Attend Rotary Spaghetti Supper Friday At KN VOL. 97 NUMBER 47 \ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1984 41,000 Registered In County An estimated 9,000 voters from Kings Mountain and No. 4 Township are registered to vote in Tuesday’s general election. Polls ‘open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m. The local voting places are: East Kings Mountain at the Community Center, West Kings Mountain at the Armory, Bethware at Bethware School and Grover at the Grover Rescue Squad Building. Voters will receive six ballots in the Kings Mountain and Bethware area and voters at Grover precinct will receive seven paper ballots. Grover is the only polling place in this area Center Receives the N.C. Division of Aging for $40,000 to expand classroom space, according to announce- ment by Aging Director Teresa Melton. Ms. Melton said the expan- sion will increase and broaden the services of the Center for Ag- ing at the Depot. City maintenance crews will provide the labor for the renova- tion project which will include creation of a centralized en- trance, removal of walls and the utilization of moveable wall par- titions for space. The renovation will begin immediately. Ms. Melton said that par- ticipation in the Kings Mountain Senior Center has increased since 1982 to 814 percent to cur- . rently serve 67,033 units of ser- vice annually and to serve 1,166 “individuals in various classes and programs. The building alterations will sufficiently. serve the current enrolled participants, she said, and allow for growth. A nutrition site currently uses 3,696 square feet of the center, prohibiting senior center activity until 1 p.m. each day because of the need for serving of meals. The lower level of the dining Turn To Page 4-A agrant from where voting machines are not used to tabulate the vote. In Cleveland County, a total of 41,000 people are registered to vote in the general election which is expected to see a heavy turnout of voters who will help elect the next President of the United States, the next Vice President, the next Senator from North Carolina, a U.S. con- gressman from North Carolina, state officials, including a new Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and three members of the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners, in addition to other county and state officials. Election officials in this area {Him pu a apps WER pL Northshores Landing, a 90 -unit condominium project estimated to cost $7.5 million,will begin construction on Moss Lake in about six weeks. : The general contractor with the apparent low bid of $2.5 million for the first phase of con- include: East Kings Mountain, Margaret White, registrar and Denise Falls and Grace Talbert, judges; West Kings Mountain- Becky Cooke, registrar, and Lewis Hovis and Gerry Myers, judges; Grover-Mary Birskovich, registrar, and Jackie Rountree and Martha Fortenberry, judges; and Bethware, Hilda Goforth registrar, and Ruth Gamble and Jack Anthony, judges. Candidates on the ballots in- clude: For President: Reagan, Republican; Mondale, Democrat. Ronald Walter For Vice President: George Bush, Republican, Geraldine Ferraro, Democrat. For U.S. Senator-Jesse Helms, Republican; Jim Hunt- Democrat; Bobby Emory, Liber- tarian; Kate Daher, Socialist Worker Party. For N.C. House of Represen- tatives: Jim Broyhill, “Republican; Ted Poovey, Democrat. For Cleveland County Board of Commissioners (three to be elected) Democrats Gene LeGrand, Joyce Falls Cashion and Jack Spangler. Republicans ~ Charlie F. Harry, Billy Davis and Ruth Wilson. For Register of Deeds from Cleveland County-Margie x= XZ =e 2 Q Bos thin M . ~ So = Z~ wT TYR . ORO ZX 0 eT) i= O= D> ah gal NL >=iFE oe at QM 0» 2 a > nD Al Rogers, Democrat, unopposed. For District Court Judges, three to be elected, all unoppos- ed. George Hamrick, John Gard- ner and James T. Bowen. For Governor Carolina: Democrat Rufus Ed- misten, Republican Jim Martin: Libertarian Fritz Prochnow; Socialist: Worker, Gregory Mc- Cartan. For Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina: Bob Jordan, Democrat; John Carrington, Republican. For Secretary-of-State: Thad Eure, Democrat; Patrick Dorsey, Republican. For State Treasurer: Architect’s Drawing Of Condos 90-Unit Condo Planned At Moss Lake struction is Dixie Lumber Com- pany of Cherryville. In Phase | are 17 two-bedroom units and 16 three-bedroom units. David Faunce of Kings Mountain is developing the pro- ject and said the entire project is expected to take three years or less to complete. Local People Seek Seats On Board Of Commissioners Three Kings Mountain area citizens are among the six can- didates for three seats up for grabs on the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners which voters will decide on Tuesday at the polls. ; The local candidates are Joyce Falls Cashion, Democrat, former Chairman of ‘the Democratic Party, and long active in County and State politics and a Kings Mountain grocer; Gene LeGrand, former Shelby in- dustrialist who is now retired and resides on Moss Lake; and Charlie Harry, native of Grover, Republican, an official of Grover Industries. Other candidates are; Jack Davis Spangler, Democrat; and Billy and Ruth Wilson, Republicans, all of Shelby. Two women, Mrs. Cashion and Mrs. Wilson, are running for the commission seats for the first time. All candidates have been busy pumping hands and campaign- ing in the Kings Mountain- Grover-Bethware area and all of them answered questions from the public during a forum con- ducted by The Shelby Daily Star Tuesday night at the Cleveland County Courthouse. Mrs.Cashion led the field of candidates in the Democratic run-off in May and placed se- cond to Gene LeGrand among 13 candidates in the May 8 Democratic primary’. In the 25th North Carolina Senatorial District, Incumbent J. Ollie Harris of Kings Mountain, Helen Rhyne Marvin of Gastonia and Marshall Rauch of Gastonia are unopposed for re- All incumbent Democrats are unopposed in the 43rd House District where Edith Lutz, Jack Hunt and Charles Owens won nomination in the May primries. The Cleveland County com- mission race expects to get high voter interest in this area with three Kings Mountain area can- didates in the field which insures this area a representative on the county board for the new term Faunce Realty owns the eight , acre tract, site for the condos, on the northern edge of Moss Lake between Cherryville and Shelby. Faunce and Shelby Architect Jerry McGinnis have been developing the project .for about 18 months. Plans for the project will be of office. The hotly contested Presidential race between incum- bent President Ronald Reagan and Democrat Walér Mondale, the hotly contested Senate race between Governor Jim Hunt, Democrat, who is challenging the incumbent Republican Senator Jesse Helms, and the N. C. gubernatorial race between Democrat Rufus Edmisten and Republican Congressman Jim Martin are also expected to at- tract many voters to the polls on Election Day. Cleveland County Elections Board officials predict a heavy turnout of voters at the polls on Tuesday. submitted to Cleveland County and Kings Mountain Lake Authority for approval. List prices for the condos will range from $73,000 to $94,000. Each brick veneer condo will have front and rear decks and each will be on the water. Also planned are a sheltered swimm- tennis ing area, courts, a JOYCE CASHION of North. Election Is Tuesday Democrat Harlan Boyles, unop- posed. For State Auditor: Edward Renfrow, Democrat; James E. - Hicks, Republican. For Attorney General: Lacy Thornburg, Democrat; C.Allen Foster, Republican. For Commissioner of In- surance: Jim Long, Democrat; Richard Morgan, Republican. For Commissioner of Agriculture: Jim Graham, ‘Democrat; Lee O. Tew, Republican. For Commissioner of Labor: John Brooks, Democrat, Margaret Plemmons, Republican. For Superintendant of Public Instruction: Craig Phillips, Democrat; Gene Baker, Republican. Jeezy w Meine clubhouse, swimming pool, and jogging trail. Faunce said the building of condos on Moss Lake give an alternative in single family dwell- ings and he has found ‘a definite interest from people in this area.” “I think it’s going to be a tremendous plus for the citizens of the Kings Mountain and Shelby area.” GENE LEGRAND RS