J j t v x. I r V i St 5 V -f4 , SA :- IJ l! 'i y ; ! !& io2St& lFinance re'porVW UVentyaLr follaiia fifty- " T'HE..SUNBE AM ' ,' ' ! H E'.A R' T -T-:. :r:.: .. ..fire cents pablisliiiiSmiuQte3.. a ) !. ' '. t . M INUTES H ..5 M-O Kl E , . 4 'lr."- - .-. .rOp.TflE t ' 1 ! ' V'V voniniUteoonabbOth-SchooIs submitted the following : ' l puwiMied every month for the Upli&l and - - 'VV .'Yo -W Sabbh.gdiU. of Atu-ric,. oa-ibefol. ! .IV. I: - , I 4 f i 'lis n f i- ' ! - '' -:-' ;:k -i:l:V5 - vKAm m '- ''''.' :,- . i j"-ii..'43- ;; - ' -', ' .-J. ;;; . ; ' ' r.H,;..: .; v :-;r-: ii . ; r H-i'. -!:- : -..' Siv'-'.';.':-'- .:. ',.fv. -1 ? v. t- -. -,-.;t; ; j-. .. alivo to the importance 'of the work'.''1 But mariv thronzb indolence;! ' ' ;rliiiiIS : 't -.';; .Vf: .. R7 pTJifhTTT :w.: i XV U A importance ' OE THE; .IJOfTT'l T?-fi?ir some .other jause are not engaged in it- . Brethren is it uot Uuic 1 One Copy foronVyear, 7 ' "l u;,r5oti. that we tro forward m this hejivnn-lrrt und- hPATpn.bIesscd "work. 1Z Z. 1 . -J ''v.n.i ;w.d'.. ki.jl l l n . ' and have schools in everj:prtand parcel of. the country ;' and let .110 CostT"; tt--, MJiDl ii), !1 . onccfilSiself .excused -from-beinfr eoHBtantiy 'active in tlie.'Worki Vk'''- -,. OO. &P1I As to the kind of school and libraries, rve rtconimend iheAmcncan' I :a :: ftP TCI 0P)&T 7fi CTDT?' Sunday-Sdiool Union plan;: .u :"... ;. . ... , ., a J. ..i I t. teTPAYHET ALWAYS in ADVASCE.- -Ax iLHTSTjaiTtD TTTtiLT or Fixtic IU?b . s-mc Folkj rcti roa-Taf rarrd,cGardon andTiresldo, ' ? ; ' Doit ald o. rarcinxu : ... 4. HELD WITH - j 1 ;'"Aftpr""r?mark5lyfJ. C.5anis,!D;B.2Tcfson, and ,Jio. Aiamons, ?eail .Street, j;;'- thefferfwas.abocd. ;. " : v.- .mV;, 1- , . ..7,' -Wi '-f ; IUr. Itufu I ; The. following en Education was adrted : ' ' '' . Your Comruittce are happy to see the spirit of education so T.bt sent for the Salem nU,. Vj ff MA11"1.0 rnrnr XJil?a Lao..Ncw ,Yurk : or !, HtAUTH .ANIMIOMC roreU with onlrerl f Prry Uroutlyn' Box CO- Tor (rooi all cUe ofrD, la tornndettm ' try. v 'i ' i;'n; r -rin r , ? I 'T-inr . .. H AYAVOOIV, rOTTNT TV. r? i. , .1 ..-if. 1 ore valeut anion cr the hrclhren: bnt wonld be iJad la see nore interest r'-;! ' ''I ;- --1wV i : : . - ,;j H taken. '.-.'Xhere tare as'cootl minds in these mountains aVanv wlicre r."'- ?-: AiTlfirinaiT--''- .rfrTntlSh s . U'st?and7186 lir.i'-- ! J It , but Uiey need cultivoS. WhAyeVacVritlars . , v U4"wCL.i - -' . 'i I HiH Collecre, conducted by competent instructors. Fine s Creek ItoTifeT vnucciii Friday, August Gth, 18C9. w 11 ii r ' Y,.Vv IlivikJlr ;r .r rt-'i o ?"5t -i4 , ... . . 'Vr e would, therefore, encourage the brethren 'to1 use iffrlf, the , j w - - v w f 1 Amnions from jExod. 