ctlng >Ject lined atlon Ulam •re lUbe full 1 tor idded ts Mgr. TUeSDIV’9 kiriG? MOUMTWh MIRROR VOL. 88 NO. 17 KINaS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA 38086 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1978 15c HCRtMD Friday World Day Of Prayer Friday, March 8, U World Day of Prayer and local churchee will b« open for worihlppers to pray and meditate. The eanctuary of Flret Preebyterlan Church will be open tor meditation and prayer from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m., and “the community la Invited to come by the church for a few minutes during that time to pray for the world and Its people,” said Rev. Oary Bryant, pastor. Stiller, Black Are Charged In Shooting David Kenneth Stiller and Paul D. Black of Kings Mountain have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder In connection with the shooting of Basil Nick Hoyle, also of Kings Mountain. Stiller, 87, of 400 W. Gold St., was charged with conspiracy to commit murder and Black, 30, of 908 N. Gkmtt St., was charged with con- q>lracy to commit murder and solicitation to commit murder. Hoyle, who Is In satisfactory condition at Kings Mountain Hospi tal, was shot four times with a small calibre pistol Sun., Feb. 18 gt a private lake off Hwy. 161 of Kings Mbintaki. CSeveland County Detective Hugh Buff, who Investigated the Incident, would not release Information concerning the motive for the I shooting. Hoyle, of 4l6Tracy St., and the two men charged are enqdoyes of the City of Kings Mountain. I 'I Leist Thursday morning bold on 11 Black was Increased from $1,000 to .1 $3,000 and bond for Stiller was set at {} $3,000. I A healing In the case Is scheduled I for Mon., Mar. 6. Carroll And KM Citizens Group Approve Corporation ROBERT DODGE .... local ohalrmaa Bright Slated For Trial Melvin Haskal CarroU and Tom mie Lee Bright of Khigi Mountain are scheduled for trial In aeveland county Superior Court beginning Wed., Mar. 8. OarroU Is charged with assault with a firearm on a police officer and fOlonlouB assault. Bright Is charged with aiding and abetting asaault with a firearm on a police officer. The charges arose from an In cident Dec. 18, 1977 In which Kings Mountain Police Sgt. Bob Hayes was wounded ssveral times by a small callbar pistol during an attempt to arrest CarroU. Appearing as witnesses for the state against the defendants wlU be Sgt. Richard Reynolds and Officers Ralph Qiindstaff and Anthony Agar. Sgt. Hayes, who underwent aurgeiy at Kings Mountain Hospital for his wounds, was shot whan ho slipped and feU whlls going after OarroU In the backyard of a Kings Mowitein address. Bright had bean aiTssted earlier on another ohargs, but slipped away from officers and ran Into ths house whare CarroU was raportad to be. OarroU aUegedly threatened poUca oftloars by aravtng a pistol at them and ordsilng them off the property, refusing to give up Bright to thalr custody. Sgt. Hayea arrived a short time later and tan across the backyard to taka the weapon away from GhuroU. He said ha aUpped In the wot grass and foU and waa shot balora ho could ragaln Ms footing. Judge John R. Friday wfil prosida ovar the trial and District Attomay W. Hamp ChU(k Jr. wlU proseeuto. Hobert Dodge, Youth Officer with the Kings Mountain Police Department, la chairman of the 197g i Wfiaols For Ufe BUn-A-Thon for It t ^ mmrpi) hdipmm. ^ Scheduled for Sat., Apr. 16, the Kings Mountain BUce-A-Thon aill be held on two different courses, ac cording to Dodge. “We do not want the small youngsters parUclpatlng In the blke-a-thon to have to travel on the highways,” Dodge said, “so we wlU set up the course for the age 11 and up partidpanta at Kings Mountain Senior High. A different course for adults participating In the fund-raising event wUl be announced later.” Dodge said there Is no Umlt on the number of participants In the blk-a- ttum. He said It wlU be up to the people entering the event to supply their own bikes and to find and sign up thalr own sponsors. “Partlctpants wUl get sponsors to agree to pay them so much money for each mile they complete during the event,” Dodge said. The funds will go to St. Jude Children's Research Center, Memphis, Tenn. The hospital, which was founded 16 years ago by entertainer Danny Thomas, Is devoted to painstaking medical research and care of children stricken with catastix^hlc diseases. Including leukemia Hod^cln's Disease and other fbrms of cancer. St. Jude’s Is a non-sectarian. Interracial and completely free of charge to patients whose disease Is under study and who are referred by a physician. After admittance, the hoqiltal provides total medical care for the patient and, when needed, also provides transportation and lodging fCr parent and child. St Jude’s Is the largest childhood cancer research center In the world. DoctoBTCid scientists have been brought together from aall over the wortd to conquer the death-dealing Illnesses that strike