TE — > : y Opinion REFLECTIONS ON RELIGION AND LIFE Rev. Harold Schwantes Pastor Central United Methodist Church KINGS MOUNTAIN , NC Faith, not space exploration, ; gives us understanding of life wo BEE VF SEWER EWAN WTATENT EY EES FASEX TEND ERT LIE sanTeNnen IT EAA RE CRN ATR AREY EROS ET CIT AR TEE ETERS rea A AR AE A EARNS TORT EN TIPE CH ERT N CAND ATIER AN The recent landing of the space probe on Mars with its little toy truck’ that roams around the surface has captivated the interest of much of the world these days. The internet reported over 100 million ‘hits’ by persons with computers wanting to see what this little roving vehicle sees. We have had headline stories in the newspa- pers and in the other media about its discoveries on our neighboring planet millions of miles away. Now some optimistic space scientists are say- ing this event has unlocked the hearts and wallets of American politicians to sponsor more huge space projects, including a possible manned space flight in the next 20 years (actually, the wallets be- long to us). They say the reasons this exploration is necessary is both scientific and philosophical, noting that there is a great desire among scientists to answer the questions of the origins of life. The issue of international prestige is also mentioned, which will be great for the American scientific community, but I don't know that it will do any- thing for the average American. Well, as a representative of the religious com- munity, I find this investment in the study of phi- losophy rather interesting. I, too, have an interest in the exploration of space, mostly because of the natural curiosity one has about the universe in which we live. But, like so many other areas of in- terest I have, such interests have to be laid aside out of concern for other priorities that need my attention and my dollars. In fact, I spend a fair amount of time raising the dollars needed for those priorities I am aware of. And some of those priorities are philosophical in nature, for a belief system such as Christianity is a philosophy of life and much more. But am I to understand that the U.S. govern- ment is so interested in the philosophical con- cerns of a certain segment of our society that we are willing to invest tens of billions of dollars in space exploration so that these persons can fur- ther develop their philosophy of life? : Pardon me, but I thought we of the religious (and philosophical) community were not being funded by the government of this country. Yes, we certainly have the freedom to practice and . teach our faith and philosophy. Yes, we of the reli- , gious community do benefit in many ways from the way we arg governed i in this country. But if billions are going to be spent to help someone else with their philosophical needs, | have a few places right here on earth where I want the gov- ernment to dump a billion or two, and I have a . feeling my ideas would do a lot more for our na- tional prestige than any space probe could ever \.. derive. This nation was pretty prestigious after World War II, for example, when it was known as the most benevolent nation in the world because of the financial, aid and other efforts that were made by the people of our nation to help rebuild the war-torn nations. There are still plenty of places left to build national prestige on this planet if we are willing. I will continue to be fascinated by the discover- ies that are made through our space exploration program. But my faith has given me an excellent understanding of the origins of life, and I resent that American taxpayers will have to dig so deeply to help a few others discover a satisfactory answer for themselves. KINGS MOUNTAIN WEATHER REPORT July 9-15 Yr. Ago Total precip. 36 35 Max. 1 day 36 (9th) .30 (15th) Yr. to date 31.45 25.88 Min. temp. 63 (11th) 65 (12th) Max. temp. 96 (15th)! 92 (14th) Avg. temp. 74.4 77.8 Published every Thursday. ® Second Class postage at § East King Street at Canterbury Road, NC 28086 USPS 931-040 by Republic Newspapers, Inc. Postmaster, send address changes to: P. O. Box 769, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 e Phone (704) 739-7496 e Fax (704) 739-0611 Office: 824-1 East King Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Wes Grooms Aron R. Goss ‘Susan Smith Wiley Gary Stewart........ Elizabeth Stewart Stacy Cobb Sarah Griffin Debbie Welsh Shelley Campbell Publisher Marketing Director Advertising Manager Ad Representative Business Manager Production Manager Graphic Artist Republic Newspapers, Inc. MEMBER Member Himes. 10§ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION North Carolina Press Association Mail Subscription Rates Payable in Advance. All Prices Add 6% NC State Sales Tax. 1 Year 6 Months $18.02 $10.60 $20.14 $11.66 $23.32 $13.25 Gaston & Cleveland Co. Other NC Counties Outside NC THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Cartoonitorial AE feast not unHl Tg Jd lpi ths % p i 2) A 5 AR Ld 2 Xi July 17,1997 HERALD LETTER POLICY The Herald welcomes your letters to the editor for publication in each Thursday's paper. We ask that you use the following guidelines: Keep letters brief and to the point. Letters in ex- cess of 600 words will not be published. Type and double space them, if possible; if not, write legi- bly. Letters must be signed in ink and include the full name, address and telephone number of the author. The Herald reserves the right to edit letters for spelling, good taste, libelous statements or any other reason; and the Herald reserves the right to reject letters for any reason. Mail letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 769, Kings Mountain, NC 28086; fax them to (704) 739-0611; or bring them to the Herald office on East King Street at Canterbury Road. HERALD NEWS DEADLINES B Deadline for A section