PAGE 2. KINGS MOUNTAIN MIRROR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1971 Phone: 739-3851 Box 345 Kings Mountain, N.C. 146 W. Mountain Street Published Each Wednesday In Kings Mountain By The Mirror Publishing Co. RODNEY DODSON- Editor LEM R. LYNCH- Photographer BILL ARROWOOD- Advertising Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $4 Per Year In N.C., $5 Per Year Outside N.C. Cetters Dear Sir; I recently visited my brother In Kings Mountain and happened to pick up the local newspaper. I noticed you had a small column on Frontier Footnotes, and I enjoyed it very much, and looked forward to getting the next issue. Keep up the good work. You have a good paper. Sincerely, Mrs. H.C. Duvall ^SHINGTON Kennedy Vs Lindsay? The U.N. Defeat Brinkley's Admission riROUBLE IS- HOW DO M KHCfH ONE Of TNOSE WOULD 8E ffWU BETTER ? ♦JofttUW'' The political scuttlebutt in the Democratic Party is that a fierce contest is already in progress between Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts and Mayor John Lindsay of New York. This impression was heightened in recent days when both Kennedy and Lindsay were invited to a meeting of Queens Democrats in New York but, at the insistence of Kennedy, Lindsay was “disinvited.” City Councilman Matthew Troy, who arranged the dinner, at one point threat ened to personally throw Lindsay out if he came. Thinking better of it, he later called on the mayor and asked him to come, if he would not speak. (Kennedy, who spoke, report edly didn’t like the idea of a comparison between the two). Lindsay then refused to attend. Newsmen who have watched both perform are almost un animously agreed that Lindsay can match, or more than match, Kennedy in the field of imagery and urban sophis tication. Kennedy forces take the Lindsay candidacy seri ously because he pulls his support from the same liberal voting segments as does the Senator. The fear, among some Kennedy backers, is that Lindsay could become the most glamorous candidate in the party, .as far as television image and charisma are concerned. And Lindsay has no questionable midnight accident to live down. Thus he is becoming a real threat to Kennedy, in 1972 and 1976. In the State Department a rehash of the recent U.S. de feat on the China seating issue in the U.N. has developed. Some blame what are calledU.S. steamroller tactics. Others blame seven nations which had promised to support the U.S. proposal and reneged. But pi-rhaps this nation has been spared a long dilemma in not having a puppet China regime remain in the U.N. Red China would not have taken its seat. Bitterness and wrangling would have continued for years. One need only go back to the Treaty of Versailles to appreciate how much trouble can be caused by the imposition of U.S. policies, theories and moralisms on foreign boundaries. This was undoubtedly one of the causes of World War 11, the rise of Adolph Hitler. Recognition means only recognition of governments in control, not approval. Formosa is, moreover, historically and traditionally a part of China. There may never be any genuine reconciliation between the peoples of America and Red China. But there is today at least a chance, now that the most populous people in the world are not to be daily reminded of, and inflamed by, a U.S.-arranged U.N. posture that there are two Chinas. Despite recent testimony by some of television’s famous news commentators that the federal government is intimi dating newsmen, that the networks should be allowed to determine news policy and content without FCC and con gressional scrutiny in the public interest, David Brinkley recently admitted to a congressional committee he doesn’t see any intimidation. Brinkley’s candid statement supports the facts. What the networks’ news and other executives want is a free hand to make money and ron their news departments without in terference. Big-name news commentators who sing the song of their masters—that federal supervision of news policies to insure fairness and prevent intentional distortion is irt- timidation-perform adisservice to their country and profes sion. A major effort of top television news executives in recent years has been to convince the Congress and a gullible public that free television is synonymous with a free press. But broadcasting is not firee, never has been and never should be. If there were only three national newspapers, which went into practically every home in the country, and if they were licensed to use public property all over the country by the federal government, to operate, these news papers would not be free of federal supervision either. The three networks’ news programs have become vastly influential in this age of TV imagery and if unfair or dis torted can well affect the welfare of the nation. It would be utter irresponsibility for Congress to allow the news executives of these three networks in New York to operate without any supervision at all from a government of the people which allows them to use the nation’s ai^waves to make lucrative profits each year, it’s encouraging that Brinkley is honest enough to admit this truth. TIME TO DO SOMETHING Washington Report By Congressman