i A PaRe KB—MIRROR-HERAIJ>—Thursday, July R. IS7R I ( OMMKNDKI) — Brenda Parker, left, frequency thetker. and Todd Rhodes, right, second shift roving drawing fixer, are eommendefl bv Plant Manager I.Ron Osborne. Ms. Parker has a record of III years service and Rhodes five \ears service to Burlington Industries Kings Mountain plant. Bride-Elect Is Honored At Parties .Miss Terri Cash, whose wedding to Joe King takes place Saturday at i p m in Kirsl Wesleyan Church, has been honored at three parlies recently Mrs Jennie Seism and her daughter, Usa. entertained June Jii at a miscellaneous bridal shower at their home. The 15 guests showered the bride-to-be with gills tor her new home The w edding colors ol blue and white leatured decorative details and rel re.shmenls. Mrs. Linda Smith en tertained June 21 at a linen shower honoring the bride-to- be. Thirty guests attended and party refreshments were served. Mrs. Emily Ware and Mrs. Dianne Odom entertained June 29 at the former's home at a pantry shower at which 20 guests showered the honoree and party cakes and punch were served from a blue and white decorated table. G-W Second Term Beginning ROILING SPRINGS. N. .C. The soc-nd term if Gard- n**r-Webb O liege's summer s<»ssl- n will begin with regisirati'n. Saturday, July to. beginning at 9 a m M re than 60 ci-liege-level c urses will be i-ffered during ’bo 'erm. which will ci-nclude wi’b examinaiii ns Aug. 13. Summer ci-mmencement exercises at Gardner- Webb will be held Saturday. Aug. 14. In addi’iin i« the summer sc*' • • I seb edu le. f I-u r w rkslv ps f< r public school •eacbers will be conducted on campus. W'rkshi p t(*pics iix'lude the Metric System: An Elementary Approach: Psycb-b gy 493: Teaching O'ildren with Learning and Bo' avi- r Pn blems; Art 301; \r Skills and Appreciation; and Art .302: Art Education Materials. .Ms- a c* urse in business [Tsycli'I- gy will be taught in ‘*»e evenings. .Addi’i nal inbrmation is availablefr- m the Directi-rof Tech Announces Taxidermy Courses Tbe Department i*f Om- • inuing Education of Cleveland Tech has an- n< unced the beginning cf two ’axidermy extension courses. Beginning taxidermy begins M- nday. July 12. from 7 tc* 10 p. m. at Tech’s uptown Annex. v* m 18. Advanced taxidermy begins Wednesday. July 14, from 7 to 10 p. m. at Tech’s uptown .Annex. r« * m 18. Ken Pruitt will instruct both c- urses with tbe beginning c- urse ending M<*nday. Sep'ember 20. and the ad vanced c* urse ending Wed nesday. September 20. Pers* ns 18 years age and Ider interested in these c- urses may register at the firs* meeting of the class paying the $5.00 registi*atien fee. •' e Summer Sdioi 1 or the Dirix”‘r -f Admissions at Gardner-Webb . Summer sclo«I is an in- ■egral pari of the college year. tiering fully-transfersble s'udy accredited by the S inheni .Association of C llegos and Secondary Sfb Is Attention: Medicare Patients CAIDWEU HOME CARE SERVICES Aiiiowices the odditioii of a ComprehoMive Service Progmm for Medicare Petieets. We will provide the hospital equipment authorized by the doctor— Bill Medicare direct, and do all the work necessary for a complete service. For Complete Information CALL 704-865-2366 CAIDWEU DRUG STORE, INC 207 S. Chestnut Free Parking County Wich DoHvery AvailabI* Solving; Goston, York, Clovotand, Uncoln Counties EMPLOYES HONORED — The four Burlington Mills employes pictured were honored recently for long service to the Kings Mountain plant. I'ront row. from left. Bill la»wery. first shift card tender, l.i*on Roseboro. and Willie Rums, first shift a 200 Burlington Employes Honored For Service Twenty-six employes of Burlington Mills l*henix Plant racked up a total of 293 years service and wvre honored at plant anniversary parties during the month ot June. Commendat ions were presented to each employe