children everywhere. The results of this reaearch are shared wlfii physicians woridwlde so that children everywhere are helped by the hospital. CSialrman Dodge aald that full details of the Btke-A-Thon to benefit St. Jude’s will be released In the coming weeks through the local media — newspaper and radio. By EUZABETH STEWART Staff Writer A group of 100 cltlsens, representing virtually every segment of the business community, gave unanimous approval Thursday night to the organisation of a Kings Mountain Business Development Corporation. On motion of Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce President ICarvln L. Teer, the group at the second public meeting heard Mayor John H. Moss call for citizen par ticipation as the ”No. One key to giant success” after he expUlned that stimulus for the development corporation la the city’s eligibility to participate In a $l million Urban Action Development Grant for smaller cities by the federal government. Attorney Bob Bradley then made the motion, seconded by In- suranceman Larry Hamrick, that the group empower the mayor to ai^lnt 16 members of a tempwary board of directors with that group authorized to elect a temporary clwlrman and officers at a third develc^ment meeting slated for Tuesday (tonight) at 7:80 p. m. at Depot Center. To a question by Us (Mrs. Haywood) Lynch If those members may be nominated from the floor. Mayor Moss said that he welcomes Temporary Board nominations from ths public and welcomes Ideas on Investment policy and by-laws which he would pass on to ths temporary board for study. Although Mayor Moss and three members of the city commission — Jim Dickey, Humes Houston and Jim Childers, presided over the meeting and replied to questions, the city will serve only as the grant application agency. The corporation be organized from the private sector of the community sind la to operate like any other free en terprise corporation. The city will make the preliminary application, due Feb. 38, to alert the Department of Housing and Urban Development that Kings Mountain plana to par ticipate In the program. Applications for the 36 percent project funding by the corporation may be made at any time during the year. Kings Mountain Is one of 944 of 30,000 cities selected by HUD for participation. To a question. Mayor Moos ex plained that the city commission felt that emphasis should be plswed on commercial development In the city as great strides are already In evlience In housing and Industry', “Tills program la very flexlblt,'* aald the Mayor, who explained that $100 mlUlcn la available. He noted that Kings Mountain la eligible by criteria established by the legislature, as pride in city’s past history In area’s federally funded programs, age of housing, level of Income and unemployment In the area. Is Selected Coroner’s Jury Finds No Probable Cause There Is “no probable cause’’ to bring charges against Herman Cash In the shotgun slaying of Bobble Lse Archie on Fob. 11. A six-man jury at a CSoveland Gbunty Coroner’s Inquest held In Shelby Uat Wednaaday night heard testimony In the shooting for about 90-mlnutes, then took about five minutes to render their verdict. Ckurii, who operates Cash Grocery about three miles west of Kings Mountain, testified that he fired a abiila shot from a IS-guage shotgun at Archie about 11:80 p. m. Fsb. 11. Archie, 33, of Rt. 1, Grovar, died about two hours later In Kings Mountain Hospital. The Jury heard Chsh tastlfy that he was alsrtsd that aomeons had broken Into Ms store on the night of Fsb. 11 when an alarm ayitem he had rigged between the store and his home was triggered. Hs said he told his wife to call the police, then ho took the riiotgun and went to the store.There, Cash aald, he found the panel brokenout at the rear door. He aald ho moved Into the doorway after spotting someone near the cash register Inalds the store. The In truder, Cash said, picked up a baseball bat and started toward him. Cash said the man continued toward him even after Cash had “hollared” for him to stop. Cash said hs fired once without aiming. ArcMs dropped the bat and came on toward Gash, who forced Mm to lie down until the ambulance came, according to ths grooer. Bhoriffs Department Sgt. Paul Barbee and Deputy Garland CUry arrived at the scene shortly after the shooting biddont, then the Kings Mowitaln Raacuo Squad arrived and took Arehls to ths hospital. Both Barbee and Clary told the In- “Key to grant success,” the mayor emphasized. “Is citizen participation and submitting of viable plan and have It ready to execute, financed through private stock Investments In a corporation, by private financial Instltutlana and via grant aids.” The project covers a three year period and Is termed “$8 to $1 grant” with the grant supplying $1 for every $8, or 3S percent of the program guaranteed "with no strings at tached.” “This Is a tremendous opportunity for Kings Mountain’s business community,” said