news such as city and county government news, obituaries, and sports is 5 p.m. Monday. Reports on meetings and games held on Tuesday night will be accepted until 10 a.m. Wednesday. BW Deadline for B section news such as women's news, club news, birthdays, school news and church news is 12 noon Monday. Items received after 12 noon Monday will run in other sections of the paper if time and space permit; if not, they will be published the following week. Moss [Lake onitol Constitutional 1 issue State Representatives Debbie Clary, Andy Dedmon and John Weatherly have succeeded in unleashing political bitterness in Cleveland County which may never be reconciled. To John Weatherly's credit, he did finally realize that Debbie Clary is dead wrong on this issue, and he is trying to work a solution not involving the North Carolina Legislature. Mr. Weatherly knows that this is unconstitutional. Ms. Clary has employed blackmail, spouted misleading and plainly inaccurate information, manipulated people at the lake into thinking that they could actually gain control of the lake, arbi- trarily re-written the Kings Mountain Annexation _ Bill to serve her own purposes while claiming to fellow legislators that "Kings Mountain supports this bill," intentionally manipulated some legisla- tors in Raleigh to set a Sub Committee meeting a week early, and at the last minute to prevent rep- resentation by Kings Mountain officials. City offi- cials had to go to Raleigh in a private plane at the last minute, arriving five minutes after the start of the meeting. It appears now that Debbie Clary has pro- gressed to the realm of hysteria since John Weatherly attempted to delay inappropriate legis. lation doomed to failure. «. “Members of the tpistature must be concented about the credibility of the information being placed before them; and indeed, the credibility of Clary herself. Debbie Clary has made the fatal error of mak- ing this a, personal crusade for a few special inter- est voters while pleading "this is for all my peo- ple." Baloney! Clary has engaged in silly, petulant behavior by declaring, "I will ride my jet ski ille- gally to make my point." If Clary wished to repre- sent the Jet Ski industry, that is her affair. In my opinion, Clary has engaged in unethical be- haviour by using the question of fees at Moss Lake to block legitimate legislation by Kings Mountain. Was Clary concerned about fees when she recently got the Rear Seat Belt Law passed which doubles the fine for failure to buckle up? Let me point out some factors which may be of value to citizens of Kings Mountain, Moss Lake Homeowners Association and members of the N.C. Legislature. 1. The Cleveland County Board of Commissioners voted in 1967-68 not to partici- pate in building the lake because it was "not needed." John Henry Moss proceeded with plans to build. Should we now take the position that re- fusal to participate by the county means that they are not entitled to benefits which they now re- ceive? Should Kings Mountain get half of the tax base being generated? 2. Moss Lake is the raw water supply for Kings Mountain. Everything else is secondary. GUEST COLUMN Gene White 3. Kings Mountain will never abdicate its right to administer and control their water source. If a fight is necessary, so be it! 4. Moss Lake residents have no rights other than those voluntarily granted by the municipali- ty. It they wish to sue over fees, let them. 5. The principal funding source for Moss Lake was a three million dollar plus bond issue paid for by citizens of Kings Mountain. These same cit- izens include some of "those boaters and fisher- men" who might not pass muster by the Moss Lake Homeowners Association. This is an elitist attitude at its, worst. In other words: keep out, those whom they do not approve." 1A ads rit bali 6. The city received a grant of $160,000 from Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCEF) for use at the recreation area. I personally authorized ex- penditure of every pénny of those funds. There are no extraordinary strings attached. 7. The city received Relocation Funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for replacement housing payments, rental assistance payments, and moving expense for the relocation of eligible persons at the Moss Lake site. I personally administered a portion of those funds. There were no strings attached. The total received from HUD was about $300,000. When Clary was apprised of the fact that the lake was not built with federal funds, she alleged- ‘ly stated that "John Henry Moss" should have built it with federal funds since he was "so good at it." I would say to Clary that I worked on a dai- ly basis for 15 years with John Henry Moss, and Ms. Clary, "You are no John Henry Moss!" 8. As Secretary to the Moss Lake Commission for a number of years, I personally wrote letters to the Moss Lake Homeowners Association invit- ing them to appoint representatives to attend the meetings on a regular basis in order to keep abreast of the Commission operation. They may have shown up at one or two meetings. ’ 9. To add fuel to the fire the Moss Lake Your Right To Say It Homeowners Association even came out against location of the proposed Industrial Park in the Kings Mountain area since it could benefit Kings Mountain. I guess they temporarily forgot that Cleveland County gets most of the tax and job benefits. 10. The Homeowners Association's attorney ar- bitrarily amended the City lake lease. Even am- bulance chasing lawyers know that this is inap- propriate and a fundamental violation of contract law. These are some of my suggestions for the Kings Mountain negotiation team: 1. Don't worry about the N.C. Legislature pass- ing this ill conceived bill. It is both unconstitu- tional and is clearly a usurpation of local power. 