James T. Broyhill Anti-Busing Measures In response to growing public opposition to the busing of stu dents from one school district to another, the House of Re presentatives last week ap proved a series of amend ments to an omnibus education bill demonstrating the Intent of Congress to bar the Federal government from pressuring or requiring school districts to spend local, state, or Fed eral money on busing as a means to desegregate scho ols. much too early to tell U the action taken by the House last week will be successful, but at least a beginning has been made and Congress Is ready to assert Itself In this area, after remaining quiet for too long. HIGHER EDUCATION In recent weeks. Members of Congress have been receiving an increasing volume of mall on this subject as student busing plans have been imple mented In cities all over the nation. Southern school dis tricts were the early targets of both Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and court-ordered plans of this type. The expansion of this practice to other parts of the country has added a chorus of voices to those of us who have continually expressed our concern about tbe long-range impact of busing on tbe ed ucational system. One amendment approved in the House would have the ef fect of delaying court-ordered busing plans until all legal appeals have been exhausted. In many school districts such as Charlotte and Winston- Salem, tbe courts required that busing plans be imple mented even while app^s were pending. Requiring local school districts to adopt re medies before the completion of the judicial process ap pears to jeopardize the right of total review of individual cases. The Higher Education Act was extended by the House and amendments were added to strenghten and Improve tbe various programs of Federal assistance available tol col leges and universities throughout the country. In addition to continuing the pre sent grant in aid programs to these Institutions, student as sistance programs were ex panded to provide increased financial help for students of low and middle • income families. Also, the “capit ation approach,’’ which bases aid on the number of students enrolled In the college was adopted as a menas of pro viding general aid to Insti tutlons of higher education, in addition to the Federal monies which these Institu tions already receive. In recent years, both Feder al and slate governments have Increased their financial sup port of educational Insti tutions. Despite this tact and despite a general rise in tui tion costs, many of our col leges and universities are experiencing severe financial difficulties. Since World War II, College enroUments have skyrocketed. In 1940 tbe tot al coUege enrollment was only 1.5 million. In 1969 the num ber of students In colleges and universities had risen to 7.3 million. Increasing enrol lments, rising costs of con struction, and the need for new curricula to meet thedemands of a rapidly changing society have all been factors con tributing to tbe higher cost of education. The bill passed by the House recognized the need to con tinue programs which have helped colleges and univer sities meet their increasing financial needs. Revisions in this bill will provide addi tional assistance to small col leges which have suffered the greatest financial strain and to the middle-class family which has had to bear the high cost of having several children In school atthesame time. reflections by Rodney Dodson Declaration Of Rights Girls In four advanced home economics classes at Kings Mountain High School have completed a declaration of rights tor teenagers and par ents as part of a class pro ject. Tbe girls took the lists home over the weekend for their parents to examine. I’m sure the parents will be gratified to discover that they still have some rights!!! Mrs. Betty Gamble, home economics tocher furnished us with a list of these com piled rights - one for teens and one for parents. First, the list for parents, then Stu dents; 1. A right to have obedience. 2. A right to express their opinions. 3. A right to a social life of their own. 4. A right to have patience from their children. 5. A right to know where you are and who you are with. 6. A right to discipline. 7. A right to expect teen agers to help each other and their parents. 8. A right to understanding, humility and sincerity from teenagers. 9. A right to thankfulness, pleasing attitudes and Indust- rlousness from teenagers. 10. A right to expect frugality. 