1 --; . THE BELHAVEN TIMES ' ANL) THE HYDE COUNTY RECORD The Times-Record gives the local news for East ern Beaufort County and Hyde County and leads all newspapers in circulation by a large majority in this section. None Can Operate Unless j We Ml ! Co-operate. VOLUME TWENTY -NINE ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 1903 BELHAVEN, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 23TH, 1934. 5 Cents Per Copy NUMBER TWENTY-ONE I CREDIT ASS'N HELPS FARMERS TRAINING SCHOOL ENDS SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR Beaufort,' (Hyde, Martin .Tyrr 1 Mfl t I i. fnwwiavn ana wasningiun toumjr ...0 a.f vr oi Th u,J have received loans, and approvals '-,,. . c . '. , . . . for loans, from the Production Cred- sladesviUe (co,ored) dosed it$ 1933. it association amounting to $115,- 34 tem Wedne9(1 m 9th 522.00 according to J. E. Hull, see-, commencement week program retary treasurer of the association Mq April 30tS with play wtm.v ma vww - niwnt.K8 hv t.ha f rit rHp Ttla SIDNEY T. PAUL DIES AT HIS HOME IN WINSTEADVILLE N.AV. PAUL OF t PUNGO DIES SUDDENLY Winsteadville, May 23. After suf- Present Farmer of Beaufort Coun- On Wednesday May 9th at 11 fering intensely for several days Sid ney T. Paul died at his home here Monday night May 7th. He was laid to rest the following day in the famliy cemetery near Yeatesville. Mr. Paul was a member of Beth any M. E. Church here and was 54 years old. He will be greatly miss- ljr Stricken While En Route To Washington DOINGS OF COMPANY 424, CCC AT BELL ISLAND (By Forest D. Humphrey Camp Correspondent) lother's Day Observed By CC Camp Official orders were received from of Winsteadville; Mrs. Hilda Grigg and' Mrs. Annie Tetterton of Hunt ers Bridge and Haywood and Harry Paul of Winsteadville, also several grandchildren, one brother and one sister Jack Paul of Norfolk, and Mrs. Annie Kin ion of Winsteadville. o- association, wmca uuuu.. baccalaureate sermon was preached Hr?Iartin, Tyrrell ana Washing- gunday May at 3 o'clock by ton counties, has made an increas- Q f of tfae M ing number of loana to larmiers for E chun.h t gwan Q(jarter growing crops this season, for pur-, L(jw- used ag g a pas , chaaing and producing livestock ana ng9 fnm m From for other general- agricultural pur- .he brou?ht out , raany inSpiring poses. Aiwgeiner -w thoughts, stockmen oave ooiainea iuano u . On approvals ana new PPuniu 0clock , packed ,uditorium heard ; Being received daily. Ithe comnncement address delivered - Of the total amount of loans and hy prof j H Bias principlkI of approvals of the association 108,- 8ch(H)L profe,, Bias' addlress left 257.00 has been paid out m cash to great impre39ion on the mind3 of borrowers, including loans paid in the patrons and studenta. full and first installments on budget i According to reports from those loans. . The balance of 9,265.00 will who haye closely associated be paid out on a budget or install- yith 'gie past term VAi ment basis, the money being advanc- the mogt succegsful within"the his . to borrowers in amount as need- tory of the M the ,beginning ed during the season, thus enabling of the term the faculty and Parent. them to save on interest costs and Teachers a3SOCiation set out to in , finish thehr crops or livestock ;era- crease the high school enrolment. tions by using their production mon- as a result thig concentrated ef y for production purposes. fort the hih s.hooI increasec'J in The interest rate on loans from number from an averaire dailv at- up. the association I', now 5 1-2 per cent tendance 0f 21 in 1932-33 to an av-1 Counties for which the shellfish per annum, payabls at the end Of the rage daiiy attendance of 52.50 for planting program have been ap term of the loan. Since interest on a the term of 1933.34. yjth the begin- proved so fare include Hyde, Brune- ftudgex 'can ! nox cnargec. cn me nin 0 tlie 1934 35 term the gch00l the direction of Captain John A. Nel son, State Fisheries commissioner' with the advice of Dr.