%) Try Mirror Want Ads “THinnoft Greater Kings Mountain’s Progressive Newspaper 10c Vol. 1 No. 50 Kings Mountain Mirror, Wednesday, August 9, 1972 10 Pages Today Meeting Termed Discourteous Redevelopment Accused Of ‘^Keeping People In Dark” ,1-1 long and Short Of It! Myron George holds gobs of fallen hair, after he and four teammates on the KMHS foot ball squad decided to go all the way in getting haircuts for team practice. At this point it’s too late to turn back! See “after” photo of all 4 Inside. (Mirror Pho to by Rodney Dodson) Thieves Enter Drug Store An attempted break-in at Griffin’s Pha rmacy Monday apparently made the thie ves smarter according to Detective Roper of the Kings Mountain Police Department. At approximately 8 a.m. Monday morn ing the police received a cail from Grif fin’s Pharmacy reporting an attempted breaking and entering. According to Ro per the thieves had used a tool on the or der of a wrecking bar or heavy screw driver to pry open the door. The door had been pried the wrong way and the lock was sprung on the outside...still leaving the door "locked” in a bind by the latch. Later the Department answered a call to Mountaineer Pharmacy. Carl Wiesener, owner reported tnat someone had broken into the store and had stolen several items, including cameras and a supply of restri cted pills, none of the hard drug variety. Roper said that the same sort of tools had been used to break into Mountaineer that had been attempted at Griffin’s. He sur mised that the thieves saw their problem at the first store and then went to Moun taineer. Roper said that he gotthreegood fingerprints off the door at Mountaineer Pharmacy. Another call at 4 p.m. Monday netted KM Police five juveniles arrested for breaking into a coin machine. The machine at the Washerette at Tracy and Ellison Streets had been reported by Mai Hendricks, of Shelby, owner of the establishment. Hen dricks said the machine had been broken into and roughly $150 in silver had been taken. Later police picked up five juve- nUes who admitted breaking into the ma chine and $32 was recovered. Captain Roper stated that two more are to be pic ked up for the incident. One over 16, will be indicted and juvenile petitions will be taken out on the minors. By JAY ASHLEY Mirror News Editor About fourteen downtown businessmen and women met Tuesday with Gene White, Director of the Redevelopment Commiss ion of Kings Mountain and Mr. Roscoe L. Hanner of the financing division of the small Business Administration (SBA). Hanner came fromthe SBA state office in Charlotte to talk with the group about loans made by his office. These loans are designed for business that will be displa ced due to Federally funded projects. A brochure of the funding process as well as initial applications were given to the at tending businessmen and questions con cerning the loans were fielded by Hanner. The meeting soon took on an air of dis sension as Mrs. Haywood Lynch blasted the RedevelopmentCommlssion for “keep ing us in the dark.” “We have had no in formation on the urban renewal project.” stated Mrs. Lynch as she cited lack of public hearings on the matter in the past. “No one has been informed on the how, when and where of urban renewal. Media has printed what it was told to print and it was a rosy picture. We have not rece ived material one from the Redevelopment Commission.” She further scorn^ the Commissions attempt at renewal as “in competent” and stated that the business men were not going to be pushed out “They (commission) have hidden informa tion from us and have not approached us right about this situation.” Mrs. Lynch praised Hanner for his part in helping the business people and added, “if this information had come tour years ago we would be further along.” Mrs. Ly nch cited passages from a Handbook for Housing and Urban Renewal Commiss ioners and said that the commission had not adhered to its rules. Concerning lack ofpublic hearings. Gene White said that there had been public mee tings. “These meetings were public and open,” he said, “and they are a matter of public record. The transcripts are a- vailable, as they were taped.” As one in attendance stated concerning the SBA loans, “It is hard to disassoci ate this rosy picture of renewal from the fact that we are meeting to talk about a loan on a project we don’t like.” Some of the disagreement about the pro ject is that downtown business will be for ced to move out of the central business district and set up somewhere else, thus belrg in a position of buying land that may be set at a higher price. SBA aides the business money-wise but relocation site must be found by the own er of the business. The Redevelopment Commission has the burden of paying mo ving costs including utility hook-ups, etc. As Gene White stated, “Our responsibil ity is to pay the moving costs so that it will not be an economic burden on the bus inessman.” Further along in the meeting, Mrs. Lyn ch accused the urban renewal project as being designed “to kick people out.” She stated that the downtown businesses look bad “because four years ago wewerctold that there would be an urban renewal pro ject. We kept asking about the situation