l . " '.' ' ' ' r.-.' I : ' : ' ' ' . ... r-4 - - : - - ' . f As tbe tord IiTctb; wtat toe lord znith upfo pct tfrat -prill I frcpE,"" Yo tBc poor ffio Gospel is preacbed 1 1- t f. t lit :.Vf VOL. II. NEAR !HENDERSONVILI;N. C. OCTOBER 8 I860; . NO. . 46. Tliti COTTAG E V IS IT O II, Pu blicbcd every Friday iiDiTOR and Publisher, . Three lailes N. W.cfHercLerfecnville, N. C. One copy 12 months, J. . I . "5 i A i it j- ' 1 f - - i Single copy, 5 cents. ; L. Shou&c, Esq., of KanxaA Cit, has been! iration in the form of a Bijtist Sunday-Kchool ununng in nis enoris, anrmg tbe year, to Convention siioniil ve hmtvcu in every State $1 50 75 50 Advertisements compatible j :with the character of tl:e pivpf r will be insrr Vel at 10 cents per line, fur the first insertion, and 5 cent for each subsequent in. errion. . . . Fo; awnouncing M candidate i for oflBte, . . . $3 lJibwork iexecJtejd ueailj, at prices correspond xitr with tin times K. IuvHii:ibly in ftdvue. j 4 ...... For the Cottage , Visitor, . Tb& Missouri Baptist Sunday School Convention. BY E. D. JONES. Duving the session of the Baptist General Association of Missouri, held at Paiis, August 1808, thid Convention was i called into, exis tence 'with, a view of concentrating the Bap tist Sunday-school forces of the State for practical service. The great end to be 'at taiued vas the awaken in p- of an intelligent enthusiasm :in the cause that would secure to us "a, Suuday-school in eyeryj -Baptist cliurch in Micyp.nri," establish new 'Sanday-sebools iiv destitute localities, and arouse those en. gaged .in the service as officers and teachers tQ seek for the best plana arid methods where- . ....... J ; 4 .. r ' , r . by they could execute their jwork to a higher decree of success than ever before. It seenl- ed then like a bold experiment to attempt such a movement. Tlie denomination had k b;en distracted by political i differences and gather facts and figures as a basis for future action. Without a knowIeJge of the field nothing could be done. So ; far as heard fronij the Baptist strength of the Slate is as IolIoys:OU, Associations, 810: churches, 57, 32o members.- ..... t . W e are now acquainted with the location of all the churches, and of course this year we shall be ,able to learn; our"" Sunday School strength, the deistitute localities, and the fields requiring the most cultivation. lid. A new interest iu the cause has been created. i ' - A spirit of awakening has rolled over our churches, ; committing many pastors and brethren to this branch of Christian labor, who have been, heretofore, not only indiffer ent but really opposed to Sunday Schools. Public opinion is "undergoing a serious change, and the example of 'prominent and influential churches is rendering the iiisti tution too popular for many to long resist falling into line. The tide jof enthusiasm has certainly rolled up immensely ; the entire denomination has been movedj more or less, to a deeper and more abiding love iorthe cause than was ever known beforehand certainly in the Union, having for tion of the cause within ries. The children that forgotten in all these Sta object the promo ttir several bounda o neglected and should be claimed consequently serious alienations for a titmv existed ; ' educational interests long were as ours ; .make them our by faithful regard for their ctcrnnl interests. In d who shall meas ure the growth and powerit Baptist influence hich Got! i ready to honc tud bless if we are but faithful to the tnut lie has committed to our hands. Millions are pouring in ou us from every laud; GeJpiany has sent her mil lions, Ireland has strgglcd to keep pace with her. They are upci us to give shape to our institutions; to moild us rather than o be moulded. Iufidelijr and'Ilonianism are the two great contcndilg forct4hat we now grap ple with. Educatpnal aud religious institu tions stagger fluid the conflict, with seeming despair ocr the final issue, did not tlie promise of Goj assure us of ultimate vic tory over everything, that designs to oppose the kingdom of ClrisU j j This is the hourlfor every soldier to be on the alert. Now islhe time to lay deep and strong the principles of truth and, no eU'iucnt promises equal to tie youth of the land. Or ganize, we say, in etery State such influences the . number of earnest, willing hearts identified as will secure this uucli desired end, of Icad- with this movement, and the details of Sun-1 ing young souls to the feet of Christ, i day School work, is greatly multiplied over