i - :;:. 1 i -1 t v - - m ...nn.iiir . 'i mt ir.r mm T i Cottage , visitor, fiiiday October 2i,--1869. r f ' S i i V ' 1, : v . :';'! . 'A . ! . t M A mi IreabpdyThe ladies PetitioD: ilim ... ; A petition is shortly to be presented to Mr. 5?eauoly on behalf of the woman of the Bonth. rhnnsands of them are phiced in circumstan ces of crest privation, -.almost of. a'cttVal des titution, end they appeal to the jrreat philan thrnnist, h'tt for money, hut for the opporta- ' ) j i - . . - ..v. tiity to help themselvcs.'V They wish to par- ticipftte iu - the benefits of the noble fund ."Svhich Mr. Peabbdy created for the Sonthren people. . An institution, : ;we think, might te tblishe3- for the instruction of girl ahd yoiing women in tliosp callings which would e likely to prove remunerative. For exam "pie, some migbt be brought up to the trade of print ins,' otlies to wood-engraving, others to .-ToMr-keeping, telegraph-operatjng. and the .'lighter Occupations generally. The: institu ttionk wovld doubtless be largely assisted by ' the State in v.hicVit happened to bo placed, and in course of time it. would Rave Southern , woman from "the humiliation of eating the bitter bread of dependence. Such jffar the representations embodied fin the pe i : itiilon. and there can be no question thatlthey arrwal strongly to the sympathies.-; Whether v the plan sliadqwed forth is compatible with i Mi. labody, general design it would be out of place to discuss here. The trustees will, 1 doubles?, come to a just t conclusion on the .sn'jfct.' Btt wetmay fairly hope that the efforts-which are, now being made 5 by South ern, worn en to' lighten the li ardships" of. their lot will be crowned with success. limes. - ' 1 v Time Does It; .-JCS"AU lc iters1 on" business should be, "ad Ircssed to N. Bowcn, Hetidersonville, Hcpdtr son County, N. C. When business edged Xn dno time, There is such a thi letters are not acknowb I hope to fje informed. Ug as letters not reaching thejc destinatroaj r lSubscribers will please no tify me if all is nbtjright with their papers. t -. I3T-Mr. J. PHILLIPS, Blountville, Tenn., is authorized to actai Axefit for the Cottack Visitor. JyfT Look out for the cross mark and re- J -1 new your subscription. S Want od!at this Office. Wanting to incrnrage STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, lcin?er&o County, "Superior Court of Law, Spring Term 18C0.. James Spauu fc aptinst Dibt. :. Mi:h r. TitTlor, Co. - ) It n:nerinr t th- Htisf-ction f the Court tliat A. MiUrrnml'J. B Miller arc nnnres-i JoiT if ttU LStalc-.il is iheri-fore on ihotion oiderwl.bj curt that lMil.Iuflfjii-.il le made in tlic Cottage isuoa i.r s!x fticcrsive wce.l.i, nntifvin tlie'mltl ' MUKt md J U, Miller, di fi uiiai.ts in this cxe, to b$ and nj rrnratllie r xt term f thM Ciiurt, to be held at the Court House in Ilei.dt r3riTiI!e. ri the 10th Monday fier the 3rd Mi.odaj in Anpr.st next. tin n niul there lo iIi d. miswcr. or ueinar, or luc , w - Court will iiroreed according to lw.' Witcoa, C. M. Pace Clerk of said Court, t oITicr th 10th Monday after the 3rd Mouday m -March 1809. ksued ths lst day of JuW, IFC9. " CM. r.CE, Clerk. . 