' .;,.) I None Can m Operate Unless . Th TMea-Racord sires taa local Mews for East ra Beaaf ort County ad Hyde County and leads all newspapers in circulation by a large majority n this section. AND We All - THE HYDE COUNTY RECORD Co-operate, VOLUME TWENTY NINE ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 1903 BELHAVEN, N. C F I I D A Y, APRIL 27th, 1934 5 Cents Per Copy co V,VMBER SEVENTEEN Q M M E KPC ES MEN FfT THE BELHAVEN "!1 1"''-1 V '. r' . ,. .., ...... TIMES - f BELHAVEN PROGRAM ' BACCALAUREATE SERMON Baccalaureate sermon at First Chris tian church, Sunday, April 29, 1931, at 11 a. m. .. . Processional Hymn o. 274 Holy, Holy, Holy. Invocation Rev. E. W, Downum. Anthem Praise the Lord High School girls. Scripture Rev. D. G. Saunders. Announcements Rev. D. G. Saun flers. I Offertory. Quareteet "My Creed High School girls Hymn No. 179 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. introduction of Speaker Rowe Henry. Sermon Dr. Maynard 0. Fletcher. Hyne No. 73 "Onward Christian Soldiers.' t Benediction Rev. E. W. Downum. EecessionaL C;RADUA7iNG EXERCISES City Hall, Friday May 4, 1934, 8 p. m. ,!. . Program: Processional Seng "Abmerica the Beautiful" 7 Invocation. Salutatory address James White -ars. Chorus Seventh grade. Announcements iRowe Henry.. Introduction of Speaker RoweLora, the maid; Murl Brooks Henry. Alddress Prof. Ralph C. DeaL Awarding of Certificates, prizes and diplomas. ValedictoryMiss Gladys Meyero witz. Chorus "Pond Lilies" High School students. HONOR ROLL SEVENTH MONTH Grade 1-B Gertrude Jackson, Ann Elaine Tolan, Barbara Sutton, Sam Johnson, Elizabeth Satterthwaite, mie Gaylord. Grade 2 Charles Powell, Delma Tolan, Harriet Daniels. Grade 4 Jairies Carrawan, Shirley Davis, Grade 6 Thora Ross, Catherine Jones, Gwendolyn Potter. Grade 7 Billy Muir, Jimmy Cal fee, Joseph Peele, "Willie B. Lewis, L. E. Spruill. Grade llHGladys Meyerowitz. CLASS BANQUET Middletown, April 17. The Young People's class of the Middletown Christian Sunday school enjoyed a banquet at the home of Miss Virginia Spencer Saturday night, April 14. A profusion of early spring flowers decorated1 her home for the occasion. Games and contests were enjoyed and the prize for the bean contest was awarded to Miss Bertie Midyette. After the entertainment the guests -were invited to the dining roorn and back porch were tables were ar ranged! for about 40. Those responsi ble for the success of the evening were: Mrs. Archie Spencer, .Misses Xucille, Mabel and Annie L. Silver thorne and Virginia spencer. The ether guest present' were: Misses Julia Cox, Henrietta Gibbs, Alma Gibbs, Zula Gibbs, Ruby Mann, Helen Cuthrell, Mgrtis Howard, Pauline Gibbs, Marjorie Cox, Lola Midyette, Lillie M. Gibbs, Bertie Midyette, Irene Midyette, Mamie R. McKinney, Sydney Gibbs, Mina Gibbs, Hazel Tayne, Mrs. E. C. Miller; Messrs. Xinwood Gibbs, John Silverthorne, Cecil Silverthorne, Otis Mason, Lin weod Cuthrell, Hyatt McKinney, Max Mann, Earl Pugh, Hallatt Gibbs, Os jnan Cox, Maxwell Cox, Milbern Bal- lance, George Cox, Alvin Spencer, El bert Gibbs, Wilson Tunnel, Peary .Spencer and Beecher Spencer. o Tax Notice Beaufort And Hyde Counties Attention has been called to the citizens of Beaufort county that a penalty will be charged on all 1933 taxes unpaid tm May 1st. The Hyde county citizens have been notified that the time for com pletiow of patrial payments notes on delinquent taxes has been ex tended from April 1st to May 1st., and that no further extension will be made. , . rr- CLASS DAY EXERCISES The Senior class presented their Class Day exercises in the Town Hall last night. The exercises were in the form of a reunion ten years hence and depicted the class prophecy. The outstanding parts played were: Gladys Meyerowitz, hostess and valedictorian; James Sears, Salutator