: t I - PTn TTTT 3k j- a tbc poor tbo Gospel is preacbed!. ill: - V J . n JVEMBEll 12, 1869, i 0. 50 j ! i J a '-0,- f : 'v : ....... ... a .a ... .-. .i r- i, THE OTT AGE VISITOR; - I .Publisiicd qvery T'riddy .? I v Bditor AND PUBLISnER, TEBfflS; One copy 12 months, . . ; 6 . Single coiy, 5 cents. 31 so; 75 50 5 AdFurtiscmeots compatible with tie xharacter of the paper will he inserted at 10 cents per line, for the fir'ft, 'insertion, and' 5 ceutsfor each subsequent inscrrion. . " Foi jt'iinoniicing :i c;tnlidate fr fBce, . t. 3 Job work 'executed ifeatly, at prices correspond- ns .with tli; times. Iiivariitblj in advance. Omens Signs "Wonders- A lady sends' the following to Ilaney s Jour nal, as among '.the popular superstition anil whims of the day : t Yes sir, you will find very few people wl do'not ! entertain some superstition or other, though I perhaps very few will admit it; I I Sinpe nolone wilf adopt any ones from reading these ; remarks'; and I .would like to impress Vipon parents the 'importance of hiding their .pnptrstijious beliefs, (if they can't overcome 'thorn) from the children for superstitions arc roriaiii'lv useless, and otteh inconvenient, if theV are! no worse. 1 was tnaintaining that nine persons out of ton' held some superstition, when a'gentlemaTi insisted jtliaV-hc had not a single one. I laid in wait for him. He did not like to count the carriages at.a funeval. "Why ?" "Ohjl don't 'klinw.'' l snper'stition, Mr. Blank. M.mv w-iit until a whole funeral procession ; 1 1 ;.- gone by, rather than go between the car- 'r:aes'to- cross live road. j A ladv -assured nio sie hadn't a single isMperstitinnl' O.ie day her dittle girl took u her ''mothers hat, which, was black crape, Three miles N. W. of Heiiriersonville, IT. C.Me right foot. r'J loa""vou'il b where you are goinrr." , ; , - j Iionce lianded 41 a gentleman ar.d a scholar" a'ciip of tea. . lie .seized the toa-spoori, kim- rqed offtbe bubhles oa the surface of thu tea, alid.sayiiig, exultantly, "Oh! look!1' hastily popped them into his month. "Well," Kaid ij r j "What . of . ir." , "McncV r said he. Now do you suppose that man thought tliat, suirrlowing those bubbles would bring htm anv good luck in the money Hue ? Of course he didnt: and if he bhouid 8ee this in print, be would be shocked to think I could imagine him kerions In hc matter ; but take my word tor it, he would never a how hi tea-bubbles to escape him f.ir.Liok of diiiaoj.. on his part togather them. j I have been on the hok-out lately for the superstitions of those about me, a-id could give j yon , hiiudivds (f others, but these ate enough for 'samples of those remnants.' w Tal;e hc-d thcrcf-rr unt j-oii-fvlrr, nnl tr nil formation it n pnlnccd V ; xun , .be formed" wlieu I gite you a few cf t'.u; measure ments. The tottl length i t: ti e fop of tho head to.thc lotrcr "tnrTicc c t c ir. '.eo is 10 feet 2 i inches; acrors th0ic 'Icrs the width is three feet: acrosJ it t t. ' a of tho flock, ort-r the V.cU lie llotjr Ghol hh j .ltlli 7in,.. tb l,rr f ,1 a i ..lrr. ..trrsi-ew, cr lUUf, to feed the cLuuh ' Xnch br?c ) 'r l 3 inches Cod p.ivl. - Nn; the thigh is 12 inched 1 1 2 . : If- be- Dehold. t nd yn foith at hrrpjn thf miI.t of o'v3; be y tlunr-re nie s MTiK.i.t, t.J aimless as dons. CUrut. I'le'-iL ui "TTiaiactcr the hcirt of His l)to.le. I O ! that all God's pcofle would rcaPzc that ie manifold grace of God. O ! that they m'l.t realize the blessed