14 : 15. J ? hi i"--. . i .wrrri.v ... tofie tvrV, the Eeligious an Fainhy'lTerTipapef, ! l ' ,u.uai uaau, on especially - to -give-vo.ne-.suojcci -p kiyy. Jt DtEaiotAjapr., minibtcrial cducation; that attention which the subject demands, as . icn Haptiat Fne Mioiou Socirtj. 27 I'jtk .. i .u VVUIV IIIIWII tti IO uivwai kv 1 f 1 V V4 vi'a ICU. ILJ 1 II lot v t a I After a recess of thirty minutes the delegates assembled mii the m, r ' 1 -! !v i . , :i rt; ti ! - in order: to meet the demands of the a:e aud defend the faith once 'I lia MnJorolnv lnH I'lrn-I hnm. 171.1 T 1- T ..TT7?1 1 ' I O , V i . ri . ' . . aeliveiea to the saints. t:aiieu' to xue cnair,-Bttata.r'iioun inmons to act as secretary, pen ding, the Dgaizatioh.v;rT7h;-:a;.C3T . j .UlHejAJO.r-ajiofiheConM.Ii.Uted" k , 'A'mcrican'IapltitMissiutary' ' CuavrLiiou.. T. J. MURPHY, Chm'n. EDITOI12. T 9 fc r . . ; Devotional exercises were; condiaed by ld. W, Eiisly. j j , Ihe report on Tcmpcfance,.as.oJ4niltc and after reuiks by Rad letters! from the 'churchWan NewFouni S. FrisbyI. Will V .r.S? rejoice at the igem .cU jt't'tYW : m . ' : j f was considered consistent vith the character of a Christian is past. I , NATHAN BROWN, JOHN DUER, KUUr. L. PERRY. T r . . sony D. . Blanton; 0AVilliam8.-''r" '. " . ; 1 7 ' ' ; j p - was considered consistent vitli the ' -Sprino Ciieek; J. CaseAV. Case. recommend the churches to'tc TqnKY CiiBWohn aram. N.' E. Treadwav. ; ! 'J tion of discipline, and leave a gooi (.1lat Cbeek.S. Morgan, J. C. Sam?? . Davis. ' ' follow. j Bethel;?. Ple'mmons, B. C.-Creasman7lTBTlkIITeirrX. - ... TEEMS: :" Dollars ycr Auw, in:A dcenc. . . , u t 7 C L'it'Jd' i ' Any person sending nl in dTnce $ for four to fcc very cafefariir'th(h-admniisitra. new permanent siibachbera, U eutitlcd.tu a copy good example for those . that sUall Sr" lor one yt-jir. 1 . ; . C. WILLIAMS, Chm'n. p ;'ARTHUR?S-. HOPilS'T Destitution was received, discussed, amended, and tVa 'nrVvT'ri'' 11 : i ., 8 II 'd li 01 . .5 ' MAGAZINE, . MusttH. Davis!;.:. V f f ' :V 1 . ji " Yon Committee repOTt-dctitoIaX)t' -Baptist . ra?)PS. Shntin , x . .v , ,Kor.l8G9. .."-a".-?!, Buchner. Vx ' " w Vj ?J ' 'CrtckViiiiMadisbn county White .Oak and Stephens Creeks' in ' ' V,:;A' J Is0nA-'J?nds'- Uay,vopdrand a portion of Reenf, Crcck'-and-Flatn Creek, in u. The report on iadopted. Ingle. Pine Creek. -I. Roberts, M..A. Goforth. A. J. Roberts, J. oitKS o Sandy Mush. H. Davis! . G ABitiEij's Creek. Liberty' Hill. -C ,AENcn pROAp.-J otift Miles. ; . ' ' - - Buncombe county. ! : giwn it uch Jong aod Xavoiabie .rrgard. 