ian; Lucille Downum, prophetess; Nancy Ruark, historian; Murl Brooks poet; 'Gertrude Stevenson, giftorian; Hazel Llewellyn, testator. The class and Bchool songs were sung. The exercise was original with the members of the class. "THE EYES OF LOVE" WELL PRESENTED A number of the high school stud ents under the direction of Prof Rowe Henry presented a most enter taining play at the City Hall Friday night i"The Eyes of Love." The cast was well selected and although Gladys Meyerowitz had the leading role, that of Gaila Barry, she was ex cellently supported by the following: Thomas Carawan as Royal Manton, Prof. Henry as Judye Barry, Nancy Ruark as Mrs. Barry, Irving Meyero witz, "Trusty Jim" and father of Gaila, Lily Mae Jones and Robert Mariner as Reta and Burt, guests in the Barry home; Grace Taylor as as Clark, the butler; and Mxs. Rowe Henry as Carolina, the dusky maid. The proceeds will be used to defray the usual commencement expenses. DIDN'T ATTEND DANCE Much to my sorrow I hav learetd thfct --tnT ongli Ignorance 6f facts "xtr malicious intent someone has started the rumor that the Reverend Mr. Roe Harris and his wife attended a dance at the tinje of the Junior-Senior ban quet at Belhaven. In justice to Mr Harris in particular and the public in general, I wish to state that the re port is entirely false. Mr, and Mrs. Harris attended-our banquet j but retired along with many others dur ing the intermission between the banquet and! dance. Signed: Rowe Henry, Principal. W. S. Riddick, Committee, Mrs. S. J. Peele. " Dr. J. C. Owens Here Sunday Dr. J. C. Owen of Murfreesboro, noted terperance advocate , is ex pected to draw a large crowd at the City Hall Sunday night where he is scheduled to appear as the principal speaker at the union services to be held at 8 o'clock. Most of the church es in Belhaven are sponsoring this meeting in the interests of making Belhaven a better place to live. A recent movement was started by leading citizens to put our town on the map by developing cur commer cial enterprizes. The Sunday night meeting, it is said, falls in line with this progres sive mqvement by starting at the foundation and building up Dr. Owen is well known through out the state for his inspiring talks and it is believed that Belhaven is fortunate to have him here at this time. Mrs. Frank Hayes Buried Wednesday Mrs. Frank Hayes of Swan Quar ter, who was stricken with paralysis several weeks ago, was taken to her reward last Tuesday night, April 24 at about 2 a. m. without recovering from the stroke. Her body was laid to rest Wednesday in the Soul ceme Jter, after the services conducted by Rev. Lowe in the Methodist church at Swan Quarter. Before her marriage Mrs. Hayes was Miss Maggie BelL She lived most of her life in Hyde county and; was well known and beloved by all. Surviving Mrs. Hayes are her hus band, Frank Hayes, and her daughter Mrs. Don Harris of Swan Quarter. ENGELHARD ENGELHARD GIRLS ARE CHAM flONS THIS SEASON IN BASKETBALL The Engelhard girls basketball team has concluded an exceptionally good year with a record of six vic tories ganvs, thus becoming cham pions of Hyde County for this sea son. They have played two games with each school in the county except the last two scheduled games. Thess were with Lake Landing and Fair field but they, forfeited them. Four other games were played, two with Fairfield one , with Belhaven and onewith Washington'. The members of the team numbered about twenty, they are: Beaulah Mae Williams, Myra Leath Gibbs, Francis Spencer, Margaret Grace, Thelma H-indell, Exadel Cahoon, Eunice Gibb3, Bel! McKinney, Mildred Cahoon, Margaret Harris and lone Harris, but the main team consisted of Rachel Moon ey, Milford Spencer and Sidney Gibbs as forwards. Edna Lee McKinney, Lila Mae Cahoon and Viola Rolcer as guards The