Book BlndeJy, ^^PringpTt/4c^g^492e4 VoL 90, No. 37 Thursday, May 10,1979 _ KIMG^ MOUMTWM MIRROR H€RMD 15c Matching Hues From Textile Fabric To Painters Canvas ByEIJtZABETHBTBWABT turea. Tha frtantf’a hobby waa WoiiMNMBdlter inaklnc plctura tramaa. Ha bought U from Wabb, (ramad tham during Aa a dyar o< taxtUa (ahrica, R. ona avaning and hung tham In hla b waa axpart at mat- E-WINNINO ASTm-Haftart Wabb dtopiaya hla ^ pnaa-wnuag pamnng wHeb raoaaWy V flrat piaoa prlaa In an araa art abair. rhatabyUbStawart ehtng ahadaa at Margimea MIU (or ST yean. Why couldn't ha match ahadaa on canvaa Juataa oaally, tha lata J.Loa Satttamyra, KInga Idountaln'a baat- known artlat, aald to him ona day whUa both wmn working at the Margraca plant "I talked to Jake (Mr. aattlamyra) qulata alot and took a law laaaona from him", recallad Mr. Wabb. Another tormar taachar during Ihoae early yearn whan Halbart waa developing Ida hobby waa Jim ChrroU of Shelby who got a lot ol attention from tha nawa madia whan he arid aome of hla palntlnga to Jackie Onaaala. Mr. Wabb recalled another In- tareattoig axparianca. A friend from Laurel HIU called on avaning and wanted to frame eoma of hla ptc- Center Gets Grover Surplus By EUZABETH BTBWART Staff Writer to SO canto beginning with tha new QROVUR—The Town Beard voted fiacal year."Mr. Herndon had Oonun. Kaater concurrad, "I know our folka are ccncamad about |U or «1S a month aawer feaa but with Mayor McOartar Intarjactad that we turn around I bbllava Harold’a "ttla la mualc to a lot of paopla'a (Oomm. Herndon) motlan la a bit aara but I think waahould wait untU prematura until wa got further along we gat Into our budget atnca wa don't Into tha budget tor next year." talidy don't want to put the town in a hole but would like to eea tha tax- payere gat eonw relief." In othar aettona, tha board: -1-namad Juanita Pruatte aa chairman of Orovar'a municipal riacdon board and aakod her to appoint two othar paraona to aorvo Shirley Ooaaett, who taachaa art claaaea at KM Oommunlty Center. A 1831 graduate of Concord High School In Concord where hla father waa mill auparintandant tor 86 yaare, Halbert Wabb attended Trlnty Collage (now Duka Uhlveralty) for two yearn and Bnduated In 1836 from N.C. SUte Uhlveralty with B.S. In TaxtUa Chemlatry. He moved to KInga Mountain In 1880, moved away In 1867, and returned In 1866. Ha and hla lata wife celebrated their 60th wedding annlveraary aevaral yaare before her death over a year ago. There are two chUdren Jean Webb NaUl of Charlotte and Dick Webb of Richmond, Va., and five grand- daughtara, Ha la Eldar Emaritun In Flrat Praabyterlan Church. The home on Weat Mountain St. with which ha ahared with hla wife, Mary BaUe, la fUled with famUy noemorabllla and hla palntlnga. On Ma familiar deak In tha den la a ptctura of hla only graat-grandaon, Ma "pride and loy" and an an- Mvaraary picture taken at the coupla'a golden wedding day celebration held at FTrat Praabyterlan Church. "I've alwaya liked to ei^erlment with colon", aald Mr. Wabb, aa he ahowed ua aome of hla favorite palntlnga acattered throughout hla -l-adverttaad for two employea to comfortable houae. On another occaalon while working at hla deak at Margraca MIU, Mr. Wabb ahowed ona of hla ptcturaa to Nancy Hafnar, arlfe of Oongraaaman BiU Haafriar. She wanted to buy tha painting but HaUMrt declined, finally after much parauaahm made a copy of tha original and aold It to Mra. Hatoar. He loomed aevaral yaare later that tha copy waa appralaad at SS60. Mr. Wabb anjoya hla hobby and haa RMt many new frienda In tha procaaa. Ha wouldn't want to paint "for a Uvlng", prefara to do aeaacapai, landacapaa, and haa dona aome portralta of granddaughtera Libby and Kathy NoUl. Ona of hla palntlnga recently copped a flrat place pilaa In the "Spring In Shelby" conteata and waa entarad by hla Inatructor, Mra. work tor the Town under the CETA program, tha mayor noting that tha town had bought a truck from the “I gueea I got etarted after reading eome Inatnictlona In a newapaper, want to tha hardware aty of Shelby tor the workman to aton downtown and bought the and no ona quallflea for tha two palnU", Halbert ramlnlacad, noting iltlone which are paid by federal hu flrat "«q»erimant" waa with tda. _ . . (Pleaae tom to page iA) raquirad for building of a canter which would houae tha poUca dopartnoant, prevlda much naadad atoraga for water and aawer departmanta, a meeting room tor pubUc maatlnga, and kitchen facUUtaa tor uaa by Orovar cltlaena. drovar'a Town Sowar project, a priority project which la expected to coat ll.OM.0Q0.00 and of which tha town wlU ttaianca $100,660.00 over a 8>-yaar period at approxlmataly tis,000 a year. Including coat of treatment of aawaga for adilch nagotlatlona are underway by the Town of Orovar and CUy of KInga ^ Mountain. w Archltact'a drawlnga by Jim • HowaU warn dlaplayad by Mayor McOartar who aald tlwt coMtruetlon coat would run from 946,000 to $60,000 depending on tha plan utUlaad, phia purchaaa of a lot Tha liavor aald ha «•»««»»«wimmIm utlllaing fh the praaant City HaU tor bualneaa offlcaa and trying to