11. A right to respect at least equal to that given those out side the home. 12. A right to expect teenagers to do the best possible with tbe educational opportunity presented. Best Of Press la God Establishes Moral Order This action by the House is a beginning by the legislative branch to clarify some of the legal snarls which have dev eloped in the process of de segregating our schools. Pub lic policy, developed in recent laws and court decisions, states that school assign ments should be non-discrim- atory and without regard to race,School boards in follow ing this policy have long since departed from the question able practice of operating dual school systems. School dis tricts in our area of North Carolina have done a good job over the past few years of assuring that all students within a school district are assigned on a non-discrimin- atory basis. Recent court decisions have caused confusion and uncer tainty which have added to the already difficult task of peacefully meeting the nat ional public policy of aese- gregating our schools. The practice of forced busing bas distracted from the real goal of providing quality education for all students. Congress ional guidance is needed to clear up some of this confu sion. 1 have supported leg islative efforts to clarify congressional intent. It is International Sunday School Lesson for Nov ember 14, 1971. LESSON TEXT: Exodus 20: 1-20; Romans 2:12 - 16; 3;21 - 26; Galatians 6:7- 10. Today’s passages deal with a very important aspect of civilization — God’s establishment of moral order in the universe, that man's af fairs may be regulated and the human race assured of survival. In Eden God laid down the boundaries of man’s freedom; at Sinai He gave moral guidance in the precepts of the Ten Commandments. Obed ience was pre-supposed; compliance would bring blessings, disobedience would be offen sive to Him, and judgment would be the lot of those who disobeyed. God, In effect, was preparing a people for Himself, seeking to Instruct and guide them into a way of life that would be beneficial to them and pleasing to Him. The Ten Commandments have been handed down through the ages, providing a sign-post for Christian man, pointing the way through life, affirming a state of grace. They have been written into tbe law, as we know it today, so anyone who breaks temporal law is also breaking divine law. These basic, moral laws last for all time, and reach into all places, for they have their origin In the Almighty, In His character, and In His will. They are as cpnstant as the tides of the oceans, the rhythmic hanges of the sea sons. THEY ARE PARTOF A WELL-ORDER ED UNIVERSE, and they are therrfore the part of a well-ordered life. Within this moral order of the universe, we shall reap what we have sown. Justas a farm er who sows grain, will reap grain,; as the nurseryman sows flowers wUl reap flowo's, as man sows of himself in this world, he will reap of himself, whether it be good or evil. Mao should therefore take care that he sows kindness, love, a forgiving spirit, a strict observance of tbe worth and rights of others around him. By his actions he will be judged by bis fellowmen and — most Importantly — by God. Fortunately for us we have a built-in antenna to determine the difference between right and wrong. This Is our God-given conscience. The wise will heed this small, warning voice, the foolish will Ignore it and finally blunt It, for it cannot withstand close and sustained proximity to sin without becoming coarsened. Only a conscience that Is quickened by the Spirit can guide unerringly in the ways of righteousness, for conscience is. Indeed, the temple of God that lives within each and every one of us. It is His gift to us, this capacity for making right and moral judgments. The “new morality” about which we hear so much today, is merely regression to a state somewhat similar to the days of Baal, which flouted the moral order prescribed by God in His Commandments. If this trend Incur mod ern day life continues unchecked, will we not be Inviting God’s judgment upon ourselves, as did the hapless, sinning nations of Biblical times? For a continuing refrain in the Bible Is that moral Irresponsibility leads to both personal and national disaster! How much wiser we would be to choose an enriching re lationship with our Creator, within tbe bounds of His law! (These comments are based on outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons, copy righted by the International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission.) 1. A right to choose your own jobs and place to work. 2. A right to be treated equal, In the family to needs, age and Interest. 3. A rlgth 3. A right to pick your own style of clothes. 4. A right to have privacy. 5. A right to redecorate your own room. 6. A right to use the telephone a certain time. 7. A right to choose our own friends. 8. A right to wear make up that best suits you. 9. A right to choose own act ivities. 10. A right to choose your own goal In life. 11. A right of your parents to trust you. 12. A right to be loved by par ents. 13. A right to family discus sion about once a week, 14. A right to money for things that are needed. 15. A right to have under- st^lna parents. 