33 (v 2) 3'J. f.V Trint. r's fee eig!t do!lars. "XaH ' ; Juty9th 1JC9. ; MELVIN" E. CARTER, S. D -&H..T7. SLIITffS 5lmcr ir nn (Drnnn 5 T O and prcmote the many aisfl desire all the infonua- ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;-.;-, nftion possible with regard to thatimportant en- 1 viiuh- -uu, Aislicvillc,'N. C. POS: terprise. -.; . o ' i' i it .,: : x asiors, ou in ..vo., .,v...vo, n,net!re, Dunernnbe and itrrounJini Cunliet. will please send 'me the number ofschootd ."r-prompt 'alien Hon siren to the collection f !Jfms, Xew York ( Timti has wonderful power in taking the Conceit out of persons. . When a young man fii emerges from the "school and enters up .ofrtlio. .'arr c.f life, it is painfully, ainusin qanized or revived. Number of tenchers. Number of chilavs. Number of Volumes in Librarv- j Also, any other matter, pertaininfjr to school that they may- deem of interest. the SPECIAL TQGOURESrONDENTS. Please accom pan v every ' it- I wirti your proper jname. o li lve your siiiatnre '6u can communication If you do not choose . appear unuer your . ... i some ticuuous lull other y netional lusines intruded to Ais enre. ' . - ' : ' ' - ' S 1). HARRISON GRAVES, ATTOENEY AT LAW. HENDRFISONVILLE, N. C. April 0th, 18C9. TIIK MOST rKItriKCT AND FLKOANT. musical nxsrnuMET IX TIIK CC U2. f- I2D 3 roit nit AMEBIC Aft HOLIE CIKCLE. the ; . AMERICAN ORGAN Mikes horne:tr ,. ruinds of all, beaatifnt In l appcaranco and .eflt eta. ' C3 3 2 Si 2 I)ir!? 783, lirolr.tv, Xi-w Ttirk, W 11 0 L JS'S A L E AGENT, The immwe topit1atilr of thee Orrana. and their SMiH-rior Mimic al Ponn ra, i fast brinjing tlicro Ik fore the public, a the Instrument aolong desirtd in AMERICAN HOMES And aUhoitph thc.ftjMlff oni nine out the .Uilvie.o, y t the rnniical ad ant.ircs. be.utr of t'ne and HiirlnR tS Intirh and action are to far Jmprrh.r that tliey re fust supcretding the Me!mKon audtheial: i nov al most txcluuvi h for AMERICAN' OUGAN, It is ad.ipUnrtr"Tlrjy iluaic rnu: the pikket and niosl lively, ti the heavy tones of tho Church Or ean. Arnl alruut tmircrsally they are prfcrr-l l'the Piano, ! pvrtont rho haTe theni.yet c;8t- in KM than hair, niidoiiljf taking a fiuall aniuui.t ..f ri'om. , ' SotJ for descriptive circulars siting full particu Uai prue$. , , Exc lu.ie Agencies secured to D-au r, and 1T I 1 I" 1 li&couni ii i up irxiif aim ir.uirrg. , SIBEEI A OIT. V; holesale A gent, 783 Jhro&dMay, New York. 3S:;Iy L1UGIC TEAOHERG , . . Ttii' nbriiUer la fJr prerrtd U famUl Shert Moiic, Strii p. Jllnjhal lDJrrmr.U, ai MnIc Bookcfa!l kii,d t the loattt ira.! rates', mludr sale and tet-ll, Trvta the Urgi It colJtctioi.a Ii till cooalrr. trdrrs pQcctbaUy 01 faiU.iuMj attrtdej to. Addfis jtll iifdria' - - ' ' SIBEIIIA OTT, ' 783, Broadwty.lJew York . . - ,3b:-:ly , Sign communication y one but vour real name must be furnished to the editor, to insure, attcnt-on. i tO witness his self sufficiency. He would . - . t hve all the orld to understand that he was 'y-learjted ont"J that he is master of all know ledLre and c?n mravel all mysterifs.' But as he -s'ro'ws'oldeiV'l rLws wiser, he learns that I ha lcnows a great ileal less than he supposed ; h1 'iid ; aiid hy the time he reaches to three- i K?.e A7oars. he is- brerard to adopt as his ' rown thp sentiment of John Weslev, ''When - - i - mm - ; T wa ybuiig I was sure of everything; in a few years having been mistaken a thousand tiuiei?, 1 was not half as. sure f most things as I was heforo.