in- til T" 1 v. . lb ff '- f-t J p- f r -- 4 . . co7) I: TT . J" f Tr O T, Z)T COTTAGE J 1 -J Li. - " . 7v7? 7v'' : i( tftol pvr vn Jif. irtSettxAj t iff cents per line, fur 1. thu first iifertion. and 5 cfcft for each xiibscaucni ins'crUoii. , I " ' .v Fo.l.rihbii'iUiicing a c.'n"tlM;ite fr firiCf,"1." : $3 J'jwark. fXpc"4lel utiil;, -at prices corrtspon. I To Youns Men is easier to l2 a.rood business man titan i '.V- i. . . "."'"''-,'.-.!''( - . ; V.'. a imor one.'. Ilulf the .energy displayed in 1 i ! 1' 5 1 ,1 i "J ,, i whcij bcldi,d".Wi!l save cu dit, tvo more, tim, to buness, and M to life profit ai.d rcMita, ! filW11 ; I ' aC"? as lion if your word ' Honor your onenuu.ts. 1 UKurk, n.nny a 1v,or,! deluded s6ul. has . fan ir .1 '. ,!.. .. !eicd to screen himself from the arrows ofje- i! thii at1 a cei;taiu inunient, be read at the ! l,,0Vfln- - , U A apiutcdjime. " I?'yn haic wo.k todo,duiti 1 1 k""ow of.V.ut one way by which; this lse j5 " astoticVdrterVullv, and therefore "more speedi- jdeuee may be rcinovcd. And will that gk- atteiiil promptly to the matter on hand, "! mid! Y1,cn shall go .forth ncin and thenksT.ivmnth-V., about vo'nr own- Lumiicss .lto ,0ifit uliea he. shall rideK.iiiglof nr.tijms : Do nU.fctop to tell :uiic in busings hours. . if ( King t-f . saints, and his follow ' Ifvo.i of i imsinkv be ' found ;cnu. .in vtry truth, 'epistles, of Christ , there! when wanttd. Xo man -can get rich by j written with the Spirit of th? living God." sittinir rouird &to!'es arid ahLns. . Never - '. . 1 ! A'' iU; ''fooij on.bnincs's matters. If yon have to labor for a Uvimr, remember that onelmur in the itiwruinr i-' 'vjtler tian two at niht. If ycu fmploy others, h.s o: . '.ham.l to soe that tliertratte!rd t tlicir dnlies, and to direei with reuhirity, proinpines-rtinl lihuality. Do not - meddle-with -Knv bus!r.""ts you Ivnow nothinir cf. (NeveVbwv anv article fimr.N because the man that hull's it will take-it out in trade. Trade ! monpy. is, money. A gnoA business. habit and reputation is alwtivs mo:;- Make viur 'phiee of busims pleasant! Air 'and :it tractive! ; tlm.i stay tliere to wait 011 ctis tomers, V" Never use :Mc!; word, or allow yourself to rnakj;. IfaVty oV ungentlemanly rentttiksy Itoi thivf in vonri" rmpbiv Tfoi-to do so lessens t!ei ijc?p"ect for you ami your influence over then H .el l; yourself; -aril otiiers will help you. Be; fi'thful over the' interests couliued to yc ur k'.'opi'ig, and all in good time your res- ' ',a : . -.;i '; .. . i : poneioilities will be iuci eased. Do not be in too "great hasto to get licit. Do not build until you have arranged and'Inid a good lmid atin. hot ys y hope to work for suc- Ccss-j-fpV'ml time in. idleness. If your time is Voiir pyii, business will suffer, if you do. If it is given to another for piyj-it belongs to him, j and ym haveho more right to steal that than to steal j money. ; je oougmg. eiiiv 10 id harsh words knd personalities. Do not avont harsh words ant per kick every stone ii the path ; more miles can he.niado in a day by going) steadily on thartj by stopping ti kick. Pay -as yon .go. A man of honor respects his won! as he tloes his bond. Askj but never beg. Help others when 'ou .can, ibut never. give when vou eaii not afford to, simply because it is fashonablc. ,.Leam to Hfy .n- Xa:n6fv5tv of snapping. t oiit d(g fashion. but'Fav-it .nrmtv-and,' feih'eetfnllvi Ilavlg' but few confidents', and the "fewer the better. Use5 y oar own brains rather than those of others.- Learn to thiuk and act for yourself. Be vigilant. Keep ahead, rather than behind the time. ..'