- H. F Pryth erch, director of the United States Funeral services for Noah Web- headquarters proclaiming: May 13 ster Paul, aged 76 years, prominent Mother's day and all members were farmer and Democrat of this county requested' to write a letter or send a whotdied last Saturday morning Mother's day card to his mother as while en route to Washington to at- !. ; 1 j " "" tena toe democratic executive com- f,nn me m oi ma emiuren, Bu(, in ik mitte meeting, were aeld from his community as well. ' horae' Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. To those who would like to be with their mother on that day Captain Surviving him are his wife and intertnent was in the family ceme- 'w.tta rook eammliBAnZ 0fe .! iMnii Vr n..; .. '. ,watX3 VOoKe, commanding omeer, w...u.w., , lery.- OYSTER PROJECTS TO BE CONTINUED of the CC camn authorizH oarh nm lb. .Paul while en route to Wash-V, i to agk nia mother to mgtoh accompanied by Fred1 Paul, 'tlw camp Lewir Paul, J. H. Paul; and M. H. j Many Davenport, had complained of his Lf this liber their mother heart and while passing the Chris-ldown Th were perhapa gome ovet 30 mothers who carrie and spent the entire day with their boys. Services were held in the after noon conducted: by Rev. Mathewes tian Church in Washington, gasped and fell back, d'ying almost instant- ly. . The deceased was prominent in .. ,. j l i- 1 n r aum conauciea the religums and polite life of of of the Charitable Brotherhood and tliii Pliritsfinn piiirfh. nn.-i' a Iparlpr The Federal Emergency Relief A in pt,rrh ,,, H. wa, . lifa lon ministration has announced that tha , Demof;rat and it ;3 said that for j educational adviser. oyster planting in JNortn Carolina DRY FORCES MEET IN WASHINGTON' Request Candidates To Declarer: Themselves Publicly On Pro hibition And Law Enforoeuieot J. S. Fleming arrived' last week to take over duties as the camn which was started under the CWA will be continued under the new set Tyrrell County Offers Land For Rehabilita tion Work LAID TO REST Fairfield, May 24. Funeral serv ices for W. M. Payne, agei 72 years, tion at Beaufort. full amount of the loan for Its en- BVinnlH h nlar-fid nn the accredited tire length, but" on each advance list o schoola. separtely from the tlmte the money It is hoi)ed that the ratrons. 0f is advanced until repaid, farmer.? may the sch00l thoughout the county will Bureau of Fisheries biological sta. save from 1-S to' 1- on interest keep this in TOind. and will b;? ready charges by borrowing from the asso to send out a i1.ge numDer 0f high ciation.- For instance, if a farmer ob- '6Ch0ol pupils in order that the school tains an approval of a loan of $1,200 might be ciassed a3 an accredited to be paid out in six equal advances cne by the jnspector. $200 every 2 -months hi? total j 0 interest cost at the end of the year I is $38.48, conared to $66.00 he y, M. . PAYNE rtwouidi pay irr.e fctsiccn sjiiuo ir. a lump sum a direct saving of $27.52. NEW FISH HOUSE FOR OCRACOKE the past 55 years he has never missed a meeting of the County Board of Commissioners unless prevented by illness. He we3 one of the most suc cessful farmers in this section. The A meeting of the United Dry Forces of Beaufort county was bett at the First MJethodist church, Sun day afternoon May 20th. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer. An organization was effected by to election of J. B. Sparrow, chairman, -and J. H. Roberson, secretary. C. C Morris was elected trustee for Beata fort county, on the board of tte United Dry Forces of North Caro lina. This organization is strictly dm sectarian and non partisan. Back township and their several communi ties will be organized for the pro pagation and education of temper ance sentiment; and the enforeameofc and continuance of existing- dry laws. J. M. Page, representing the Unit ed Dry Forces of Nfcrth Carolina was present and delivered; a stirring-address. The following resolutions were un- bince His arrival -Mr. Flemine has-; i j4 interviewed practically all of the whereas-Both the great political members in order to see what they in eonvention assembied. needed and' study. what they desired to esteem in which he was held vas. masses nave already been formed rrtftnifestod by the number of beau-in boat building; first aid, reading, tiful floral tributes and the large jilting spelling, arithmetic and com- nnmkr rf nnmlo ivlirt ntt-onrW Ilia .mUniCBIlOn. funeral. His wife was Miss Helen Allen have gone on record as promising; protection to the Dry States of the union, and Whereas The Administration in Washington, D. C, has pledged to carry out these promises; and Whereas the Governor of North Carolina has issued a proclamation calling for the enforcement of the Ocracokev-May- 2i.