- At present I am hardly sure of any thin" but what God has revealed to S. V. PICKENS, HENDEUSONVILLE N.C. ' Ttt ' Suhscibers wishing their papers changed from ond oflice to another, will please which the change is to he crive the office from C . i i made,' as well as the is desired to be sent. AMERICAN OHGANS. From "Godcy'tLaiHc EooJ; Felruary 18CC JIEED ORGANS, &c. ofilcevhich the paper 1 man. The Cottag Hill iWool Carding Machine istimv newly clot I rate running order. p1 and 'otherwise in hrst- HYFtJAW &. OSBORWS, '' 1 HENDEUSONVILLE, N. C. OfSce, S. E. Coruer Rock House. IIYMAN, Remember ; Whb Creatures They Anv:. It would prevent a great deal of cruel ty and TiepVct of the mnb creatures, if we k: rp in mitvithat they are UvaTo They are .'C'lVhorss. which men beat so unraerciruv.y. Thry Vrc Go Fs oxen cow's, '.'.which, cruel people sometimes starve in ;their y:nterfod dr, d:)d 'nt'so. They are , God's sheep and iuinbs, vvliich are often "forgotten to be housed i: ot!i the storm ; and God's dogs and cats , wbicii are so oftn kicked and abused by both mown un people and ! children. v They "are t!ic work ofvilis hands and the cteatures'of q e-; afiU ,tley ;are as curiously add wonder iuUy formed as we are; and thoaigh they are ; tiuuib, aud cannot plead for themselves, God .' wiU iiot j rget nr ill treatment of them in the TCclt duy of account. 1; '- ' V aH fall' have 'Judo-ment without mercy, Ihuier m that line. would do well to bring their wool at an early dav. SS G- w- 'mn in Hendersonville, Miy authorized Agent to receive -subscrip tions fox " Cott AO k Visitor." Per sons wisTiing to pay voduce can deliver to ! 1 " him at my published prices. ; The foilowing remarks and mjrjref tions relative to tl.M ltumeiiM-ly popular instrument will dutt leva inU're md pit. tit very many of our reader we commend the article to their carrfal perusal : A buudreu and one makers of iir.hi, Cttae Parlor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, ttc., tc, are eaeh claiming to make the hot instmment in the world. Deiu? comi.nrativelT a new m&trU' meiU, as at prcketit constructed, we are contiuced me public arc much le capable or judging of its merits, ordemcrits. than of mo( other instru ments If there is really n essential difllrmce in thcui, if tln re are some excellent and some worth less oncsj the public hou!d have ome criterion for judging i-f them, fonio facts which will enlighten thera. e cheeruiily concede the pce lor this ar ticle, knowing that thtre is hardly family, or church, or t.chool in all the land, Cut is more t less Ii.tercstcd In this" topic. We ale' alio aware rl its being a great mUfortunc, a real calamity, to any of them lo purchase an inferior or 'worihks Or- En Jl VTt IT.JlTfT gan, ruinous to good playing, and often a suree of t r to .t mnch annoyance and vexatioo. We know thisnr- I t n k ; EOABDIilAH, GE AY & GO. ! ! . -.: , TbeVacriber, late a uiemher of thu vown Cim, has etablj.hetl " WHOLESALE AGENCY, . 