49264 THURW9 kinc; MouMTwn mirror VOL. 90 No. 11 KINGS MOUNTAIN. NORTH CAROLINA MOM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,19T9 * 15c HGRMD 'ti£ m.-, mi W4v NEITHER RAIN NOR SNOW^nor dark of nighty nor any other thing will keep the dedicated jogger from hia daily $ix-mile run. Albert Woodberry of Kings Mountain, one of the more dedicated, did his thing Tuesday despite the area's first big snowfall. We was caught by the cameraman on Scotland Drive... Photo By Gary Stewart KMH Students Attend Presidential Qassroom six KMSHS itudenta have been tapped to attend the 1979 Prealdentlal ClaMroom ■emlnara Feb. 17-24 in Waahlngton, D. C. They are Todd Oatta, aon of Mr. #nd Mra. Richard S. Oatta; LeaUe Jean Hambrlght, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Paul Haipbrlght; Llndaay Holmea, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ray Holmea; Barry Mark Line- berger, aon of Mr. and Mra. Harold Xineberger; Laura Marie McOlnnla, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jim B. McOlnnla, and Julie Owena, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John R. Leach. Chartered In 1068 aa a non-profit, educational -program, Prealdentlal Claaeroom haa provided more than 18,000 young people flrathand ex- poaure to prominent government leaders and key obaervera of the Waahlngton acene. Complimenting the formal learning experience of the program la the opportunity for atudenta to explore the geographic, cultural and aoclo-economlc dlveralty of their peera In a national atudent body. Todd Oatta la prealdent of the National Honor Society, a member of the Beta Club executive council. co-editor of the yearbook, photographer for the achool newapaper, Morehead Scholarahlp nominee, commended atudent NMSQT-PSAT, InterClub councU, Pfeiffer College Math Conteat, participated In the aenlor play and la a member of the aenlor choir, pep club and aclence club. Mlaa Hambrlght won the DAR hlatory award, waa her aophomore repreaentatlve and thla year la a member of the Beta Club, officer of the Science Club, on the annual ataff and la vlce-prealdent of the Junior Claaa. Mlaa Holmea, a aenlor, la a member of the Beta Club and Honor Society, yearbook editor, drum major, haa been Included In "Outatandlng Namea and Facea," "Outatandlng Young Americana" and "Who'a Who Among American High School Studenta." She attended Olrla State, waa a Oovemor School and Morehead Scholarahlp nominee, a Junior marshal, winner of the Hugh O'Brien award, and a atudent council repreaentatlve. She plana to enter the Unlveralty of North Caro lina at Chapel HIU In Auguat to atudy pharmacy. Llneberger, a aenlor, la a member of the Beta dub and National Honor Society, prealdent of the Science dub and prealdent of the Future Farmers of American chapter. Last summer he was a Boys State delegate and haa been named In "Who's Who Among American College Students." He plays church league basketball, volleyball and football and la active In Resurrec tion Lutheran Church. Mlaa McOlnnla la active In the Beta Club, SPO, aerved aa student body secretary, vice president of the FHA, and as an officer In the French club. IShe la a member of the choir at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church where she la president of the youth group. She has won awards In piano achievement. JuUe Owens, a junior la a member of the Beta, Science, French and Pep clubs. She la also a class representative, member of the band. Governor School nominee, and la serving as organist for Bynum Chapel and Vestibule Churches. Miss Owens has attended music camps at Appalachian State University and N. C. School of the Arts. LESLIE HAMBRIGHT LINDSAY ANN HOLMES LAURA MARIE McOINNIB BARRY MARK LINEBERGER JUUE OWENS TODDP.OATTS