( . v- ...c- V -.;.(,: . 7 -v . ...V;, ... i'. - k T Jn-,.rr?. ' . ' i ' 7A I I Kntered ef-'pd-e)iig matter Oct&ber 24';' 1907, at th Post OiBce at - . . -lder th Vst ifOn"!t VIi-m" I t i 79 i - . t : ' i. " V: ; ' . ' ' t - " - f, ..; ' - 1 . ivi Vol. 8. " . ' ": " , FAIRMONT,- N. C.HUKSAy, , AUQUST 13, 1914. - . V ' 1 " , V'"-,-.1, XkA -- - 4- i r, .' ' - wiMHiiiwiniiiinMiiiiiii innm iii.iimmTw twhwpti iirnirffflniiiMn nm if Tr-ir t -j - -mr 'iitr; -iwt u---Trr.--riT 1 "--- x rwimim ifiiiwimiii ui. wiiwmwiaiL ' " v:. - : v "(75 PO R. . -'Mn1! "'To the? Reader : S-awPf" .fii-.'i'-ITfSiu' v.. ,? pi;- j : i - f , a . r Located m One of the Best Farming Sections in the Usi v.: ted "States-floteil..'HS:' "a;CoSiw'.ad Tclbcco. Llarket ; -and ' Gommercia! : CenJrA Partial History, Faimoct located in the south-business at 4 ..4i'avs traie ,rn pavt of Robesou is !i Ver- from an uuuswtlly -Urga radius ' table hub of the moatprpefoas -of territory. . 'Arming section in North and Fairmont ia ruit - au old town, South Carolina. To the south indeed it has just very recently of her lie the flourishing tobacco struck its stride, 'and the Impetus fields of South, Robesou and 'given it by the tremendous a the cotton and tobacco planta-1 mounts expended here each tions of the bordering South; year and b y " t h e coming Carolina counties, Marlborough j o f the Beaufort ounty and Marion, while to. the north; Lumber Co. which practically famous tobaeco and cotton farms doubled its population seem to of Old Kobeson send their yearly 1 point to a healthy prosperous name is due to the efforts of Mr. F. L. Blue who was imyor at that time. ; Mr. Blue realized the name of Ashpole hid the psychological effect osurest ing to one a low swamp eoantry so he set out to find a name i hat would be suitable to .the "wns location. In looking, thnugh the - Records Mr. Blue ftund where Fairmont in Davdscn county had. discontinued as a postolfice. He then diretel. the towns attorney to : have the Charter amended and the tnvns The Mtenger wishes to thauk the following merchants and businitaen for their' sap port in getiti?out this Tobacco Industry 2ction: ? : . E. V. It enamel, Mayor E. Fish!&gent A.C.lX fi.R. FairmotjK -ight & Power Co. W. B. Bvk &Soo, Live Stock Fatrmooi upply Co. Every thing -jyv ... J. S. Thompson, General Mer chandise . ., Dr. F. Iittman, Dentist ' People's &baceo Warehouse, Fairmont Tobacco Warehouse, Robeson-Qounty Waiehouse, Hank of Fairmont, Miss Loren. Lewis, Millinery '' P;. R. ' Floyd : & Co., General Merchaiidi'WC 0. I. Floyd Co., General Mer- An Institution That has ; ,ed an Important Part v Industrial Developriier M it AAA KJi Ivi ?;'. r The Bank of Ashrrfilf. was aw L , ganized on the 12th day of Fe!.C-furwto such r. ruary 1904 with an authorize! int7mX rIaf(lecided tb rf capital of $20,000 $9,500 of whicl S j i0,rmy, barters. I IV. oid town of Ashpole was nod. I Thi editiu costs monc-M and void of distinction, howeveilW these gentlemen have been patri it was here that the Rev. Ste-otic enough to contribute to the oalvey, a prominent and ts li- inubHatioii; ; ,TI ipsa firi-na nvo 'Stabled Lot all that Fftivmnnt nr.tair, a school under the- auspicfl of j not by any mes but the , e ; r- 1.1.1. I . . ... . . ' i sent jte cream of tue business. Void they are the most te.- - -Juvn, please acoep: our , tlauKS for your hearty f ul educator in" 1878 establ - 4 the Cape Fear Baptist " Tu: 3 nih io rv.N f influence in f ttHvn has alH 3L,ii! Street. I . '.,,r, F. plo aaywher jlicf in their schot-ieriiu in education than do the I Fairmont, Fairmont or Ash-poleA r -N- can tr in..;.