I | i | nee oh Page 8B Religion -THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Wednesday, December 28, 1988 Seek Wisdom In '89 By BRIAN M. TAULE David Baptist Church Can you believe it is almost 1989? And, yes, it's New Year's res- olution time. May I be very presumptious and suggest that each of us let Proverbs 4:7 become our goal for the New Year. It reads like this: "Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom though it cost all you have, get un- derstanding." (Proverbs 4:7 NIV). The book of Proverbs is saturated with passages that encourage each of us to seek wisdom. Now here we are in 1988. Is the writer of Proverbs suggesting that we too need wisdom? First, let's define wis- dom. It's being able to see life from God's point of view. Now, who wouldn't want to be able to look at every event that enters our life and see it from the Heavenly viewpoint? Proverbs 9:10 says that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- dom." We demonstrate that we are wise people of wisdom when we re- spond to the situations in life the way God would respond. When wisdom becomes our goal, several good things begin to happen in our lives. 1 - Proverbs 2:9 says "Then you will understand what is right and just and fair--every good path." Direction in life--that's a very good result of making wisdom our goal. 2 - Have you ever wanted to know how ‘to say the right thing? Discover Proverbs 16:23. "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." 3 - Are you searching for happiness during the holiday season? Proverbs 3:13 tells us, "Blessed (happy) is the man who finds wisdom." 4 - Are you trying to juggle time and re- sponsibilities? Apply Proverbs 3:16. Solomon, writing of wisdom, says that "Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and hon- or." My, how we could learn from that verse. Who isn't searching for the three things in that verse? 5 - Perhaps you want to please someone that loves you; renew your search for wisdom and find the truth of Proverbs 10:1 - "A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother." 6 - Have you ever gotten into a wrong relation- ship? Well, through wisdom we can detect the true character of others. Even though the advice in Proverbs 7: 4-5 was given to young men, it's equally applicable to young women discerning character in young men. Discover the 16th century B.C. wis- dom of Soloman as he says, "Say to wisdom, "You are my sister,’ and call understanding your relative; they will keep you from the adultress, from the wayward wife with her se- ductive words." 7 - When we decide to let wisdom become our goal, something very significant happens. Seeking wisdom brings us into a very close relationship with "Jesus Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowl- edge." (Colossions 2:3). Friends, if there was ever a time in our lives that we desperately need the will of God, it is now! Most of us have all kinds of knowledge, what we need is wisdom. We at David Baptist Church wish you the very best as you discover in 1989 the riches, the direction, the happi- ness, the right relationships you can develop and the ability to please the important people in your life. We al- SO encourage you to place your trust in the source of wisdom--Jesus Christ. Local Church Activities By JUNE BALLARD Something of interest and a defi- nite need in our community is a sign language class being offered at Bethlehem Baptist Church. The place is the chapel and the cost is $25. The class will meet each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. beginning January 10. Other churches are invited to par- ticipate. ALLEN MEMORIAL Allen Memorial Baptist Church has called Randy Clark as pastor. He is a graduate of Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute. He comes from Vein Mountain Baptist Church in Marion. He and his wife, Brenda, have two children, Amy and Jamie. Randy be- gan at Allen Memorial on December 11. KINGS MOUNTAIN BAPTIST Kings Mountain Baptist Church is planning a "Super Sunday." The plans are for a snack and fellowship meeting at 9 a.m. at January 1. The January Bible study will be taken, from the, book of John. This begins on January 1 at 6 p.m. and continuing from there. In addition to the 6 p.m. study time on John, the pastor will be preaching that same evening from the same gospel. ASSOCIATION NEWS News from the Kings Mountain Baptist Association: Bud Poston has been honored by being recognized as volunteer of the ~ ss" month. Bud and his wife, Kathleen, have three daughters and four grandchil- dren. They are members of Elizabeth Baptist Church in Shelby, where Bud has served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher, worked in church training and Bible drills, and served on numerous committees. He helped build a church in West Virginia and also helped build Christopher Road Baptist Church. Hobbies include fishing, woodwork- ing and gardening. : The Association executive board meets January 16, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. at New Bethel Baptist Church. Listed below are the winners of the Association Church Training Awards for 1988. Boiling Springs - the M night banner for most present. Pleasant Hill - The M night ban- ner for best percentage. New Hope - the outstanding church training award. Flint Hill - the study course award. Shelby First - largest numerical enrollment gain, largest percentage enrollment gain, and largest percent- age attendance gain. Christopher Road - largest nu- merical attendance gain. Pleasant Hill - largest masterlife enrollment. Patterson Springs - largest equip- ping center enrollment. Kings Mountain First - largest new member/survival kit enroll- ment. M Night - total present, 180, with 20 churches represented. Upcoming events - March 12-19, Youth Week; April 17-21, Baptist doctrine study, "The Doctrines Baptists Believe." The third "Grief Group” will be- gin February 14 at 7 p.m. The group will meet at the Kings Mountain Baptist Association office. Jimmy and Maxann Greene will be the leaders. Jimmy and Maxann lost a son, Todd, at the age of 23 and have recorded their experience in a book entitled "Come Walk With Me." Both of them have a commit- ment to walk with others through the process of grief. Jimmy and Maxann will be utiliz- ing six video tapes produced by Dr. Howard Clinebell, nationally recognized specialist in working with grief. ‘Persons wishing to join the "Grief Group” should call 482-3472 and share your name, address and phone number. The group will meet each Tuesday for eight to ten weeks. The public is invited to partici- pate. DIXON PRESBYTERIAN Dixon Presbyterian Church will have a special New Year's Eve fel- lowship Saturday from 6 p.m. until 12:30 a.m. A spaghetti and salad supper is planned. Games, videos and more will be held. Devotions are planned at midnight. Ordination and installation of new elders will be held Sunday dur- ing the 11 a.m. worship service. Tony Stewart will be ordained as an elder and Stewart and Roger Humphries will be installed to three- year terms on the Session. Margaret Childers and Rene Stewart are rotat- ing off the Session after serving three-year terms. VIDEO SERIES Surviving, a four-week program using a video series by family thera- pist Clayton Barbeau, will run four consecutive Mondays from 7:30 - 9:00 beginning Jan. 9, 1989, at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 8451 Idlewild Rd., Charlotte. Program leader for the series is Donna Marie Vaillancourt, RSM, Director of Mercy Institute, who holds degrees in psychology and theology. Program topics are as follows: Monday, Jan. 9 - "Surviving Depression" Details the signs of de- pression and offers some strategies for surviving its impact. Monday, Jan. 16 - "Surviving Loneliness" Examines the loneliness we all experience and offers steps for counteracting its effects. Monday, Jan. 23 - "Surviving Broken Relationships” Probes the pain and anger in broken relation- HEALTH VIEWS. RAGAN HARPER ’ ° ° ° a Arthritis and exercise Exercise has long been considered too painful for people with ARTHRITIS . Research has now shown that programs of moderate walking, swimming, and dancing offer arthritics painless ways to help improve their fitness and their ability to do daily chores. Some suggestions for beginning an exercise pro- gram: @ Get your doctor's OK. @ Start slowly with gentle stretching. @ Walk in a level area, starting with five to ten minutes per day, and then build up. For more information, write Arthritis Foundation, Inc., Dept. BHG, PO. Box 19000, Atlanta, GA 30326. Harper's Prescription Pharmacy i 709 W. Mountain St. 739-3687 ships and suggests a process for healing. Monday, Jan. 30 - "Surviving Life Transitions" Explores the many changes in our daily life and sug- gests steps toward healing and growth. The program is free and no ad- vance registration is required. SECOND BAPTIST There will be a watch-night ser- vice December 31 from 9-12 p.m. at Second Baptist Church in Kings Mountain. The program will feature special music, preaching, and a time of food and fellowship. Special guest will be the Rev. Dick Whitner. The public is invited. NIGHTWATCH SERVICE Cherryville Foursquare Gospel Church, located on Dellview Road, will conduct a Nightwatch service on Saturday, December 31, from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. The Holidays of Shelby and The Revelators of Gastonia are the fea- tured groups for this event. During the course of the evening, there will be a pause for refresh- ments. The singing will resume thereafter. The pastor, Rev. L.R. Sells, and his congregation cordially invite ev- eryone to help them celebrate the beginning of a new year. Gaston Memorial Wins Two Awards Gaston Memorial Hospital recent- ly won two public relations/market- ing awards given by the Carolinas Hospital Public Relations and Marketing Society at their annual meeting. This is the third consecu- tive year Gaston Memorial Hospital has won a first place award. Gaston Memorial's series of radio advertisements, broadcast last sum- mer, won first place in the radio ad- vertising category. The ads were based on patient success stories. The "Safe Ride '87," free taxi ser- vice offered last New Year's Eve won second place in the Specific Public Relations and Marketing Programming category. The taxi ser- vice inside Gaston County provided rides to people who felt their driving might be impaired from drinking. ! 7 DIAMOND CLUSTER SALE! 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