Hyde county basketball cup for girls fo rl934 will De presenrsa to the school at the annual track meet held at Engelhard April 28th. The coach for the Engelhard girls basketball team was Mrs. E. K. Mann who has been the director of athle tics during the past two year3. ENGELHARD DEBATORS We, the Abators of Engelhard, which to express our appreciation to those 'who have made it possible financially for us to go to Chapel Hill. It has been a pleasure for us to represent our school in this way. Although vwe were not able to beiw' was served. winners in. the contest there, we apiJMyra preciate this opportunity and we re ceived great inspiration. We, who are not finishing school this year are determined to try much harder to get to Chapel Hill next year. Engelhard Debator3: Mary M. Cahoon, Jeon O'Neal, Cal la Meade Marshall, Thurman Swin dell. PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORD FOR LAST MONTH First grade Elsie Cox, Louise Gibbs, An'plia Williams, Gladys by some of the girls from the Junior Mooney, Miattie Mooney, Bromly ' Senior class at the piano. A radio Gibbs, William S. Gibbs, John Adams j and victrola were also furnished. Gibbs, George Long, Miles Spencer. The Seniors that were present are Honor Roll Miles Spencer, Hugh : namely: Gretchen Fulford, Virginia Beckton Payne, Robert Hodges, I Spencer, Tillie Cahoon, Milford Spen Carolyn Blake, Thelma N. Cuthrell. I cer, Sidney Gibbs, Jean O'Neal, Thel- Second grade Eris Dale Cahoon, ! ma Swindell, Lila Mae Cahoon, Rach Ella Marshall, Elsie Roper, Ninalal Mooney and Grace Payne. They Spencer, Rena Belle Williams, Bill Berry, Jack Gibbs, Harold Jarvis, Jr., Myron Jones, Robert O'Neal. Honor Roll Kay Mann Gwendolyn Marshall, Delma McKenney, Edna Clarke, Latney Hooker, Harold Jar vis, Jr. Third grade Cora Leigh Evelyn Spencer, Sarah Mooney, Elwood Ack iss, Horace Cahoon, Orvel Gibbs, Edwin Spencer, Chester Williamsj Melvin Williarr.H. Show Boat Returns Again The OrigiiwK Floating Theatre, that was here last year, with Beulah Adamls and Charlie Hunter and other old favorites together with some new members is returning here to spend next week with us at the Town Dock with a different show for each night of the week, and from the titles it looks as if there Is something in teresting in store for everyone, even the most discriminating. Besides Beulah AdarWs and Charlie Hunter, you will remember Jack Jfeiffer, Gladys Pennington, Pat Gallagher and Micky. The new members of the cast are Dcik Mason, Pearl Austin, Mar jorie Copperman and Maude Vale. New senic equipment has been add ed together with many new novel electrical effects on the stage be sides the new interior decortion throughout. tl . .. lt . ... . . . .James Episcopal churci Sunday April It is said that this is the original .... , . ... ... , . t . t-j , , , ; 29th. Rev. A. H. Marshall will deliver showboat of Edna Ferbers famous;.. . , . D v. . j3 . i the baccalaureate sermon ra Roper on story and that she boarded the boat!.. t , u en,.., ..a . ,i that day. ; . uric at iiciui,cu iiu eyeub awciai weeks aboard acquiring the atmos phere which she transplanted to the Mississippi river in her story. Fourth Grade Hyler Cox, Tom Gibbs, Orville Williams, Louise Berry Elizabeth Cahoon, Elma Cuthrell, Bonnie Davidson, Christina Fulford, Margarie Gibbs, Delia Hooker, Char lotte Marshall, Sarah Roper, Louise Williams. Honor roll Elizabeth Cahoon, Christine Fulford1, Sunshine Harris, Delia Hooker, Sarah Roper. ' Fifth grade Leona Cahoon, Rebec ca Gibb3, Bulah Gibbs, Recca Jarvia, Noveline Long, Irene McKinney, Lil lian Pavne. Ellen Rnnor. Spnni Snun Ler, Alice Spencer, Edna Williams, ..ipraMin- SU-inrMI W.i r.ihh.. mi. - , . j - - lie Davison, Joe Cox, Russel Gibbs, Roy Hodges, San S. Marshall Edi son Williams. Honor roll Sennie Spencer, Gearl