2. Do not permit more than one (if that) Moss Lake Homeowner Association member on any new commission structure. 3. No County Commissioner should be a mem- ber. They expressed their opinion in 1967. No pre- sent County Commissioner represents the interest of Kings Mountain. Many citizens have stated to me, "Don't let them stack the deck against Kings Mountain." 4. Fees should not be reduced. I will vote REainst the mayor or council member who does 804 fic ala I word like to ask Ms. Coty: a ow questions: - How do you plan to handle failing septic tanks at Moss Lake? -How do you plan to handle the cost of a sewer around the lake (Cost should be around $20 mil- lion). -What about storm drainage and fertilizer run- off? -What about development, motorized craft and jet skiis? -What about repairs to the dam and other facili- ties? Kings Mountain cannot abdicate its legal liabil- ity and responsibility for Moss Lake, and it should not be coerced into giving away its right- ful control by a group of privileged special inter- est members of the community. In my final presentation in 1994 upon my re- tirement as Planning Director, I publicly stated to the Mayor and Council, "We must have a compre- hensive examination of every facet of Moss Lake and its administration for the next 25 to 50 years." Except for the misguided efforts of Debbie Clary, this could be a blessing in disguise. I would suggest to Ms. Clary, however, that she leave the sledgehammer in Raleigh. We still have the "Big One." It is called the U.S. Constitution. (Gene White is the Retired Planning Director for the City of Kings Mountain). Moss Lake belongs to Kings Mountain To the editor: I would like to point out that. Moss Lake be- longs to the citizens of Kings Mountain. They built it and paid for it with little support even from individuals ‘within our. own county. Therefore, there should be no question as to who should control the lake and set the users fees. [ agree that the fees should be fair. However, when one considers how much is fair, one must + take into account the environmental impact the lake users are having on the source of Kings Mountain's drinking water supply: The city should be commended for allowing residential development and recreational activities around the lake. I am quite sure that the fertilizer, septic tanks, and chemical pollutants of the recreational craft have an adverse affect on the water and thereby add to the cost of purifying the water to make it safe for the citizens of Kings Mountain to drink. How many individuals in Cleveland County and the surrounding area have the luxury of using an unlimited supply of water for their lawns, gardens, pools etc. for a mere $50 and the cost of a sunk pump. In closing I would like to say that I am very dis- appointed in Ms. Clary, my elected representa- tive, and her stand on the lake issue. She was elected to represent all the citizens of the county, and yet I feel that on this issue the only people she is representing is herself and the residents of the lake. There is a conflict of interest on her part. She does not have the best interest of all her con- stituents in this matter. She lives on the lake! If Ms. Clary is successful in passing HER House Bill 777, she will have caused a division between the residents of our entire county. Please allow me to paraphrase a Bible verse found in Romans 16:17 which states: "Mark those that cause division among you and avoid them." I would say: "Mark those that cause division among us and don't vote for them in the next election!" I would encourage citizens of Kings Mountain and all individuals in the ‘surrounding area to contact their local and state elected officials. Let them know how you feel. Kings Mountain needs your support. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my views on this important issue... . Donald R. Smith Kings. Mountain Thanks Kids Etc! To the Editor: I am writing to publicly acknowledge the Kids Etc. Rockin’ Recess Summer Camp teachers and director for the superb job they are doing this summer. I am a first time parent of this program and very much pleased with it. I have to admit I was hesitant to enroll my son in the program. Not only am I a protective parent but when I first witnessed how loud and active the children were I was a little set back. But I have since found out the philosophy of the Kids Etc. summer camp is that it is not school. It is summer vacation and the children should be enjoying that time and not to be expected to do the things they are expected to do throughout the school year. The children go on field trips two or three times a week. They are fed a nutritious lunch for a fee and receive two snacks each day. They are allowed to play and enjoy their summer break. They are nurtured and loved in a safe, happy en- vironment by the whole staff. Personally, I would like to applaud and say a gracious "thank you" to Patsy Walker, the pro- gram's director. She is the most open, honest and genuine person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I have seen first hand the countless hours she puts into the program and the heartfelt endless efforts she undertakes so the children, "her kids," have a wonderful, safe and happy summer break. Most of the teacher are elemen- tary education college students. They are gaining valuable experience and are excellent with the children. In closing, I would like to say a heartfelt "thank you" to Patsy Walker and the Kids Etc. Rockin’ Recess Summer Camp staff for providing such a wonderful, safe and nurturing service to the chil- dren of our community. The parents and children of Kings Mouitain are very lucky to have this program. These wonderful teachers and such a kind-hearted director. - Myra Cunningham Shelby as er ri

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