3itt tb ;:":! JXO. MILES, Chm'n, ; KdT'm. MORGAN UtLL.John ,Ammons. H. Ball, .J..PA Morgan, J. P. V,, ' ' .i. ,1" x, , V rit w u i 'Ihe Gialmms jrnd the Arojsirongs" to begin Jn- KilpatVick.;c;T" . Pri; , . Th.e P? on ra'er wa.3 submitted by ltdder A right, and A SERIAL STOUY, by Virginia '1. Ibwu-i i.;nir.:. g ti1 ' vt c . i t . m i. auer.remaiKsoy cj.; lorgan.vvnimousivwwen,' rigni.Dianron, siu, . ...... . . - -ai ViEWb.Pap, N. Stanley. : , ; j ..; LnAhVrLr VZZa W' " " "'i ' 4 SIX NCW TEMPERANCE TALES, 'by' tbt auth IVINS Ureek. IS. Green, J. II. Green: M. N. Justice' Ml- M. " V' . V . ...... . . or of "IVu ANi&hta i. a Bar Room," Sparks, E. C. Kenyon, R.j Justice. . f. f : . "if It contain e trety VeeVf rlgiir! anieVraibr th b-t Amerlraa 1 rilert. each t bU uuu depart- ment, on farming v r . PL AXTIN'fl. ?J y OUL.TllV, RAIDING, PLANS OP COCNTUX UP.MR3. , RRAL ARCHITECTURE. ' ' ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, . ,t , FHU1T GROWING,. ' ' ; FLO'.VLU CULTURE In ibi LiU'rarT.PvpAttmcait it includes tU- tL.-ic vl original n ading lur all ir.ri.il r of the fVrdljr : AilYeutore bjf Cr uu LiuO. Pure uia Llckii. Stories, Sketches, Biographies, Poems, etc. HRX3. aiowc, GRACE GREENWOOD,- ' " -aiRS MARV E. DODGE, cooiribate rvgnUrty, and the wriicr In tha country will consunilr enrich this department. ' THE BOYSASD GIRLS , will be specially provided for, and wilt find their i-wii pagV always lighted withfuuin piclarj- atd fun in feluriei, so t-iiyeird with goad trchu? that we hoj to rualte tLcta wiser aiU belter 'whil o inak them nn-rricr. u ;. , TO ALL WHO LIVeIx TITE 'COUNT RV We IiOjk; tu bxioii.Ej8ertaictuen';,-ftound Trachlng, and Valuable Saggi-siions. 'I TERMS r021B9. ' 4 JPlesast.GroysGWv JGreca, EM. Messer, J; II. Mcssor. M. Green. I hnn itri , n L- r n w W n ll.n .-Vnn N i...fnirtrt r 1 ,nil1A rrt ra I 4.' i 1 1 1 .'if A nTIVfl fill 1 IT 1 of . lrJoo . t.n i.M..r.. : n ;., a I DE. by an Americau Udr. ' ; . ' .. .... . . , IWaidea .a Urge variviy of original Storm, roemj. nw vuuu uvaiiu nivviv. Laiiuub iuu otiwn i nil uioa a i iikvu iiiu i .Avifirj. nnM i j u i hi inyi f ui-riir.rs .iriiiri iriiin o ! n -r -r -r. : , L 1 i . professinrj; comniuuity. as it ts the "rent means, iff connection with l"c r6 ;''"f.. "rt:V r., rJ J J FishefSaiTTUUW- - : .. ocKion, thp pteache(d-vord, by the Redeemer s . lnguoni DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 'Num.. will Uciu.je Fiftr . ' .. 1 ' i . -i . . -i , in the earth 1 wy ot Alakii.g Wh-t,'Rye, and Corn Ured; Fif- Mount. Ple$ ant. T. Brigt, A. PIemmons,.T.. Case, J. P.-Price -iv ,,1,' . .'.J, 4. , ., n r ' ... , .;, ty ways of Cooking Mcata.. Fifty. vji of T3I..kh.g Ma r s ii a l 1 . lctoJ J;f; TH:5 ; i; . V ! , ;.Ve nM.not neSct the familj altar, for it is there our children j?o0llJna yaUds" Fifty Way ot CooklngFiiU ,Cany FoRKi-fQeo. '"Rimsoy. r 7tn ITttt i T 1 T J .3 Elected Eld, J. 11; Vijd Moderator and Jno.? Amnions Secretary. Correspondents were received viz i-: , -j. f: From French Broad Association,' Eld. jr. J. Murphey with (nlin- Tuckasiegc;E!d's I. DJ Wright, W. Ensley, Ed: 'BrendJe, D. B. : nelson. ; , , .. . ; .; .1 Salem Eld. N. Bowen. i ' i ;' " ;j; Appointed. Committees. . , : ":A '.!'