tene Sfcvindell. Sixth grade Eva Gray Berry, Jnanila Cahoon, Christin Cox, Mag dalene Gibbs, Dorothy Long, Ruth Spencer, Mertice Spencer, Thelma Williams, Sullivan Gibbs, Gerald Gibbs, LeRoy Midgetee, Ivedell Spen cer, Bucher Spencr, Carl Spencer. ,r . . ti y . n -r. 1 tionor roil "risune VjOX, uoromy Lo Sullivan Gibbs. JUNIOR-ftlMOR BANQUET The Junior class of Engelhard high school was host to the Senior class at their annual banquet Sat urday evening. Pink and white, the class colors were used as a color scheme through otft the banquet, which was served in a room decorated as a moon lit garden, The center table was decor ated with a large pink bowl filled with pink and white peonies, the class flower. A three course ban- Leath Gibbs gave Fulford responded. Exadell McKin ney toasted the sehooL Call Meade Marshall gave a toast to the Seniors while Milford Spencer responded. D. B. Watsqn sang a pretty song co the seniors. In it telling each senior why the juniors would miss them. Edna Lee McKinney gave a poem and Mr. R. L. Sherlin, professor of the school, gave a message. After supper, dancing was enjoy ed by everyone until a late hour Music for the occasion was furnished all reported a good time The juniors that were present were John Ed Spencer, Beluh Mae Wil liams, Peary Spencer, Henry Cahoon Mary . Midyette, Nina Neal, Dancy Watson, Calla Meade Marshall, Edna Lee McKinney, Horace Gibbs, Euy Midyette, Exedel McKinney, D. B. Watson and Myra Leath Gibbs. The hjgh school teachers who were: Mxs. W. W. Watson, Mrs. E. K. I Mann and Mrs. R. L. Shirlen. Baseball Dance For CCC Boys The boys of Company 424, CCC are going to have a baseball team thi3 year that will beat any local team in this section, so they say, and in order that they can do the job in Style they are having a dance next Friday at their quarters on Bell Is land for the purpose of raising enough money to get some uniforms other than the ones they wear every day. All the girls interested in any way in the CCC camp have been requested to bring their "Next-bests ' out to help get their favorites togged out for the season. NOTICE There will be no services at St. Mrs. F. M. Bowdea has returned from a shopping visit ia New Bern. PANTEGO GRAMMAR GRADE EXERCISES PANTEGO HIGH SCHHOL Friday, April 27, 1934, 2 p. Program May Day Festival. m. Characters: Processional all grades. Mother Earth Mary E. Pilby, Dame NatjLre E.la Old Daven. port. Mrs. Weathercock Oden Radcliff. The South Winds group. Sunbeams group. Flowers group. Month of May Katherine Windley Little Birds group. The Heralds Jatha Waters Cecil Smith. Flower girls Carol Gurkin Dorothy Mae Adams. May Queen Hilda Harris. Train Bearers Cecil Langley and and and Ernestine Whitley. May Pole Dance group. Accompanist Rosa Grey Ham ilton. Ushers Hazel White. J. T. Rob- bins, Edna Bishop, James Windley, Mary Evelyn Case, Marporie Jen nette. BACCALAUREATE SERMON High school auditorium, 8 p. m., Sunday, April 29, 1934: Program: Prelude Processional The Son of God Goes Forth to War, No. 416. Hynjv Soldiers of Christ Arise, No. 382. Prayer. phorus Anchored Seniors. Scripture Sermon Rev. J. E. Scarborough, Bath. N,C. Offertory Mrs. Harold Luptcn. Chorus: Crossing the Bar Glee Prayer. . i " ; ' Doxology. ( i Benediction. Recessional. Ushers Hazel White, Eugene Lin. ton, John Benson, Rondall Paul, Cas well Gurkin, Madeline Williams, An nie Laurie Smith, Nelva Smith, Peg gie Jennette. STUDENT RECITAL 8:15 p. m. Monday, Apr'l 30, 1934. Program: Choruse: Spring Beautiful Spring Glee club Much Military March Mary E. and Rosa Lee Pilley Watson Flight of .the Swallows Lessie Bishop Grey Star Gazers Jeanette W. Ricks. Rotgers Indian War Dance Jea:i ette W. Ricks. Parker The Pillow Flight Fran ces Wilkinson Hopkins ;LittIe Sweetheart Rach el Ann Brooks ' Guest