Page 10C-THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Thursday, December 21, 1994 The following letters to Santa are from Mrs. Anthony's Kindergar- ten class at East School. Dear Santa, How are you doing? I've been good. Bring me some good presents. Bring me X-Men, Power Rangers. and a toy van. Bring me some nice presents. Love, Andy Allen Dear Santa, I want a bike without training wheels that's purple. a glass angel to put on my Christmas tree, and 1 want a chair that I can eat in at the table. I want a toy rattle for my baby brother, some different colored blocks, legos, and a pack of paper for myself. Love, Crystal Bryson Dear Santa, I want a race car track, a computer, a dump truck, a Lion King toy animal, and a baseball bat. I want mortal com- bat, Sega, a McDonalds set, and a choo-choo. Love, Matthew Bumgardner Dear Santa, You're sweet and good. I want an X- Men weapon, a Christmas tree, a bow for my Christmas tree, and a turtle. I want a computer for Christmas with buttons on it. I want arecord that goes in the computer. Love, Eric Cox Dear Santa, I want a Lion King outfit, a Barbie, and blocks. Love, Carolyn Detter Oo Dear Santa, 1 want a computer and a bike. I want arace track, a guitar, and a harmonica. I want a green ring. Love, Craig Lawson Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, a Christmas car, and I want a Kenya doll. I want a new playdoh house. 1 want some legos , and a couple of teasets. Love, | Angelica Mercer Dear Santa, I want a Baby All Gone, a teddy bear, some paper, a Christmas card, and a Christmas wreath. Love, Danelle Messick Dear Santa, I'm going to give you nine carrots for the reindeer. One's for Rudolph too. I want a motorcycle, a race track that hangs on the wall, a hand-held game, and I'll give you three cookies to eat. Love, Anthony Nations Dear Santa, I want a toy with a motorcycle on it, a dog that takes batteries and his head turns around, and a bike that takes batteries. Love, Michael Reynolds Dear Santa, I want a little Barbie, lipstick, cam- era, and a pencil. I want a book. Love, Maidelys Sanchez Dear Santa, I want my own water fountain, a new puzzle, a wreath to hang on the door, and a Mr. Potato Head. I want a ! “Cliffordsiit,a pencilyand some réins' Sear Santa, I want a playhouse for Christmas, a bike, a Pink Power Ranger, a small Christmas tree to put in my room, and that's all I want. Love, Courtney Goode Dear Santa, I want a pink Power Ranger, white Power Ranger, abicycle, and a Christ- mas Power Ranger movie. I want wrestling rink with a lot of wrestling men, a wrestling game and a Power Ranger game. I want Sega Genesis, and abig white stuffed Power Ranger. Love, Justin Haynes Dear Santa, I want some toys. I want a car washer for Christmas. I love those and last year I didn't get one. Love, Jordan Huffstetler Dear Santa, [like you. Ilike all of your toys. I like your reindeer. I'd like to ride in your sleigh. Love, Brittini Jordan deer. ih Love, Shon Sheffield Dear Santa, I want a dollhouse, a hat, make-up, and aPower Ranger suit. I want some shoes and gloves. Love, Diandra Sloan Dear Santa, I want water fountain, a pencil, a car, and a body ball. I want a play kitchen, a store, a man doll, a Christ- mas tree, and a doll. I want a bunny, a bell, and a dog. ( areal one). Love, Curtis Smith Dear Santa, I want a Barbie car, a Barbie house, a baby doll, and a play radio. I want a Barney that talks, a calculator, and a Barbie. I want a baby that eats food, The Yellow Power Ranger, and the Power Ranger Book. I want a grocery buggy, a Santa coloring book, a table and chairs set,aand a sleeping Barbie. Love, Courtney Thompson Dear Santa, I want a bubblegum machine, a brownie maker, areal dog, and blocks. I want a puzzle, a puppet stage with puppets to it, and a toy ironing board. I want a Mr. Potato head, a little truck that can open it's mouth, a chalk- board, and a desk with a chair. I want some cologne, an ice cream machine, and a water fountain. Sherod Thurman o ° oO ° Wishing you and your families joy and happiness all season through. We greatly appreciate your support. HARRIS FUNERAL HOME OLLIE HARRIS AND STAFF Dear Santa, I like to play. I like the Power Rang- ers. I like you. Love, Michael