuance of $300,000,000 In North Carolina Highway Bonds and and on the Issuance of $230,000,000 In north Carolina Clean Water Bonds today. Also on a state-wide level voters are asked to decide today on five proposed State Constitution amendments, the foremost of which Is the question on the North Carolina Governor being permitted to seek a second successive term In office. The amendment applies to a Lieutenant Governor as well. If approved, the State Constitution would be amended to permit the present Governor to seek re-election to a second consecutive term. We make no recommendations on any candidate or Issue, but we do highly -ecommend to those of you who have not exercised your voting rights today to do 30. It could be the single most Important decision you will make today because the outcome will affect many of your tomorrows. Later In the same meeting while Gene White, the RCs executive director, reported on 22 proposed new units of housing for the elderly to be built by a private firm, he said the RCs role would be to sell the developer the needed land. Mauney said "More units for the elderly?” then turned to Hazel Brown and asked "What Is the housing need In Kings Moun tain?” "Rather than more housing for the elderly,” Brown said, "there Is need for housing for the single people In the com munity." Mauney came back rapidly, "I didn't think single people needed houses. I thought sdl they needed was vans! ” Gene White assures me that Chairman Mauney Is loaded with humorous comments during their board meetings, so last week’s chuckles were nothing new. Now, who said old dude's have no sense of humor? And speaking of choice comments on passing parades — It seems that each time a parade Is planned for the downtown area the merchants and businessmen quietly bite their tongues and mutter expletives. Why? When the streets are clogged with people, all of them with their backs turned toward the business entrances, business goes down the drain. Not only that, but prior to and following each parade the stores and shops become so Jammed with people that It Is difficult for the business people to keep track of them. And this Is when the rlpoff artists go to work. To try to throttle an old established American tradition called the parade would be next to Impossible because people, down- deep, still get a thrill out of seeing the passing colors and hearing the music. The merchants and businessmen are aware of this, so they spread their hawk-eyed work force wide and hope the grlmllns won't escape with too much loot. t TOM MclMTYRG So, you honest Johns and Janes take heed. The next time the parade passes and you wander Into a store, don’t take offense If there la a clerk or two breathing down your necks. -oOo- In reading around I came across an In teresting Item with a Chicago dateline. Tbe headline read; "Murderer Gets 1,000- 3,000 Year Sentence.” Circuit Court Judge James M. Bailey was the man who passed the stiff sentence and 21- year-old Henry Biisbon was the man who received the sentence. Brlsbon was convicted of murdering a young couple on a lonely stretch of Interstate highway In Chicago, after he ordered the couple to kiss one last Ume. Judge Bailey said to Brlsbon, "You are an evil coward. You are the lowest,” then pronounced sentence. Under a felony conviction a person Is required to serve a fourth of the sentence before becoming eligible for parole. Under a 1,000 to 3,000 year sentence, Brlsbon will be either 260 or 780-years old before his parole hearing comes up. Not a bad Idea for our local Judges to keep In mind next time their courts convict people of heinous crime. -oOo- A KMer told me this week that his son received a phone call from a woman who ‘Uowed as how the youngster was eligible to win a camera plus three eight by ten color photos (lor only $12) If he could correctly answer a question she was about to ask. The question was - What southern state begins with the letter A and ends with the letter A and has George Wallace as Its governor? "My son answered the question correc tly,” the local dad said. "Did he win the camera?” I asked. "He turned down the camera and the pictures,” the dad said. "Just knowing the answer to the question was thrill enough for my boy.” -oOo- Gaiy Stewart, our prolific sports writer, finally had had It this week. It seems his she- male Boxer BuUdog, Tlnkerbell, has also been prolific of