Page 2-MIRROR-HERALD-Tuesday. May 2. 1978 One of three famous sayings: ‘Hello. I’m from HUD and I’m here to help you’ €DITORII^L opinion Rescue boards should meet, resolve differences We like County Commlasloner L. E. (Josh) Hlnnant’s suggestion that the boards of directors of Kings Mountain Rescue Squad and Kings Mountain Emergency Services get together to iron out differences. If this Is not done there is going to be a cloud placed over the local emergency services. An even darker cloud than currently exists. We feel this cloud exists through a great deal of mlsimderstandlng on the part of the public. We heard It said people want things back the way they used to be In a public meeting last week. This Is not possible. Operating a rescue unit and ambulance transport service Is no longer as simple as a group of people getting together to help their nel^bors in times of crisis. It stopped being that simple when legislation was passed governing the (deration of such units. The fact that the board of directors of Kings Moimtaln Rescue Squad approved a plan to charge transport fees last July 1 and the county accepted this plan, does not make the directors, nor members of KMRS nor the county com missioners villains within the community. Some people seem to feel this Is the case. These people are wrong. On the other side of the coin, some people feel the individuals who have chartered and plan to operate Kings Mountain Emergency Services as an all volunteer, no-charge unit are villains. Agsdn, this is not true. The State of North Carolina did not say to Cleveland County "Will You operate ambulance service?" The State said “You Will operate ambulance service." So the county has the responsibility to provide fulltime ambulance service. Three of the five county units, although receiving financial aid from the county for ex penses, continue to operate without charges and without ~paid personnel. Two of the units have paid personnel and charge transport fees. The county ninn ixovldes financial aid to these units. However, the county would like nothing better than to have all volunteer units operating In the county. There are three ways to provide ambidance service; by raising county resident’s taxes to pay for It; by allowing the existing rescue units to charge a transport fee; or by an all-volunteer program. Shelby and Kings Mountain Rescue units did not have the volunteer manpower to operate the service day and night, so they elected to charge fees for tnm- sportlng patients to help defray the expenses of salaries and operating expenses rather than see the county taxes Increased. Grover, Bolling Springs and Upper Cleveland’s units elected to operate as In the past, with volunteers leaving their Jobs to answer emergency calls. It Is no secret that the paid personnel, transport fee system in Kings Mountain is not working all that well. Through a nine month period that ended Mar. 81 the county has advanced Kings Moimtaln Rescue Squad about |e2,d it Aubliihinp Company, p Mountain, N C . M0S4. •uiinottanR tdilorlal otficaa ora locatop at 204 South Piodmont Avo ^hpno 7lt- 7^H. Socono Claot pootapo paid at Kinpo Mountain, N C Slnpio copy IS canto Subocrlptlon rotot. m m yooriy In ototo. S4 2Iiir mantht, so » yoarty oot-ol’ •tatt, SS oiR mantht; Studant rat# tor nino fhantht SO 24