.. On Preach Ing. J. C. Samsy J. Wilson, ;N; M.; Williams with t . , ti uuiegnies oi ins Kjrceii ijhurch. ; ,:. ., , j--, , , ARRANGbENT.S. Morgan, L; Plemmons, J. J; Fox with the Moderator and Secretary. t V: - j"7 Finance J. P. 'Morgan B; C. Creasman:- M isson?.- John Parham, Ed; Brendle. , J SUNDAYBcflooLs.:J. C. Sams, W. i)nsley.: 1 j , ' TirERUcz. 0. .Williams; C M. Green.V '''' ' 11 Destitution. John Miles; A. Plenmions. Pep.ioii0al J.;Ammons, P. Plenimons EbucATioN. J Murphey S. N. StocktQii. -i, V I'V Psa Jamcs JPIemnions,-; 1. D. Wright, S.'Moibafil 4 ? . uippomtea "uorresponaents.',- - , , .:, To Fkenci Broad Eld.'J. iPIcmmotis, L. Deweeso and breth rcn S. Korgan;, j; C, Sams, P M.: Morgan. U - ! ' 1 5" ! Roan ouTAINEld. ; J; R. Wild, bro. B. N. .Stockton'. : ; . $ CKASiEGf:. Eld. Jno. Ammons, 0. II. Green, ' fl. Davis Austin; C. Williams, bro. G; AY - Green, J. C. Sams; - ' I East TENNi-S;Greeii; y Single Co.iei, 4,'id.ail vbfy Vi dvdce. Z Cip ics S10 5 C,t SIS. .Vny? c.ae: a-u.lio us $i for a club of 8 Copies all at one lisa), WiU'recciv a copy free. . . Potlnaters who will get us up tluhs In occnr dneo w ii h -bor. ra t $; i; y r-lvix o t c-.-ntof the. arqouut, aud are icspccifally sut'dlUu to act for us. 1 " " ' We will aend 'I1EAUTU AND, HOME one rxr. t. any srttk-d Clcrgyiun (hr suiirg will.'- hi re ndttauce the caurc'.i olr "wfcHu ha fa- sntted) ict 52.50. A specimrn copy eit lrr'. No. Lavt-iUg agcuis mlored. Aldr.es" All commnnio.lioris t ' . PETTENGILLE, BATES &C0-, " ' :'..:.' l'-ss Low, N'.w VcaK ut secret de votions aresalso recommended as the best means of MaUin 5tkef FiTty wy- or . Cookii.g, Caoi jtilitvating our own j hearts, and br.ining us into communion with and Pieserving Fruit.' Fifty MlscehjneoU!! Jod. We 'will close this report bycnbmfttVrt-tc foflowing rc Fifty ways of Pn paring Dcssvrt. , Fftj , ways Of Canuiur lie. Ecouo uy c til it God olutions .i , ' -rr , - .-v, rr r , ' , FASHIONSA great Tariety of Illusttations ol 1st We advise evcVy' chVrch in -our b'orrds( fa hold VeeUv FihWnVwith dcictiptios of ttw,rilir. styles ( . . J of dress, will bo givru in every tntabt-r. Also pat prayer-meetings. j ' i -v npun-.onr.'ii " I terns for needlework and. faacy articles. . ".2nd-We ur-e .'that famil'v cltars be arcctcd in'evcrv lionVe. ! ALLUST.UAT1UN.S:1" . xh" ..Vtn' ' .in . t ...:ir .t..- . 