7S3, BrcadT7ay;2ew Ycrk City." Where he will be pleaM-l to f eceite the t.fdirto his fiiends ait the public. aLd recial!y ict:en irfin those who have so libi ialiy Itstowid tncl patronup on the fiitn l.eretof rc. He niil luppl . Uiee unrier iotrununts to the trade. ' Wholesale and Eetail, at the Tcry Lcwcit Prices. . Mdr with lh Io.MiUlrd Iroi Ilim and Frnio" (cast in one aolid j latf.) They eicell alt others in durability, snprricrity ot tone, and e!egaoce of extrr- Dal.apjearaecc All these Piano bare orerslinng Scale, fl!rjf in cormcction with the patent Iron rim and frrue, Full Hound Vuvtrjult and Stcttt Mlltrv Times. The Caes ore eh pant in eyj eaiftjice, and taii!j and afely hasdlt-d. ' If not atiifctorly money f etcmcd. Addieft all otders to SIBERIA OTT, - 783 CroadwaytN"tw York. . - ' ' . 38:ly J. D. J. J. OSBORNE. D. C. WADDELL HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Rock House. , DUNCAN C. WAt)DELLi. nrr, ujce, I- . . . JCS" i The Board; of the Western Baptist Convention meets on the first day in each nonth, at 10 o'clock, aim; except when the month comes in on Buiulay, then it will meet on the second. ! who v.jjh hhowed ncr mercy.'' MASOXIC. Pisgah Lodge Xol 200 will hold its ; stated meetings at tne loagc lvoom in uniuuauii villp on. the first AVednesdav m each month , , at 2 oV.ock; P. M. vi Glorifv ve the Lord in the 0res."--IsA. xxiv. 15. rh u 1 was some years ago at Shields,'' lkv "Whiineld, " I went into a glass house, a ad there I saw : several masses of burning triads of virions forms, i The .workmen took one pied? .of glass atyl put U into one furnace, -then put it into a secpnd, and into at third I ;:kcd.hn ( Why do you put that into s mii.iy lives?' . He'answercd me, Oh, sir, th firi. wa n hot enough, nor the second, and therefore, we put it into theUhird, ahd that wiU make it trnnoparcnt .Oh; thoughtl, 4 does this nian put this glass into one furnace after 0t.AKr.!. t,At it nVnv heirendered oerfect?' O ml God, put me into l one furnace after an other, that my oul may be, transparent, that Lr.iay sec Qod as he is." . V TEUSSES ! TEUSSEs Or a superior quality, durable, comfortable to I wear, and vVARUENTED to tit. , Sinole, " ?2.50. Double, . . , &,00. Made and sold by J. S. Baructt, Ilcudcrsonville,, n N. Caroliim. - if NEW -h DVEKTISMENTS SPECIA TO TAX PAYERS. All who have not aVeO their tax will bo exnect a,1 trt dn so lx-fort- ..r Ht Court, the neoj.le are pay ' i . . ing up vtmavkably wil,and thos' wno nave not paid will plaiso noi;wau imtrr. . FALL AND WINTER FASHION- : 1 I "-"1 ;i TRSi M A. BINDER 'has just arrived from lVxParis and London -with the latent desipus, per- sioiiallv selected frotnAie ffreatevt novelties; also . ri. i . i : r. t;i e mol t'i,p?-ni ii iBiminps n uicuuw i .ms LAGtS. R1BH- NSJ VELVETS, BRIDAL ElIS FI.nWF.RS. FI E i .1 EWKLu V, an1 1 111 MM PAPER PATTERS, DRESS and CLUAK MAKIMi Mrsl M. Work a celebratt d SPECIAL NOTICES Exclusive, ageiit for svstem for cutJind' COTTAGE HdLL AVOOL CARDING M AC T .1 INK Is no w ready to do work of th e A quality at the shortest notice. i il persons having IwooL in the Machine, quested to come and get their ro. ; - ' JAMES N. BO WEN, . Superintendent. KPEGIAlOTICE.-rhe Cottage Vi& C Or is conducted strictly upon tthe gash sys likm . Ail papers arediscontmued at the expi ratidu of the time for: which they have been nnid.1 Bub'seribers will be . notmed, rocR Wii; hrfoi their Unie is out, by a, cross "..-...-.-:-. ' r ' - ' ! m ark, on their papers : arid unless the sub scriptum is renewed the paper will be discon . tiivued. This is a rule from which th'enq will ' be no departure. Watch for thV cfosa mark Bclrtfnet? your snteferipUfJJf. .11. . - o S. I W coruer of Eleventh 'and Ch.tuut Sts., Phi!a Dec. 9, SC3. 