Hartman Dear Santa, I want a red venom toy, Spiderman, all the Power Rangers, and all the X- Men. I want a motorcycle bike, a computer, and a Mr. Potato Head. Love, Raven Dorsey Dear Santa, I want a kitchen, a toy grill, a Jumpsie, and a basketball. I want some Power Ranger stuff, Lion King stuff, a dollhouse, and a Jenny Gym- nast doll. I want toy tools, some big baby dolls, and a gun that comes with handcuffs. Love, Christine Wright Dear Santa, I want makeup, a guitar, housecoat, and a cowgirl hat. I wanta Barbie that has makeup inside, a swimming Prince Ali, and a swimming Jasmine. I want a computer, some tools, a Jasmine trophy, and a Beauty and Beast book that has buttons to play music. Love, Heather Wright Pr) SE | The following letter are from Mrs. Horne and Mrs. Jordan;s kinder- garten class at East Elementary School. Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Doll, a MacDonald's thing, I guess some crayons, he can get me something else but I don't know what. Marie Bowen Dear Santa, IwantaK-9 truck, police motorcyle, t tractor with two men and a dump truck. Josh Brown Dear Santa, Can I have a Nintendo and that's all? Kyle Byars Dear Santa, I want some toys like Mrs. Horne's building blocks, a remote control car, some books, playdough, a jeep to ride in, Nintendo tapes, and puzzles. Brandon Byars Dear Santa, I want a Choo-choo train, Sega, a bike, walkie-talkie, and a jump rope. Kiombre Clark Ho! Dear Santa, I wanta Sega, My Size Barbie, Talk- ing Barbie, Baby Bop, Barbie House, and a Barbie Doll. Julia Flynn Dear Santa, A Power Wheel Barbie car, some blocks, paint, and painting books. Kelly Flynn Dear Santa, I want a bike. Kelly McConnell Dear Santa, I want Tree House, bike, toys, blocks, an airport, little pencils and paper, playdough, and books. Joe Gladden Dear Santa, I want a video game, bicycle, NFL football, that's all. f Lindsay Holland Dear Santa, : ; I want make-up, baby dolls, Barbie dolls, Barbie Full-of-Fun House, skates, Santa Claus suit, Teddy bear, and blocks. ily hy Tara Ledbetter Dear Santa, ° 30 I want Barbie doll, jeep, bike, make- up, paint brushes, paint, Kid Sister doll, Baby Buddy, and bunny.’ Jennifer Martin Dear Santa, ica I want Roller Blades, bike, games, Santa Claus suit, Santa Claus light-up sack, a little motorcycle and that's all. : Daniel McAbee Dear Santa, I want playdoughm Power Rangers ‘Suit, Power Rangers hat, Power Rang- ers gloves, a dog, blocks, a water gun, ‘ 4 traifi; Lego Blocks, and ardce car. 2% ‘Joshua Messick Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, a bike, a Choo- Choo train, a car, Super Nintendo, fingernails and lipstick, a necklace, blocks, and playdough. LaKeisha Miller Dear Santa, I want a coloring book,, a baby doll, Nintendo, that's all. Brittany Sanders Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman, remote control car, Ninja Turtles. Josh Slycord Dear Santa, I want Mister Bucket, E-Z Bake Oven, dump truck, quitar, a pretty necklace, a ring, a play-pen, a paly house, and a bike. Tiffany Vernon Dear Santa, I want a truck, a race car, a house, a tractor, and a stocking. Travaras Winston Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, Rudolph, and make-up. Brittany Allen His birth is a gifi for all people the world over. From our small corner of His kingdom, we express our gratitude and good wishes. 150 West Mountain St. Kings Mountain, NC USA 28086 His Love Knows 0 Boundary 704-739-1550 1-800-762-1235 FAX: 704-739-1403 Holidays i May every hearth and home be ¥ warmed by the spirit of this most 8 joyous season. To our cherished F customers and friends, we wish you : all a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous year. B Sandra Wilson Realty 739-5872 Sandra Wilson - Kay Cloninger Forme For The Holidays Ti spirit of Christmas is all around. We thank you for your valued support. Dible poy 181 sqod I .2lesdw ta FISKE HN TO0 “Town& Country -Bar-B-Giie ” 1553 S. Battleground - Grover Rd. « 734-0888 od eaLe on Garth Joy abounds in everything we do. At this time we wish you all the very best the season has to offer. We appreciate the friendship you ve shown us. GROVER INDUSTRIES, INC. LAUREL AVENUE GROVER, NC Jomecd le rr UO st a. A a RR a AR PS AG a es { 1 1 r )