i : i NET Love, Katie Anthony talk, learn, and walk. And a cit. Pose Sores, | Yous friend, esther dns from all of us! I want a BB gun, 500 ; : ; Pokemon cards, a car and . Dear Santa, i ta re Fa J Conda King, boa garden snake. How are you and Mrs. Claus? “UNBEATABLE PRICES ON THE BEST QUALITY” Alex Short I love you. J ; neon Evelyn C ! IPP ARD FURNITURE & ~) 4 : 1 wor all is Pokemon, Sons Dear Santa, IN TERI ORS Ly fay 4 i tae 0ys, ana he I hope your heart is so HAP- 4 263-4747 Eg 1 : PY. Th I ; T) (— . ; Mon. -Fri. Sam- 4 % Trey Edergton want Te & fo) lh an 914 N. Main St. Hwy 27 North, Stanley, NC a aq AP) A i ; set, a new game boy and the eR IR 5 Naa) nN Kk. Y Rd) = nS N NS Dear Santa, : : CANE) 2 ey AN Re = TE um) Rr. A pgm dg iy \! Skeeter presents, phone gold same, 2 mieophone and DAE Sey Se eS ENR a SON ean I AT) Letters to Santa - The Kings Mountain Herald Page 7A December 21, 2000 Kings Mountain Happy Holidays from Republic Newspapers, Inc. Dear Santa, I want a pokemon video game. Tony Hawk pro skater. 2 games, computer, playground, pitchers, tape, go cart, 4 wheel- er, paper for school, Jungle Jim in my backyard, 22 lead pens, tion 2. telescope, note book, an art set Yours, Nathan and colored paper. Love, Bayne OUT & DENTISTS OF RECOMMEND... Heyl you pikuchu and I want a crayons, jell pens, 22 stickers, Dear Santa, Desr Sa08, Tl cy new Nintendo 64. ~ couple markers, clock. Ilove you. I hope you have a , LweniRudolp Nardone that you have a yea! full of smiles and good health! Dylar Jessica Whitlock Marty Shams a Dor Ferner or Thank you for being such terrific patients! Dea: Sania, ; (Letters to Santa from Mrs. tree. Dancing Debbie, Little Love you, Stephanie Ywrant a real helicopterand 1 i ly hyonoirs first grade at West ~~ Sniffles, My size Barbie. Iwant ~~ p.. ce want a real steam engine and I Elementary School). a house. ear oanta, i NDs Claas want a real motorcycle and a re- Mary Beth Yow are yoaand Mrs Clan al dirt bike and a gameboy and poor Santa I hope you are well this year. I a BB gun wud n Nintendo at How are you and Mrs. Claus? Dear Santa, would Ih ab ike 2 Some and 8 play sinion. I hope you are well this year. I How are you and Mrs. Claus? Shi a Caleb would like a Dancing Debbie. I hope you will bring me some Jordan Love, Nalorin presents. All I want is a Poo-chi, Dear Santa, a new freby, a scooter and for Iwanta go cart, a couple of pokemon cards and a digital Dear Santa, my aunt Brooke to feel better. Dear Santa Claus, Dr. R.A. McKee How are you and Mrs. Claus? Your friend, Brandi Falls : clock. A lot of hot wheels cars I hope you bring me some pre- Please help the he that and some marbles. Some beenie Seats ; Dear Santa, don’t get anything. Happy Dentist babies. A new race track. A I hope I will leave you some Christmas. bunch of stickers. A full wheel- er. Some coca. Some Hersheys chocolate. Some crayons and a trampoline. I've been good this year and a skeeter and pet snake, a toy, make that 8 toys. If you get my note I hope I get it" all and surprises with some stuff. 2 Michael Dear Santa, ‘ Love, Matthew Dear Santa, Santa, your elves make good toys. We will leave you some cookies. Khadijah Dear Santa, Santa, your elves make good toys. I will leave you some milk and cookies. You have a big beard. You have a big bag. I I want a doll that talks, and 3 : . want a game. give the poor kids toys. And give me and Takeobs a little Lave, Couriland ‘motorcycle that we can play. We saw it on T.V. Selene Smith o and a poochee. I love you. Sy / | LS hin g yo ua ; Poros, ih re ; yg Ele Ihave been a good gil his Dar Santa comfortable Christmas year. I want a ABC ball for TACT Ons Christmas and I want a bike for Christmas. : Dear Santa, I'love you. I wish for a scoot- How are you and Mrs. Claus? I hope you are well. I wish for a bike and some dolls that can Love, Marina 202 S. Mulberry St,, Cherryville, NC 435-6916 milk and cookies. I want a Pokemon cards, play station 2, and some games for play sta- te SR TE ns Eo a. I ~ —— E , 3 rl NS Ae farmer ar ee Ea he Nm Sw re Ee We SRI) re NS Free ES Tron AS WH RA A! & CRN = A Aid \ U Ad %, A : : ; & : ! : ~ : { y & % \ ix And Enjoy The Holidays! and a well-rested new’year NANA NS ANA SN NNN NNN NSN NNN SN NS a a aN SNS NC SRR SRC CNC CC SC CC “vv nv ev wa NNN 2 : / / / / a bi — 3 y \ ’ / / 4 a : | / / FE / y / FE / | ¢ May your holiday | ¢ season be sweet y / / ¢ | § and warm. I / i / / 4 / / BE / } ¢ ; / / / / / / / / / ¢ / / / | ’ i / f i Kings Mountain, Shelby & Cherryville / : / A /