by Ron OslKjrne. plant manager. Employes were also teted at a traditional plant outing with hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by Manager Osborne, assisted by other ollicials. at the plant and served on all Invitation Is Issued Joseph Leroy Gash and Mrs. Charles E Ware have issued wedding invitations to Kings Mountain Iriends and rela tives to attend the wedding of their daughter. Teresa Lynn Cash, to Joseph Wayne King, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Ellis King. The ceremony will take place Saturday. July Mb at 4 p m in Kirst Wesleyan Church on Waco Rd Pat meaning friend is from the gypsy word for brother. “DUB** SAYS Listen To "Lets Talk Bible** WCSL1600 AM . CherryvIUe.N.C. 12:.30 Daily 9AM-9;30AM Each Sunday three shifts. It was an “ap preciation tor good service” gesture ot the firm. Employes honored in June were: Kirst Shift: Carding — Larry Childers, one year; Billy Lowery, live years; Spinning — James Hicks, 25 years; Willie Burris, Leon Roseboro. five years; Mary Crank, eight years; Betty Pressley, R» years; Geneva Crocker, seven years; and Lillie Parker, tour years; Winding — Cora Foster. 11 years; Elizabeth Huffstetler, .seven years. John Guiton, 39 years: Supervision, Zeb Waters, 39 years: 1. E., Brenda Parker, to years; Office. Ron Osborne, 14 years; and Becky Ware, 19 years. Second Shift: Carding — Todd Rhodes, five years; Klaye Pearson, two years: Charles Philbeck. three years; Spinning — Mary Pope, one year, and Lillie Mullins, two years; Supdr- vision — Deaelis Burton. 23 years; Third Shift: Spinning — Mary Camp, three years and Rebecca Wallace, three years: Winding — Mary Brackett. 19 years; and Supervision. Howell Johnson. 28 \ears. IT S A ROY Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kalis. 109 Marigold Ave.. announce the arrival ol their son. Baker Price Kalis, Sunday. June 27. Cleveland Memorial Hospital, Shelby Baker Price weighed seven pounds, to ounces. Other member qI the Kalis iamily is lour and one-half year old Hollie Kalis. (irandparents are Mr and Mrs, CarlC. Kalis and Mr. and Mrs. David P. Smith, all of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Kalis is the lormer Sarah Smith Nkl Piy Hut?... Nv'IihiINs R Mrlsn! eUYilOflf WITH wmwmm URPtNC BANQUET ASSORTED FROZEN POT PIES • CHICKEN • BEEF • TURKEY • MACARONI • SPAGHETTI 4 ..MOO PKGS. B WHY PAY $1.40 DEL MONTE TOMATO STOKELY S RINEST GOLDEN CORN '■I* CREAM jmciOriDe WHY DAY $1.ID if THE TOTAL TELLS THE TRUTH Fin Teee MV ; NV { HELIMANN'S IfAl Mayonnaise *5' 119 133] ^^NSAlTfO MADCADINE ^azola Oleo ~ .63 .13 BITTY CKXIKID lUNA Mll«8 Noodles & Cheese ... .64 .69 All VADlETlIS OITTY CDOCtTD Hamtilir^r Helper .64 .69 SWtll N LOW lO-CAl Soft Drink Mix .38 .42 CENIRAl Wins Bugles Snack '& .62 .69 QUICK WAIO Frozen Waffles ~ .22 25 KDAfl CDEAMT Cucumber Dressing ... 4^. .48 .53 POMPEIIAN BRAND Olive Oil .83 .99 KRAfT DEIUKI Macaroni Dinners .... .62 .69 BUTTERMILK Pillsbuiy Biscuits .... vs; .62 .67 GORTON SER02EN Fish Fillets '4' 179 1» PET RiT/ fROZEN Graham Pie Shells ... iS .79 .87 W (RISHEROZIN ^ Eggo Waffles .63 .69 toco EROZfN French Toast .63 .69 GENUINE IDAHO £ CALIFORNIA POTATOES 129 for RED RIPE SWEET WATiRMELONS Each CAROLINA CLING PEACHES 4 SUNNYSLOPE RIPE PEACHES 3 AND UP GRAPES lbs. Ib$. SWEET AND JUICY lb. 79' 69' RED kuMS 49' STRAWB RES 99^ . 59' 6rt t ■ ; '•»' Hi GRAPES ',H, Ml.I •* ONIONS WHITE OR YELLOW IN THE HUSK ^IPa PAUt S FWOICN ISfmlKKJtk 14-01* MCO. MGMT44'PRE$H FROZEN QUZEO OR JEtkY 4. , f f ^ after you see your doctor. FULL QUART DIET.RITE OR RC COLA 6 Si39 •OTTLC CARTON WHY FAY $1.79 STOKELY S FRENCH OR CUT WHY PAY $1.30 bring your prescription to PRESCftIPlION PHARMACY 709 W. Mountain St. • Kings Mt. BeEide Hondricki. Durham. Lee Qlniti OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY