0 Vol. 1. DALLAS, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1903. No. 1. , i How The Court House Controversy Ap pears to Justice. Vlt. Editor: During the last few Weeks we have read with in terest the various newspaper ar ticles for and against the propos ed change of the county seat of Gaston county. AN UNSELFISH AND UNBI ASED VIEW OF THE DISCUSSION. We have tried to look at this question from an unselfish, unbi ased point of view; and we are constrained to say that the great force of arguments, both from a business and a moral standpoint is plainly on the side of Dallas. We are confident since the pro position has been fully discussed pro and con, that if the question of removal should be left to the voters outside of Dallas and Gas tonia the verdict would be over whelmingly in ' favor of Dallas. We believe this outside majority will more than offset the remov alists strength in Gastonia. . THE OPPONENTS OF REMOV AL HAVE THE ARGUMENT. The most conservative, sober and solid arguments have surely been presented by the opponents of removal. The circular letter of Mr. Hoffman, the communica tions of Prof. Hall, Mr. Payseur and others, practically remain unanswered. The "ooh, booh, booh-hooh," the . belittling and ridiculing-directed against Dallas and the opponents of removal are all without any force of argu ment. Such efforts to win, in se rious matters are held in disgust by honest, fair minded men eve rywhere. The praise, encomi ums and compliments showered upon Gastonia by Gaston ians smack, moreover, of too much pride, greed and selfishness, not to say bigotry. SCRIPTURE MISAPPLIED BY REMOVALISTS. In an effort to reply to argu ments against removal the Ga zette even resorts to a perversion ot Holy Writ. The Editor says In reply to Mr. Payseur: "Do not the scriptures enjoin us to covet the best gifts?" Again the Ga zette says: "Unto every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall betaken away even that which he hath." Now, who ever heard of either of the above passages of scripture hav ing a sordid, wordly application. Their meaning is purely spiritu al ; and while the cause for re moval is born in pride and self ishness, we have to use a power ful telescope and strain our eyes to see even one spark of religion on the side of the remoyalists. The Lord God knew hat( self ishness and covetousness were the most prevalent sins among men, and so he directed Moses to write, not one, but two command ments against the sin of covet ousness. THE DECALOGUE NOT OB SERVED. Does not Gastonia covet the county seat of Gaston ? Do not the most ardent removalists covet the advantages the court house now gives to Dallas ? Are not the removalists violating a great moral and religious principle ? Can any fair-minded man see any justice or equity in removal when the facts and circum stances are applied to the prin ciples of common law ? In fact when you extract the ridicnle, abuse, pyrotechnics and poetry from the efforts of the re moval agitators, the residue con tains no argument and amounts to nothing. IUSTICE. A Contemptible False Hood. The Cartoon in the last issue of the Gastonia Gazette is but an other evidence of the many dis gusting attempts to carry remov al by misrepresentations. A Jury of our county holding their session in a cow stable! Every citizen of our county well knows that any such asser tion is an infamous falsehood. e presume the genius who de vised the Cartoon was some fel low just about big enough to lie around the barn on Sunday an sketch pictures of pigs and chickens when he ought to have been at Sunday school, where he surely would have been taught that it is wicked to use his gifts, if he has any, to create anv impression which he knows to be absolutely false. And worse still, The great and truth loving Editor of the Ga zette uid'nt have room or did not care to publish "An able article from F. P. Hall against Remov al," yet it affords him great pleas ure to defame his county by giv ing space to that which he well knows conveys a contemptible falsehood. Truth loving, honest, fair mind ed citizens of Gaston county can you sanction such conduct by voting for removal, or will you not set the seal of your disappro bation on it by voting against re moval ? Dallas is as good a place to live in. even for our county officers, as any town in the county; her citi zens are honest and patriotic; her ministers faithful and devoted; her girls charming and pretty; and her schools inferior to none Material for the Morowebb cot ton mill is coming in and every thing moving on finely, so says E. L. Wilson, local manager. Xhe Removal of Couiy . ty Seat as Fairplay Views' It Mr. Editor: A few weeks ago the editor of the Castonia Gazette asserted that the argu ments against the court house removal were as scarce as hen's teeth. If his assertion is true, it seems to us a great waste of time and labor, not to say fol ly, to write and print in the Ga -zette, within one week more than twenty columns in tavor of re moval, and against "scarce as hen's teeth" arguments against removal. v ' " ' '' If a lawyer, in court, appears for a man, accused of a high crime, and the evidence is strong ly against his client, he tries hard to be as eloquent as Clay as logi cal as Webster, as long winded as Tillman and as tireless and per sistent as the editor of the Gazette, in presenting his weak case td the court and jury. On the other hand, if an attor ney has a client charged with a crime and the law and evidence are in his client's favor, but few words and little time will be need ed to present his case to the jury In fact, the lawyer knows his case would be reasonably safe in the hands of the court and jury without any argument, on his part, at all. In the case of Dallas against Gastonia, the preponderance of evidence and justice seems to be on the side of the former, and we believe the btvdv, honest citi zens of Gasto T ill rally to the support of Dal.Jiin this str iggle. PROP ERTY d! PRECIATION. The Gazette! argument that property in Dallas has already depreciated surely does not mean that real estate in Dallas should be further depreciated by mov ing the court house and making Gastonia the county seat. Doubtless the greater part of the decline in real estate in Dal las has been caused by the con tinual agitation kept up by the removalists. How then can a man in Gastonia have the gall to tantalize Dallas on property de preciation? If you see a gentleman falling will you try to restore his equi librium, or will you kick him headlong into the ditch? If such a one should be your enemy, and your heart were ,filled with mal ice towards him you might be tempted to give the fellow a fin ishing kick, cut, it the tailing man is an inoffensive person who has simply stumbled over an ob struction put in his way by de signing, self nteres ed agitators, you will, like a gen .leman and a christian, reach out your strong arm to protect him from falling. Do you see the aj plication? If so, then vote with tae people of Dallas against removal. Dallas has already been ii jured by re moval agita;ors. A FEW GOOD REASONS. Under tha caption; "some re marks on r;moval " the Gazette says: "Nobody, absolutely nobody up to the present time, has given one solitary reason why the court house should not be moved . Gastdnia-" Let us see. Dallas was locaU, by $ur forefathers who it is posed knew their business. Tt town is beautifully situated in near the center of the couv ' The citizens of Dallas has bobgnt property, built haav and settled there chiefly bec?.u it was the county seat. If ; t moval is effected their prope; will be greatly depreciated; the . trade will be seriously injure, their hotels will be ruined; an.i their schools will be sadly criL pled. Gaston county has recent ly rebuilt the jail at Dallas at it cost to the people of thousands of dollars. A large part of this is still unpaid. The court house is in the center of a beautiful square and can be enlarged and made up-to-date with less than one fifth the cost to the tax pay ers of a sufficient court house at Gastonia. The people of Dallas solidly oppose removals and we are confident that three-fourths of the voters outside of Dallas and Gastonia are against remov al. We think we have here men tioned a few reasons against re moval, and if the editor of the Gazette lived, with his earthly effects, in Dallas instead of in Gastonia, he could easily more than double the reasons we have given above. Respectfully, FAIR PLAY. Seven Falsehoods. 1. Judge Shaw condemned the courthouse last term. 2. The people will make an ef- i fort to have the court house con demned next May term. 3. Dallas Township has six miles of macadam road. 4. The court house in Dallas is the worst m the State. fi 5. The man paid 50c to get his cow down. 6. The county paid the clcajj ing up. 7. Vote for removal and we will give you a mar. .:;m road by your door. Up-To-Date Style. In order to keep up with the Gastonia program of expense and extravagance, it will be necessa ry for our jurors from the farms and workshops to attend court in up to-date wearing apparel-stove pipe hat, Prince Albert coat and creased pants. Mr. A. L. Ifulwinkle's note in the Gastonia News in regard to Judge Shaw's statement does not say a single word about indicting the county commissioners, yet, why does the News make the comment it does. Condemning Court houses, and Indicting coun ty commissioners do not necessa rily follow each other, nor do they mean one and the same thing. Who was it that said "we have money enough raised to buy eve ry opponent of removal in Gasto nia township?" Gentleman, we are not for sale.

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