fruits of giving the renewed freshness and vigor of their owa souls in characters jrrow ing in conformiiy, t6 His who ' loved us and igave Himself for i us.' k. From il.e, IIone aixl Furrign Journal. Honey. Tncy Smith said, " If yon would know God's estimate of wealth, you have only to coisidjer .what fools ho usually bestows it upon.? It may be, and doubtless is, very true that God esteems money very lightly, but Etill it holds an important place intbe dispensation which we are at present placed, and is, Providence, the means of accomplish- under ! under Canton, X'ay, 1SG0. R. II. G. I Make Atlowanco. Children are much like in their childish ways, in every station t life. We must not , f expect too niuch of tlune in tho better walks ft , of life. In .our city schfols, where we haw the children of rich or wtU-to-do people, with scarcely any poor-among us, we become very fastidious, and easily annoyed with their pe culiarities. It rcem's foasonable to expect the children of ChiistiAn patents to topprccf- ingjmpst important ends: Sought as an end te, more than othets, the instructions of the iog to put .it ou her head. MMin- 'i.it',V exchiisned her .m'olhor,. ,:doiv t put that blC" "Why" said 'rather you would not." - Then turning to me she, said,' so'tto voce, "Somehow or other I never dodike' to have tho,' children put on any ' of in v hlaek -crane' tilings.-" Superstition, Mrs. llr.nk. Then if a dog howls at night, , how -many turn pale I "?ome one-indhe neighbor hood is going to die, sure." I mustsay 1 was astonished ou'e evening, when a dog howl ed outside our windows, to see-a vc'ully good, pious old Methodist hvl'y deliberately take ofi 'hcr'.sjipper and turn it wrong side up upon the H, v ''Why,, Mrs. Meek-and-mild,' what is that ri?'' "()h they sayif you hear a dig litAv'iy.u must take tiff ybtir slipper and turn - itup.'" 'W-,'i, will your' slipper be enough to save the lives of all in this house, or must each one of us follow suit?'7 "Isn't1: it ridicu 1 ou's T' Khsaid-; but I noticed that she allow-c-d "the slij per to "remain 1 there, until j she was omtersuve that. the. dog had taken, himself ' 011)0111 of hearing. Even -the old Dutchman believed in I that superstition ; "for he told a - friend, , .Dd dog bowl dredful last night, and veil I takes up mine paper this morning, vat you tinks? somcpodv die in Philadelphia !M Then! how. many believe that" if the scksqrs, or any sharp thing falls to the floor and stands np straight, some; visitor is coming Why I've seen cung ladies in the early, morning 'put-down their sewing and take the I crimps out of their hair , an hp ir or two earlier than usuil, j ust bccauscL the sc'i.-"-6 fell off jhe. lap rok tip straight. andj loved for its own sake, it is One of the I most debasing object a man cai'stiive for. Sought asa means it inav.be. and"i:enerallv is thejinstrumvnt of gratifying some of the most frivolous and sensual desires of our corrupt na tore, but on the other hand it is necessary for accompisbing the most lasting and sub lime rtchievrments set before our race. he vi.