TU€9D^Y’9 KIMGS MOUMTWri MIRROR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, VOL. 88 NO. 101 15lex employes will have a two-day holiday on Fri., Dec. 23 and Mon., Dec. 20 resuming operations on Tuesday, Dec. 27th. Bonuses will be paid all emjdoyes, based on length of service, and a Christmas party will be held on all three shifts Tuesday. Neisco employes will enjoy a holiday from the close of operations Thursday until Tues., Jan. 2. Turkeys will be prese.i'ed to all employes. Members of the offic'. staff held a Cnristmaa dl »er party •. 'ov ewerlng i* th»«Cot,.ki7 Ckib. Kings Yams will suspend operations on Thursday,, reopening on Jan. 2 with bonuses to be presented during a dinner for all employes Wednesday at the plant. Sadie Cotton Mills will suspend operations for the holidays at 6 a. m. Saturday, reopening at 10 p. m. on Sun., Jan. 1. Christmas bonuses will be distributed on Thursday at the plant and refreshments will be served on all three shifts Thursday. Elmployes of Grover Industries will enjoy a two-day holiday, on Fri., Dec. 23, and Mon., Dec. 26. Mauney Hosiery Mills will suspend operations for the holiday on Thursday, reopening on Jan. 3. A plant party for employes, their wives and husbands, will be held on Thursday evening at the Shelby Elks Club with a dinner-dance planned. The Arm will distribute bonuses to employes, based on length of service. Minette Mills, which distributes vacation pay in July, will give employes t two days paid holiday, suspending operations on Wed., Dec. 21 and reopening on Jan. 3. Bonuses will be paid employes of Cleveland Hosiery, Gay Hosiery, Can-Do Hosiery, Lynn Textiles, Inc., Ideal Hosiery and Ruppe, Dixon, Spears Co. and these operations will close for the holidays at the end of business on Thursday, reopening Jan. 2. FVed Kirby and Santa Claus starred in a big Christmas party for Park Yarn Mills employes and their families Sunday at the Comminity Center and treats and refreshments were distributed. Members odf the Senior Citizens Band presented special music. Park Yam Mills will close for the holidays at 11 p. m. on Fri., Dec. 23, reopening on Mon., Dec. 26. Holiday bonuses will be distributed to all em- l^yes. Pauline Mill will close for the holidays at the end of the day Thursday, reopening on Jan. 2. Turkeys will be distributed to all employes. The Kings Mountain Mirror-Herald will operate on regular schedule. Members of the staff and their famiUes were entertained at a Christmas party by Publisher Garland Atkins and Mrs. Atkins Saturday evening at their river cottage. Christmas bonuses were distributed and gifts exchanged. Employes of the City of Kings Moun tain will take a holiday Dec. 27th. Christmas bonuses will be distributed Tuesday night at annual Christmas dinner at the American Legion Building. KM Policeman Shot Four Times NAMED TRUSTEE — Grady Howard, administrator of Kings Mountain Hospital, takes the oath of office as a new trustee for Cleveland Coimty Technical Institute from Daphine Ware. Ms. Ware is book store manager at Tech and a notary public. Dr. James Petty, Tech president, looks on. Howard was appointed by the county commissioners to fill the unexpired term of Jerry Ausband of Shelby who resigned. Howard is the second Kings Mountain to serve currently as a trustee. Don Parker, appointed by the local school district, also serves. County Shows $25,000 Deficit Ambulance Fee Plan Is Not Working The collection of fees for ambulance transports in the partnership between Kings Mountain and Shelby Rescue squads and Cleveland County is not working as well in reality as it did on paper. During the flrst five months of operation the county reports a deficit of $25,000 in this program, which was touted to be self- stg>porting through ambulance service fees. A break even figure on coUections would be about 70 percent, according to program coordinator Larry Revels. A minimum fee of $20 per transport is being charged for ambulance service by Kings Mountain and Shelby, the only two units in the county working under contract, but “it has not worked out," Revels said. The partnership between the two rescue units and the county began on July 1, the date state law turned the responsibility for providing emergency services to the county. Since that time the Kings Mountain unithas collected $4,130 and has an outstanding bill of $21,314 on the books. The local unit has collected about 30 percent of the entire bill for the five month Bob Jones Quits KMHS Grid Post By GARY STEWART Mirror-Herald Sports Writer Bob Jones has resigned as head foot ball coach at Kings Mountain High School but will remain on the faculty as a physical education and driver’s education teacher. The