• p M Plaza lopping :enter NT* f 'IAIN JENUINE .00 50 ^ (* # 'm Hoag k Soii.s Book Bindery. Inc. fpringpart, Jdch, ^*.9264 TU€W? kihc; VOLm bo No. U KINCW MOUNTAIN. NORTH GAROUNA MOM TUK8DAT. FEBRUARY U. MOUnTMH MIRROR H€RP\LD 15c City Mops Up Snow wont slnco the iBBO’o and It brought out tha city omployoa with equip- ment to clear the roada. Mayor John Moea aald employea from the atroet, aanttationand water and aewor departmenta began preparing equlpntent laat Tueaday when the anew began. “We kept enwa working almoat atralght through until Friday," tha mayor aald. "We felt It very im portant that cltUena be aafe on city atreete and to be able to get to their joba deaplte the aeven Inch ■lowtall.” Workera uaed two motorgraden, two payloadan and fOur dump- trucka buay clearing anow and lee and hauling It away Wedneaday and Thuraday. Friday night two cnwa wen aent out to dump aand on atmeta when lee had reformed. THe action la thought reaponalble ter the low (dine) number of auto accldenta due to the weather laat week In the city. Snow Curtails Aged Activities TIm anowatorm laat week waa reaponalble ter the cancellation of actlvltlea for aenlor cltlaena under the clty’a aging prognm. Kenneth Oeorge, director of the program, aald, “We planned no actlvltlea Wedneaday through Friday bacauae of tha weather. Then wen no oongngate meala nor meala cn wheola Spared during thoae three dajra." Rev. George explained that aome of the meala ter the program at the Klnga Mountain Depot Center an prepared In the cafeteria of Weat School. With anow cloalng the aehoola, then could be no meala prepared. “Anytime the local and county aehoola an called off due to In- cllntate weather the aenlor cltlaena programa cannot function at full capacity,” George aald. He aald, however, that after the llrat of MarcA the programa will be operating under a dlffennt txqtaclty and ahould be much mon efficient All actlvltlea for meala are coordinated under the Cleveland County Social Servlcea Department Should the plane come through after March flrat the county-wide program for the elderly will be much Rev. George aald alao planned through reorganlaatlon la more aervlce to the elderly and han dicapped In their own homea. He aald the fuU plana will be dlacloaed In 2^. w * » Owen Cooper Helps Kickoff HM Offering Owen Cowwr, Baptlat layman aored by tha Brotherhood De- flromTaaooClty.Mlaalaalppl, wlUbe partment of the Klnga Mountain the guaat q>eaker for a Mlaalon Baptlat Aaeoclatton, Willard Boylea, Braakfaat for men and boya at the dlreetor. . Flret Baptlat Church on Feb. 11th at 7 a. m. TMa la a kick-off breaktaat ter tha up-comlng Home Mlaalon ' ’ha^ offering of the Southern Bapttat Convention. ^ Mr. Cooper u a peat prealdent of the Southern Bi^tlat Convention. Ha will be aharing with thla group what .they can do In qpraadlng the good hewB of Jeaua Chrlat throughout America. Mr. Cooper waa bom and reared In Mleelaalppl. He graduated from Mlealnalppl State Oollege and earned Me Maatar'a In PoUtleal Science from the Unlveralty of Mlaalaalppl. He haa received doctoratea from Mlaalaalppl CoUege, Campbellavllle Oollege, and Wake Foreat Unlver- rity. Ha haa been quite active In ill Re-elected Chairman Of KM Housing Authority Baptlat Convention and the Baptlat World Alliance. He U preaently aecretary of the Men’a Department of the Baptlat World Alliance. The Mlaalon Breakfaat la qxm- John L. McGUl and Brooka R. Tate have been re-elected chairman and vice chairman of the Klnga Moun tain Houalng Authority for the coming year. Tom Harper, executive dlreetw of the houalng authority, aald McGill and Tata were re-elected at the Reappointed for a third tenn to the board of dlrectora waa William Orr. Orr waa reaiqwlnted In a January meeting of the city com- mlaalmwra. The board now conalata of McGUl, Tate, Orr, Carl F. WUaon and Rev. M. L. CampbeU. Harper aald following the general bualneaa aeaalon the dlrectoro had a Uat of queatlona which have moat been aaked of them by the general pubUc In regarda to the opemtlon of the houalng authority. Harper aald one queatlon la who la eligible for Inclualon by the authority. the alM of the family,” Harper aald. “We alao look at the need. If people are Uving In aubatandard homea, are overcrowded. Criteria Uke that.” Flrat ccnaldemtlon U alao given to people Uving and - or are working hi Klnga Mountain. Harper waa alao aaked to report on who now realde In the authorltlea 380 - The elderly-dlaabled occupy 148 + FamUlea with one or more membera employed occupy lOB + FamUlea drawing aid for dependent chUdren (AFDC) occupy 8T unlta. The queaUon of how much rent do theae occupanta pay waa another queaUon. Harper aald, “The annual Income from rent la $314,600. TTie average rent la $74 per month and thla la baaed on 36 percent of total Income, leaa certain deducUrnia.” -I- Example: a family of four with an annual Income of $6,000. Deduct five percent of that figure, then deduct the 3600 deduction for two children. Then multiply the remaining total by 36 percent. That averagea out to $86 ter monthly rent. How much taxea doea the Klnga Mountain Houalng Authority pay? + The authority paid the "city $11,088 and aeveland County $8,001 In 1878. -f- The federal government paya the Klnga Mountain School ayatem ter each chUd enroUed In achool who Uvea In pubUc houalng. TTila amount ter the 1878-78 achool year la eatlmated to total $34,000. Thla money cornea directly from the federal government and not through the Klnga Mountain Houalng Authority. + The authority paya the city annuaUy $111,060 for utlUtlea. Harper aald, “Taking Into account the amount the achool recelvea from the federal govar.iment, Klnga Mountain recelvea more per unit of pubUc houalng from the authority than the city recelvea per unit from private ownera.” Harper alao told the board that hla office contlnuea to maintain a waiting Uat of appUcanta ter low Income houalng In Klnga Mountain. He aald the appUcanta fit Into aU of the acceptable guldellnea for houalng conalderatlon.

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