Page 2A-MIRROR-HERAU5-Thuraday. February 28, 1278 Sewer Line Construction Bid Awarded Ibe city commlMlonerf have awarded bide tor the conetruetlon of a new sewer line down York Rd., a pump station to transfer It and a farce main at PUot Creek plant to B. B. Matthews Construction Co. of Conover, the low bidder at 1815.164.40. Richard Laseifay of W. K. Dlckaon Co. of Charlotte, the city's eon- suiting engineers, on the city’s 201 sewer treatment plan who said prellmlnaiy dealgn hearing la slated far March 27th with a coat estimate to be presented by April 24. A Chicago firm - Harsa Engineering Co. — was also hired to do a feasibility study of hydroelectric development at Moss Lake, the Job “not to exceed IS.OOa” The board also heard reports from vlronmental Management, for sludge faclUttes at the T. J. BUlaon Water 'treatment Plant. The plans calls tor a large tank to take the backwash water tor fUterlng and return the water. According to Laaenby, the settled sludge Is then pumped through a force main and gravity line to Pilot Creek Plant. The actual volume of the waste la very small. Kings Mountain would be one of only a tow cities. Including Gkeensboro, FrankUn and Maggie Valley with such facilities. Other bidders for the sewer line and pump station were; Rand Construction Co., $884,546.06; Champion Landscai^g, $447,788.00; and Bvaiu A Eller, $4ao,982.oa To a question, Mayw Moss said he did not anticipate the construction of aproposedb^ss of U. 8. 74 to bo a problem with this new construction. Attorney Gtoorge Thomasson reported on the status of the dty’a po^ble appeal of the recent refusal Management Commission to remit a civil penalty assessed against Kings Mountain. The $500 penalty was Imposed In November and ad- dlttonal flnesof $50 a day began Dec. 20, Imposed by the state which asserts the dty had faded to build a treatment facility to filter backwash and sludge from the settling basins at Ellison Plant under the state permit deadline of June 1. The con d to remit the penalty. Thomasson said the city has 80 days from Feb. 6 to make a decision. Thomasson suggested that In view of action taken by the board on plans tor a sludge treatment faculty at the EUlson plant that the board adopt a ‘Walt and see" poUcy and get the state’s reaction before taking any actkm on Oia appeal. OBITUI^RI€:9 Hospital Log - - J ■ PATIENT LIST AT NOON WEDNESDAY John M. Black, Jr.. Bessemer City; Hagon B. Clark, Oaatonla; BUly B. MRS.E.G.ALUSON Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Gtordon AUlson, 66, of Rt. 1, wife of Carl Tuesday at 8 p. m. from Vestibule AME Zion Church of which she was a member. Interment foUowlng In the church cemetery. Mr. Kilgore died at his home Friday night. J. W. OUl and Sons E^ineral Home was in charge of arrangements. Elder S. L Clement of- Mrs. Allison died Friday In Cleveland Memorial Hospital. She was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Gordon and was employed by Central Elementary School for five years before her retirement In 1874. Surviving, In addition to her husband, are her steimiother, Mrs. Ferrie Goforth of Kings Moun- taini OM son. JAin Curl Allison of Vale; four daughters, Mrs. UlUe Mae Harblaon of Shelby, Mrs. Laura Starr of Kings Mointaln, Mrs. Rebecca Oates of Hickory and Mrs. one stepdaughter, Mrs. Margaret McCleave of Sheloy; one brother. Jr. of Kings sister, Mrs. Laura Barnes of Mount Holly; one stepbrother. Hubert Link of Kings Mountain; 81 grendchUdren and ssven great-grandchttdrea KILOOBE BITES Funeral services tor Thomas Franklin Kilgore, 48, were conducted Monday at First Baptist Church In Earl by Elder S. I. Clement, Interment toUowlng In the church Tuesday A Thursday Phone 780-7486 GARLAND ATKINS Editor TOMMcINTTRB GARY STEWART BUZABBTH STEWART NlXmiGAIUKJNA Mirror-Herald Is pubUahed each Tuesday and Thursday by editorial offices are at 204 I Ave. copy 16 cents. Sub scription rates; $8.00 yewly lii-statt,$4.8BaU months; $8.80 yearly out-of-state, $8 six I $8.24. OABDOFTHANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the many friends and neighbors, to Dr. Durham, Dr. Lee, Dr. Crawley, and the entire staff and nurses of Kings Mountain Hospital tor their kind Pearl D. Hammett 200 Maner Rd.; SaUla M. Hord, 800 Walker St.; Myers Lae, 100 N. City St.; Robin MeSwaln, 620 Belvedere Orcle; Betty Rowe, 200 Davis Rd.,; Linda ’ITgnor, 208 S. Deal St.; Maxine H. Paaour, Rt. 4; D. Raymond Canlpe, Rt. 8. Marie M. Queen, 610 Meadowbrook Rd.; Fronebergsr, Rt. 8, Clover. S. C.; BaaU G. Hoyle, 4SS N. Tracy St.; and Mary A. TldweU, Rt. 2. Mary Childers, 816 RTlson Tarxaoe; Uaa T. Roberta, 620 Harmon Court; Jessie D. Wkistead, Jr.. 1228 N. Ransom St., Gastonia; Neaelle B. Ledford, 800 S. College St.. DaUas; Mary M. Dedmon, 108 N. City St and Thomas L. Landers, Rt 1, York, 8. \ ^■4 presslons of love and sympathy. - THE FAMILY OF JACK KENNEDY SATURDAY Dewey O. Lovelace, Rt. GOSPELSINOINa There wlU be a gospel singing Saturday at 7 p. m. Hbllneas Church In Kings Mountain. The Pearson family will be the featured GIRL SCOUTS PLAN OBSERVANCE - Kings MhixiUln Girl Scouto to lOngClty-Orove Nel^borhood are planning Girl Scout week cdebratlon In March and wlU kick cff the event with a Ug CHrl Scout Thinking Day program Sat., Feb. 80th from 1-8 to the First Photo By Lto Stewart Presbyterian Church Scout Hut Mayor John Moss signs an official proclamatlan setting the Scout Week observance. From left, Cadette Nelda Fisher