The Boy and His Stomach Mary E. Pilley Hopkins Garland Waltz Margar et Swindell Sjrhubert Wpo Is Sylvia Eliza beth and J. Henry Respass Rebe Whirling Snawf lakes Lucy Grey Pilley Rolfe Melody At Springtimj? Lucy Grey Pilley Carowan 44- The Elves at Play Mildred Pilley Kphler i Christmas Bells Mabel Carowan. When Bobby Plays Postman Zalia Carowan. Johnson The Little Elves From Fairyland Dot Pilley. Grey The Attic of Dreams Dot Pey. Gaynor March of the Wee Folk Dorothy Carowan. Sifting Infantile Curiosity Frances Wilkinson Brownell Four Leaf Clover Rosa Lee Pilley Manna Zucca The Top of the Morning Rosa Lee Pilley Ewing In a Rose Garden Virgin ia Gaylord Whelpley The Nightingale Has a Lyre of Gold Elizabeth Res pess Rosas Over the Waves Char lotte Pilley Preston Dance of the Bubbles Rosa Grey Hamilton and Edwadr Lupton Playing Grandma Zalia Carowan. Koeling Raphsody Hungary Mary E. Pilley Manning In the Luxembourg Gar deos Mildred Pilley ; Mozart Fantasia In D Miiwr Rosa Lee Pilley Cbaminade The Flatl'rer , Baa Grey Hamilton 1 Getting her Lessons Mary Ei Pil ley Brown Processional March Op. JH. t Edward Lupton Lincoln The Midnight Fire Alarm Virginia Gaylord and Char lotte Pilley Teacher Mrs. J. Harold Lupto. Ushers Hazel Wh ite. Holn Pnim ler, Lorene Shavender, Nelva Smitlj, W'Ulie Belle Harris, John Benson. I Gladys Grey, Edna Harris, Hubert sowen. CLASS NIGHT EXERCISES High School auditorium, Tuesday, May 1, 1934, 8:15 p. m. , Program: -f Opening Cnorus Welsome Swee Springtime Seniors. Class History Grace Snyder. Folk Dance Spring Nymphs Ed rie Sawyer, Maxine Williams, Ireen Harris, Edna Baum,.Lul 3adler, Helen Lewis, Madge Jar vis, Eugenia Jordan, NelLi Adams. Musical Reading Edna Baum. Class Poeir.r Roland' Hodges. Vocal Solo Dreams Myrtla Elks. Class Prophecy Tully Reed. Chorus "My Pumpkin Sue Jaspeh Wlinfield, Kermit Allen, Marion Bright, William Dfcwfc Marriner O'Neal, Denson Cranv pier, Marsha Radcliff, Russell Paul, Joseph Hudson, Hubert Potter, Walter Canady, Ralph Davis, Hadden Harris, Wanreu Lupton. . - . Class Giftorian Iva Rae Paul. -Asitt0ee RjtVbins. ; Witches Dance Christine Bright, Estelle Brinn, Sanna StaifcU Daisy StotesTerry. Class Will James Malcolm Class Valedictorian Claudia Gqw er . Class Songs Oh Friend of. Mine Seniors. Ushers J. T. Robbin-t, Hazrf White, Helen Crews, Hille: Harris, The In. i Daw, John Beinun, Elizabeth F spas', Edna drgtnr, v.. ,,j.-r Gray, Kiln. Hris, Hub. Eooi,, Maxine Paul, .anies Wind1.'. "ALL A MISTAKE" 3 ACT COMEDY Thursday, May 3, 8 p. m. Characters: Capt. O'Badiah Skinner, a retired sea captain Hallet Harris. Lieut. George Richmond, his nep hew Charles Reed Richard Hamilton, a Country gen tleman Jamts Windley.- Ferdinand Lighthead, a neighbor Edward Lupton. Nellie Richmond, George's wife . Hazel White. Nellie Huntington, a friend Edna Bishop Cornelia Nellie) Skinner, ObadLaos sister Mary E. Case Nellie Melntrye, a servant An- nie L. Smith. Time The present. Place House and grounds cf Capt. Obadish Skinner, otherwise knbwu as. "Oak Farm," Wfestchester, and! ad joining the State Insane Asylum- GRADUATING EXERCISES High School Auditoriaum, Friday, May 4, 1934, 8:15 p. nu Prelude Grand March Invocation Rev. Mr. Marshall, ot Belhaven. N. C. Musical Reading The Twilight Bell, Mary E. Pilley. Introduction of Speaker Address Senator Carl L. Bailey, Plymouth, N. C. Chorus At Parting Glee club Awarding of Diplomas, Certficate and Prhes Chorus Love's Greeting Glee) Club Transfer of Colors Helen Lewis, President Class '34. Response Member of SevenUt Grade Farewell Songs Goodbye Oil High School Seniors. f iDoxology Benediction Rev. D. G. Saunders. Recessional. Ushers Hazel WTiite, J. T. Bob bins, Edna Bishop, Dalton Harris, Evelyn Case, James Windley. 4 1 f

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