the Mayor, for renovating and updating existing business structures, bringing In new businesses and revitalizing the whole business community.” ' To a questlcn from Dr. Charles Blair. Attomev Oeorse Thomasson responded that once the program Is submitted “we must have our share of capital.” Responding to another question, Mr. Thomasson said that upon ap|»-oval of the project the cor poration can spend up to three percent for planning, wMeh Is reimbursed, and the corporation would meet and make determination ., of recuoetf for nrogrrairs ard detemiln? shglblD'y. In other words, said Thomasson, the development corporation would be the catalyst or big financial In stitution that assured the program would be ftinded. To question of Rev. S. W. Avery, Mayor Moss said that an executive (Ttim To Page 8) Twenty local persons have been selected to serve as temporary directors of the Kings Mountain Development Ooiporatlan. The group Is scheduled to meet tonight at 7:80 at city hall to select a temporary chairman and to begin formulating the organization and Its policy. Members of the temporary board Include Marvin Teer, John O. Plonk, Buford DeFore, Charles Hamilton, William S. Fulton Jr., James Childers, Rev. M. L Campbell, Dr. Charles Blair, Olee E. Bridges, Mrs. Emma Blalock, John Major, Sara S. Griffin, James J. Dickey, John Kema, BUI Brown, John McGinnis, (Joorge Mauney, Ruby Alexander, Larry Hamrick and Dsurell Austin. Local United Fund Is Cited For Achievement quest Jury that they found nothing at the scene to Indicate, there waa any question concerning Cash’s story of the Incident. There were no other witnesses to the Incident and the only other person, besldea Cash and Archie, wan Bennie J. Meeks, 19, also of Rt. 1, Orover. Meeks testified that he saw nothing because he was “passed out” In the back seat of Archie’s car. Meeks was charged with aiding and abetting breaking, entering and larceny and has been rslsaaed under a $3,000 bond. Ooronar Beimett Masters, who conducted the Inquest, niled the case closed after the Juiy rendered Its verdict. Mrs. Archie, mother of the deceased, also attended the Inquest. She reportedly was with members of her family and without legal counsel. Kings Mountain United Fund was recognized Thursday by North Caro lina United Way for Its outstanding campsdgn adilevement In the 1977- 78 csunpalgn recenUy completed. Before more than 100 volunteer leaders attending the 37th Annual Meeting and 1977-78 United Way Achievement Celebration, Kings Mountain United Fund leadership was cited for Its accomplishment among communities raising under $100,000. In their commisitty size cate gories Rowan County (Sallsbuiy) among communities raising be tween $100,000 and $600,000, and Forsyth County (Winston-Salem area) among communities raising over $600,000 likewise were named winners. The Rowan United Way was awarded the North Carolina United Way Award tor having achieved the highest composite score In ths ratings. The annual event to honor the volunteer leadership of ’77 United Ways In the State this year was hosted and sponsored by Burroughs Wellcome Company at Research Triangle Park. Jack Callahan, General Manager of WSOC-TV, Charlotte, the featured qieaker, an nounced ttiat the campaigns Just concluded statewide had raised $38,760,000. They oversubscribed the aggregate goal of $38,166,646. This 103.6 oeroent achievenMnt marica fund drive performance rivalling all previous years. The Kings Mountain Uhlted Fund CoOhalred by Pat Chedilre and Ronald Osborne, raised $66,604 In Its 1977-78 campaign bringing In $10,004 new dollars over the previous year’s $66,600. The new dollars will help expand or refine the existing human service programs for ths Kings Mountain area. Across North Carolina, 64 of the 77 local drives oversubscribed their goal for 1977-78. Aiwther nine cam- $ psdgns have exceeded nbMty per cent. Meet United Ways established “need or growth” goals. They set their sights Mgher to face up to the need to meet Inflationary trends, to fund new services, and to expand existing programs. Deep Involvement of community leadsrsMp, and the enthusiastic hard work of campaigners made for success In all comers of the State. Attention! Bass Fishermen, Tourney Set At Moss Lake Attention, bass fishermen I The Kings Mountain Fire Department will sponsor a one-day base fishing tournament at Moss Lake either April Sor 16. The tourney will entertain a maximum of 60 flahermoB and $0 boats. Team fishing (two men) will be required. The entry lee la $10 per person with all proceeds going to the fire dspartment’s 1976 Toys For Tofa program. Further details on the tournament and the piiass to be offered to winning fishermen will be announced In later editions. To register Interest In partlclpatliig In ths baas fishing tournament call 780-3663 (fire department) or 788-6871 (Police Chief J. D. Barrett).

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