-e i rovnlence or Uod it has been made wor but The Money nccearv for the conversion of the! Wo r:e-J not fjliaiTel with this fact. must accept it. Without money church es canjiot be built, ministers cannot be sup portedj nor 'missions sntai ned. Since -inoiicy is necessary, not for ' God, but for map to do Clod's woik on the earth, why is itttlfitt so little is foi theomint; ? work of the world's conversion js God's, is Heeded 1 r its accomjilishmcnt. Why tlp'vle not have it ? The money is God's His arq the r.;.ttlo upon a thousand hills the silver rtnd iz) are his. We see -men's, souls i i , i perishing for the bread of life, silver ami goldj will enable r.s t oive it to tl em. God has created! the silver and the gold in the earih. Yet the nie.sns i- n.it available for the end why is this? Mar: is the intervening obstacle. I 1 . I ' God entrusts man with monev that he niav use it lor God. Man forgets that he 13 a Sabbath-school. But we have not found it so in our cxprier.ee. . Tint', when. our petted, well-dressed, and well-fed children," come in from their comfortable .homes, feeling happy and independent, they are not likly to.be any more quiet and orderly than would the same number of little roughs, in some out-of-the- way m;ss:on sch"J' IK-ihaa ihu uuusual attention and newness of the theme would be more appreciated and attractive to the latter class. Dut wc fail in patience very often for -v.-Ant.nf reflection. ' We kr;ow there i a pleasurable excitement in mingling with a crowd in any place, and this is cue of the attractions which swcKs o;tr numbers; for many children use their own pleasure about going fact leaves an obliirat ' Sunday-school, which n on t cache is. to tnuke t'tieir teaching as pleahnt'as possible. 'J'hus, when a hundred or m e children arc gatlu red in one room, lojkiug' tito each other's joyous, familiar faces, it prdlnccs in them a ft i hug of excitemcni and hilrity, which their leason is not vet strong en-j Teachers, let pat: in tiie rising genera hear our burdens, an. with more aeccptabi gh to reprc-rs. Work And Pray. brethren, wc Are called tolalor In our Ue.cd Master's name Called the precious ccd to scatter, Fearless of rcptoach or shame. See, the fields arc white to harvest, Still the laborers arc few ; Jesus calls on you, my brethren, Something in His name to do. Look around you souls are livicg Heedless of the coming day, When the things of time shall vanUh, And for ever pass away. "Why not warn them of the future Of the place where lost ones dwell Of the dreadful night of darkness, Christlcss souls shall f-jmnd in hell ? Why not tell them of the Savior, Who was nailed upon the tree, That, by tasting death for sinnors, They might be from death set free? Tell the worldling and the careless Of your Savior's boundless love; Tdl the outcast and the wanderer Of a home with Christ above. Lt the love of Christ constrain you ' . To proclaim the joyftil sound Of Hahation for the truiltv, And a ransom for the bound. Ask yonr Lord for grace to labor; He will give you all you need: Seek the Spirits? help and guidance, Iamcstly with souls to plead. Let your seed by praver be watered, Krc you Mre.w it o'er the ground;' With your Father's blessing on it, It shall yet with ff nit abound. Wl.ib nor T.nri TTIc low the knee 9 1 inches ir tt;ckT-ss. TIio Cgnre was found King on I hand p!accl U"jn the abdo:j on the back, and the left ' the r:glt. rnc tnrmbV Kvervt!iii' i there the i Ticht side, ono r t! .n ether up- he h! 11 and feet. Tl dec. M lly Caucasia l i decided oj in- )ccn it and it nc cf the most ;thr rn across t !, CoUlplftC. k. al-onl the iye, the Adam's rpj !o iu j" nc , the full vein, the iromincnt mnsch 'and Lonc., the natural swell of each rill a id the clearly defined nail, both of the ht 11 and feet. Tho face ar.d features were