Page 10 WALKERS, from page 2 control weight gain shelp lower your blood sugar : shelp you sleep better *reduce anxiety and depres- sion Tak estrengthen your heart _ add years to your lite erelieve arthritis symptoms e prevent osteoporosis sincrease the number of calories your body uses ehelp control your appetite eslow the aging process and estrengthen your bones ekeep joints and muscles flexible Be Safe... Not Sorry! Senior Lifestyles JOE, from page 5 ing their OA care, outcomes and overall health. "Patients who have good information and know what to expect from their OA care can ask better questions and make better decisions," said A Safe Deposit Box in our - vault means many things: e True Security for your valuables e Privacy * Peace of Mind Ask about Special Consideration given to FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS BELMONT FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION eouAL OPPORTUNITY Home Loans =) Insured Savings Equal Credit Opportunity Lender 42 Catawba St., Belmont, NC 28012 « Tel. (704) 825-9861 Dr. Elliott Pellman, rheuma- tologist and Chairman of the Medical Department of the New York Jets and Medical Director of the NY Islanders. "For example, these pa- tients are more likely to tell their doctor when a medica- tion is not working well or is causing uncomfortable side effects. More recently intro- duced medications like MO- BIC are helping many pa- tients find effective relief from the symptoms of os- teoarthritis." The Arthritis Huddle al- lows doctors and patients to work together using sophis- ticated educational and as- sessment tools available to manage OA. Some of these tools include: . What's Your Game Plan? A Joe Namath pam- phlet highlighting the most important questions patients should ask their doctors * Enrollment in CARES, (Collaborative Arthritis Research and Education Services), a program devel- oped by the University of Arizona and the Arizona Arthritis Center that part- ners OA patients with their physicians to assist them in creating their own treatment interventions by means of proactive self-management of their osteoarthritis * Nutrition tips from a dieti- cian and an interactive pro- gram to help people calcu- late their own body mass index (BMI) » Exercise tips from a fitness expert who specializes in ex- ercises for people with os- teoarthritis "As a component of the Arthritis Huddle, CARES provides doctors with quali- ty, up-to-date data on their individual patients’ progress and gives patients a better understanding of their dis- ease," said Dr. David Yocum, CARES Director and profes- sor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and di- rector of the Arizona Arthritis Center in Tucson. "With the detailed and unique information gained from CARES, doctors and patients can make appropri- ate adjustments in their treatment and overall os- teoarthritis management strategies, which may in- clude a combination of exer- cise like swimming or stretching, weight loss pro- grams, occupational therapy, pain management or a num- ber of other approaches." Patients who enroll in CARES may be eligible to re- ceive a 15-day trial prescrip- tion of MOBIC®, one of the more recently introduced NSAIDs in the U.S., after Celebrex* and Vioxx**, that is indicated for the relief of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. MOBIC has been available in the U.S. since April 2000, and has been used for several years by more than 45 million pa- tients in 100 countries worldwide.1 MOBIC pro- vides a balance of efficacy and safety for osteoarthritis sufferers and costs about 20 percent less than Celebrex and Vioxx.2 "As quarterback of the Arthritis Huddle, I hope to get everybody off the side- lines and motivate patients and doctors to team up and take a proactive approach to treating their osteoarthritis," added Namath. "We may have a lot to overcome, but I know from experience, that the keys to victory are deter- mination and teamwork." Doctors, patients and oth- ers interested in the manage- ment of OA can access the Arthritis Huddle resources by visiting www.arthri- or by calling 1-866-OA-HUDDLE (1-866- 624-8335). BOOMERS, from page 7 boomers in these communi- ties hang out? Senior centers may not be the satisfactory solution for the new more active generation. You will see them in the malls walk- ing, talking, drinking coffee and going back to their roots of communal societies. July 24 & 25, 2002 Because of the baby boomers’ higher educational levels, you will see them reading at libraries, forming book-study groups, teaching and working with young people. Baby boomers are a com- municative group. The Internet is a marvelous way to keep in touch, especially for those who are far apart or physically impaired. The Internet also provides the chance for this active class of people to participate in new causes and keep abreast of new innovations and infor- mation. We celebrate Earth Day, carry backpacks and reduce, reuse and recycle because of the baby boomers. Do you think this generation will put up their feet and settle into the recliner the day after retirement? I don’t think so! Look for tents pitched next to geysers and seniors roughing it deep in the woods. Many national parks, and even local sites, are handicapped-accessible for those seniors who need special devices to help them remain mobile. In addition to activities in our great forests, many baby boomers are riding bicycles. Bicycling is becoming an ever more popular sport and bicycles are now built to be ridden on both the road and . through the mountains. Gardening is another great source of renewal for those’ who hold such immense re- spect for the environment. Baby boomers’ parents were somewhat reluctant to seek advice from counselors, but their children are willing to continue the search for self-awareness, mental health and spiritual growth. They will move from gurus to psychologists. Their will- ingness to accept therapy as a means to the continuing process of self-discovery will create for them a healthy, well-balanced life during their older years. And what of spiritual growth? They regularly attended religious. services as children and the majority have raised their own families the same way. 7 X « Balloons PATSY RANDALL * Funeral » Corsages » Weddings » Bouquets » Cut Flowers WE ACCEPT Df MICE i ALL CREDIT CARDS WE WIRE Ed FLORIST INCORPORATED « Silk Flowers * Potted Plants » Fruit Baskets ° Stuffed Animals » Green Plants 704-435-9897 OR Sed RE a Si Si mans adh naan 57 RR