1 1 . i in eieriin I AA.JIl.a dlitlr.IZ.HIC Will I Milt 111 U l. LU A I ,' ' : j , ' ! "I. D. WRIGHT, Chni n. cbarmingpivturs for lbd have tuet Ulth uuivei ' -. ,,'f ; i . t ... ...... ' 1 ad in i ration. ' For 18CJ th sutler will bd of;- Tlie. following on Pcriotiieals xvas'discussed'by Amnions, Kelson . liul.fjUvt superior merit. ' r .. TltANSYLV Miles. NIA.,Wii VViUiaius, JParham, Fi&rjt ohi - ; S -R'fe! WPB's,; JParham, J. Miller, bro. B. (1 ' Creas- Adjourned to 0 o'clock Saturday" morninr. Preryl DWrisht: . . ' - i'i ; j ? i .- pATURDAY'MoRNiNQ 9 OqLOCK. : - jj Met according to adjournment. ? : 1 , -ji : ' Prayer by J. Plemmons. -'; v ; 7 V;v"' . ' ! ' ! ' lTho Ccnimitteejoii Arrangement reported; and; Trere :dischared! i?23owtf Toj appoint Union Meeting. and Bowen and then adopted. , : ,, As a gopd iegtious newspaper is so essential to our progress anil happiness as a denbmination and as individual christians : Rcsolv ed that we recommend 'to the brethren of.thU Association, .to w take some of our denominational papers; bnt we eeci-illy urge the breth reh to take" the Cottaqe.Yisitou published by Eld. N. Bowen near Ilendersoiiviilc, NJg. ' ' ' -:-' 1 ' 'l -'' ;! , i -i . J0IIX:AMM0NS Ohmnf: ...' . ... .. . i j. i .imiMiiiiu iiiti m tin? v.. ,i: : .The report, on Missions was offered by "Eld. Ed Brendlc. lour lclu,,f u, aboVe. wil, rt.c,ivt. copy of - The Ad committee on Missions report : ' ' ... . , Dear brethren ; Our hearts hlead when we think of preparing a report upon 'so vital . snbjcct as that of Minions. $2 a year in adraccc. , . , , ' . 1 cj)y, thre .years in ndvance... . . .". .53.00 3 copies, one year, . . .. . .. ..... 5.00 4 .. . . C 00 li copies, and onetogetler up of club, .". I2i'J l.i ; . 'i , . . " . . . .UvJ.UU tno Mgbzine! and " Childreu a llourV 2 C'j M Home .Mnguzinu ' and 'Unce a Month," . 3.bU Home Magaziue1 i4 Ouco a ilonih ' mui Chth driu'f Hour. 4 . . 4.t) Our rriafiy destitutions pcem to have been entirely neglected during the past year owing to tQ iailt of-our-oio-oiufiea)' per-' form in r th n ikhnr nsst nfiA fWrrir 4 ' ' v-, J ! .Q . . o iV.cf," an Hegant fcU.-iO Eogrviu. Ihii l.rgV piiM, which we Imve l.atl cugraVt d oh &tecl at. cost of nearly oik thousand dollar, is the fii.es I uud iuoitLtuuUfu) eugraviug evfrolfeied as a 1'ro miuiu. ' Etciose Uu ctuls lo py cua' ol rolicr at.d ? Svecu THE "EIOENING STAB. Again Enlarged and Improved. rrHIS WTLL ESTABLISHED AND PCFTJ. enlarged awd,iivrrvcjl (the nc;nd ei.Utg-' ent igtirlQ oioiikittbdi h .C3laJti tA o.'.'d o to thr'p-pTeVftlie (Vr6lrir trcrJud to : dal!y journalin eiih'-r or thr i5iu-s. ' .TSTAKU V,VI iiVACTlCAL.,aud PKl-Ci-VX 5 S 1 V K N K V S P A 1 E 1 V ml i i e n f I y a d d I : . : b e. witlts of lhM'icetk ; loond aid CoCi-ratlve in its trahii.gs, andckotidothf(jiccixncrcial and AgricultTiral Inter tstsui &t loutb.;- li Uju tall a ad rettabhr' i, - s Rcpqrts.of tha MarkotsV Tolographic Dispatches, LocaLIIaws imd Specimen nuinZTT"' eenfs."" - 1 VMVI.NG MACIUNK PUEMIUM. For.. Co snb- .sci il.s at $'1 t-ach, we oend'.thc 'The'- ltntau . i a . si. b l , vrr- --v.