late turning out a record number of pups. "I took Tlnkerbell to the vet to have her spayed,” Gary said. "When I went to pick her up — she bit me.” Can you blame her? f- X- Poet’s Corner R€t>iD€R DItxLOGUe How has your week been? , Are you ticked off at about something; high electric bills, high food bills, lack ot services either on the local, state or natlonsd level? Don’t keep It to yourself. That only lesuls to further frustration. Share your thoughts with your friends and neighbors. On the other hand, are you pleased with something? Want to tell people what a great place you live In, how good It Is to have helpful neighbors? Good,, bad .otj Indlfferept; Tbs Mirror- Herald’s Reader -Dialogue portion of the editorial page U the place for you to voice your comments so that others mlgbl know how you feel. It’s a great way to discover others who share your feelings. Try It. Write In pen, pencU or crayon (as long as legible) or type It (double-spaced) and msdl your comments to Mirror-Herald, Reader Dialogue, P. O. Drawer 762, Kings Mountain, N. C., 28088. All letters must be signed before publication can be considered. •isrij r THE VOICE OF THE UNIVERSE (C) 1977 Wait ’tii next year. To the editor. At the time this was written Kings Moun tain Senior High had lost five football games. Of the five losses, none of the winning teams hsul better personnel than the Mountaineers — at least as far as the players eu-e con cerned. The Mountaineers have received excellent fan support throughout the yesir, even though the team, which finished the 1976 season with an 8-2 record, lost five of their first nine games. What’s so special about Shelby and South Point and some of the other teams In thls^ conference that Kings Mountain can’t compete with them? Maybe It’s because the other teams have a variety of plays. Up the middle and every once In awhile a pass on third down are pretty good plays for the Mountles, but not If used exclusively game sifter game. In the East Gaston game, the Mountles ran a reverse for the first time this season and scored a TD. Odds were against the play being used again. But, I suppose us fans can do sis we have done for the past 18 years; shout "Walt 'til next year!” S. F. CARPENTER Kings Mountain Godssdd, "I love you” When He created the heaven smd the earth Made man In His own Image And gave us breath at birth, Oolored the grass and flowers The sky an azure blue Pinned a rose on Mother Eeirth To complete the perfect view. God said, ”I love you” When He placed a rsdnbow In the sky Sent His son from heaven’s glory The cross to occupy. When He feathered the singing bird The sunshine golden bright Polished the stars to twinkle The moon that beams out-rlght. God said, "I love you” When He steps upon the toe Places thorns among the roses And lets the thistles grow. Guides us through life’s Jimgle With His never dimming eye And Invites us "come to dine.” At His table In the sky. VIVUN 8. BILTCLIFFE MIRROflniLD PUftLItHIDIACN TUJiiDAY ANOTHUatOAY OAIILANO A'TKINI PwAtltlitr TOM MCINTVRI ■LIIAIITH ST8WART Woman's IRlttr OARYSTtWART tR«rtf IRItar OanaralManAftr CLYD8HILL MRMRRR OF NORTHCAROLINA FRRtI AiSOClATtOH Tht Mirror Harold >• pubuahtd by Oanarat F(/6ttftMno Company, F 0 Orawar Klnfi Mounfam.N C . IMHO Rwtinoat and adiforial oHicot ara locatad at 204 South Fiadmont Avo Fhona ?S9 74H Sa<ond Ciati poatORO paid at Kinft Mountain. N c tinpia copy IS conta lubacription rptoa M SO yaarly In itata. S4 IS ala montha; IS SO yoorly out’Of- ttata ts III montna, Studont rata tor nino’^onttia U 34 Depression: It can be cured Depression Is an uiness, usually caused by anger that is turned Inward. It Is fair to say that depreeslon Is the best understood psychiatric Illness; and, at best, U curable, like pneumonia, or a broken home. It Is Important to know the symptoms and signs of depression, and catch the Illness early, before It becomes chronic and Ingrained. There are usually twenty-four symptoms and signs by which the psychiatrists measure the presence and Intensity of depression. Of these, the five most Important, but relatively simple signs to remember are; (1) Feeling of sadness, blue. Inability to be Interested In anything — even the dally chores. Things that used to be simple become monumental tarics. Things like gdng to work, planning meals and driving children to their activities, etc. This lack of Interest produces guilt