School Lunch Menus. for the period Nov.1-16 are fisted by Kings Mountain District Schools: Nov.l - Meat Loaf or Hot Plaque Displayed In Town EOBRESS 4H NE WR SAT ARE A walnut and brass engraved plaque has been displayed at several area churches and at Kings Mountain Hospital in memory of six Kings Mountain area cancer patients by friends with the enscription “that others be spared”. Those honored are the late Lou Sabetti, Rosalie and Bob Suber,” Willie Patterson, Dr. W.L. Mauney and Daniel Evans, Sr. The handsome plaque was presented to the Cleveland County Chapter of the American Cancer Society by George and Barbara Mauney and Willard and Melba Boyles of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Kay Holshouser, ex- ecutive officer of the Cleveland County Chapter of the American Cancer Society, said that families reporting memorials contributions in ex- cess of $100 to the American Cancer Society may be honored with a plaque which is then dedicated and displayed in the deceased’ churches or whereever the family desires. Ceremonies were held at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Resurrection Lutheran Church and Central United Methodist Church . recently to honor the local residents. Mrs. Holshouser said it is not ‘a requirement for the recipient of the plaque to be a cancer pa- 2 tient. Any memorials to loved ones to the Cancer Society in ex- cess of $100 can be placed on Memorial Plaques, she said. CECE SERA TART EE FETT CE COVER OOS SOIC aE PHONE SEE TEETER 30 A020 4 SNARE VETTE CEN EEE EE EE SNR HEHE PTI - Pathway Bazaar Saturday » = Pathway Baptist Church £ Women’s Missionary Union will i sponsor a bazaar Saturday at the Depot Center from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. 5 v Chicken dumpling: luncheons i and dinners will be available and 5 toys, crafts, canned goods, rum- i mage sales and Christmas gift CB items will be featured in the large i array of bazaar items. z All proceeds will benefit the i church. i TO FILL PULPIT i Kyle Key, senior at Union Theological Seminary will deliver the sermon at Sunday be at First Presbyterian Church. A TA a VR aera a ve TAA AEE ; A ER Eras FES Sm Aste — » ax RB » #y = = * , w ~ Country Fried Steak; morning worship hour at 11 a.m. Dog wthili; french fries; cole slaw; fresh fruit; gelatin w/Aruit; oatmeal muffin. Nov.2 - Pizza or Ham & Cheese Sand.; tossed salad; potato tots; fresh [fruity Waldorf salad. Nov.5 - Cheese Croissant or rice & gravy; green beans; goiden corn; fresh fruit; oatmeal muffin. Nov.6 - Rib-B-Cue or Chicken Pot Pie; fresh fruit; lima beans, potato tots, cole slaw; bran muf- fins. Nov.7 - Spaghetti or Corn Dog; garden salad; corn on cob; fresh * fruit; applesauce; french bread. Nov.8 - Macaroni & Cheese w Sausage Biscuit or Beef & Cheese Burrito; green beans, potato triangle; mixed Page 18A - THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD - Thursday, November 1, 1984 November Lunch Menus For KM Schools vegetables; fresh fruit; ap- plesauce cake. Nov.9 - Shrimp mates or fried chicken; country corn; golden okra; rice & gravy; fresh fruit; cheese biscuit. Nov.12 - Hot Dog w£hili or Fiestada; cole slaw; french fries; fresh fruit; chilled peaches. Nov.13 - Chili Beans or Chix -' Fillet Sand.; corn on cob; mixed vegetables; cole slaw; fresh fruit; cornbread muffin. Nov.14 - Lasagna or Peanut Butter & Jelly Sand.; garden salad; fresh fruit; golden okra; corn on cob. Nov.15 - Chicken nuggest or Cheeseburger; lettuce & tomato; french fries; fresh fruit; garden peas. : Nov.16 - Country fried steak BEER or Toasted Cheese Sand; fluffy potatdes’ WAravy; green beans; buttered carrots; fresh fruit; cheese biscuit. All’ meals served with ¥» pint of ‘milk. | KINGS MOUNTAIN DISTRICT SCHOOLS | BREAKFAST MENUS “NOV. 1-30 Nov.l - ‘Bitfteréd Pancakes, maple syrup, chilled fruit. Nov.2 - Cheese Toast, ap- plesauce. : Nov.5 - Rolled Oats, ap- plesauce. Nov.6 - Waffle w/naple syrup, country sausage, orange juice. Nov.7 - Buttered Grits, apple juice. voice heard.’ MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT Inflation is down! A Special Message from Your Congressman JIM BROYHILL “Tuesday is an important day for all Americans. It is election day—the time when you have the opportunity, and yes—the responsibility—to make your voice heard in Washington, Raleigh, and at the local level. Your vote will help decide who will be speaking for you in local, state and federal government. As you go to the polls, I know you. will give a great deal of thought about your, fut, el ytd urge youi'to vote for the Republican slate of candidates this year. These candidates have supported policies which have resulted in lower taxes, lower inflation, lower interest rates, and more jobs for Americans. Let’s keep America on the right track. It has been my privilege to serve as your Congressman. I.ask for your continued support. Be sure to make your vote count and your Return JIM BROYHILL to Congress. Keep your voice of experience and good common sense in Washington. ‘Erect THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN TEAM Paid for by the Jim Broyhill Congressional Club— Brent Kincaid, Chmn. Taxes are down! Interest Rates are down! ‘More people are working, than ever before! . BAAS § Nov.8 - Ham Bischit; grapefruit juice. Nov.9 - Boiled egg,” toasted roll, chilled fruit. Nov.12 - Scrambled egg, hot biscuit, applesauce. Nov.13 - Cereal, banana Nov.14 - Toasted muffin, but- ter & jam, apple wedges. Nov.15 - Sausage biscuit, orange juice. Nov.16 - Buttered grits, chill- ed fruit. Nov.19 - Boiled egg, toasted roll, apple juice. Nov.20 - Buttered Pancakes wAyrup, sliced peaches. Nov.21 - Oatmeal, slices. Nov.22 - Holiday Nov.23 - Holiday Nov.26 - Sausage biscuit, orange juice. Nov.27 - Scrambled eggs, but- tered toast, orange juice. Nov.28 - Cereal, banana. Nov.29 - Buttered pancakes, Maple Syrup, chilled fruit. Nov.30 - Cheese toast, ap- plesauce. All meals served with 2 pint of milk. apple Operation Of The House. Carolina” defense” JACK HUNT N.C. House Rutherford, Polk, Cleveland Counties JACK HUNT has served on many important committees in the N.C. General Assembly, including Base Budget, Appropria- tions, Finance, Blind and Deaf, Libraries, Military and Veteran Affairs, Agriculture, Manufacturing and Labor, Highway Safe- ty and has been chairman or vice-chairman of several. He is presently serving as Chairman of the Committee on Rules -& was awarded U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship award “for outstanding service to the citizens and veterans of North and was elected an honorary member of the N.C. National Guard “for conspicuous service to. the cause of national and was appointed to represent the N.C: House in the Na- tional Conference of State Legislatures. Paid For The Committee To Elect Jack Hunt. FR 1% (54 570 PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT MARY LOU C RAIG FOR GASTON COUNTY * COMMISSIONE "HER SPECIAL IN A Rael