acqulra ad- Jrcant property tor buUdlng of tha new canter. He raconunendad Plan No. 1 which calla for taro antrancaa, in a apaeloua building carpeted and panaUad throughout at aatlmatad # coat of $40,000, phw heat and Ught Sxturaa. Quartara for tha poUca department, a ISxSB feat kitchen, a HEiPKHSIlBEATSIIELBy lEIEED MORE ^ ! i’MEm DORORS “ "ISItR OP IN BOOM 21 LBe Photo by Ub Stewart STUDENTS SPONSOR BIDODMOBILB-“Don’t Be of the atiidant vabonteara are ptotnred at the boUetln [lilokan. Otva Blaod’* waa tha toacrlptlaa over tha board, laelnding Undeay Hobaeo. Laura McOianla. mnetln beard at KM Sealer High Monday aa a record Naacy BIkard, Sanya Preaaley, latricia Orifflth, and aimber of people Jataadatadaata hi glvSag Mead. Same Ihareae jnntlaoa. To Host Tea In calabratlan of National Nuraing Home Weak, KInga Mountain Oonvalaaeant Center wlU boat a tea Sunday aftamoon at 4 p.m. In the Acfrvltloa Room at tha faculty on S4>a St. ramlllea of raaldenta and tha general pubUc are encouraged to attend the open houae and anjoy refreahmenta whUa chatting with tha raaldenta and vlalUng In the ‘/oj’ Held Over of tha tremendoua Rev. Richard Plylar, paator, aald that parformancaa are elated for Thuraday night. May lOtti, and Sunday night. May iSUi, at 8 p.m. In Pattaraon Grove Actlvltlaa Building. The raaulta of Halbart Wabb'a handiwork are captured on canvaaa and have bean enjoyed by former co- workera and longtime friandc, aa weU aa hla cloae-knlt family. "I hope to continue ncy painting hobby tor the root of my Ufa ", aald Webb, aa he exMblted prouc. y h Srat place blue ribbon on an oU ant. acryUc painting of an old bam and mule In a field, wMch la now one of Ma prised coUector Items. KM Seniors Are Selling Tomato Plants Kings Mountain Senior High Agriculture students Tiave hundreds of tomato plants available to local gardeners from their greenhouses. The plants are of the Super F'antaatlcs variety plus othar weU- known brands and are U cents each, aald a qMbesman. "The plants are ready to set out now", aald a epokesman, who aald proceeds from tha sale of plants are earmarked tor school projects. Paul Hambright Is agriculture teacher at KMSHS. bathrooms. Including two pubUc rsatrooma, and Inolda storage room which would houae tha furnace. Tha saoond plan caUs tor a TSxSO feet building with County Residents Ask Tap-On Fee Reduction Mauney Hosiery Gets Contract Paul Hord Jr. Will Seek Education Seat too high? ont entrance and Soma resldai offlcaa, mayor's section of tha county think ao, and Una running from KInga Paul A. Hord Jr. today announced Ms candidacy tor tha outslde-clty aeat on the Kings Mountain District Schools Board of Education. Hord, 4S, owner and operator of Mauney Hosiery MUla, Inc., Kings Paul's Seafood on York Road, la the three chUdren, Randy Hord, Mrs. Kenny FaUe and Kim Hord, tMrd grader at West School. UtUlslng thla more oxpaaalva tocUtty would moan tha prosant aty HaU would not be used by city board look at aevaral altas, tactudlng The county chargaa $600 to tap-on Fire Home Sale Set For Saturday Kings Mountain fire Department Oiarlas Moaa and tha Rev. M.L. that at the OampbaU ware two of the KM araa residents who told tha county adJoUUng pnHrtrtlas owned by will sponsor a rummage sale lOnetta MIUs and Hambright Estate Saturday beginning at S:S0 a.m. at and CharUa MuUlnax property tea Fire Daparimant at 118 adjacent to Otgo Station. — A second motion by Harold meeting to kUow the board to hold ■svoral budget workahop sasstona. Cbmm. Haindan moved that "Since we’re running into a surplus this year and the new aawer aystam will contract under tha U.S. SmaU aeat now occuplad by chairman Alax Business Administration's (SBA) Owens. Harold Llnabargar aarUar procurement aaalBtanee program announced hla candidacy, tor socks. "I would conaldar It a privUage to Tha $6Si,tS8 aat-aslda contract serve tha people of Kings Mountain tep^m the Una If tha county would was awarded by tha Defense Par- School District In tela most Im- reduca tha fee. sonnal Support Canter, portent aaat, and would certainly Moaa told the board that Kbias Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on serve aU chUdren, parents, teachers Mhrch S, 1878. end taxpayers to tea bast of my '*T1ils aat^slda award la part of abUlty,” aald Hord. tea SBA’s and federal contracting Hord to a lifelong raaldant of Kings liwtallatlans' «««MMiiiig effort to Mountain and waa educated In the find quallfledamaU Arms to perform Kings Mountain schools. varUna contracts compattttvaly at He to a member of Oakvlew fair and reasonaMa j^caa,” said BspUat Oiurch, where he to a Wiley 8. Masslck, Southeastern Deacon, Sunday School teacher and Regional Director tor the U.S. SmaU R.A. Councalor, to a Mason and Bualnaaa Administration. member of Falrvlaw Lodge 888 and Through eat-aaldaa, tha govern- to a volunteer parent teacher's aid at Mountain charges only $SI7 for tap- am outaldo tee city limits. The $600 toe was set by the county I or The Itea to c aactlan of tee county- Hord and hla wife Joyce, who to maiutger of the cafeteria at the aenlor high school .are parents of