--A. naw fi ouse hasf'just "been completed or. Ocracoke island, bringing the total umber of such houses where fish are bought for the markets to four. Amasa ruicher is the owner ani ,7th while plowing in the field, wore 1 transportei, t0 Washington, aboard na w "B "" - the Dependent, operated by Cant. Ir- At a meeting called by the base- of Punsro. Children bv this marriage ball club last Wednesday nisht mem-! " . . T-.,. t.i. ... , . . .. 'Cam who earvive are u c. rau ot run- j0 -aca unson was e ec tea as tjlaw inst drunkei? dr,vera tfae go; Leonard and Lnaries raui, 01 capiain ior ine ll Dan ciud, and u- r - . .f.--. r' t,..u. T,...i J.T si r n..-., highways of the. states; now there- LOS nnguies, uaiu.; ivL-uucii iraui,, u. wtn, uuimiuiia as vu-L-feLciiii. iecn Terra-- Ceia; Fred Paul and Miss VV instead Eula Paul, of Pungo; and Mrs. O. L. .manager, Sparrow, of Suffolk, Va. His second wife, L-ho. survives, was Miss Georgia was elected as business for be it At a mass meeting called JJ.Wf.Punao Surviving chihe, nighi bth caVucatiw-TT---f 13 dren St this mariage are Mrs. Clyde 'a(ivisor to give y,e members a ireff the proh.ot.orf laws fif the Resolved ThaH we the United Dry Forces of Beauf&tirrrtjurge the ico-operation find diligence ofa8Klw Davis, of Pungo; Henry Paul, ofWline as to the program planned!.."? Tl '??.ea ' 1 - - nil rirw Mil 1 za a.t Hit Minn1 f i t rs lati m rn. cri j m ' i Litem a UUC5UUI1 3 iu Iiat nUQ 1. rr:- ii, tl'hinrf. Hp ! Also survived bv a ken . j :.. 10 SUL" co-operauon; ' "-e - uvuv iv icticvc tiic uciJre&MUii -i. - J . WW Iis P,il. nf Pnntm: two V.. u .j..:... ' anu encouragement, in , e. - , - - , o bohw uy me ttuvisur. Al Lcr near sister. go. the da- Tyrrell county has offered to give ! 10,000 acres for one of the areas on i family burying ground. He was a devout member of the Christian church and beloved by his family and friends. He is survived by five children, "which the rural rehabilitation plai t, ,. . a . -11 Oscar, Emmit, Altha Hoyles, Grar.dy Relief administration program will 1 , L . L , : , be launched, it has been announced The idea of the plan is to get needy families off the relief lists. The plan will be similar to a system of barter and exchange. Families will be paid in gootfc and food rather than in cash in return for work on projects necessary to get the pro gram started. IThe purpose of the project is to help needy rural families grow food for themselves and to use the sur plus in feeding need families in citiei and for persons who are unable to and Robert jPayne and IS rar:fV children. 0 win Day. NOTICE TO UNEMPLOYED Jl "1 1 AT,- ATnrv J fm-tpr nf Pnn-'; r lt. . .... , . B '"" icmu .s stvtjoi ansncia j.ium dovs neu:. .j i a. and Mrs. J. C. Duke, of this called on one member who had been I ' I. Place. ; trying for about five minutes to get I K"a-in respecnuiy Th. K,r wpvp: J. F. 'a word in ef!e m. tn civ. hi. nJre(5uest a11 candioates for public of- " e--- " T 1 i. i j . ulii;c 111 Dcauiun cuuuiy, aau xne SLaier Duke, John D. Paul, William Rumley ;swer Rising with a big smile on his and William Parvin of Washington, face he yelled "The removal of Hoo- Dan M. Paul, of Oxford and Wey mouth Padgette of Newport News. ver from the Presdents chair." Wheth Legislature to declare themselves publicly, on this vital issue; in or- er he finished is' not known for the ;der th may assured of the Home Coming Day To all the members aril friends of the West Belhaven Christian church. It has been decided to make June 3, 1934, it being the first Sunday and regular service day, Home Coming Day for the church andi that day will be the starting of an old fash ioned June meeting with your help. work. Eventually it is hoped that this j The Good i wlU add