--' business in the brick store now occupied by the people's Barber snop. At the first meeting of the stocK holders the following seven men were elected directors; A. S. Thompson, R. O. Pttman. A. J. Floyd, Dr. J. P. Brown, A. N. MitchellO. I. Floyd, and F. L. Blue, this board of directors immediately elected the follow ing officers'. ' ., , A. S. Thompson. President. Dr.,T. P. Brown, Vice-Pres. F. L.; Bine, ; Cashier.. For five years tiie uank did a consistently Ji'siv' t(iii nessin this st'it.nU but the busi-' rK?pd b wareM time thj changer new ml mom".! name o' plishedl TheyJ preseut ,. building' ii and threpj brick and f Building, of Main f Thi. cdi and col ' t tribu'.e to )fr nrviiiASls. " -It is the strangle point for a large town audita rapid rrowth and development Scars tut the fiiturt . To the investor of capital orj the hoiueueekiT no tnwn offers '; more alluring indmemeuts tbn'n , i then was incorpov ot ( ft 1a we urt'aoauk our part ftfVk, ""' jttnd we assure von that, had jot beeu withyonr aid, we .nid never have don-it. We ask all readers of thi 901 j edition to jreward these business r" truth of this statemeut The 'Fairmont. Situated iu a fertile cardinal interest of Fairmont is in leaf tobacco and owing to its strategic position it has be come the tobacco metropolis of Robeson county. Last year over four million pounds of leaf to . bacco was sold on tj floor of its) two warehouses and approxi mately "fTJjOtT.Oro "was paid to Robeson Cbtuity return. ' , ' . couutryettled )-jr a thrifty ieo- ple, law-abidipg pud God-fear ing, who largely raise their own h supplies. Jh,i rapid growth of' Fairmont in the pact few years furnishes no cause for surprise. The natural advantages of coun- j try is theirs' and with native brawn and talent they "dre build- j f araicra . irt'i ing cp their stJtifoa'wHh maryd-. I oos stndea, a hofpitahle pcojj'e, This year another huge ware-' house hai been erected and ooeu d and it is only natural to sup- X nose . ti;it even more tobacco Ml be sold here this year, Along toiaeco of con rite cotton for tb ascendency owing le favorable rates from the farmer wii,U tobacco nud the sti anger within their gates is given a cordial reception.' The visitor or stranger is struck with the beauty and piodalnn'ess of the town. It U Ift'd r.ff after the fashion of a city )t ulreet are r,tlv,J it- imfciA-B.hmi.-i are of. d besides two years during " ' - t.L:u it tti.. rti- , tiXVll IUUQ I V TT .... J U.vu V 1 y J The Jones Building. . ;..... ..! k.i.-iL- ..nit fc ,ni Ai'iri immi'Tisfi Ml If llllilllfcAfH Via, I I'l I'"" - V L. and ibe great a- stcn-k of mercli-inyid displayetl -otton raised in tliis! with the iu-to-datahess of city Xstyear i.ver 11,000 stores. Fairmont ia compara- were marketed tively u n"v town having ouly m' of it? borne the name Fairmont since nt-,1907. Th - (irivatii.n of the if was Ashpole until 1907, The census of 1010 gave Fair mont something over 800 but since that time the population of the town has almost doubled and Continued on page 4 men witlr the trcde. When you see a busihss public-spirited e nouirh to boost the town and community.: iii - which it does business, nark it down that that firm is pir-irressing and wants tho town' i progress, too. t Iul Ji I'Virmoui hie i i. (Ur,iiWPir The S(yre in j: r Errata In the writeup cf Mr. E. V. ' McDaniel on another page it is iiii-orrectly j-inted that he cayie to "what is now Baltimore, in ! this ' county, about 41 years ago." When re-ding this remem ber that this should le 21 instead of 41. ' 1 c .. r j .I'T.TTf fin CONT-3T ON! READll ' The I hnan Drug Co. are now contV.'CtiPff a Piano ''ou test. With each sale from thoir s-tore they are; living away coupons which n-.M-sent f minv votes to the p"," 'haKer. These votes are good the Pi-no. Th per sou serurinf t.:.j high. t nurubei of vot"s th' "'lose of tho eon-tef-twi'! t . 'Ifeclared th'1 winner of the I'i ,'. N3w is'j'ift (is good a ti;i)y'tgetptartcd as ever It is posFt!-)" tor a pinion even now to k-Hbeiid i.nd taU-' the lead for th grand pvize. Get in thai gau!". , It is worth 5''ur time ( let yonrSunday school or ohurch to g-t to work for the piano. It wiil grucoYiiy bailor parlor S?e couini in rcRular edition t The Jf"nger or wo Mr. II. II. Pittn ! sotting at the store about ?d now. (2 iv.) V ii-e uf O. I. Floyd. The i-i e- eut handsome quar- .ed four rules south of Fainrnt ters of O. I. Floyd Co., the storeicne-to Fairmont in 18;faud painted blue is the logieul evoln.!-bptran bisiness in a sm?- way tiou of one of Fairmont's oldest1 tne there was 'yfcne maguificient business houses, Its proprietor Mr. O. I. Floyd a native of Robeson hot n and rtar- ti.. ' fctoie in town Aihpo!t ani nth was X. aa oeea Street '(OuJ.ing South. 3