os, 28 Page 6B-KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Wednesday, March 30, 1988 & mr me a Po g Christ Is Risen Indeed! One of the decisions every good storyteller has to make is when to tell the story’s secret to the people. Every story has a secret and the storyteller has to decide whether to let them know about the secret early in the story or surprise them with it at the end. Mystery writers often hold back the secret un- til the last chapter, building up drama all the way. Other stories, however, reveal the secret at the begin- ning. We know the end even before some of the characters do, and we watch them gradually discover the hid- NAIL REPLICAS-Paul Camp, above, demonstra how to make nails replicas of nails used to hold Jesus on the cross. It was an Easter project den truth we already know. ‘Oh Grandma, what big eyes you have,” crys Little Red Riding Hood. But we already know the secret of the ravenous wolf just under the bedcovers. In Princeton, New Jersey, there is a legendary tale about the eminent scientist Albert Einstein. One morning Einstein was walking in front of the local inn. As he walked, he was mistaken for a bell boy by a society woman in a luxury sedan. She orders him to carry her luggage into the hotel, and, according to the story, Einstein does so, Dr. Charles Davenport Long Creek Presbyterian receives a small tip, and then continues on to his office to ponder the mysteries of the universe. This story is delightful, precisely because we know from the beginning a secret that the society woman in the luxury sedan never knows. The strange bellboy is the most SHEA during Holy Week for children of the church. Trinity Makes Crucifixion Nails A highlight of the Easter season for members of Trini- ty Episcopal Church was the actual making of nails similar to nails used to crucify Jesus Christ, a pro- ject directed by Paul Camp y-+“who has long been interested in metal working and resear- ched the crucifixion and Roman customs. : The Saturday program began with a play,‘ The Resurrection Light” which featured Daniel and Stewart Marlowe, Hart and Brett Wells, John and Mary Beth _u/Koelle, Justin, Joshua and John Brandt, Camp. Mr. Camp passed around a woven crown of thorns and each child placed the crown of thorns on his head. The and Amy “horrors of the actual death by crucifixion was discussed by Camp and Rev. Thomas Hud- son, pastor. Crucifixion was a mode of capital punishment practiced by many ancient people in- cluding the Romans in Jesus’ day. It was universally regarded as the most horrible form of death. Had the Jews executed Jesus themselves they, no doubt, would have stoned him as was their method of execution. The Jews, however, were under Roman rule, so they were legally required to relinguish to the Roman government the actual carrying out of the sentence. By Roman law, no Roman citizen was crucified. He was beheaded or some other quiet form of death Among the Romans, crucifixion was preceded by scourging. The victim was tied to a post by pulling his hands high above his head. He was then stripped and beaten with a scourge or whip. A scourge was several thongs of leather fastened together with bits of metal or bone in each knot which would tear the skin and flesh. The law forbade more than 40 licks so it was common prac- tice to give 39. After such a beating the victim was a mass of bloody jelly, unable to stand up. After this terrible ‘beating, Jesus was compelled to carry his cross through the city to Calvary. Simone of Cyrene was ordered to help him. Finally, Jesus reached Golgotha where he was nail- ed to the cross. The children were asked to imagine how it would feel to have nails large enough to hold men’s flesh driven through your body.They made nails, assisted by Camp who had built an electric-run furnace complete with tongs, ham- mer, and water.The wrought tes to children of Trinity Ep iron was heated and shaped to sharp points. The process tcok about two hours, in- cluding reheating and forging and the nails placed in a tub of water to cool. About a dozen sturdy nails were made by the children who then clos- ed their eyes to imagine the pain, clanking metal and hammering