41 f. tide to emanate from a cai.did aad intelligent osurce, aul thus we give it to our readers. The inestion is often asked, what are recd or Kar.sY'' Ye answer, ther ar, in most cases noth- ii.g in the world but the old tuchxlian in disguise Mai.T'ofthe so.c.nlled orjaos havo the a.ime bth Iov; the fame reed., an1 the aarye general interbal ltrrartrcracnt. . With the bellows turned on edrcto Uaia room, they have dimply " rt on a more pie jtentions exterior, and a wore high-st undirg name But an trgitM, to be in reality an otgap must Larc wind chest or reservoir Tot PIT separate Trcai thc.i b llow., ioto whkh wind-chest the rved t pen, and the tone 1ms room t exinud and perfect itself iut the full round tone, simibr to the flute or iiie or- wi n mooth,firin,nd meflow; and this tonv llrom rfM.tnna... h-.i...:...! : - . .1 known ol . 8 ,0 a Ulie 'Ul M ,'0 ;;'lU"'1 -Hnir-J,n,l joking T M me have tlie v id time of pasmodically with every go TA TE OF NORTH CA R 0L1XA, llcwhrgon County. . Superior Court of Law, Spring Term 1803: George V M'Minn &. Co. r to the use of John M'Minn J I I against y Debt, Joscj.h Plley and ;j Henry W. Rniledge. J It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court .that llenry W. Rutledge, 6ne of the defendants in thU case, is a nonreridi nt o Ihisfctate; iti therefore ou niotin ordered by Cnrl, that pulication be made in the Cottage uitor six. tor (successive weeks. hotifying the said Henry W. nutledt;e to be and apve.u- at the next term of this Couit, to be held t the Court House in Heudersouvim, on th 10th Jlimday after the 3rd Mrt.?y in An?nst 'next. then and there t" h ad, answer, or demur," or the C'urt will proceed accord in 5 to liw I .. . o ti1it l tt t. It" tat ttiA rir. . 1 ui;iu9 mm" n ninvjii .iiv - - w urn llio VCt'dt open direct into tho hello vrs or air a i... stead of a wind-cheat or round l.x. ' And yet som raakcrs even z so far as to claim this spaimodicoi autoutatir jerking of (he bellows 00 the reeds as an excellence, just an thouch they did not know that it mut very sovn throw tlie reeds out of ttue, and ipjiite the bellows ; and a though it were no; m. easier matter to obtain a much better and more easily managed swell by other methyls. The trutl is, any orpin, ji0. called, or inelodeon which ban the wiud actin directly up.-a the rnd., is nothing more nr le than a hue aceordeon. dress itnp a? vou mav. And when crpatdst and true muiciaup become aware of the f;ct that they can obtain thte that are organs in fact as w ell as in name, they wil buy no more of the objectionable oces. Tl.tn a5.ain the well houM alw.ijs be eprate and ditit.ct from the bellows, so'as not to be acted on by tlw hard r ofthhviig, but convenieiit, o that he played cau tie it with the knee, si pa rate fr m. th ' THE SCIENTIFIC ABEEEICAlt TO BE GREATLY ENLAROID 1 1 Thi widely circulated and Topnlar Jonra! Zt , the IndiistriMl Arts and Sciences eaters It TW EX TV SECOND VKAIton the 1st of January pexl. ai.d : the Publisher propose ti signaliae the occusicn by KNLAUGIXG it to the sire ,f the most costly Sri. entiBc Journal of (Jnt Britain, IVIIHOUT, 1IUW EVER INCREASING THE SUBSCRIPTION vrnicE. It i a!mot supeiCuons to speak of the great value of this Popular and Useful Journal to all