P»Ce ISB—MIRBOB-HBBALD-TliiindAjr, Mmy M, Restoration Stretches The Housing Dollar From guootroom to galloy, on old houie UMoUy conUtna room* of ralotlroly largo olM-aii decorating trenda—cornea in many mataiiala, In cluding exotic wooda like thla mappa burled aoUd maple from Foundera. Ita clean llnea are excellent counterpoint to the room'a otherwlae unrelated fUr- But-here’a the rub- how doyou create a (eollag of warmth, andtaittmacy In auch large apaceaT One approach la lUuatrated by the Penn- aylvanla couple who year old Victorian houae to give It an exciting freah “outlook.** The project ahowa how lt*a poaalble to Table aettlnga are alwaya prime candldatea tor Imagination. The mood here la elegant, but not contrived, In that placemata are uaed In- atead of a tablecloth. Notice how the table, aet for alx gueata, la arranged In cluatera of three at each atlr In new Ideaa, and make It look right for now. Tod and Linda Sharron, A green and yellow color theme brlnga together The (Unlng room, with Ita vintage chalra, mUea atylea comfortably. It alao eaUbllahea the peraonaUty of the houae’a realdenta- young aophlatlcatea who love good dealgn. The den, altuatad off the (Unlng room, alao uaea the aame dark green and lemon yellow color acheme. The light color brlghtena both rooma while the dark green exudea a cool, formal look characterlatlc of Victorian Interlora. The moat prominent greena are planta acat- tered around the room; they provide a freah, lively accent, eapeclally when uaed aa a window treat ment In the elongated wlndowa that need no more embelllahment than a Flcua tree. Tha wlndowa, free of heavy (mrtalnry, help emphaalae or namental moldlnga. The kitchen doea not aacrlflce convenience for noatalgla. The flooring dealgn, remlnlacent of an early linoleum pattern, la Armatrong’a “American Favorite” with a durable Inlaid vinyl wear aurface. The BchooUwuae chalra are from Thomaavllle*a “Golden Bra*’ OoUeetlon. In the dan, family memorabilia and a houaed In wall ahelvoa. houae’a attic are beautiful old braaa lighting flxturoa. To echo their hiater, a variety of new braaa ac- ceaaorlaa from Arm atrong’a Decorator’a ChiUd waa atrategleally placed In both rooma. Tht adjoining quartera are now a threahold of new and “old gold." Oollectlona begun lard to come Tad and Unda Sharron’a were abto to eraae tha by. However, In excellent Uate allowed wrlnklea of a houae buUt at revltallalng the claaalc them to pull off a the turn of the oentoy to decor of Vlctorlana, big decorating coiv. By ap- taahlon for thamaelvea an leaulta were obtained at plying their own brand of affordable, cheerful, and la. coametlc aurgary, they atyllah home. r I Good Year Predicted a few odda and eye-catching reaulta. When money «■ m«»**-* metlculoua craftamanahlp, quality materlala, and unuaual architectural detailing, alao liked apacloua rooma. Tha problem: how to achieve all thla on a limited budget The flrat thing the aatuta ownera did waa to atrip tha houae of oxceaalvo DALLAS-People In the market, have riaen from 34 Aaaoclatlon (MBMA). kfetal HiHitUny Syatema percent to 47 percent over Tbday metal building are Induatry are predicting Ihe laat fifteen yeara. - . that 1079 will be a good Jewell Indicated that tha year, according to Bverett - largeat percentage of aalaa Jewell of Jewell Building are In the commercial leaa than 100,000 aqarofoet Syatema, Inc., an market, followed atrongly authorlaed metal building >>y manufacturing recreation, Now a billion dollar facUlUea. Induatry, metal building Theae ayatema have won aalea, aa a total of the Increaalng acceptance In entire conatructlon the low-rlae, non- .1 The UBMA reeenUy publlahad a aalaa flguie of and farm gi ,003,000. Thla ropraaento a 33 percent Inereaae over a • Dry Food market alnca 1006, when are algnlfleant, they ae- thU Induatry waa foimally tually repreaent more than organlaed under the Metal to bUllon In Building Manufacturea conatructlon,” aald Jewell. to loae Ita hlatoric feeling. By chooalng light, warm colora, deml-prlnt Cooking Demo Set achieved outatandlng In the Uvlng room, they unified the apace with “Fancier** wall-to-wall In a luxurloua Saxony ptuah texture. The dining room floor haa a room-alaa rug of Armatrong*a ’’Checkmark” carpet edged In a aolld border coordinated from the pattern. Both treatmenta Don KlaUer of PoalUve People Woridwlde In Klnga Mountain will preaent a demonatratlon of dry fooda for emorgenclea and aurvlval preparation at TTie Pariah Houae In Rutherfordton Friday READ HOW TO LOSE UP T015 POUNDS IN JUST 9 DAYS-CET FREE $2.25 EOmONOF TheG-Day Wonder Diet* The 7:80 p.m. demon atratlon la aponaored by The Mormon Church of Flreat City. Klatter aald he wUl ex plain the theory behind the dry food in cana program WHEN YOU BUY PRETTS DIET AID The dining room holda another wonderful departure-from-the- expected In thla old food la prepared - by ad ding water and cooking. “We will prepare a full courae meal Friday 60 TABLET BOTTLE 4.49 REG. 4.99 - WITH THIS AD ONLY ONLY 4.49 table. FOR BNTBBTAININO-A kltehen “with aa added Tlw Paraona table-one dlmenalon’’ la featured In the current laane of Cnialne of the moat enduring and magaalne. Created by Armatrong’a Interior Dealgn attractive aUplea of recent Center, the aophlatloated Utohen-Uvlng area offera a I need to vlaUally i to atanpUfy poat-f The dry food In cana la dealgned to laat 100 yeara. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG DOWNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN Independence National’s new interest/ checking account may be the shot heard ‘round the banking world: we call it our Liberty Account because it frees all your available funds to earn interest. 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