deailllr Caucasian. Mav it net be a statute 7 ton of every person: who hi has been visited to-day by highly educated and inttllij V pccplc f thfs city is that its perfection j he material cf which it is composed, endj t pkca in wliiclr it was found, arc against tl hypothesis. It seems to be composed of a j grcjish lime- " stone, with which this rrg '.j abound. As may be supposed, spcculatt rj arc already ou hand, sums reaching 'into llll tens of iboti sands have already been cd m. .Since writing the above , learn that Dr. I. F. Boynton, the welbkrwi gcoiogitt nil lecturer of this city, has t to. the spot, and inclines to the opinion that J h gig-ntic figure j4 a statute. Trilnn?. Cof j Kcminisonco of'6oi tvin3. C. D. Dennis writes: C VH In 1819, at a debating ht, icy m.Illinoi.1, I spoke cxtemioraneously t tie le?-t of lay abiiitv, and congratulated ir made a fair impression i audience. You can judge, prise when a mere boy aioi to reply to my speech; anj least ashamed to fay that hi swered all my argument?, came to them. At this would be hard forme to tclllv Do not idle time nwav: Oh, my brethren, be not weary ; Isow's the time to Work and pray. H. K. Causo of a Bad Memory If uion having 1:1 1 log-cabin pn. of my sar iid conimcnccu lar.; not in the tucr.? hanOy an il i by one, as ho xding was Tbn r.lbrr dv T s-ijil in lTi.mti r. "iv- iter perieei! . t ' von r-o (id ThcTJabcly 1 A0 If a blTic-u-JticLVcmcs Kuddcnlyiinto the "3 . ".T vt-V irt'ttw imtW.. .xct I ( I'rtOT 1 1 T W 1 ' I 1 1 V ' t - .-i I tlltliU tfkVJllV 111 11 Lf. W-M. sayiff stinger had come.) ' . (nc lady told me she was not superstitious at all. " I5ut,,7.: she adted, , "there is one thing that 1 do not like p do, and that is to break a looking-glass.,! ?aid, "Well 1 don it suppose any of u vrould occupy our ' ilvcs with that littlp'mane just for tiniiisement." " 0hbut" shc on tot " I never yeVro'ce .a lookirtg-glass, or knew: cf any or.e iSC -.wreaKing one uiai tue a breakiuf lli or some relative, didn't steward" and lays claim to the gold as his own. Church of Christ o: God has created the gold in , the hills of California. Ho" raises a harvest of silver in the corn and whet and cotton fiedthy of Amer ica, lie has" created precious sls in China and xfricirtTlTe crown of his Son. II is, wish is that tho means he has crea ted be ppled to the object for which they were.CTeated. lut the channel is stopjed up. Thojtranja n h :rh should -flow to the ends tA Xhc earth,, giving joy. . and peace as M -flows. and blessing the heathen nations with life and! . . r . . . -i - i salvation, i;.,rr;i -. ijjuilfjrrada itstdl ver-tbeaill hva dctating nnd' pestilential flood? worhlljiuss, luxury and sinful indul- Mt fil li.-r ilmrn it.- tl . work. c are doinj much goo.1 in our davi i ,i r r .i u i . J . ... ;cIothcs line from over the waJk. so that the on, who will ere long! , . . . , milkman, when he comes throngh the vard, . we trust, fill otir p aces, . t . i T" i. . 