of nails into wood. GOSPEL SING Way of the Cross Freewill Baptist Church in Fallston will have a gospel singing Saturday at 7 p.m., featuring the Golden Gate Quartet. GOSPEL SINGING There will be a gospel sing- ing Saturday at 7 p.m. at Mid- view Baptist Church. Featured will be the Melody Singers of Fort Mill, S.C., and the Epps Family of Belton, S.C. iscopal Church celebrated intellect of our time. In the story of Easter we know the wonderful secret of the story from the beginning Jesus is the son of God. We must understand this truth in the beginning because Jesus often does not look like the Son of God. The fact that Jesus is the suffering Son of God is a hard secret to learn. That's the way we must grasp the secret at the start. We know Jesus is the Son of God when all heaven breaks loose on Golgotha. We know the secret when the Roman soldiers turn his trail into a fraternity party, dressing him in a purple blanket and a crown of thorns. There at the end, with the sky black and the air filled with Jesus’ death we know the secret of the story. We know that Jesus is the Son of God. In the resurrection Christ has defeated death, hell and evil. Because we know of that victory, we can live in our age with hope. Because we know the future belongs to the Prince of Peace, we work for peace in a war-torn age. We know that one day justice will roll down like waters, and we are freed to work for it today. We know that Christ has risen, and so we work to bring that good news to our community. Because of the resurrection of Christ, we know the end of the world’s story. Those of us who share faith in that event will one day share the final glory of it. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! ! 1 GROUP PLUSH BUNNIES UP TO 50% OFF BRING THIS AD AND GET AN EXTRA 10% OFF at ato Gaston Mall 865-8141 Religious Viewpoint By CLYDE DUPIN A few days ago, I conducted a communion service near the Garden Tomb. No one knows for sure where Christ was buried, but we know the tomb is empty; and according to scripture, He arose from the grave. The Garden Tomb is where tradition tells us He may have been buried in a beautiful garden with an empty tomb. It is just outside the old city walls of Jerusalem and near Calvary. The two glorious facts all Christians believe in are the death and resurrection of Christ. These facts are the two great pillars on which Christianity rests. Christ died for the sins of the whole world and was resurrected on the first Easter morning. The supernatural act of Christ’s resurrec- tion from the dead is proof of His diety. It was this resurrec- tion that sets Christianity apart from all other religions of the world. Both the Bible and history confirm His resurrection. The resurrection of Christ confirms and proves all His teachings are true. When some of His follwers came to visit the tomb on that first Easter morning, they found it open and empty. The body of Christ was gone. This victory over death was soon witnessed by the disciples as they were greeted by their resurrected Lord. During this Easter season, millions of people around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This ressurec- tion is God’s message of love, hope, and forgiveness. Today, Christians worship a living Christ who has promised victory and peace for all our personal lives. ADDEL,7aRD'S WORLD wizard v's origine ce fun - 2s Kids kes SC eratiol Si vice hole now Jone. Now tW/ Ne very id » wasKo 2 a 330° TT : 5 8130 HANNE 20 N LT Kings Mtn. 739-0164 Cherryville 435-5449 Gaston Co. 824-9856 Large Shipment Office Chairs New Shipment Of Jk Patio Furniture Just Arrived! *FURNITURE »DRAPES Lorge Group Of DRAPES Practicolly All Sizes —_— FACIE TEL] Large Group Of Patio Chair Cushions Only $2450 A UV + nv Lorge Selection —_ 8 xl OFFICE DESKS, FILES fl. 3 & MACHINES 1H "38 Leo A Large Selection 7 HOSPITAL BEDS | SONYe IUNLINYNGe SIAVHOe «OFFICE FURNITURE AND MACHINES Easy Terms WILLIE'S OUTLET & DRAPERY Formerly Costner’s MON.-SAT. 9 AM TO 5 FROM SHELBY TAKE 18 NORTH FOR 5 MILES, COSTNER ROAD TURN RIGHT GO'1 MILE WE'RE ON THE LEFT PHONE 487-1681 eCOUNTRY CURTAINS «RUGS DRAPES TTI TLL: * FABRIC Master/Chg. & Visa SS rt RE i TG ————