P«c« *—MmROR^HKRALD-TuMday, March IS, llfTS Withers To Host Educator Betty Gamble Is Named Home Ec Teacher Of Year fnd Witters, pnad^ «t Kb»tt Mflwwtahi JmOoT High School wa teat aa wkicator frwn tte fOagdooi Sorias tte first tsro wsofcs of AprU. Approximatsljr 20 teaStoaelMrs aaS prla- dpaJs tram tte CmtaS fOnstem arrlrsd Mar 2S for throa waoks of adueatlonal aomtoan and TMts. la tte fan of im to pnaelpals aad community eollasa prosldonts from Morth Carolina wSD rWt tte Unltad KlnsSom for a hmHar program of natta Thu two-way axchanga of educational ad- mimstrators la made poaalble through a reciprocal agreement unemg aehool aystema m Worth Carolina and tte United Kingdom Tte educational Laadert exchange la aponaored by tte Department of Pubhe Instruetlon. Dopartmentof Community CoUegea, tte Central Bureau tor Educational Visits and Exchangee tLondoni and Appalachian State Unlrerstty. According to State Superlntendmt of PubUc Instruetlon Oaig PMlUps, tte sUte agency in cooperation with tte eight reglonai cmtars across tte Mata, waa responalbla for selecting prtnclpala to hoot the visitors. Staff from tte state agency will travel to Boone Mar. tl-Apr. 1 to meet with tte visitors and to explain the state education agency's role la International education and the functions of tte state department Withers will be responsible for allowing the visitor to partlelpate In the Instructional process of the school wltMn hla area of akin and to observe this process in other subject areas. Principals are sneouraged to Involve the visitors bi both the school and community during their visit to tte state. Turner Stationed In Texas Captain BUly E. Tumor, whtte brother, Robert C. TUmor, resides on Rt. 1, Bessemer City, Is a member of tte Information offloo at Randolph AFB, Tax., Judged best In tte Air Training Command (ATC). Captain 'Turner la an Mormatton officer with Randolph's t2th Flying 'training wing's In formation offics which was rscognissd for lU out standing community rslatlons and ptibUe and tntsrnal Information pragrama. Captain 'Tumar attandad Holbrook High lehoot, LowsU, and rsoatvad Ma B. ' A. degres m 19T1 from Park Oonags, ParkvIUa, Mo. Hs was oommlsslonsd latsr that ysar through Officsr Training School, Lackland APB, Tax., and Is ourrsntly attsndlng Wsbatsr Collags’s Ian Antonio sxtsnslan during his off-duty hours. Ths captain's wifs, Jsanstts, Is ths daughtsr of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bnssy of OdsU, Tax. Hs Is ths brothsr of Mrs. A. J. Morton of 3 Rhyns Place, Mrs. Junior Bmwn of 4Tli Qayls Ava., and Mrs. Margaret NaUey, aU of latery Begms On Page !> Department of Public Instruction. In addttloB to trahuag stedenta, tte course provides a community ferries as seme of tte proJecU completsd come from tte pUbhe When tte coarse first got on- derwsy. Betty recalled that the mread tha word among her MenAt that sewing projacu were needed for tte studeota Outside work Is ac cepted If a meets the needs of tte Mudents. nomkial feea are charged and tte money la put back into the program for ncedes and thraad. The studenta receive no pay. Individual cxperleneea. Im provement and perfection are wme of the dam goals For instance, the melntergnun presents quite a challenge for a student leaning to monogram. Preselng gives the flnlMilng touch to a pillow Pinch- pleating drapee which are ordered "dcuble size of a glaae door" is a Mg challenge, a dust ruffle for a bed, and antiquing chairs yet another ntw experience Mri Gamble, native of Shelby and daughter od Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Roberta, graduated from Shelby Ugh School and earned ter B. S. from ASU, vocational eertUlcatton from UNC-O, M. A. from Wlnthrop College and an educational tftecMM. degree In administration from WCU. Bie is a member of First Bsptlst Oxircb friicre she le an adult Sunday School teacher and trustee She likes needlecrmft, crewel, creative stltcbery, maerame. reading, gaidcnkig. piaytog organ and poiaiea. Mrs Gamble Joined tte KM DIstnet Scfaoole at Bethware. where die taught for a year, before coining to KMSHS ta 1164 when her late husband, John Gamble, waa coach She and her eon. John, freeb- man at UWC Oiapei Hm, realde on IMwthome Lane. Cto-worker Peggy fMre, Charles) Baird, who supervlaes the eoolikig daaaes and Food Sarviee progmn next door to Betty's scwtng department. ap^aods her _ OtIfiDMhXy CEk thustaam In her tesefalng aettritles. Preparing young people for dual foies aa homemakers and srage earners is s profession Betty Gamble wouldn't exchange with any ofiier person. Her poputarlty with her studetas reflects they disre her lowe for home econoenles whfie respeettag her as a teacher and DRAPERY PROJECT — Melody Me Illustrate plnch-pleatlng of ifraperiee. Photoe By Tom Melotyre so, left, aad RoWa McClain, right, as Mrs. Batty Oambls tnstruets. J GOOD OROOMINO - Mrs. Batty Gamble manicures Angie Adams nails as Psisiy tellers observes. Home Economics studento havs bssn learning about what hands "say to people" In class sessions recently on good grooming. MONOGRAMS - Pst Cobb, advanced home economics dudent, at tte sewing machine demim- strates monogrammlng as Mrs. Betty Gamble ob- JUSTAI^OTHB? mmuH-om CAN SAVE VOUDOUARS. NOT JUST PENNIES! EKCOETERNA C^mdA Hand Decorated STONEWARE 9eMft eKAoov • ■atoer veiUT mttcm TM8 «CB(^ REATUM junapun QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THRU WED. MARCH 29,1978 PORK SAUSAGE RIB EYE STEAK... CHlicl ROAST ■ .. W WHOLE BEEF RIB EYES W-DMANO uj.cHoia BONELESS (CBTgl LB. «-• HUM 14.00X11 lEANSTEW.....»r’ A%f. CHOPS....M" J iBii g CLOROX BLEACH UMIT ONE WITH 17.SO OR MORE fOOD OROIR NO I rOUB'S KGUUa, a. KM OR HNP ...UMT OM NITM $7.S8 01 MOIf fOOO ono COFFEE M» eUNTHNOU RBNR 01 CREAM mu GOLDENCORN.Su 99' 'Of IINUTI WITH $7.10 OR y ? MOItfOOOOROCS / COUOB t BOOT BEER CHEK DRINKS 64 OZ. BOTTLES PURPOSE ^ ASTOR OIL 4B0Z. BOTTII JMMTOMlWm^TjSOOt asgfmma SAND. BREAD iT BUniR ■■ 89* • FUDGE BARS, # TWIN POPS, • ICE CREAM BARS OR SANDWICHES SUPERBRAND 12 0 AIL VARIETIES UMOON m ANTiqumo > Oloila Ettera, left, and Osria Curry, with brush In hand, Ulustrata the fine art of antiquing as Mrs. Betty Gamble, home economics Homs Economic students ob- tWHTJUKV m HA.VAUNCM 9 voURCMOtai OMNCB-OOO -lOMMWMn, S sa^s ' GR.fRUITit> '' lAUITO PAm PIZZA .„$929 PKO. HARVKT miM (m POIV SAO) lUtUT POTATOB..IO a 99« MA-^ ROUHO OR r AWTAH to iATTBI SHRIMP M** FOOD STAMPS GO FURTHER AT WINN-DIXIE

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