- v ' v ' T , . "vo .j- 1-uutran" C0 bVwirjg' MaCbino. l or 4 ob titute portions of our bouruLs-may be supplied. scribcrsat 52 -ach we end T'ae Eitre i..u.y," In the' Foreign 1 FielddVe -nations are open to receive the word of do"b,1;'ihrd ?y h'thi-p , l . : life ; and our Mission Board "at Rcchmoiid ' is -doing' what'it can to ',., HQd'k 611 Chcsiuut at., Philadelphia, V i .i ? . i . .i ' : sena tne gospei to mem. . . Cfsnoral IntclJIgcncc- . TEHIIS, IN ADVAli (Je V One Year. - --------------- $7 f O Six 'Months, - V - - - v . i - - . 3 ;j One :i - - .- ---- n . ' .rYM. II.DEUNAr.O, ...... . , KotToa & Pmofbiktcr. ..s t : . . 'Vj:ih.tion, N. C i t ! -. ... 1st. 'At Flat CREEK.Beginnin on" F first Sab- "kith in November IS69:' 'v V ii ' ; r ' T - I uh. i ;,;): Vi 1 ielumons. s ; - v .. j. ,r ,m -3l , , . . ... .1- v ... ;,s; 1 2nd New Found. Ben-inn - ;b-4th-iuutei?fjt)n" Ministers to jattend, j; Plemmons, CGJUi . ( citl S:lGKBesi before the third Sab- ' - bath in October 18150 - -f - ;" ;-'. ;. ;.'; j Green, brfs ; ttrgason, J; C. Sams. ' .IT M -.."V--: . j'. . Appointed.; then oft" AsiatTiOn ;to be held wiUxiGabricrs Creek ' , qmrch, commjing, oa? Friday before the Sndl . Sabbath"' m !" An- r ham alternate.; . . ' ; ' '-' '" ;The missnaKesappointed at last sessionere .called - oh to - . i r l,n5. o reports, were submitted. : !'- " In China the prospects arc inviting. Africa needs the light of : llfe, aiitLthc Isles of fJie.S.ea are - Waiti ng , fyrll UJajsouxCam - f ' " ; ' ,f - .... ;r mittee would commend the perishing Heathen to the hearts of the . . ... THE ? r ' members of the churches, asking them to do what they can to send ft Tv TXTn "jr fri t n rrn rTT? the'gospelof our Lord Jesm Christ to them, . '.ttut;-., e ' W&&UZk'' "stH&'& 1 sii On 1 jnotiop' a. collection,va crgercd, jobe-ta n a?n SalUialh.-. for missiohaiy purposes. 'Ordered that the Sec:ret"sVpM !ilistriT bution of the. 3Iinutcs and that be have six dollars for his services. ? Appointed; J.1 Plemmons, C. II. GreenJ Hi PrParham deligates to the Western Baptist Convention. Ordered that the CotitaJio anJiJof DfcLrnm'lSI Qfi&id ediutheeMinVtei: .UU JO .ilUnj . JllR I HUti : ; ' Resolved That the Boatd of the Western Baptist Convention be . . ., V v l ' V ' '' ' ': rcqnested to secure sdme! arrangetiiatt'i :by' wbichr Bintbt:- LTte'ratbre 1 Retohrd That we tender flnr warlhtnktohe Church and citizens at Fines", Creek for th e; H ypi tal i ty ' e.ytp a d e'4 ..to Vs .dunn" and Little Pine Creek Churches and request thein to consider the matter till next session, j ii : this session. B. C:CRI:ASM.VN, Chm'n. f Thc(itnmiUee on religious crerees.aOteJFld: D. B. Nel son to preach at 