n,s bles3" plan will pave a way for these fam-ins- Come and bring your lunch and ilies to take over the lanci as their ! lunch for your neighbors that come own and become self sustaining from a distance, lets eat together farmers. Each family will be expected to pay for its capital goods the house, farm! machinery, livestock, seed, etc. in labor on relief projects. It is planend to build a number of small houses and barns and a blacksmith shop for making simple wagont? and' farm tools. The houses will be four or five roonf affairs, and can andi be together. Dinner served on the lawn. By the Clerk. ;ODE ADJUSTMENTS EXCEED COMPL'NS There is a special call at this time to get our files in active shape. In order to do so, it will be necessary to have a renewal of applicati u which will apply to those seeking employment through this office, who have not been placed or found' ern ploympnt. Immediate action is neces sary as this should be done by June 15th. It is also necessary to have re newals each 60 days. . Renewals may be made by card, letter or in person. (Signed) J. Harry Swindell, National Reemployment SPervice of Hyde Co. 0 GET-TOGETHER MEETING IN LAKE LANDING Washington. More complaints of lumber-code violations were disposed be ; of by the Lunfoer Code Authority constructed at a cost of $400 to $500 and its regional administrative agen each.. This plan of housing, it has 'cies during the month of March been explained, is not on the order ; than were received by the national of farm colonies such ae are being developed in Pender county. Familiei will not be placed in the areas un til they have satisfied relief offi cials that they are capable of making goodi on farms. J.L. MORGAN CANDIDATE FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS 1 -J 1 I ' -. l- u -.1 indicating the progress toward dis position of complaints accumulate during the earlier months of th code's operations. According to r j consolidated report by the code au- thority's cemplaince department, 1, 0 ' '1402 complaints of all description? C. H. Sterling, L. D. Mic'yette, C. were handled during March, the last G. S'ngleton and Ben Winfield, can- month for which records are avail d!ciites r ounty ccmrrsioners, able, against 1,380 received from all visited the Times office while on a sources. The ramifications of the in campaign tour last Thursday. Foy vdustry exten" into every part of H. Mason cf Bath, also a commis- the country. sioner aspirant, was here recently ir j 0 the interest of his campaign. I Reports fro mMrs. Victor Am- 0 "brose at the Duke hospital stata that "Unless the friends and bsneficiav Mjr. Ambrose' condition is muoh im ies of NRA are willing to maintain 'proved and that the operation whicn a compact front by taking the bit- was at first thought necessary, will fishing is beginning to be good on ter with the sweet they are risking not be performed. Within a few the Tungo. Large catches of croak all they have gained under the re- I weeks he expects to be brought ers weighing from one-half to omo covery program." General Johnson, i homo. round are being brought in daily. The get together meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held in St. George's church, Lake Lrnding, May 31st, at 11 o'clock. Program: 11 a. m. Hymn 5S6. Scripture reading and prayer, by Rev. A. H. Marshall. .11:10 a. m. Address of by Mrs. W. W". Payne. Response by Belhaven. Introducing guest. 11:30 a. n. Business session. 1 p. m. Lunch. 2 p. m. Discussion period by con vocation president, Mrs. W. S. Carawan of Columbie, N. C. Talk on Camp Leach, by A.r.r.:'? Weston Payne. 2:30 p. m. Music selection. Address by Mrs. F. C. O'.tland, of Washington, N. C. 3 p. m. Spesker on selected theme 3:30 p. r.f Closing prayer and Doxology. J. L. (Jack) Morgan of Washing ton has announced his candidacy for office of Register of Deeds subject to the Democratic primary on June 2. Mr. Morgan, is 34 years of age, and a well known native and resident of Beaufort county, having worked in the office of Register of Deeds for a number of years, serving under G. Rumjey and more recently with C. C. Duke, present Register of Deeus who is also in the race to succeed himself, Mr. Morgan was here Tuesday in the interest of his campaign. 