feelings. (2) Insomnia; Most the early morning variety. The person who wakes up at two or three o’clock In the morning but cannot go back to sleep. (8) Appetite gets lost or the pleasure of eating dlsappeara. One may as ths result lose weight. On the other hand one may sat excessively, "nervous eating,” without enjoying the food; or tor that matter knowing whet one Is eating. This, obviously, results In excessive weight gain. Obesity may be on unconscious way of punishing one’s self for one’s guilt feelings. (4) Headache; Usually a band tlght-llke headache that squeezes the top of one’s head. The headache usually Improves as the day progresses. (6) Total lack of sexual drive leading to Impotence In men. This Impotence may show up as premature ejaculation, absence of erection and lack of sexual desire. In women It may reflect sexual dysfunction such as frigidity and feeling of repulsion by the Idea of sex. Also, decreased sensation In the genital area and looking upon sexual ac tivities as a "big no good chore.” Of course, there are many, many other signs and symptoms that enable a clinician to make a diagnosis of depression which will not be Included In this column. Fortunately there U a wide variety of chemical, clinical and psychological tests that are avaUable to the physicians to make, a diagnosis of depression. Once the diagnosis, and the type of depression Is pinpointed, the clinician Is able to prescribe effective psychotropic antl-depressante that are available to him. Also, appropriate psychotherapy and counseling are used when Indicated. Finally, depression Is a dreadful Illness that may lead to self-destructive behavior and suicide. The suicide may be gradual such as drinking excessively or placing one’s self In dangerous situations that ordinarily would manhal death. We are Indebted to the medical researchers and neuroblologlats for the tremendous strides that have been made In the discovery of effective agents to treat this imwelcome but epidemic disease. -oOo- Human beings are essentlaUy eeml- troplcsd animals. Our bodies at rest and unclothed are designed to maintain their Internal temperature effortlessly with the thermometer at about 86 degrees. However, with last winter behind us and the chill of this winter almost here, keeping comfortably warm has become the national pasttime. How do we stay warm? We achieve cold weather comfort Impart by generating more heat In our Internal furnaces and. In part, by conserving that heat. The most Important source of Internal heat Is our muscles. They use about 70 per cent of the food energy they consume, at work or at play, In heat generation. Under average conditions body muscles produce enough heat to boll a quart ot freezing cold water every hour. 8o when you stomp your feet sind wave your arms while waiting In the cold, you are stoking your muscles to an even higher level of heat production. If you don’t exercise voluntarily to build up the heat In your muscles they will take over Miemselvee, Involuntarily to shivering. Under extreme conditions of exposure. In tense shivering may even save you from <* • ♦’ freezing to death. As one doctor has said, "It is largely Uilverlng which explains why many are cold but few are frozen.” The moot severa_ problem that cold weather brings upon us Is the danger of frostbite. If you are caught In sub-zero temperatures and reach Uielter chilled to the bone with nipped fingers and ears, what should you do about It? Don’t follow the ancient suggestion to rub the frostbitten parte with mow or Ice. Doing that only compounds the problem. Recent research has shown that the Im- medlata application ot genUe warmth leaves you with less tissue damage and less likelihood of Infection or gangrene. You should be brought Into a worm room as soon as possible, given a warm drink, and either wrapped In a warm blanket or placed In a warm tub ot water. Two much heat should be avoided. Don’t use a heat lamp or a hot water bottle, and don’t expose frostbitten areas to a hot stove. After the finger, or other affected part la wanned, exercise It and let the muscles warm It. The best approach to frostbite Is to prevent Its occuronce In the first place. Dress warmly enough and dross drily enough. Exercise to keep warm, especially your toes end fingers. And, have enough sense to come In out of the cold. 1

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