announcement came Monday at a noon press conference at the office of Bill Davis, Superintendent Schools. Jones, who compiled a 3$-27 overall record In seven years as coach of the Mountaineers, cited two reasons for his resigning. “One reason,” he said, “is that I'd like to slay home more. I have two boys at the age where I feel like I need to be with them more. “Secondly," he added, “I am not satisfied with the won-lost record we've had over the years that I've been hero. I had hoped to win a championship hero and I feel like the administration gavs me time enough to do it” Jones said he made up his mind about quitting football over a monUi ago. He becomes the second man on the varsity staff to resign, assistant coach Dennis (Turn To Page 8) period. The Shelby unit has collected $7,494 and is still owed $11,621. The roughly 70 per cent of outstanding debts (o both rescue units is owed by individuals who have used the service, rather than Medicaid or Medicare. Parts of the problem are due to the fact the county has yet to receive any Blue Cross or Blue Shield payments; that some of the persons who used the ambulance service are not residents of Geveland (founty. Revels said he would be in favor of seeing non-CHeveland County residents who have used the service and have failed to pay have their wages or salaries gar nished to collect the amounts owed. County Manager Joe Hendrick doesn't foresee an increase in ambulance service fees, but he would like to see the county' get “tighter on collections.'' I «■ is Commissioner L. E. (Josh) Hinnant of Kings Mountain, Commissioner Hugh Dover of Shelby and Revels have been appointed to woric as a committee with Hendrick to (fraw some changes to the ambulance program. Even facing a $25,000 deficit, however, Hendrick said the current system is far less expensive to the county than a system whereby the county had to establish its own ambulance and emergency service. Under the present system the county subsidizes the Kings Mountain and Shelby rescue units for operating expenses, which includes the salaries of three fulltime Emergency Medical Technicians working the daytime shifts on both squads. Volunteers continue to handle the evening and weekend emergency services for both squads. Sgt. Bob Hayes, 14-year veteran with the Kings Mountain Police Department was shot four times Monday morning while assisting another officer in making an arrest. The Kings Mountain officer remains a patient in Kings Mountain Hospital where a hospital spokesman said his condition is “good.” Melvin H. Carroll, 36, of North Pied mont Ave., was jailed at Cleveland County jail in lieu of $2500 bond on charges of assault with deadly weapon and inflicting serious bodily injury with intent to kill. According to police reports, Sgt. Hayes was shot three times in the ba ck and once in the side while assisting Ptl. R. E. Grindstaff in arresting Tommy Lee Bright, also of Kings Mountain, on charges of public drunkemess, at ap proximately 1 a. m. Monday morning on North Piedmont Ave. SGT. BOB HAYES Arson Is Suspected Arson is suspected and investigation is continuing in the burning of two aban doned houses south of Kings Mountain Friday night. Kings Mountain and Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Departments responded to the first fire, at a house off Highway 161 reportedly owned by Nan Jean Grant, at 8:50 p. m. The two fire departments responded to the second fire, leas than a quarter mile IGS Dl .OYS MENT .ION BOBJONES BOY SCOUTS AID PROJECT - Pictured are Boy Scouts from Troop 94 of Oak Grove Baptist Church, among con tributors to the Toys for Tots project this season The youngsters boxed (^ a large assortment of toys and brought them to Joy Theatre Monday away from the first, at 3:45 a. m. That house was reportedly owned by Sadie Lyon. According to Cleveland County Fire Marshal Delane Da'vis, both houses were totally destroyed with the blazes “well imderway” when firemen arrived on the scene. Davis said that both fires appeared to be "intentionally set" Hill Will Be Aglow For Yule Crescent Hill Circle will be all aglow with 400 Christmas candles on Christmas Eve from 8 p. m. until 11:30p m. Motorists are invited to drive aroiaid the circle enclosing Resurrection Lutheran Church and see the candles which will be lighted about 15 feet apart at residences on either side of the drcle. Residents are also being asked to light candles in their windows. The Christmas decorsting project is being conducted as s neighborhood project. Candles are being placed in a paper bag held by brick and sand In event of raia the candles will not be lighted A spokesman said she is hopeful the Oiristmas season project will become an annual one.