cbsscl.nnd especfal'y to Mechanics, Manufacturers, Inventors, E ginctrs, Chemists, Agriculturalists,- and all who love to read of the w onerous prgtct - -which now marks every departtnei.t ot MetLae.er ' Knginccrirg ai;d the industrial Attsaud Sclfisfer1' tr.erally. . ' The Editorial di. ailment istery blv rca4:il V and many of the. Lest Scientific writers in thiftCot:, try and Lur. pe ate cotitributoia .to its tajren Macy rr the articit s nave luc charm 01 rt niar.ee a bout thvm, aul ii.sj ire the raiud with rsohlr ideas The i?cil:sTtricAMr.iC-M has the larrest ctrcu lation of au similar journal iu existence, but 1. ought tohavc a million of readers n this rowii.g country. . The ergrat mgs of rw Inventions. Tc Irui le' ment for the Frm. Workshop and IIotu -i.o!d are ;rj niuMeron.. 0j are dendidlr eicctited bv the7 l ; tj.crM . Thi, feature cf the'pa Another feature peculiar ib,,SciH,-. icas is the Official publication r Z't granted by the Government ratenl Onw. iiach " oumber contain the we kly Issue ol Patt ot . i with copious notices of new inventions, together with ReviewN of Foreign Invention aui DucoferUs in every department of Scieuce. Whoever leads the frVicvrjric Aursr-jljr i ir trncted and eotertait-ed, without tcl Lothex4 with hard words and dry di taiit. The American and Euroj ear I'a'eot OH-ces, In. connection with the Scr snric Amkbicam, tctio nt f) immt ns Mus ntn of M cl t ici. Notelii. i ich akika l a m n mm. v . - - - - - 1 I.w L..a.M..1.. ..... . I handsar fet, and thus always under car control ur.ul?l.; '""- "l "r- corps ci i . . locimiiHC Liimro .i rimiK uramreS a&O Al.a ' f t ' ft srr IViyi'v ruui iii(if'i 1 1 e . it. The lare ilivideil IttllowR, or double bellows, isl . also a'very ttnport.tt-t Improvement. By this means! ThiCrru Is no doubt the mod extr&jiTin tL not ntilr ran the wind be miitidied more evrnlv. but I world. -. , J , - - ----- - . . ....... 1 f -... -... Yifio fi M Par.- Clerk of Kt id Court, at -office with far greater ae to the iertrmer, Irura tne .ow is me ume m irin m flirnniior-vio r thelOih Monday after the Gid Moudar in JIarch f.t that ith. r b-Uows ah.no will be snCicient f. i SiH.NTinc Avkbios. j-i lo Lf gin ith the i.e 18C9. Tssued the 1st day of Jnly. lSf0. ; I CM. PACE. Clerk. 33 t2 Z'J. J3T Printer's lee eight dollars. STA IE OF XO R Til CAROLINA, r : f llrud'fsou Cvunty. . j . Superior Court ot Law', Sju ing Term, ISGO. Straw?, Hartiv-.au, Hofman, &Cd. against ? A. A J . B. Miller. v J Debt. - . . ' mmx It r-rvfliinfT to th stahsfcun r the Lourt that Andrew MilU-r! niid J. B Milhr.thedefendant in thi caso are i-.unres.idei.fii of this rftate: it lis theref.re, on niothui ordered ly Court, that publi cation b- made 11? jtb'e Cottage Aisitur for six srecessive weeks, iolffyirir the aiud AndrewMilh c th lighter melodies, thus permitting the player to I volume. change about and itst the fit t. at will ; then, if tl.t I The nemVters for a year make un tIerdid!y H'llowa is of the reiit.iMte Urpe size, ana havm tL lUstratMl volnm ot 832 tarrj. Termi: wiiidnrhest or reservoir,!! wllfbe well. A to tht lat.num : SI .f for six mot.tb; ci for four inor.,fc n ed, they n.ust be ciet.tificatly tuned and ioiced,ci0l if ten and upwards. $2 50 eaL; Caosdiac or a.l the other gootl qualities in tne woria cannei 1 .uUcriU rs. 25 pr ai.nnm.aU.ja