.' ; A'onng men, cut this out ; and if there" is folly in trie argument, let- us know. The Warld's Bible- Did yoa ever read the yorldV Bible, my friends ? " ' J ." ' ft ! All, yes ! you have read it J often.; , Per haps it is the one; you havo chosen, and per haps! yon have renounced it long ago.. The world's Bible is not aperfect one.! It is full of faults and foibles. - One part teach- cs one thing: another something very different. One -chapter or verse, teaches, perhaps, ; that, there, is ho harm in occasionally visiting ; the theatre and other places.of amusement.; !,' Another, that th i meetings of the Church for '; prayer " are of little importance.' Another ,1 : thai J.herc is -surely no wrong in spending, Vj mivh time in outward, adorning. AVhile yet ; another passage, ,.1 sweeping over the whole j; ground; demands general outward conformity . 1. 1 tri 'the . vrxjsldi but inward coniormitv to v mm 11 ( '-jT T t V oTthc vr it Hr-SouViirgo' to Itim'in jour, anxiety, ami - i vaJt- ;r. ! ' . . ''Sly friend,. I ear yonr. snuVU in' danger , t,.want (a nrjrc yovr, as one ' who 'loves yoqr s6ul, to become Tecoucilcd: -to' God' be- will reply , " " . . j .. I3nt, sir, T think yonr anxiety is gTound Ws. I intend to do abont rii'ht. If I were .to follgw llic example of Chriitians, I am very ure Iliould do no better than I do now. j 1 don't sec but I am qnito as etuc of heaven as tlev are. Ah ' there is his Bible in one sliort: sen.- tencc. the example f ..Christians. '' ! A Bible, do you say ?! So it i Bnt Capabilities of Housekeepers- ! I declare that the woman who is able to systematise '"arid crry on, emeothly , tho . work f. culinary family illusttate.5 higher sagac ity than is called for by seven -eighths of the tasks done by man. Men take one trade and woik at it; a mother's and houEelceener's work requires a touch fOr. all trades. A man has his Hiyk hours and his definite taks ; wp- man. has work at ail tiours ana ineesixini con fusion of tufcks. - i 1 .j""' i .'Let any man. do a woman's w'oikjfur a fin ale day wash and 'dress, the children, having (provided their clothes the night defore J fault findin'' husband : the wash-boiler on wiui wa iter for the wash, and the clothes assorted Iready for washing ; j the :dish water heating, and Ix luncheon thonht out for the; school go t'.rs; a nice dinner in the good man's dimmer pail ; the beds made aUer airing, and the bugs foughtofl an 1 kept down ; father's conveni ence exactly hit for 'family prayers ; the sys tematic sweeping of the house at least once a week, and of living' jroo'ms once to three times a dav, according to the number of men to ?nS i "icxuau i uw actuui waning una " j - Ji -r and aud to-morrow, the ironing the amo ; the sorting and mending of them, and provision of uew ere the old give out; the making of bread 'three' tiues a week, with cake and pies intercalated judiciously; pickles, preserves, and cellar stores to be laid in t and notfori;otten in their season : children's man- hers to be attended to; company to be eutev tr.iug:her owrt jpersou to be tidied up to .- . ' ' .J-TJ- ' ' " . -- '. 1..,' ',!' waited on by less tired iiEk, and.thc home made cheerful, his troSvsers to be patched alter he goc." to bed, 4so he can put j them on In the morning:"; the children to be helped about their lessons and reminded not to foriret their 1 ' ; :......-."( . " Sunday-school lesson ; the shopping aud mar ketiug to be done for Iho household ; repairs attended to, and matterSj in general kept straight around home. Meanwhile "papa must not be troubled cr. hindered about his workjn because his work brings the money. Yes man's work brings the money, hut man's work does not tax the head aud heart aud hands as a woman's work doe. Besides all this, man is 'lielpcd j by many strong. relishes aucl incentives iu his labor. He is-out in the-world among folks;-.He comes andgocs and is refreshed in spirit-! But wo- man works aloue, and is almost unknown. To