'iwou t brush against and soil K. Milt," I add ty than we uo, in the ,..! a 5.....i -o, jwu iit-vu uui jo uuuu on purpose. nppennost in uiy mind, that M cha gtiu r.t ;ny owiailitre, cr admiral iony the boy wlio had answered rue f and thr.f 6y v:s General John A. ttawlir.s, the-late j ji vtzry of War. As soon as the debate was in jrl 1. t no tirao in gcttiifg acquainted wi in, tnd asked what he was doing. I leartcA rror.i him that he was cutting cord-wood aud bnr: mg char coal, and that his nanus was lli t 1 i s : I What is still better, when I visitt as the Secre tary of War, in his cftice, l.l .vintcr, trith a personal friend, lie was not mha:r.e 1. to ac knowledge tlut he had once iren t ne of tho toiling millions of the Iandaid in Ihc pres ence of Mr. Clark, now in "Vihington city, he conversed with xac fjruilnn cf tl.b&e early j vsin his life. ! earth. S. S. liuies. : You wish to drcsj you.r circumstances 4 have you. She is a said, and shc does n csire of Dross. your wife better than ill allow '.Rinnan Tel rather go purpose, ma'am, and do it,r the girl replied, begining to clump down stairs; "then there'll be no danger of my for. gettiu. Hannah was light. Her words reminded me of a little thing 1 had eugnged to do. but w. She wants to' ;I.C.IU.C ;t Wu MJ nu ,ad neglected and of spirit, -as it i' aim,,;, frgottcn. I went dii directly ami did it, .mean to be a drudge.1,.,.,! it0i to takn w.rrdiM' r..r it,, fi. uM-i - t ii i'. . ... r : n iv. 113 bnoii.u our neighbors slic says to her,1 IntvK t.? . ;l . n .... ""'ui, uIc nnv oeuer 111 Nothing siAiils the ineiuurv like a lial.it of ian we.' lli'v'lli.jjiv. lWm!;.. .!;,.n il, il.t.r.'.i urn in.i.!r ..rtl.A V ...1. 1 1 i..t ! f .... ....iviv vi C-ntllU iiCKM riHI OIVMHl lliflt w Tho "Hornet's l'f:st' : nrr u.Lovr the e-no ..at I don t th.nt t v to rlifr-t Lax'e a f.r 4.. ltat n ot.ii) oi much stunt Would lot wlf.J 1 - 1 .1 , , ... , , "v a,-u i'ier lor to-morrow, bv neg ectitMr t - i i r, iv. "'t.vui in I'll III '. il.i t i, f rf .In?. .1 ti 1 k t t . - f 1 j ; ou w;ii op r.rnttv 1 - 1 us fo. L.dui: nt tlw.v.. m ... 1" . . ' " 1 1 - v Lilian iu. - 1 1111 i 1 . 1 . . . . m . moment s thin!.- ib- t i. i i.. . w i,,c wi I IJ ' a 1 i- ...... .)VlMi.a.iiif 11. Ill- 1.1- .llt'l . . I ici Pi'iinn w ii i.:..-1 ti i t 1 1 . .. . - -uuu . r .1 u iin'viinirr i. 11 ill iim ititt iir i:riit intr Unf a v. 1 it 1 I n.-j ma. mis JS a pair ot t.it, ,.,ik., t ri t. i . . i - .-. n mr wiiur . - - ' ra:i the probation J.vhich we arc passTifg clrTTrngTrrr,7iTiJ,Ve shoidd h"iv . 1 i 1 r ' l u' l, il xvllh th liht." Act up ,J-V. bi.4 whole Iioyc ot ? c, end both Hn essential ttnu-nf in the discip.ine of iFfe. nndmv ehiMrcn'"0 " r''"1 li!uc"';l' tbat bidding, and yon will not be cf those Imm,.v a,:t? KO,l wtre destroyed j - ) God does- not immediately -apjdv the- stiver tt " cn- ; - (who are &o ofton sdviog, Oh, I Lrgot." "Tljc care, children, that vi ll net tct fito and thcHhl one of. the' great objected , ; S 10 i:,G qn;ck by; - ' your louc foi Some time azo a farmer. it in' a hornet's acrt nt der the caves of his ht n, d tennined to destroy it. So he took seme matches, tied, them to a pole, and with thm tet fu-c to the nest and totally destroyed it ; ir.f itnnatrly, however, the barn was also! 11 r.c l. together with grain to the value of-fift i bu Jrcd dol lar?, on which there was no " hat a tito 1 smne Ont great a fool as thousands are :!vc.- to be. J I.;s man bnnied down alca i t ; ge t r-t fa htriu t".- not. What cl3 (:x"3 man do who drinks rum - cuic iIHrA ? fIt may favc life,' sas the wbe-docfitr!; Vs, but it i apt to destroy it after zl iir I I knovr many a mri who, in trying tf tl. Stapi vhsT-. I f Oil" I ItnrTi. C- II H'ltl n 1 L c is f I .ip 1 t.. - which they were created, but entrusts tl.ln ,i',,,t ",;,, Uiten!in.es; blCgUiar IJlSCOVcry Near Syracuse 10 ins peooic, inai ne mav iesi iue:n. 11c t.i t. ,. t. f.n... . . . 1 . 