; Wednesday, December 23, 1992 Have you ever wondered how Rudolph got his red nose? Student in Mrs. Anthony's fourth grade class at Bethware School ‘have their own ideas about how this happened. Rudolph hasn't always had a red nose. You see, Rudolph was a bad reindeer. He was so bad sometimes he had to be locked in a stable. Of course, if you were a reindeer you wouldn't want to play with him, and neither did the others. One day when Rudolph was thinking his bad thoughts he thought he'd play a trick on the reindeer. He went and picked some cherries. He put glue on them and when they went to sleep he stuck them on the reindeer. When they woke up they were covered in cherries; they thought they were sick. ; - A little later Santa came in and saw the reindeer covered in spots. Santa looked very closely at the spots and saw they were cherries. All the reindeer put super glue on a cherry and stuck it on Rudolph's nose and he couldn't get it off. That's how Rudolph got his red nose. Beth Bumgardner Did you know that Rudolph's Rudolph was walking down in the woods and he saw Santa Claus. Then his nose started to turn red. Since he had a red nose Santa Claus took him home with him. Then Rudolph had to pull the sleigh. Then he helped Santa give out presents. Rudolph liked to have his red nose. The other reindeer like him too. They would have liked it if he could stay with Santa, but he had to go home. When did Rudolph get his red nose? Did he color it red? Did he dye it red? I don't know. Do you "No"! Really, nobody knows. Still I won- der how he did that. I think he col- ored it with magic markers. Clint Falls nose was not always red? One day -. Sandy Hamrick - When Rudolph was a little baby his nose was black. Then when he got a little older it started to change. He said, "What is happen- ing to my nose?" Then he realized it was Christmas and he had asked Santa to give him a red nose. When Rudolph went to bed on Christmas Eve he woke up the next morning in Santa's toy store. Then it became next year. Before he knew it he was guiding the other reindeer. That is how Rudolph got his red nose. Kristi Hildebran Rudolph's nose wasn't really red. One day Rudolph was running real fast and he was not looking where he was going. He hit a light with a lot of Christmas lights. Down came a red light with super glue on it. It hit him on the nose and it wouldn't come off. He went to play with his rein- deer friends. They called him names. A girl reindeer came over. She liked Rudolph's nose. She thought it was beautiful. Then rein- deer's father didn't like Rudolph. He didn't want his daughter to go with him. Rudolph and the girl reindeer decided to get married anyway. All his baby reindeer have red noses too. : Ty'keivius Curry Rudolph had a purple nose when he was born. Rudolph got his red nose like this: When he was born there was a bucket of red paint and a hot coal. The paint had glue in it, and when Rudolph was three days old he stuck his nose in it. The coal was flat and glue got on his nose and the coal wrapped around his nose and red paint got on it. So his nose was glittering and was red for th rest of Rudolph's life. : Joshua Dean Price Rudolph's red nose has not al- ways been red. He saw Santa and his nose started to feel weird, so he went home. His nose was red when he got home. His mother said, "What happened to your nose?” He told her he ran into Santa and his nose started to feel weird. So he ow did Rudolph get his red nose? came home and when he was com- ing home all of the other reindeer ran away from him. He has had a red nose ever since he ran into Santa. But now all of the other reindeer are friends with Rudolph, because he saved Christmas. Jamey Smith You see, Rudolph didn't always have a red nose. Let me tell you how he got his nose. Once upon a time Rudolph was walking down in the woods. He saw a bunch of horses and men. He tried to run but he got caught by them. They took him to a dungeon. They made a fire right next to Rudolph because it was snowing. But Rudolph didn't know that the men were trying to help him. He jumped out of the dungeon and ran through the woods again. It was very cold and his face got cold and his nose got red and cold. Then he found Santa and got warm. But his nose stayed red. Chad Shelton You know. that Rudolph's nose was red all the time. Because Rudolph was sitting in the sun one day and it turned red. He was go- ing back to his home but, every- where deer looked at him weird. His mom was scared and my dad was gone. Now he had to go out on his own. His nose started to go off, on, off, on. He was so scared he jumped and fell and his red nose was gone, then it turned back black. Laura Champion Did you know that Rudolph's nose was not always red? It was black. : : ....Ong. Christmas when I was in. bed I heard a sound and I woke up. There was Rudolph outside and Rudolph was wanting inside. So I let him in because he was cold. He took off his red nose and put on his black nose so we could talk and he could not get the black nose off. Santa came and he could not get it off; so he used his magic to put on a red nose. Now his nose is al- ways red. : Candace James When Rudolph was first born his nose wasn't red. Once he was walk-- ing in the woods. Then when he looked up he saw wolves surround- ing him. So just when he turned to run, he saw more and more. Then that's when one bit his nose and he hopped all the way home. Next he looked in the mirror and his nose was red. The next day everyone laughed at him. Laura Adams Rudolph didn't always have a red nose. It was green and Santa didn't like it. They tried everything, even painting it., but the paint fell off. An idea popped into Santa's mind. He could cut out the middle of a cherry and put glue inside it. So he did. Then he went off and got married and lived happily ever after. Shane Short Rudolph has not always had a red nose. One day all of the rein- deer were playing basketball with Rudolph. There were Christmas lights all around them. Rudolph slipped and ran into them. The oth- er reindeer started laughing. Rudolph ran to his house and start- ed crying. The other reindeer felt sorry for him and asked Rudolph