please'her husband aud her God l is possibly hurpnly motive ; and alas, how j many wives there, be who sob in sectet beforc their Go.l because they fail to win one smile or word- vf; ' v - 1 ! ! . mi" praise from their husbands: It is f tupid nnd LlaCcd him there is less of responsibility and brutal forauy oidinary man to be finding):,. u- care than in the hiMer position as- fault With Woman.: Rev. T K. JScecher. . . Why ought tfqtors to be happy Because their work is xdl play . r I Of 0.', 1:", I CI.! , r 1 Vi i U . . " ''I Si I i 1. death came, a new ieiv f life) his own im mortal lifo. broke upon him.' Now h e must thinli J God. There was no escaping from it. -No worldly company, no cup of. indul gence, no . scene of inirih could hide him fi rm its presence. " And whit a thought to a dying world linj;! Breaking in with its iron neces sity, in all its qwfnl tenors, upoa a soui'whtch has ever, been a .stranncr to it! How must it take possession of the wlude being, causing the deepest agony of Vp'rit ! ' Worldly man ! carelo man ! man of bui- nes?, or pleasure! remember, you must think of Qod! TIjcre is no avoiding t. The only choice permitted to mi is. vhni. - will voii think of h'.m? Will you think of him note, while the Savior offers mercv, while he in vites you to immortal bleWedncss and glory. andhvhilc health and strength remain ? or will 'yon.wait tdi the last hour of death, when nope, Uiougn u impels nm, yti lingers "iuijtnnieii jJi;r. fuCu to tjie waU aUt VOpt TJ(C a dying radiance, ami is almost hopeless .: or eternitv has scaled vonr everlasting looiu ? When, O, worldly man will you think ot God? Yon mustUhink of him. It 'is part of your lifei to think of him, for, n? his mature, he has surrounded you with himself, and made himself indispensable to your highest life. The best time, be assured, fry lent tinieiA this very moment, a yonr oye glances on these chords. Think of him lioic. EcansilUi. ' - Tho Brifrht Sido Out. , viile, a liitld nrlnmir4ci.jW3i.,4lyi:ig. The,nin r.i ?1;.fi; .i-.f,; matted brown hair was pushed lack from the white brow, er.d in his , wasted, thaggard fea tures lis fond mother, if sho lad teen him, would scarcely have. rt'cognizedthe. handsome, merry-hearted boy who, a shoit time before, made pleasant sunshine in jucr widowed home. " Manly and patiently lad' la tattled with the hardships of hi prison lift, never com plaining and never despairing, but hunger andi. exposure 'of every kind hal "done their work too well, and therefore hs could not es cape terrible sufferings. But -ui- kind hear, enly Father, who never leaves us here to puff er more than is for our good, scut a gentle messenger, the angel of mercy, to " bear ; his brave spirit to "his house of many mansions' The blue eyes uncksed, the ipala lips mov cd, and the comrade bent his head to " catch his dying words. .. j - " Put the bright side out t V mother," he I said;- arid one more prisoner ivnsjrco . The 'faithful comrade bowtd his head -.and .wept, and said, bitterly, to himself, 41 ALs! what ' fide . in this terrible'' prison lile" 13 bri-htr Beyond the gloomy stockade, the dumtmcr hoy was laid to reft, and the life of his com rade was spared to tell the fci&d story to the lonely ; mother. , . - , . Do you not think, in that hour of terrible trial, that it was a great joy to the mother to know that her son was'irae nu patteui, and true Laud that, amid all his Fullering, he remembered her, and wished to Kpare her all possible pain ? LittU Cut oral.' " What Am I Fit For? There is only one method by which a! young man can discover. wlit position in hie he is best fitted to occupy. Lie must try. He niay be qualified to plan, t; lead, to con trol, cr his talent inny Le simply executive, and of the kind that a.ssoV.b in cat ring out the ideas of other men. In either case his aid h needed iu the vast and diversified fltid e-f la bor presented by a great and growing country. Thc i,eaa and the hand are equally reqnUitc in cvery branch of science and business, iu all very b the pursuits of actual life. If the man who is merely exert of hand stands, or seem to stand, on a lower level than he who mean ilsrirel? and wis lrt let him nit repine at tlwt. For ... tue ltBUe- xvherc his catiaciiica Lave L;....