in advance produce a. toned instrr.men. The Inrjniry now J Sj.citnfn nyn.hers s M free , also, a Pattt Uil very natrnilly a. lies, where can tueorfan te procu lvjvlce to iaventois. Address red coriibiinpj: all these ea5entx.1l and u sirahlequa! tW'? There Is only onr posefInjf (til theicpd tit and that U the AMERICAN ORGAN, made by S D. ii U. W; Hmitii, oCUoslon.SiaBatA Ott. Whole. jale Azent,o3 Broadway, New Yrk. Thtseor-I rat.s Iwvc a w inde-chest extendire the wbo!eleptb of the intrumi-nt and to construrted. as to act atr the same time as a n verlwratire sour.d-W.x od tNaid, and havinjr the same imprrtant relation an rart to pern.rm that the auunmng uoara na x iu piano. Tins faiure ine maaers nave j aicniru.ann STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ; I Jlend-rtou County. 1 Superior Court i-f Law, Skiing Teroi 1803. 'c -...I. 1 i..:-.:.i..in.,n f I fc- A u . I ;f'!t I sale of laud. i.an.uai owajngum 1 el al. J tlfnt!fn of tho Ponrt Mil .. " v . c?.t r....- to It'U oin in a ere ttnt asure the entirv nr.e jiunii ni 111c riiMiii. U-iSk.'iil-- n 7 - . 31UNN &:CO.f . " JTo. 37 Park Ecu-, New Ycrk City xr..'iv ji;tton Rti.rf Sittnnj Ir.. .! nuftl!. fur.nes and tichnes of , tone "so cr,n.i vi;,,-.., .Ipffmltntt In lhi. are nonresident it'TiZeu or allwlio of this State ; it i- therefore on Tuonan, ordered by j""0 y - e t'OTTaCB ' l"CH i anwiow i.u iConrt that publication be male in the hishly liave uel tbrse rirsans. Thev Vrtl UlTiaeit rw-now in Mirtatt feature. N prl o( their work is slizhted. no expense or pain ; ared !.. 1. - ....; e..-. . Ilim Ootirt t.. w ncm , f , S-vl C-.trt. I.. U. btld t the Curt i.i H-ndtr. wtll-M mwfc.nicail.. wUi.i'lde tt'.m th- itu- aionuay-- x.tiu ., 1 ... . ., . , . n ll.u r.r.mil tirtHmn tlir liiTf Won lit r . ...:ti . n . t i..-r tnrn ni.n in pre iii nnwi'r .1 m .,. .-..-..v-. r - ........... . , mj ITI-tll'1!! ..-- j 1 I 1 . rtiliott. . L pVead, answerror deuiur, or the .. !:. m a a i I accoruir.s 10 1 . f ... r n r. ri..i. r r-. w: r 1 tn P prt nfs.iirt U.MlTt. at omeei IMM.ff?. i e vicifw i-.v x..n,4 hukv iiiiu,i...i!''.V' . ... It i...r-,M it,ointl, MoiidaV afler th- "rA II IK r'vir" m ' J - - -- v " March ISC0. i day ofju!y.lf00. C M. PACE, Cert. r,i fv 21 39. Triatcr's fee eiht dollars. -gXl tho 10th Mondav after the 3,d. Monday in March in Hot 'ei-onv.'.l 1869. ' MM ' I ; Monday H Marcl -Issued the 1st day of July, 18C9. j l ! --1 ; I --C. M.PACE, Cink, - . I -I - ; -o - ! , . ft- 33 v 2 Printer's fee t 30 superior meiil alone. We wot.ld ml h artily a J- vie all interested to call npon, or aadn so. me. fcl- BEBIA DTT. the U hoi.u.i.i Aar.vr,El "83, Rroad. way, New York, and can auie them be will, the mot per.tlcmanly and truihful manner, imparl to tht-m all the information they mar deire, tid thein deaerintivo circuart. relative to-thivj A. B ! . Tjvieiii.uui iniunutBi. THE STANDAED, - A RELIGIOUS AND FAMILT NEWSPAPER. 1 II rCILUHlDWUtU IT N'o. 110 Dearborn Street, Chic jjr, ill. . editors ; I .mr rtirroia: . ' J. A. SM1TIT. D. D. 1 LKr.dV-CHUnciI. LEKOT CUUKCII. I EDWARD G00DMA!T. Tcreu : . . . . On year. per w sil . . . $S.OO Aade-luctin of fi It j- cects when jaid in irrtbct. clcbbates: cn rti 1 ant-iirc : Ten eopie, ott? year . i2.&0 Twenty M 40 CO With an t xtra ccpy Riti l tkse oce who res! cluh cf tew or twelro , 1 V