and no one would tell us anything. Now the buildings are run down and its notour fault. No one ever made any action for renewal.” ‘The Commission should put women who have enough sense and esthetics for bea utification on these committes and not bus inessmen who do not have the time,” said Mrs. Lynch in summing up her reaction to the slowness of urban renewal. Gene White showed dismay at the pro ceedings later and said it had been “very discourteous to Mr. Haimer.” White went on to say, “Hanner was called down to the meeting for the sole purpose of explain ing the SBA loan to the businessmen. He said, “We have tried to be forthright with people and show no reluctance whatsoever in letting people know everything. There is no collusion in the urban renewal pro ject.” White also answered several questions put to him by reporters. On the question of tax increased, he said that taxes would not go up for the urban renewal project. In fact, he added, the new buildings will be a tax asset. The question also arose as to whether there is any assurance that the town will be built back after the buildings have been demolished. “Yes. For examplewehave Paragon Producer Grateful For Floyd’s Assistance Today Mr. “Pat” Patterson Producer and Director of Paragon Motion Pictures expressed his appreciation to the U.S. A. F. Base of Eglin, Fla. for the courticies and co-operation that has been rendered to his studio, which have help make possible the current Paragon Production of the Picture “Boots.” Especially he saia, •■lamgra teful for the discovery of a new and up coming talent in the personality of Airman Floyd. Airman MichaU R. Floyd has been on special loan by tbeSpecialServlces un it at EglinA.F. BaselnFIa. towrite, com pose, and perform the musical sound track 'for the current production; “Boots.” Mr. Patterson went on to say that airman Michael Floyd’s father, Mr. PeteD. Floyd of Kings Mountain, N.C. a co-writer, ac tor, and co-director of the production co mmented during the interview,“lamgra teful to Mr. Patterson for the professional Five Area Residents Arrested Five area residents were arrested last week according to the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department. Among those list ed in arrest reports were; T. C. Bowers, 30, of Kings Mountain, ca pias for public drunkeness. Ben Gold Foster, 47, of 108 Morris Str eet, Kings Mountain, capias instantor for driving under the iidluence, Islsah Wilson. 28, pf Route 1, Kings Mou ntain, assault with a deadly weapon. Shirley A. Clack, 22, of 48 Gray Street, Kings Mountain, breaking, entering and larceny. James Gene Owens, 34, of Route 2, Box 475, Kings Mountain, capias Instantor for non-support. concern and attention he has shown my son by providing such an opportunity of magni tude for “Mickey” to be seen and heard on a National level, other than this, Mr. Floyd said, my son’s ability may be judged by the public at large, however, Itooexpressmy thanks and appreciation to the U.S. A. F. and The Special Services for their help and co operation for the accessability they made possible for my son to help/and assist us in our producUon of the Motion Picture- “BooU” by Paragon Studiosl” just received the reuse survey prints on the Bonnie Mill property. The commiss ion will consider the recomendations of Scott Key (review appraiser) and will set tle on a price and this lot will be sold. The buyer must also show the commissions plans for use of the property and they must conform to the urban renewal schedule. If he has no plans, then the property will not be sold to him. This36,643,64square foot lot will be sold sometime in the near future.” Another question arose as to the Ethics of having interested downtown property owners on the redevelopment board. “They are treated no better or no worse than any other person. Their interests are appraised and a fair market value pri ce is set. There is no under-the-table dealings going on. We have very strict auditors and if there were any discrepa ncies, people would know about them.” ■_ * ' Official Football of die KMHS Mountaineers signals the beginning of the 1972 season. See the Mountaineers as they begin practice in this week’s Sports Mirror. (Mirror Pho to by Lem Lynch) Man Charged With Robbery By Assault Hilliard Eugene Coker listed as having a Blacksburg, S.C. address was arrested Friday by Kings Mountain Policeandcha rged with robbery by assault. Coker, a- long with another man and two women al legedly picked up William Huffstetler, of Route 1, Blacksburg. They then went to Margrace Mill Village where they robbed Huffstetler of approximately $150.00. Co ker was transferred to Cleveland County Jail. Other arrests for the week beginn ing August 2 include; Larry Edward Smith, 30, towing viola tion. J. G. Richards, 21, stop light violation. Richard Yarborough, 31, 47 in 35 zone. Ronald M. Baker, 20, 47 in 35 zone. Auston Falls, 56, public drunk. David B. Boheler, 28, non-support. Samuel McDonald Cody, 27, stop light violation. Earnest Stevenson, 20, non-support. Hilliard E. Coker, 24, robbery by assault and a capias. Austin Falls, 56, public drunk. Roger E. Parker, 23, 50 in 35 zone. William W. Wiggins, 28, 50 