-. , rvnirrfnl nft rmnnrvliniwir. intellects. Having found h ' tmv placo in the great coiiimonweaith cf, luduftry, let the yvung man cling tn it, and not allow himself ,to bo. piompted . by p!asr.b.e stones ;a.nd 1 1 r- r - . s,' I '.'.'Her father,'." 'with a very satl heart, told ItU Jittle girl the truth. Then her rilc face grew very sad, nnd the mued awhile on the dark craves "sho had sometimes louked down into, when , the people were buried. 4Papa,' she -said mournfully, "the grave looks very da lk. Oh, it is very dark, indeed! Para, won't voir 20 down with we into lT . That strong arm she had been accustomed to lean on seemed to her a safeguard in every hour ol dread acd daiiger. ; ; , With a bursting hcurt Irr Lther told her he could not' go with her till the Lot d culkd him. ", won't you kt u'.amma go with ir.c?'' If she could nestle close in that loving bosom, ami ftei ti10&e loviugrms around lur, the j.ravc WOuld le its -loom. . Ti; sni.v atver it u:lm,st b,vke the father's heart to give. She ,joar h,it, had been taught o Jesus, Mid she poured her heart out to him in a child's full fa:th. $00:1 hhe looked up with n j"y-!igi.tfd face and saidr . l'ap.i, t!ie garve is not dtk now. Jcitis will go with me !" Tit LittU l'vli:. Ada and Frank. Ada was eight,, and Frank x y;r6old, when their father bought them each a book for a Ncff Year's gift. One book was full of .T!!VtJ:ps, aii'I r tl.cretore ...Letter '-Jiilifca by loil.UMrtg tksc north lim!-s, lotic 5 other, ow, it was to, be decided who must be the owner of it. ."Who shall have the one full of pictures?" asked the father. ' i ' Ada who was standing hv her father, uith her arm round her little bother, histautly re plied : " u I should like Frank to have it, father." "Why, mv little girl?" 1 ' liecause i always lcei nappier wi.en tic have his things when I want them." -Vell, Fraiik,nvhat do you ay V ' "I wish Ada to have it, father; she is ah way.- so kind to me, and shows me her thing?, and lets me dojust as I please with them. i After a short contest, ,wl.iich endeared the little ones more than ever to their father, it was decided that Ada should have it. Little Frank evidently felt more ; plead than -Ada did; he was delighted to give the bcst cf every thing to his kind and gentle sister. . How much happier home" would bo if con tents! like this were more frequent! If earthly parents are pleased to fee their children thug coufendin?, how much more pleading must it be to our Heavenly Father! " Litlc children, love one another." Su,idjf school Visiter. - "It is I; Bo not Afraid0 siAnarrr xrr. 27. Tosctl with fot!h wiinl, ami fai.t wilh. fear, Above tUu teuif Cfct, tuft an4 cler, What ktill email accriitn greet miue r 1 . j " TU I; Le liOtaf.ahl. j : , ' . 'Tin I, ttho lead ihy tep nrlglit ; Tts I, who gare thy Wind rye kII.I ; . 'Tis I. thy Lord, thy Lic, thy Light ; ! 'TwI; ba act afraid. . I " ' - Thvse rginj winds, tkii iisrgirj sr, Coir not a I rratU of vrath to ta. e ; ThatkWiDi all ben fpLt tn 'Tis X ; be uot utrajd. .. i Thi Litter tup, 1 drank it first ; To ihce il i Bo -Jrwught accurst ; The han'l list gin- it tl.f i pierced: .Ti I ; be uot afr-lt. Mine ryes re tr.