to play again. Chris Gregory Did you know Rudolph didn't have a red nose when he was little? He was born with a black nose but it changed to red when he was five years old. No one knows why it happened. One night Rudolph was not hap- py about his red nose. When Santa Claus came outside he saw a red light flashing in the bushes. It was Rudolph pawing at his red nose. Santa Claus said, "What are you doing here?" Rudolph said, "trying to get my red nose off." "Why?" asked Santa Claus. "Because peo- ple might laugh at me," Rudolph answered. Santa Claus told him he could be his first deer. Rudolph said he'd like that. Santa Claus said he would light up the whole town. Amber Sutton Once upon a time Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a black nose. When he was nine years old he was sick for a long time. While he was sick his nose turned red. The rein- deer doctor tried all kinds of chem- icals to change Rudolph's nose back to black. The chemicals made his nose get brighter and brighter. The reindeer doctor decided that the only way Rudolph could get his |: black nose back was to do surgery. |= Rudolph decided to keep his red | nose because he was afraid he |: would not be able to fly after surgery. : Hannah Ware See Rudolph, 9-B Students write about Christmas long ago Students in Mrs. Elmore's and Mrs. Sloan's second of candy, and a handful of nuts. grade class at Bethware School interviewed family members, neighbors and friends to find out how Christmas was celebrated in years past. They learned that Christmas has changed a great deal over the years, but it is still a time to enjoy giving and sharing with others. My Best Friend's Christmas By Jordan Crisp My best friend is Sudie Peele. She is 81 years old. Her nickname is Poe. She lives in Meadows, N.C. in Stokes County. All the town had was a store and a post office. She lived about 8 miles away from town. She rode to town on a horse and a buggy. : On Christmas Eve they would go out to the woods 10 get a cedar tree that they had picked out in the sum- mer. She didn't have any ornaments so she had to make them. She colored paper and made paper chains to hang on the tree. Her mother always made a coconut cake on Christmas Eve. She went to bed early and got up at 4:00 a.m. to see what she had gotten for Christmas. She didn't have a Christmas stocking, so she put out a box or her hat. For Christmas she got apples, oranges, nuts, and a spe- cial treat was penny candy. Her mother, father, two brothers and Sudie had coconut cake, pie, baked pota- toes, and leather britches for Christmas dinner. Her favorite gift was a doll and a chair. Her grand- mother gave her a doll that cost 25 cents. They only got one present for Christmas. One time of Jesus. She always had a white Christmas, because where she lived it started snowing in November. Merry Christmas, Poe. I love you! Christmas Long Ago By Ross Ellis I interview my Grandpa Newell. He is 60 years old. He told me that they would all go to the woods and cut a cedar tree for their Christmas tree. They would drag balls of popcorn made with molasses. Before Christmas they would sneak and eat the popcorn off the tree. Grandpa would hang his mother's longest stocking she got a ceramic bird and one time she got a picture. it home and decorate it with strings of popcorn and big \ \ \ A) HRB I J up, hoping Santa would leave lots of good things. If he was good Santa would leave him an apple, orange, ba- nana, and a candy bar. If he was bad, he got switches. On Christmas day all the Thornburg family would get together and cat until they were about to pop. After lunch all the boys would go rabbit hunting until dark. Grandpa Newell also told me about a Christmas he would always remember. He was about 9 years old and his Uncle Clyde sent cach of the children in his family a big box of Hershey candy bars, a catcher's mitt, and a first baseman'’s glove to share. They all loved it! A Long Ago Christmas By Van-Keith Jones My aunt Grace Curry is 73 years old. When she was young her family had very little for Christmas. Her parents were very poor and could not give the family much. They had food and enough clothes to keep warm and clean. There were four girls in my aunt's family and she was the oldest. The Christmas celebration was very limited. A shoe box with two oranges, two apples, two or three pieces They played with a rag doll, a ball made by winding thread in a hard ball. They made a swing with a tree and a rope tied to a tree limb. In October and November my aunt and her sisters would meet at their friend's house with sacks and hike in the woods to gather locust and wild holly to decorate with at Christmas. The Christmas tree would be one cut out of the woods and decorated with things they made. My aunt and her family went to church, sang carols, and recited poems. They received a bag of candy, nuts and fruit. They had good times at Christmas even if they did- n't have much. Christmas A Long Time Ago By Latoya McClain I sat down to have an interview with my Papa. He is 60 years old. He said, "We celebrated Christmas with the rest of the children in the neighborhood. We didn't have very much money back then. All we got was apples and or- anges, but we understood because everyone of us got the same. "We didn't have family gatherings. I remember my favorite and most special Christmas. I was eight years old and I got a cap gun for Christmas. That was my very first toy." My Papa said that he was 14 years of age when he got his first bike. Christmas started changing for my Papa. Grandma's Christmas By Danielle Miller Now the age of 64, my grandma tells me about her childhood Christmas. She remembers her mom telling her about Saint Nicholas coming down the chimney to leave her a present under the Christmas tree. Her mom let her put out milk and cookies for Saint Nicholas. Grandma helped put up the tree and decorations. But her mom wouldn't let her help cook. In Pennsylvania where grandma grew up, it snowed on Christmas. Her mom would Ict her go out and play in the snow. Grandma enjoyed sled riding and building snow men. Grandma's whole family attended church on Christmas day. - See Christmas, 8-B ame