THE AVERY POST THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1955 Moniezuma Mr. Allen Childress flew from. RouBuke, iVa. to (Jem-va, N. Y to take an examination for the Army Air Corps Cadet Train ing. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Childress and has been attending Leas-McRae College. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones of Lenoir were visiting Mr. and Mrs. (ayton Marshall here Sun days Mr. P.rnce Clark of Burling ton Mas visiting his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Clark, here over the week-end. Several of our citizens have been attending the revival at the NevlanJ Baptist Church the past two weeks. Several members of the Bap itst Sunday School attended the Methodt Sunday School here Sunday, due to the heating system not" heating th? Aaron Church. Mr. Jack Sudderth is visit ing his parents here. He is a Marine recruiting officer and has been stationed in New Or leans and Baton Bought, La. For Veterans Here's Your Career Opportunity (.if.,.. it'ifi' XS U. S. ARMY OH U. S. AIR FORCE Good pay, the finest of training, and the chance for unlimited advancement all are offered to young men by the Army and Air Force. And, these same benefits and opportunities an open to America's young women in the Women''. Army n iiicl th.2 Women's Air Force. For a future as brrmi as tii? future of your country choose Army or Air Force. WAC -'.VAF. Volunteer for this great team of men and women v. i ire serving their country while serving themselves. For fulf details contact yom U.S. Ai?-vW AND U.S. AIR FORCE EKRUiiaiG . ft d&M V $ V ; ' f' & 3 3 2 M X 1 i ii all 4 Iti if 25 H ia JSC t v,..i I M MM MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY . Clip Coupon and Mail to THE AVERY POST, NewLuid, N. C. Circulation Dept . 1 ... ' " . r The Avery Post Newland, N. C. Please send The Aver POST ta: Name Town . . ; M. , State 1 .... Send another ?py tc: Name Town .. State (Rates payable in advance) Avery County $2.00 pcr car Ekcwbcre $5.00 per year. Disabled Korea veterans who have taken vocational rehabili tation training are ainiinjr for the arts and sciences in higher proportion than their lVllow veterans disabled in World War II, a ;VetPrans Adminisl ration study disclosed. AcH-oulin- to the study, H per cent of nil disabled ' post Korea veteran - trainees have chosen high-level objectives in the professions and in the niaii j agerial field. , Of the World War II dis abled who received t raining, '') per cent selected such object ives. Thus far, 2:1.000 disabled Ko rea veterans have enrolled in the four-year training program under Public Law S94. Another 606,000 veterans disabled in World "War II have trained under Public Law 16, a com panion bill in effect, nrarly 12 years. Thirty-five per revnt of the Korea veterans trained for trade and industrial occupa tions such as machinist, re pairman, and the like com pared with .18 per cent of the World War II erixmn. Farm training attracted 6 per cent of the Korea veterans and 14 per cent of the World War II veterans. Eleven per cent of the Korea veterans and six per cent of the World War II veterans trained for clerical positions. Sales irainin accounted for only two per cent of the Korea vet era ms. Five per cent of those who served in World War II chose this course. Among the post-Korea dis abled veterans who selected professional training, account ing was the most popular sub ject. Teaching ranked a close second, followed by engineer ing, science and law. 1 1 -My husband, a World War II veterans, bought a home with a HI luaii. before he died of a service-connected dis ability. As an unremarried widow, would I still be eligible for a ii loan in my own right, even though he used the bene fit? A Yes. The fact that he used his lit loan entitlement wond not serve to t bar you from using touts, as the unre married widow of a veteran. Rise And Shine--And Thank Levi ill" .-ir'5-- ' 'V .ilW Hi 1 '; ' Iv M v ., - . i r rr a iff V.Cai f ' .if; y.- ! You've probably never heard of Levi Hutchins. But when your alarm clock rings each morning you can thank Levi, who invented the thing in Concord, Mass., in 1787. (And that was even before the Russians invented it.) If you're an average American, getting up for work, school or to prepare breakfast for your fam ily, undoubtedly you have no love for the sound. But look at it this way that bell is tolling for you and you do have to get up." So why not get up right away and avoid that early morning hassle"' You'll be better off in i-evcra! ways. You'll enjoy washing and dressing at ease, once you get used to it. More important, you'll have the time for a good break fast something everybody needs and all too few get. Nutritionists say that brenk fast is the most negleftd meaJ of the day. And most of them i.iritv that, biealcffi pi'rt'.nt a.