struggling for enlargement and proportionate maintenance : William Jewell ' College was cylling loudly through its worthy President, llev.'Thomas Rambaut, LL. D., .for large ndu.vnients and was gaiuing upon the afifect it ns of the brethren ; the General Association was earnestly appealing to the churches, then just emerging from j tbe sad effects of the war, for luaterialjaiu with whi?h to prosecute its missionary operations through the State ; the claims were urgent and 'worthy, but the means aJly deficient. I Coujd we venture a new organization in the Ftate just then ?f Would the churches re coi nize such a bVly-and give it their support by t h eir sy in pathy aud their means whereby its operations could be successfully prosecu te i Could sufficient interest be awakened among the churches so that a greater number Ynf'the vouth of the State could be reached ana gntneiea into papiiM ouuuajr otHwis, and could those churches, sceptical regarding . snch institutions be brought into line and induced 'to -adopt the Sunday school asauin BtiumentaUty for the futheraneeof Christ' Kingdom! . 1 -I- These considerations were not lightly dealt with, but with much grayer, amid fear and trembling-; an - ory-anizatiou was effected in what it was one year since, p. . . 3d. Organization has been effected. Shape lias been given to the Baptist Sun day school forces of the State with some ac quaintance of the field and its wants. The scheme has been when organizing j - It o c these local conventions, to place on the. list of Vice Presidents, one from each church composing the Asscciation; within which the Convention is placed, A lret of the officers of each Convention with post-office address, is filed witli the Corresponding! Secretary and with the General Agent. A j book is kept hy eaoh of thoco offijrpr7showmgrat-air times the exact locality, of all the iofiScers of the Conventions so organized, so that communi cation can be alwavs maintained between the State and local organizations, land ever, the churches if necessary. ; It is made the duty of the Vice Presidents to look carefully affer the Sunday school cause in their churches, and indeed . do any- Volnoy and tho Bible. Selected from "Credo," a valuable book j recently published by Lee & SbeparJ, Boston. i ' Eighty years ago, a French infidel, by name Count de Volney, left his home in Paris to visit the East, with the avowed purpose of testing, by every meaus at his command, the truthfulness and accuracy of the statements that had beeu made by former travelers and explorers. His merits as an accurate delineator of the countries he visited, hare'acc(i itrine-Tnniv-renK urttirsTias vCwrrrtei 'ATtycXs' wTiTcirXbrder on- tbe Dead sea. desolate.' Isa. xxiv. 1. t seems a dreary, burning place.' Volney. In this one sentence from Volney, beginning with 'tho temples are thrown down,' without the necessaiy ad dition or alteration of a ringle word, he ha clearly, though unconsciously, 6hown the fol filment of no less than six definite and distinct piedictions. Though he entered Palestine without a pilgrim's spirit, bave not his long sojourn in it, his careful researches, and his published works, made him of more value to the Charch than would have been tho journey thither of athou sand ordinary though sincere pilgrims? 'This infidel chief Keith well remarks, 'con tends like an indomitable hero, and reasons like an irrefutable philoopher in our behalf Like Gibbou in some of his statements, seem. iMv sclf-foroetful. he is borne on to concla ftions utterly subversive of his own principle; reiterating almost word for word, the prophe cies with which he is not familiar; knowing them only to hate them. How blind ore the wilfully blinded! A" wan in a raylc& dun geon, may doubt the shining of the stars. But unless he bandage his eyes, can he go forth iu a cloudless night, when the heavens are throbbing with beauty, and say there are no stars? Can any one familiar with the facts before us, fail to see that history is prophecy fulfilled? As we enlarge the circle of our observation, can we remain destitute of humble veneration Tor tho sacred Scrip tures' bee, Zion is 1 ploughed as a field.' The great city of Samari is ocupicd as 4 a vineyard.' The princely Tyre is ' a plain iu part, in part a sea-bottom on which ' fisher men spread their nets.' The cots" of sheph erds have supplanted the royal palaces of the lords of the Philistines. Ammon has become 'a stable for camels.' The temple of ahcieut Petra is 'a court for fowls," Askelon has become a 1 desolation.' Ishmael is 'a wild nr.. v rrt man. ilie Jews are wanuerers.' me in habitants of Moab are 'dwellers among the a skeptic says Keith, 'he was one j of the most zealous partisans and successful promoters of infidelity.' 'Hetookeveiy occasion says the British Encyclopiedia, 'to hold up the con tents of the Scriptures to the mockery and derision of mankind." Such the man and his mission. The result of his patient anil criti cal investigations are before us and we pause thing that will piouiote the jwclfare of the to; compare it with the words ot .ancient cause of- their respective neighborhoods, prophecy. ! Thus a uniformity of action is secured I Concerning Syria, fifteen hundred ycaT be- thoughout these district arganizations of the fure Christ, Moses declared that, 4the stranger State, giving a body of strength with a unity that shall come from a far land, even all na of action is sure to effect. These twenty- turns, shall say, Wherefore hath the Lord mcaticth the Where shall we pause ? All things come to our aid. Skeptics, are our allies. As they continue to write the Progressive History of Man and Nations, the Rise and Fall of Era . .... ... jpires, as tney weigu mc natural sciences against revelation, accumulating evidence and piling tip the results of their eruuito research es into what they think and declare will be dark and formidable pyramids in the christian world, have we not ample reason to believ that, as in the past, so in the future, they will continue, unwillingly, to render the Church effective aid? Is not the day hastening when all their lofty pyramids are to be taken down by the believer, and by him reconsecrated no man becomes a drunkard at once. It is not a leap, but a alow descent. Moo'er--tion in all caes, nor in most cases but here is the thing to b9 considered : it docs make all the drunkards that are' made. The first social glass of wine was the first step. And oh, how often m 'li that the noblest fall by it ! Not the soar, the cal culating, and the clo&ehearted, but tne generous aarl the free;. The. net. catcbea" the best. Oh, if tho Cock of greedy blae" jays that sweep like a cloud of Jest n e ?crr upon our cherry-orchard would take oiIy the poor sour cherries; but they take the best fruit. The social, the open-hearted and open Landed these arc oucn iiio surest. victims of intemperate. TniRD, Srx now these I)aU5kaels jlbs Held, after tuet are' Made. In some, parts of the 'arth there aro cavts nblcir run along underground for miles Irr daT& ness and gloom and chill, an I thru sod- . denly break into a precipice. Why don't these drunkards come back out of tho horrible cavern into which they have cn tcred ? W?hy do they keep : steadily on to the precipice? They know it is there. They hear the deeP QleQ roar of a bys mal water below. They realize the hor- rors.. Why don't they retrace their steps? m W 9W m Don't they try? Yes. Probaly nc such offorts arc made on earth as are made by drunkard. But there is a demon that drives them; a demon of their own beget ting. It is appetite. Aud it is appetite of a peculiar sort, engendered by a dls- eased stomach. This is no theory, but one of the fixed facts of science. Dissec tions after death prove it. There is like!, wise other proof. Year ago man .was shot. The charge tore a hole through his side and stomach. He recovered as by a miracle. The wound healed, but the ap- . S f peraiure remained. ror many years a doctor kept this man, and spent much time 'Ih looking into . his stomach. Ho could open and shut his stomach as easily as the lid of a box. He lowered all sorts of solids and liquids into the man. - iul then peeped into sec what was going on. The experiment made onoa him with alcohlic drinks clearly showed the way in which a drunkard s stomach become the seat eight Conventions already formed, jepresentl0116 tns unto this land? What m 588 churches and 34,687 members. Sixty- "fat tuls great anger?'? (Deut. xxix. 22-jand transferred to the foundation which five meetings have been held by these bodiesJ-f ) Speaking of his journey through this re- standeth sure, and reconstructed into the sub- extending from one to three days each. TheU5,0U Volney says, "I wandered over the lime temple of God's truth and prophecy? Agent : Days of service great hnnnony. W.ith a firtfl 'reliance on Him j Miles traveled together we in 'whose iiaiiie. we had banded filtered the field for immediate and active ser- vice. . ,- '-j ,".;.