10 oc2ocl;:on.Sabh4tbmcrai:i?r, followed by Eldl T.d. Murjhey. Eld. N. Bowen to preach-at r'o'llvck in the a fieri noon, followed by John Amnions. : " ' ! .' Sahbatli' services were (cf'njpdtp.y Tho5c'ropyonsTcX7rLe. auaidnce.was large audis tote hcpcVL 'cuat1 Jc-odoaV'-bi the irtult. Collection $12.00.. ; ... - . . lORDAisrMisiSTmJnril iThe sodawa. of.' the- Western -BanUsi - -v--'i-'.ii- ,:,?. v.j a r ,-.?,.; t - .!..:,- .,,eiulwcmS-.xA..Avustin, u. ttamsey. John Amnions. ' tpTrl'fn;1 letter-3-of demission to. the Big LicE,TiaVEC. Wiiii iesse Wallen. . , i J. R. YILD, JIvd. .vn? rs .cs ts ri rfv"? T II t 1 , -,'. Newspaper, " CalcjiilatCjd. In a very eminent decree to promote .lilpb t.jnVd piety, jtnd active ChYW'an lab... Tne hiKh appreciation of the COTT AGK VISITOR by the Christian public,' is evinced' br tbo' fact that, a fw ruoulh? slaw, its publicatioii mai com- r ; .jf C mt'i.cod without a subscription list, and it Laalnatlr. rcacliftl a J.p'.r.n!ainin imitit .It i -n. l s 'rift 11 0 g - - o . pap.T indeat, knowing ttoUiioglaI Chrtt-nnd him! J, . ' . t .. l . .. ;;' 1 ft .. I w uviuru. . . . . 1 . . ".'! CARD1HG MACHINE . 3 MILES N. Vi. OF IICNDURSONVILI.i:, -IS in good order, acd malt s tl.r EECT '.al'tj o It O L, JL & ! ! In doctrine It Is BI'Ustlcr It Is flMeil. fiom time ti. yj( rihoch;iufitkit' a will a, id and comf.rt tt. I. , . I ' assist. tarei.t Id training their children for ust-i r ,c r.w-r .1 - -w fuln.ar.dforbeaten.aw.kenlnehil.lrena'd.sircr 0Vfccttb f the W..rr h r.Al fur. f. r intelligence ruorlify,.St;asAut .dchrl. inJ'a I ' ! ' the Su'idy-School teach in fclsheauu-born Jubor' ' , f. ' n ' .'., ,, " . . 9.. :1 Oau viar.oruv - - - t Six mouth - - -'- - - ,-' - -... 1'oar , ; - - - - -' - - - - --- ' " ' -' r .t. ' 4 " ' ' ' : . ' n. bo m i::r, r. . rJ3.t , , ' . llcrnJtiy.'.iif i;;c, " J; - , . 1icadvtsn Ccantr, ' , North .CatolUa " .1 tt 4l ' A First Bate Ko, 4 Wasiinstcn'Prcas T .llAViu ?i Washington rresi, rhV tabids; Chase,! c .nlsrun inking aparatm, that can be bought on the bist of terms. - : 1 . f !. 1- ? 1 , ... "-. -,-? .. An 1 have two presses and dc not use bat one can oflbrd to gi?e a Rood bargain. .at this Oflice. Corr h;I!rd, . Hilt j,iij.ht, j-cx 5100:1.1, . -. . F. others, . r . .. .. . 40 nuttt, " :o Bacon, i -i., . 18 P.tvtaenlto W niade-tffrT'r rcn.c1if fir? -!s. Oue poal4of Jr.-ae to- tet ifam!,'u i..TJn ou ood-iui8; jAYIica tbe .Tt-wl tv Lei; 1 'c rd harsii and .0Bgl.T by bad ..vasLUei tr Jj Tu. IKJC r-Jtrrati'rfd ' ' CQitnafUsa-etrrrifaLr. ret.tlnd; m tto ID It oa lLc Cardrr djnfr. ttcjr .wort UUxH uta u.ii i.r;lcn no monomer i:l so fr trn. rend the rul. d if propritfy, a lo t Cor ile Ur icen a rartltu Ticlate ary of the- relations 'f tb llachine. 1 Jno. Ammons, Cfl N-nowEN JiJT 22, 18C0.