- ' f.''OUld !',.(. thii d : JUUI.I .ii i : u.ii'li , ' . . t.( as il'- i:. , -h t., :iJHiC!'s, Failure to have enough to eat or the light kind of breakfast usually results in fatigue, irrita bility and lessened ctlieiency and work output, the experts say. A basic breakfast pattern n-A forth by nutritionists consists of fruit or fruit juices, cereal, milk or coffee, bread or toast and but ter or fortified margarine. Kggs, bacon or other meats should be included several times each week. Dr. Neige Todhunter, head of the lepartment of Nutrition, University of Alabama, believes lack of time is the reason why so many people skip breakfast. "In talking of an adequate breakfast," Dr. Todhunter says, ''the question of adequate time should be stressed. The lack of breakfast is a serious problem in many parts of the country, and one of the main reasons why so many children and workers fail to have breakfast is because they do rml have time for it." So thiol, of Levi when your clee;.. i n r tomorrow morning. All i.i 's nyii.g !o :. is give you i i f . 1 i, i-1 on : ;-r djy jud i'-lp tuu to bc-Uj iicaUh FOR INFORMATION SEK SOIL CONSERVATION OFFICE Modem Roof Protects Longfellow's Wayside Inn ',fyn.cS$.-it'- v. v. , ';; ; ':r? :ory my:.y :. . . p Afr ' V ::' . . .f:.':y' J .. . . ;i:vS: V ' $ y If"' lTv'" ' : y t.... .i. -ft. v. - T, n v 14. " AAt: , to; ur u,j (, ... la' b.:i'l . . . . JO With P' 'ol on. All. .' Jrw.itl -'ji f-v'ii.-ll ELS m Blj. i f'.- Wayiide Inn, Sudbury, Ma-:., dates l'ro.-.t old colonial tavern appears ready for .nolI.:v protected with fire-reMstant ionbtdt t,hir;.; walls and windows arc kept pr hilc-d and in .yyJ-j.'-fkM F::i Callow.v ISS'j, bat the fine 25!) years. Its roof rs. while Uie s!Jt good repair. A century older than the Unite J. States, historic Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Mass., stands as a fine example of the sturdy colonial architecture of old New Kngland. Built in 1686. only tlO-or'ci years after the Mayflower kn e'e j. fie famous tavern wnj innnci taliped by the poet Henry Wadjv.-or'.li Longfellow in his "Talcs .; a Wayside Inn" in :V1 T)n.- -Hevolutioniry inn hr.s ui-: .;. of Arner'cr.u hiftop1, . : i . terrnrt: : : .r..i r. . , . Wayside Inn is a large frame building with simple lines and numerous windows. It is two stories high, with additional rooms in the dora, erect attic. To protect the priceless antioue from fire,'osistmi asphalt shingles were ; chosen for t':v pre. pnt-uay roof. j.Mtho'-.rh J.-vhalt shit'f.les ore I young f'tr: ''.''1 with fie inn H u:..; . :t b:u colorful ap ! . .... .ii ; . ; : ppt, regular pat- '.-'C!-;n with the i.'u.cipltiij of ihe li : ; -.i will be happy to know how we Live im,i. . - i iiie hearing and jelievtd tho&e Kiiicra'jii; head i..i.'i', caused by eatanh of the head, for thousands of p.jeple (many pest 70) who have used cur aiiiqile L'lmo Pa'liative Home Treatment in the t-ast IS years. This may be the answer to your p.ayrr. NOTIUNti TO WEAR. Merc arc SoHK u( ttu- tyni;Unu liut hxar Ytlt'y b tsui iny yuur chCjuKuI tlLrcei and hJ nuirAt Hi'd stopped u fr.'iri mu.ui. U,i.ii,k mucui ia t)io;kt. lUwtt ing and pi'.toiK. M j?uii in iie wr thnt evrryday. ltcun.. worst wah a fjltl. H,'ar but dun't uitderiMiid wurdi. Hear teller mi ciiur (ij. Weiw an rainy da. HtJ trniioi liar oi.ka , Ik!1;. vhlstlo. clickinc, ecapui( im or many c:i-K abuhtl. li ur cj. ul. .ion u caused by catarrh of the head, you, too, may .'ik-dy enjoy such wonderful relief ss many others have re ported want; today kok proof 20 day tuial OFFi;i. THI iU.G COMPANY, DIPT. D7. ; .:.VNPORT ICWA et Us Have REPAIR SERVICE i HEFIilOERATOHS, WASHING MACES, FISISEX.y mutoks (Large and Small), RADIOS We Have the Largest Stock of Parts and Shop In Wcstcrr tturm uaronna, aca.te-wiae Licnsed virmg Contractors PLANS MADE FREE FOR WIRING SSTDXATSB JOHNSON ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Phon?s: P.O. P.O. 5-40G1 SPRUC2 PINE, N. C YOUR Job Printing Reasonable Prices Good Service m rwii 1 inv i A T ift mm vm 111V 1 KEWLAND, 117 f i 1 aaaaaaaBaaWfl NORTH CAROLINA