-itelilr by iby y dt Minc arm art uMt ruealh thy I ed, Jly bU$ing is a.uund the kl: Ti I ; be nfiai.l. T lien on the olhr f iu, Iby feet S!aJJ rt-s t tiili tht:fi:d wcUbmi tweet, Oue well known voice thy heart k:t p rnt; j rTu I ; bui t frKid.M 1 From oa the 6tizz'h ra' jety, G-.tly Ilf 'll Uj bund on ihee, . v l.isperlnc Ecloted, IotM toa me 1 Twas cotia vaia I died fr ih; ! Tli Jibe cot afraiiL- . i 'nr 1 ' .1 , ni: C r : ,1 v. "Hi t 5 1 n we have ubthing to do with it Ocrth jagbia , ; opinion, and be able to sustain irifelligent conversticn concerning the mental, tnoraVaTiu religious improvements cf bur tiuK-s. Let tho gilded annuals and poems on the center-table be kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals. Let the whole family, men, women r.r.d children, read i.ew.4-.apMS. r Ezehaiifc . - Frrra . tb Si --.ur.!. vLOSD SAVE ME." j Peter, praver when sinking en Cttlike. A LlLt(lc fur Cve:v who is bron-ht to bend the knee; for, ' . " 1st. It ""knocks at the light door. It is not an appeal to the minister or the church, v? any pior.s friend. Jft is a carrying of the e; direct to 'headquarters. It is the whis pering of the anxious eouI light into the di vine car. Its Hrat uttcr-iiC2 leaps siraight to heaven. - ; 2nd. It asks for the mot essential thing. The desires of the human soul are number less. But when conviction presses they artf reduced to one. What is earthly gain, or good, Or joy wheu an immortality of MseoT- ne.s is at stake ? Get falvation. nnd'everr that the suppliant cries. 3rd. It asks for the right .person. No time to plead for any ona .br.t fcelf. . It is these hands that are defied. These feet that have strayed. -Thin heart that the burden iies en. These lips that have, been praycr lcs. This soul that is sinking. u Lord save m.w Jlay many make the petition theirs, and fmd the blessed answer. "V. - - -: ' '-''- ' v The Kscx (Mass.) Manner ;jiserts that small cpiantitics of sunflower teed, mined with the food of a horse, will impart a fine gl to his hair, while it is. ah-b a certain" cure for founder, if given immediately after, the ailment is discovered. In the latter case, aboat a pint ol seed should be mixed Avith the oats or chop feed, wheu a cure w ill be effected- . The Welsh Frintor. God blesses thoso who obey Him. Fome- times jt requires great firmnet "and decision to be obedient to His comaiands, but rich re wards follows. ; . A Welshman and his wife came from Kng land, and took up their residence at Sn " Francisco. The man was a printer, and at' once: fought for ttnplovment . at h;a trde s ;, h . He was plcaumt iu speeeh, a kD?fol work man, and a conscientious Christian one likely to prove a Valuable servant to any cm ployer. - f , , : He walked thc streets and mingled -with' l? giojipsl e saw there ; and at length ad. dressed a civil looking roan, who was reading a newspaper,-and aked him whero it was printed. 'Take it, straagcr, aud tee.1 "Thank you." - , Looking d Jtrn the col am as of the paper jut given him the San Francisco Daily 'Xiur he saw th;s advertisetscat : Wanted, a gyxl printer. Apply &t the oGce iif thi p.ipr. . . In a few tniur.tes Jcnes stood in tho prca- . ence of the foreman, and would at onco havo - been tnedf but he said, "I canme go, iuto the office, sir, except on one conditicn. "What 14 that ? .What an advance, month Ir. eh V ' ' . No ; my condition is tliat yort necr cx ct mo tu work on the Sabbath.n " The mnna-er smiled, whistled, toot trpa fulio and hn.ked iuto it,f md then, glancing keenly at Jones, he said, "Can't areo to that," : .. Tbcn." the good printer, "I caa't bc" g;a worV.M and our concerns shouU be for' (he , present ' 4t -vrorld j to ktiiW what it - island inprvc the j ' condUlcu cf it. Let her lavct an iutelligcat ? m - t - 1 . i , i 7 i . i i w - 'i . , I I" 1 ' ; r . ' i , : . i 1 ' t - 1 r II

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