-..':' The American Baptist Publication Society kiudlv cam'e to our aid in the support of the General Agent we appointed. He was to re port to both bo lies and t lbe under the -direct ion of the Executive Board of the Convention. It hasy been of mutual profit and has (there fore been a very happy relationship. f Some y ell defined plan j of operation seemed absolutely essential to success. Organization of a Sunday j School Convention within the 1 bouds of each Association was at once fought to be effected. This work has progressed with g"od satisfaction, until twenty-eight such organizations have bpen formed within tho fifty Associations kooyVh- to exist ' in the - Suite, instructions in detail have been from time to time afforded the officers of these Con vciitioHS to atuVt them iri the uniform and General prosecution of duties incident to their respective fields. " Many ot these orgonizatipns have done noble in extending and deepening the influ ence of' the Sunday School while we are look jn" for the early formation of Conventions in r.U our; Associations, to more effectually per meate every portiou of this great and grow- results hae been very happy and satisfactory country. Great Godl from whence proceed in their results. New works have been eulist- sucu melancholy revelations? Why are so ed, valuable information has been imparted many cities destroyed? Why is not their and new schools have been organized to Athe ancient population reproduced and j pcrpet. number of eighty-four, while a number oi wated t Says the prophecy of Ezekicl, "Rob- others . have received valuable assistance. bers shali enter into it. and defile it." (Ezck. The following is the summary, of the work v-7-22.) " The government," says Volney, performed by Rev. S." W. Marston, "Geueral " 15 far rom disapproving a system of robbery and plunder. ' Iu Jeremiah we rcad,' Every one that passeth by shall be astouished." (rJer. OOO I I ..... 000 xvin .10.1 " So feeble a population iu so ex- 19,104 ccllent a country," writes Volney, " may well u,ouu excite our astonishment.'1 "Your hiirhwavs 73 shall be desolate." (Lev. xxvi. 22.) " There are neither great roads (or highways) nor 84 9 9 mf ; Pages of tracts distributed Sermons preached Sunday Schools partly instumental The grass withereth, the flower fadcth, but the word of our God shall stand forever.' The Problem of Intemperance in organizing Sunday Schools visited Sunday Schools addressed ; Sunday School Convantions organized Sunday School Conventions attended Childrens Mass Meetings addressed Associations attended we never saw a wngon nor a cart in al! New churches assisted to organize Prayer-meetings attended Letteis written Circulars' sent out Blanks for Sunday School and church statistics Latters to Sunday School children ! 03 that 1A I 4- Syria." 'The wayfaring mau shall cease.1 21 Isa.'xxxiii. 8. ' Nobody travels alone.' Volney 44 All tli v suva mj aavcs vu puui a ciii. A.04 A A I 8.1 'To hear their plaintive strains, it is al- 10 nine) imnnaeililo in vnTi-nin fnmi n 'The joy of the harp shall cca.se.' Isa. xxiv. 8 Such instruments as they have are detebtable.' 718 Volney. ' The mirth of the land shall dcpait." 2300 Isa. xxiv. 11. ' The inhabitants never lau-h Vol u ey. ' Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers Isa. xxxiii. 13. 570 rr n t UUU qiie oarli nrodnee.4 onlv hrir nmt mrm: v.i fmi...i rr...; J j . . J aiuc ui uiuies auu xesiauienis aonaieu cyo i Ai t - i . i . ,T i ja r j- , o , wood, olney. 'Because they have trans . 1 . J I rrri-RSr il th l.nr cliall Hif chka Ho-i it... , , 1 13 r - . uw.wui mi ccnoois Money raised on certificates I New Sunday Schools aided from certificate fund Thcs far God in his mercy has led ns on ; to Him be all the glory. We take courage and ask for grace to do greater things in the I6 vth'' Isa- 5 P. 'God has doubtless OCO tJ4 1,' i ij:l.r.' . ' . j'luiiuuiam a ectick luaicniciiuu againSl the earth.' Voluey. ' I will bring your sanctu- 43 ensuing vear. I We are not satisfied however, to see this character of Sunday school effort confined to a few 5 States to cultivate. The immense iri "common wealth. But what are the results of thcmov.cmeutK so far ? One year only field that spreads itself at our feet, callin h P.lansed. arid of course but proportionate for systematic and persistent labor in behalf success can be reported. : of Baptist (loctrines, should excite every l0v- lst. Denominational statistics have been er of truth in this broad land of ours to zeal gathered. ITlia Corresponding Secretary, D 'luey have never known beforei Some organ- anes mto desolation. Amos ' vu. 9. 