0 REPAIRS MADE TO STORM DAMAGED BUILDINGS shouts and applauses drowned voice of further conversation. his support of all law abiding citizens. Swan Quarter defeated the baseball club D to 3 last Saturday after losing 12 to 3 on the week before. The improvement took the CC boys by surprise, which means that there is work for the ball club. Resolved That copies of these re solutions be mailed to the press of I the county and to candidate for CC TiiKli ritffa 2 " " - (Signed) United Dry Forces Beaufort County. Wfe see by the paper the govern ment is planning 25 camps for girls "CCC" in 20 states too bad they won't organize co-ed CC camps. C APT. O'NEAL ENTERS RACE FOR REPRESENTATIVE of FISHERIES CODE TO BENEFIT STATE Ocracoke, May 24. A disastrous hurricane such as swept the coast last September did not dampen t!w spirits of Capt. Bill Gaskill, veteran c-me; hotel orerator of this island. He nil mary next week only rebuilt damaged parts to his Captain O'Neal is a retired coast PamJico Inn, but is now completing guardsman, but he has eld several a new 12 room building some dls-, local positions cf a public nature, b? tance up th sound shore, for thawing an assistant to Capt. John Nel accsmmodations of summer residents 'son Fisheries Commissioner, a mem who come to the island. Capt. Gaskill ber of the local School Board, and recently stricken with a serious ill- i cne time ssitant to the sheriff of ness has returned to th island from the county for Ocracoke island. a Washington hospital and is conval ecing nicely. With the pproval of a fisheries code by (Present Roosevelt it is thought by many to be a means- o increasing the earnings of thousand of commercial fishermen along the coast of North Carolina as well a3 in other states. The code provides for an investi gation as to the feasibility and the wisdom of) esiUhlishing a proper 1 .1 - t iL. 1: Ocracoke. May 24. Believing tnatj " ,,. . , . ,1 arm .-,,-, -a fViA npnnla - ' " the fourfold purpose o? benefiting fishermen, stabilizing the industry preventing destructive price-cutting and eliminating from the market not only in-mature ar.d undersized fish and shell fish, but also all types i of inferior and unwholesome prod ucts of the industry. - In 1928 according to tho U. S. a fisherman can serve tne peopie of Hyde county, just as well if not better than others have done during past legislatures, Captain Benj. B. O'Neal, Ocracoke resident, is on the mainland of the county this week crmpaigning in the interest of his wishes to be nomiinated and elected as Representative during the pri- W'ith the advent cf warm vio-.'.her CORRECTION Bureau of Fisheries the value of all fishery products in North Carolina was $2,629,214, but had dropped to about $300,000 in 1933. False advertising, misbranding, fe structive price cutting, secret re bates and other practices are termed as "unfair methods of competition" Jt was erroneously stated in week's issue of the Tiiv.es that C and pre classed a violations nf the Ocracoke island always supports !cocjei the Den-ficratic nominees in Hyde 1 ccanty, and there are over 100 votes -p.,. rp -y i. on the island, which have in the past j HGS 10 UCFBCOKe cn several occasion decided an elec-1 Ocracoke. May 24. John Parrott, tinn in the county. No resident of youngest transport licensed pilot in Ocracoke has sought public office in Nyrth Carolina, flew his plane to Duke of Washington was seeking the over 30 years, when the late John Ocacoke from Kinston last week, ac- office of Clerk of Superior court. ;i:Williams, represented the county conlpanied by his father, Dr. Albert As, no doubt, everyone knows, Mr. !in the state Legitdctuve. Parrot and Da. C. J. Dawson both of Duke is at present Re.ji.it er of Deeds Captain O'Neal is a Southern ; Kinston. They came down for the cf Beaufort county and is endiav- 'Methodist, a Mason and has been a Channel Bass fishing rid during the oring to succeed himself in the cam- life-lor.g Democrat and resident f summer months fly du".vn quite of- ing primary and election. Ocracike island, ' ten for the fishing. m