{ | | { i | * Page 4A The Kings Mountain Herald | www.kmherald.net Opinions... Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Yours, Ours, Others WN uote of the week... A politictan thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation. Share your Make a Difference Day project Each Make A Difference Day, millions of busy Ameri- cans set out to help others. Whether they rebuilding a play- ground or cleaning up trash, volunteers proved a universal tenet to be true: It is better to give than to receive. For that period of time, they make the world seem like a better place. What is Make A Difference Day? Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing na- tional day of helping others — a celebration of neighbors help- ing neighbors. Everyone can participate. Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Satur- day of every October. Millions participate. People who care enough about their communi- ties to volunteer on that day ac- complish thousands of projects in hundreds of towns. Anyone, young and old, individuals and groups, anyone can carry out a volunteer projects that help others. Your project can be as large or as small as you wish! Look around your community and see what needs to be done. It might be as ambitious as col- lecting truckloads of clothing for the homeless, or as personal as spending an afternoon help- ing an elderly neighbor or rela- tive. Are people hungry, home- less or ill? Are parks or schools dirty or neglected? No matter where you live, there's a need nearby. You can act alone or enlist your friends, family and co-workers. Dozens of people across the community can band together. Carry out your plans to help others on Make A Difference Day, this Saturday, Oct. 26. Be sure to take lots of pictures and share them with us in our Make A Difference Day photo album. Send your information to lib.kmherald@gmail.com; be sure to include your name and phone number. How to reach us... Stop by: 700 E. Gold St. Call: 704-739-7496 Fax: 704-739-0611 email: lib.kmherald@gmail.com To the Editor: | have known Jerry Mullinax for a very long time and his reputa- tion as a good, honest man doesn't do him real justice. Jerry has 10 years experience as a former councilman and | do believe he deserves another chance as councilman for we the peo- ple of Kings Mountain deserve the best, and, in my opinion, he is the man for the job. Thank you for your time and for the publication in your paper as to this good man's character and experience. Gayle F. Courtney Letters to the Editor To the Editor: November 5 is coming around soon and the good people of Kings Mountain will be going to the polls to vote for the candi- dates of their choice. This is what | love about America. We get to pick and choose who we want to represent us to make the right decision on how our city is run. : Tommy Hawkins married my baby sister, Kay Baity some 49 years ago. He and Kay did a great job raising their three daughters, Kim, Zena and Tonya. Tommy has worked hard all his life. You elected Tommy to the city council in the last election and he has done a great job for Ward 3 and for the betterment of Kings Moun- tain. Tommy is running again for Ward 3 councilman and would ap- preciate the support of the people in Ward 3 again. Your vote will be greatly appreciated. My name is Ken Baity and | approve this letter. Ken Baity To the editor: The Kings Mountain Crisis Ministry was established in 1990 by the Kings Mountain Ministerial Associatiom. We serve the Kings Mountain and Grover area of Cleveland County with emergency assistance such as food, utilities, rent, medicine, baby formula, diapers, gasoline, kerosene, transient ministry and many other things that may come under emergency needs. We are noticing now that some of our clients are coming from other states or other counties. Our population is increasing. Most of the time we are the first ministry that they seek assistance. | just want to say to our community a huge Thank You for all the years you have been supporting the Kings Mountain Crisis Ministry. Thank you for being a true servant. We could not do our job with- out your support. Thank you again. Iris Frady Executive Director, KM Crisis Ministry James Freeman clarke To the Editor: | have started to write this letter many, many times over the last two or three years and then not done it but | feel like it is some- thing we all need to think about. The office that | work out of is downtown. | have been here for over 24 years. | have watched businesses and restaurants come and been excited - and then watched them go and been saddened. This is just what | see every day out of my window, but it it is happening all over town. | have questioned why we as a community and town are not supporting local people and local businesses. Why would we rather drive to Gastonia or Shelby to purchase a gift or eat a meal? | know there are more choices but | happen to think we have some pretty good choices right here in Kings Mountain. The people run- ning these places are living here and are part of our community. Owners of these businesses range from young entrepreneurs to greet grandparents who are trying to provide services in Kings Mountain, so their children and grandchildren will want to live here and raise their families here. | believe that we have good restaurants, jewelry stores, florists, antique shops,consignment stores, hardware stores, and outfitter | store, a bakery, gift shops, a fabric outlet, and the list goes on and on. All of these establishments are comparable to anything in Shelby or Gastonia and some of them are much better. Why do we get in our cars and drive 16 to 20 miles round trip to shop? Why would we rather support the big box stores? You may say things are more expensive here in KMTN? | wo uld say not only are we burn- ing fuel that probably costs as much as the little bit of markup at some of these stores, we are also spending 30 minutes of our time in the car traveling out of town. I have been guilty myself of heading East and West to shop, but lately I have seriously tried to focus on shopping and eating here in town. We need to support our friends and neighbors. If we don't start now Kings Mountain will be a desolate, little ghost town, with nowhere to buy anything. So | challenge you to at least check out all that we have in Kings Mountain — shop in these establishments, see what they have to offer before driving East or West. If you have any sugges- tions on how to make shopping in Kings Mountain better, call The Main Street Director Jan Harris at 704-730-2197 or if you want to remain anonymous and there is a reason that you don't shop downtown or greater Kings Mountain, write it down and send it to PO Box 99, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 and | will do my best to get your reasons to the right people, so we an work on fixing this as a community. | am challenging all of us to shop at HOME! Stella N. Putnam To the Editor: does it to the best of his ability. He is very dedicated, en- See more Tommy Hawkins, my husband for 49 years, is running thusiastic, optimistic, sincere and a man of integrity. Letters again for Ward 3 city council. Please go out and vote Tuesday, Nov. 5. Thank you in : Tommy is 100% committed to working for the better- advance to the Editor i in. Wh i A ment of Kings Mountain. When Tommy does anything he Kay Hawkins on page 9 Folks were asked... The federal government was shut down for two weeks. SY ETE LTTE) What effect Other than the IRS office ia: being closed, no effect. did it have on Not for me anyway. you or your . Johnny Nantz family? t didn't effect me even though I'm retired military. Paul Brown None that | know of. It did- n't bother my employer or my work. My husband is on disabil- ity. We were scared to death he wouldn't get his check. And they shut the parks down. | wasn’t happy. Earnest Jones Bobbie Martin gs Published every Wednesday Periodicals postage at Kings Mountain, NC 28086 USPS 931-040 by Gemini Newspapers, Inc. Postmaster, send address changes to: P. O. Box 769, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 . Phone (704) 739-7496 » Fax (704) 739-0611 Office: 700 East Gold Street ® Kings Mountain, NC 28086 E-mail: kathy.kmherald @ gmail.com Wendy Isbell - Publisher wendy.kmherald @ gmail.com Lib Stewart - Managing Editor lib.kmherald @ gmail.com Gary Stewart - Sports Editor Dave Blanton - Staff Writer Rick Hord - Sales Manager Lisa Zyble - General Operations Manager Graphics & Composing Wayne Conner - Business Manager Kathy Reynolds - Circulation/Classified Mail Subscription Rates Payable in Advance. All Prices include 6.75% NC State Sales Tax. 1 Year 6 Months Gaston & Cleveland County $30.00 $19.50 Other NC Counties $35.00 $22.50 Outside NC $50.00 $39.00 © 2013 Gemini Newspapers, Inc.. 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