1 i ----- -... "iijc.ui" wnird j - I a. i l i.j.i r .1 i i :o ersp: die si h ii iiLL.iii'1 ... i . f - n ri iMiiir in I iiii riih i v. 41 y-i -..- - - - sclvcs-iwhether tl.oy p-fer to deck thorns f- 'Messed a!CoVl?? I,cc town of La . n i !. . v httle better than he cnn nrr.r.T l. : ...: tie, in this Couutv s licmm C, . n ves in tine ariavcrio save touts whabc.V nv; . ; ui urgei i'f !.b .;.,t..f.tbi . c .i.L: V'1"4 children arc dressed letter ihsn he ivm l,rrI'0,i,',I1! entirely KtiiHcd. was ...sm.I l'r m vt ,,Jt,r "ITitesA, , , . '.)... ,b f..M..w:... "... "... . ' Ir . 3 n r . !i 111. a :i Mir hmiim v inner i.m t t! . i i & n 10 iiiu iiit i" rnritii"n aa. t .-v i and tastes before cr alter the eonveisioiw.t ' ,..tJ 4.ir UI.. PXirava. ; , 0 v.4.j...w.vt . aiu.ut 1 1 r the akc j IJ destroy ing a Xcvcr rhin',l'hat fncnd y a 1h" nt it.iil :r.nrr; a hornet nc&t. and others may say - i I T ABaautiful Sentiment, 1 ' Sorrow sobers us, and en renin!. And in sorrow we ( .ic won1, sing before breakfast for fear ucy; -shoulJciy before night Others won't give ;a knife or. s't"sors,to a friendt without mokiiij; iiiui- gc thtin - -penny or some but hwil arnonnt of money for it, lest .it shoui cat iove.1' A gentleman once asked, me if I "had three; cents about me: I said, "Yes, and I mean; to koop- them' " vo yon won't vou'll' give them to me for this knife" (a the heaihen whether ihey pn.fi'r thei houses tuiei-jrs of the livin- R . . 1 M eir cei lei! j. GoI. Ilev.'iII sec whether their piety is sincere or is a 'mere nreience omv. vi l tuiil thnt .t . . , J - v n.Mfi, ... . . -jour friend more tenderly, at come tlearcr to n3. And ginc.. 1 Ho not mv that thrv nr rt.i ieA soma i.i .Syracuse. r:cr.r (riilfr I;,,. . steal; bnt I do say tfcst thev Tf ; farmer naml Win. Xcwell. V.-tcrdm- ,r,r. m an sr.mehow to mt it out of tin nnllln,, !,!OOI'i eompany with a hired man t L .. .. l - . . . - ! " . , urn l tt L- ,:t- ilw. .' 1 . . i .II.- - II r.. it. . . . 1 ..- -' ia iiiu 1111 KiiiiL-nr f . 1 . f .tin iii-r-nvi-:i 1:11111 n 1 r . . 1 . . . t . 1 wu. in u,c njcrcnanr. - id mc .riar u i.r...- ! ' & - - 1 in 1 kii i 1 - 1 w mm us 111 enr 1 but hw 111 give U3.1 new spring ofjoy iu this Jwliynesshvorhi. Oc uiJl have yi learn the nf,nngct.tloc0 words cf the Lci-d Jcftis,'It isTiorc blessed to give :han to receive." 7 He wul Civc vjeh s.inl bnrning xvith love to jesus ami wjing," .Lord what wilt tbno b-.v., P tVerbBunied be:uity; d vety cheap for thejmc to do?1 An opituuity of doin s-0 j'' Ml1 u r yfefel rWehitsed the hnife ; fn lathing f.riuan, cf r. t- i !- !.-..: . f . . . . . . . 1 .u . 11 . - 1 - ...v.. iixkuii . ; 1. iiuviiu 111 in-; Kf ii-n iin.i i,.. . !.. -ii . '"- '! . .iuoul iu I n i h.ir r..i l I i I j- ""v- i ii .nil im: Ul Cr, IvCl UC liW .,TI,.i r- - . t ,.. w..-g.. aonu., .n;, this desire to dress lV' l i oc a lar tono: and Mr. X. went L.i t ,. . . . V Pdrhowincr, his man had nnc,vcredl t , H' t' t r . n..cocrcd oaly m the.v emn ni -ut tl-tl I i .1 , . o "re 10 oe tccu shinm" in the U cr ligrr.?f they brought to liirht the r,.r. , ... ? . lf f-; tl. . j mind c ' 1 trust t'ie uid Lc- -s l 5 Mars . ilcmd I hough , v i tn our -j J- j dread IV f him, j 1 p.lut- rnc- - -soul . . ii-C j.:ous- 1 .... A . 1 ourselves ; vwiv.tu tMJfc C1 111 . ..Vu ou. o; the natives of infiuitv and - sens aLd d-n-1 , ' ..- o. K::i -.iga. Some Hi :r:v';'r::- ? . . .' : - . '.".' i d ' . . : i ' -. "' "' x ':-. -r-.- - . ' - - ...::U.: -v '