16. A fight to the family car occasionally. These reflect Ideas of stu dents and not necessarily the Ideas of the teacher. Our Readers are Invited to write In their reaction to these rights to the Kings Mountain High Home Economics De partment. John Kilgo Political Notes Snobbery? Culture is what makes us think we’ll like something we won’t. -Leader, Tripoli, la. Progress The distance to the moon was once measured in miles, but now it’s dollars. -(institution, Atlanta. Built-In Defense No enemy nation could take the risk of invading us. Our youth are too well armed. -Eiiquirer, Cincinnati. Mecklenburg State Sen. Jack Baugb, who has been rumored as being on the verge of switching to the Republican Party, teUs me be will re main a Democrat and run for the U.S. Senate next year. Bau^ says he figures It'll take him about two months of hard work to become as well- knows across the state as Sen, Everett Jordan and Nick Gallftanakls, AndStateSen, HermanMoore who has been a long-time friend of Baugh’s, says he will decide by the 2Sth of this month If he’ll run for tbe U.S, Senate. Moore says his poll Indicates that a rather young, middle - of - the - road can didate can be elected next year. He’s rather young and the middle - of - the - road ain’t never so crowded that It can’t stand another candi date. *** Pat Taylor still hopes to land Lindsey Warren Jr. to run bis campaign for Governor... About restructuring higher education, Taylor said; “I’m happy that a plan adop ted and most people seemed generally pleased with it..” There hu been talk that an other special session of tbe legislature might be called to handle no-fault auto Insur ance. Taylor doesn't think it will happen, saying the con troversial matter Is too com plicated, comiflex and far- reaching to be handled with out "everybody being heard.” *•* Aimed High Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s little nut that stood its ground. -Grit Frustrating Some men have a reputa tion for truthfulness because they can’t think fast enough. -Press, Grand Rapids. Word keeps coming to me that House Speaker Phil God win Is going to forego tbe race for lieutenant governor and run for attorney general. Godwin has been concerned about tbe jump Wilson attor ney Jim Hunt has on him in campainging .. and also in money. Also standing in the wing s Is Roy Sowers, who should be able to find tbe re sources to rim a strong cam paign. Godwin can be expected to get a lot of help from state legislators If he gets Into the race for attorney general. How much money is it going to take to run for the U.S. Sen ate from North Carolina? One potential candidate tells me he needs to see $1 million before be runs. True Committees have become so important that a subcom mittee has to be appointed to do the work. -Gazette, Augusta, Kan. Frontier gm\ By Gene Cox - Historian, Kings Mtn. Military Park Revolutionary Spies Ran High Risks Espionage in Colonial America was carried on by both sides during the American Revolution. The agents who carried on the silent war had no training and Ignored basic rudimentary caution in their clandestine operations. One operation that occurred in October of 1777 had the makings of a modern spy thriller. Rep. Ike Andrews of Siler City has served in the legis lature under four governors. He was also in tbe middle of the fight over higher educa tion. About Gov. Scott’s push in this matter, Andrews said “It was the most pressure I’ve ever seen aGovernorap ply. Terry Sanford with the sales tax was second.’’ Any hard feelings about it? "Not on my part,’’ Andrews said. “I’m not holding a grudge against anybody." State Sen. Jack Baugh, look ing at that situation, said; “Bob (Scott) proved that the Governor has plenty of power without us ^ving him the veto.” *** In the desperate week before Burgoyne’s surrender at Saratoga It was Important he know that British forces were marching up the Hudson River toward his army. In a letter dated August 28, Burgoyne had asked Sir Henry Clinton, Commander of all British forces, If he should advance or retreat. Sir Henry’s letter, written on thin silk instead of paper, told him (o do what he thought best. Actually the British Army was too far away to provide any assistance. The letter was concealed in an oval silver ball about the size of a rifle bullet. It was given to Dan iel Taylor, a young officer, who had been promised promotion If he got through the American linesalive. The bullet was made of silver, so that the spy could swallow It without injury from corrosion. He concealed it In his hair, which was easy enough when gentlemen wore long hair with large queves. Taylor left on ttie evening of the eighth, unaware that the Am ericans were already on tb e lookout for him. Another British spy, who had been captured earlier, told them that Taylor tra veled between New York, and Canada. Almost as soon as Tay lor started, he was captured at Windsor, It is ironic the way be was captured. After losing his way, Taylor had fallen In with a patrol from Webb’s Connecticut Reg iment who happened to be wearing scarlet uniforms from a cap tured British transport. Taylor assumed he was In friendly hands and made remarks flat made his captors suspicious. When they took him before an officer InAmerican dress he then realized his mistake. Crying, “I am lost” be swallowed the silver bullet. Recovery was easy. Taylor was overpowered and Dr. Moses Hlgby forced him to swallow a strong emetic. He vomited the bullet, instantly snatched It up, swallowed it again andtried to escape. Under the tnreat of a hanging, be agre ed to a second dose and the bullet was retrieved. When tbe message was revealed, he was sentenced to hang. On October 16, 1777, the sentence was carried out. j j Mr

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