% ^ Page 2 —MIRROR-HERALX)—Thuraday, March 0, 1978 TOP WINNER — Keimy Davla, aon of Mr. and Mra. Ken Davis, was winner of the Plnewood Derby Race among the Webelo participants at Boyce Memorial ARP Oiurch. The race was sponsored by Pack 98, Den SCXXJT WOfNERS - Keith Obton, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Dixon, was second place winner among Qib Scouts and Patrick Uak, right, was first place winner among Cubs at the Blue and Odd Banquet qionsored by Pack M of Boyce Memorial ARP CSiurch. Patrick hdds his red No. M car and trophy. Eleven CUb Scouts and five Webelo ScouU parttelpated In the Plnewood Darby. RACE IN PINEWOOD DERBY - The Cub .BeouU and Webdoe, pictured, took jart In the annual Plnewood Derby sponsored by Pack M of Boyce “THE DIFFERBIT DEALER” POINTS THE WAY TO SPORTS CARS A •Ion, P*"' whn.?. r wh«i., lx,aded with __ V T CBJn6l auto ineUUlc, » oniitionlng. trant-. “r brakei. powT .y.t.m Vpoller., vinyl other option* Stock No. 8806 ctol^ »uU> alt k 'l.r stock No. USED CARS 'YOU’LL BE PROUD TO OWN AND DRIVE 1973 Pontiac 1 Grand Prlx 1 1970 Monte 1 1976 Impala dl 1974 Impala 4 Auto, power 1 Carlo. Auto, 1 door, auto, | door, auto A- steering A ■ A-C, power 1 ateeiing, B C, steering A brakes. Alrl steering brakes, A-cl brakes conditioning 1 brakes 1 I *2995“ *2495“ 1 *3695“ 1 *3995“ 1 1074 El Car-1 mlno A-C,[ auto, steeling) A brakes *2695“ ifferent RAILROAD AVE MOUKTAH N. C. Boyce Cube Hold Derby Webelos Scout Kenny Davis and Cub Scout Pa trick Llsk were top whi ners In the Plnewood Derby sponsored by Pack 98 at Boyce Memorial ARP Church Tuesday night. Other winners among Webelos were Jbdy Sellers, second place, and Trent Rhea, third. Cd» Scouts Keith Dixon placed second among CUbs with Stephen lineberry In third. The big race lUlowed a traditional blue and gold banquet In the Fellowship Hall of the Church. Tables were festive In blue and gdd decorations made by the Scouts themselvea, with placeeards of guests attached to unique blue Cub Scout models fashioned of bhie Reader’s Digest books with styro foam and decoratlona for served to a large crowd of psurtor of the church, gave MTs. W. L. McMackhi. that Scouts and their families the Invocation. Dr. and Dsn Mothsr when the veep and frienik. Mrs. Edwards were was organised a nuiriber of Dr. Charles Edwards, special gue'*s, along with years ago. THi IIB»T iOSTS Lt5> AT ■ Fried chicken with potato salad, green beans, com, and dessert was Self Help Oass Memorial ARP Church last Tuesday night. A blue and Cold banquet was held prior to the race In the church fsllowshlp halt The Oaatonia Rocroatloii Department will offer a ladles’ and teens self- Inqirovement class during the spring If enough In terest Is shown. The class, taught by Judy Blankenship who teaches slhnnastlcs for the department, will cover posture Improvement, figure control, makaup and skin care, poise, grace and wardrobe planning. Mrs. Blanhenahhl was an ktructor at a Houston, 'exas modeling school afore moving to Oaatonia. If the class matsrlallBas, : win be taught for 8- •eeks on Thursday nights agfamlng In April at a me and location to he nnounced later. A fee will s charged. Those Interested In ildng this class should all Cynthia Byars at 814- U, Ext. 897. At Isast 90 arsons are needed for the GED Tests Begin The monthly O.B.D. examination Is sehsdiilsd at dsvelaad Tsoh on Frl.. Mar. IS hum 1 p. m. until 0 p. m. and edll oonUmia ■at. Mar. 17 from 9 a. m. wlfl 9 p. m. Both aasalono are required la order to oom- plsU the teat Applleatloa may bs mads by any North Ohre- Ifew adidt 18 or oldsr who has bean out of a regular Hgb sehool program for at least six months. The examination taota knowledge and undor- otandlng of oorreot English, social studlse, na tural selanoa, lltaratiire, and mathematics. Upon aucoeastul completion of ths examination, the adutt will be Issued a OertUleato of High Sehool oqulvaloiiey by the M. C mate Board of Applloatlaoo to be tested or .'o-tsstod must be made by Frt, Mar. 10 to Mrs. Robeeea Cook or a otaff member In the Laamhig Rosourees Center at dsvelaad Tooh, 197 ■. Poal Rd., ahelby. SMITH