in 35 zone. Dorthy J. Daniels, 33, 50 in 35 zone. Peggy C. Clark, 33, 49 in 35 zone. Michael D. Williams, 21, 50 in 35 zone. Gilbert Hamrick, 21, 50 in 35 zone. Henry Grafy Tate, Jr, 40,48 in 35 zone. Douglas Murray Wray, 22, inspection vio lation. Clarence Patterson, 39, D.U.l. Panagiotis Serafim Nikopoalos, 26, ex pired inspection certificate. Cheryl Ann Foster, 27, assault with a deadly weapon. Dwight Foster, 35, assault on a female. Clayward C. Curry, 22, stop sign viola tion. Holland J. Gill, 35, inspection violation. James E. Yates, 26, inspection viola tion. Amzie A. Roberts, 45, inspection viola tion. Horace E. Kiser, 41, inspection viola tion. James R. Smylie, 18, improper equip ment. Michael Eugene Murry, 22. Gunzo Eugene Feemster, 19, equipment violation. John Barry Jenkins, 25, D.U.l. Thomas F. Humphries, 21, no escort (towing violation), Billy Joe Sprouse, 32, violation of prohi bition law. Moffett R. Green, 35, public drunk. Bonnie Burton, 60, public drunk. County Commissioners Deny Shelby’s Boundary Request I—I / Escaped Injury Officers and the driver Inspect the damage done to the Chevrolet following an accident Saturday night at 12;30 a.m. Johnny LeeSorratt, 18, of 413 Morris Street, told officer T. F. King that the gas pedal stuck on the car. He lost control, hit a utility pole and then traveled about 100 feet before the car landed on its top. The accident occured on Grace Street, just north from Linwood Road toward EllisonDrive. Sorratt was not injured but he was charged with exceeding a safe speed. The question of extending the perimeter boundary of the City of Shelby, an additi onal assessment for initiation of a drug abuse prevention program by CAGO, and a resolution concerning school bond iss ues for Shelby and Cleveland Countywere among the topics discussed by the Cleve land County Commissioners Monday. A motion to deny the request of the city of Shelby to extend its current boundaries from one to two miles was made by Com missioner Phil Rucker and seconded by Commissioner Fritz Morehead. Shelby’s City Manager Dave Wilkison went before the board Monday to request that the commissioners pass the request to extend the city’s boundaries. A public hearing had been held on July 17 for the citizens affected to air their opinions. Most of the opinion was against the reso lution but the City board had nevertheless voted to send the request to the county co mmissioners. The general feeling of the board was that the county should have the responsibility to zone outside the city limits. Vote to de ny the request was unani.mous. City Manager Wilkison also brought be fore the board the additional assessment from CAGO in the amount of $2,528.75. Previously the regular assessment was $5,635.50. Total payment would be$8,164. 25. The board voted to pay this extra a- mount and praised the drug program the extra money will be used lor. in further action, the commissioners passed several resolutions on tKjnd elec tions brought to them by the school boa rds. The resolutions were routine mat ters required by law to be passed by the Commissioners before a bond election may take place. The Bond Elections for Cleveland County Schools will be for $4 million and Shelby City Schools for $1,750,000. These elections will be onSep- temer 30. The commissioners also approved the reappointment of Mr. Hackett Wilson to a three year term on the City Zoning Boa rd of adjustment and an agreement betwe en Cleveland County and the N.C. Depart ment of Justice for a Police Information Terminal. Mrs. Cecil Webb, of the Public Health Department appeared before the board asking for a raise in salary. She cited the fact that many of the employees who had not been in the department as many years as she had received a higher salary rate. Mrs. Webb has been with the department for 22 years. The Board voted that she receive a pay hike. C. C. Horn, county attorney also brought the board a five year lease to sign that would place a 70 foot garbage container near Swainsville. The lease, for one dollar a year, was passed. A request from Sheriff Heywood Allen to replace Mrs. Gayle Pridmore, who is leaving the department was approved. Mrs. Pridmore’s replacement will be Mrs. Jean H. Impinna. Also Allenrecyie- sted that Terry Richard Lanier be hired to replace Jerry Petty as radio operator. This request, too, was approved. A tax refund of $4i.86 to Mauney-Willi ams Coal and Oil Company was granted and Road petitions for maintenance of streets on Montevista Park, maintenance of road off rrjad #2298 and maintenance of completed section of Big Oak Road and all of Cherry Lane in Fairmeadows Sub division and paving of Ridge Road was al so approved for consideration. Also approved in the meeting was reque st from Hospital Administrator Paul Elli son to use the vacant lot behind the Health Department for storage of construction supplies. C.L.O.C. To See Crowders Presentation C.L.O.C. (Cleveland I.eague on Conser vation) will meet on Thursday. August 10th at 7; 30 p.m. in the Cleveland County Lib rary, Shelby. Topic of the meeting will be the preservation of Kings and Crow ders Mountain and the speaker will be Mrs. Lewis Bulwinkle of Gastonia.