'Tlie temples are thrown down Voluey. The palaces shall be forsaken.' Isa. xxxii. 14. 'The palaces are demolished Volney 1 will destroy the remnant of the sea-coast.' Ezek. xxv. 1G. 'The poits are filled up Volney. ' I will make " your cities ' waste Lev. xxvi. C. 'Tlie earth is stripped of in habitants Volney. I will make the land For the selection aid translation of the para llelisms her given, an for raanr e other raluaule thougbts on prophecy, we are chiefly fodcble J to the1 works of pr. lcxandtr Keith. Extract fr6m tho sermon recently delivered by Rev. Dr. Henry M. Scudder, it San. Fran cisco, Cal : What, then is the problem before us ? It U the problem of Intemperence. The land is deluged with alchoholic drinks. i notion iiiniuation always acts upon a fermented substance .as its base of work ing, yet the discovery of distillation, on known in the earlier ages, has enlarged the sphere and intensified the energies of intemperance; and modern chemistry, with all its subtleties, has brought into the ranks a long catalogue of deleterious and maddening counterfeits, of which I gave "you a few sarnies. No one can deny the existence of the evil. Tlie magnitude of intemprance appears in this, that it is mixed op . with al mott all other kinds of evil either as cause slim ulus or concomitant. I wish you to consider: Firht, tub . Fact. There are five hun dred thousand drunkards in this country. I have adopted alow estimate. The real fact is, doubtless, greater. Five hundred thousand -drunkards in our- land? Here is a -fact?, for 2 statesmen, for t "philophers, for polit6al economists, for patriots for all who love their fcllow-men, to comtem. plate. Iu gigantic and solitary horror, loomit.ir up above a host of lower evils. it confronts us like some devil risen up out of hell's depths to assert . its awful soverei gnty. Second, tux WxT Drunkards -are M ade. There is a factory and a process for the making and turning oat of drunk ards. The factory is the conviral cus tom of society. Those customs are the ponderous wheels which drive the drunk-ard-m&kiurr machinery. The process i I O . 0 1 moderate drinking. lou all know that of a raging appetite. This physical appetite can be morally measured. It can be measured by what it bears down and overrides. A man once went to his friend to plead with him to give up drinking. His friend said: "First hear me. I know that if I con tinue to drink I shall squander my prop erty, ruin my business and lose my rep utation; I shall blight my intellect, bru talize my heart, and defile my iaoral" nature ; I shall destroy my domestic hap piness,' reduce my children to ras and starvation, and break the heart cf her whom I love the best in the world: I thall leave behind me a drunkard's name, damn toy soul, and 6tnk in to the drunkard's hell; . .1 know all this, and yet I .cannot resist the temptation to drink. Can you present th case any more forcibly 7 If you can, I will listen to you' There is the moral measure ment of the appetite. Five hundred thousand rtggi inatiablc, uncontrollable appetites in. one commonwealth hoa airful the spec tacle I These results are horrible enough, but they do not terminate with the individuals affected, they rise up with an invasive force upon the community. Hope on. The darkest clond will -vanish before tT e sun, in4 the heaviest night give place to a coming morrow. There is no grief so pro. found that it cannot be lessened; no mourn- ing so bitter that in cannot be turned into 1 mm m I joyandgiaoness. lippe is j ever present to administer her consolation. She lives amid trials and disappointments, and shines more brightly for the darkened atmosphere in which she dwells. She comes unforbidden to a man in his low estate, as a comforter and a'friend. In lo&ses nd croscj, borne upon the swift tide of prosiicrity, or driven by the "ebbing currents of adversity; amid the 6trife" of tongues, or hailed by the acclamations of the multitude, she bids him rise superior to all and wait patiently the issues of the allwisc Providence. Hop on, toil ooK bide the time God is not unrighteous, to. forget the work of the labor of l6ve. He knows all and tho' appointed time is in his hand. Wait pa lien-" tly for him. "Ilow hava I seen thee," said Bishop Hall, "of lifcle&a stones raise up chil dren to Abraham; cf sinners to make saints; out of a bloody war, a happy peace; oct or a rock, water; of i prosecutor, an ape' tfC;v . ... 3. ' ; H ;'.' j' . i '