*'c Sons Hsag Book Bindery, Inc, fpringpert, Mch, 49284 VOL. 90, m. 53 THVRSDA1, JULY 5, 1979 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD ^ #1 • • ip« yi ^5. Vx / V.e< 'X f • . AOCEPTINO AWARDS—DnrlBK ■pecbJ ceremonlM held at Malcolm Brown Auditorium In Shelby Monday, Oov. Jamea Hunt apoke in memory of five Shelbiana who died while Wylng to protect the omnmunity during the May M fire that deyaatated a city block In downtown Shelby. During the ceremonlea Oov. Hunt alao hoBored the men of the variona fire, reacue and police departments who saelated during the tragic incident In photo No. 1 Johnnie Caldwell accepts the Oovernor’s Award on behalf of die Kings Mountain Fire Department. No. 2 la Capt. Johnny Hutchins of The Kings Mountain Iteer*.'e Squad, and No. S. Hood Watterson, who accepted the award from Oov. Hunt on behalf of the Grover Rescue Photoa by Rick McDaniel Squad. The Governor’s Heroes Award was presented the families of the four Shelby Firemen and one Shelby Gas Department employe killed when an explosion brought a brick wall down on them. After the presentation. Gov. Hunt presided at groundbreaking ceremonies on the site where a memorial will be erected In memory of the five men. Grover At Standstill t • 5 • On Town’s Sewer Plans OROVBR—nie Town of Grover la at a standatUl on Ita proposed sewer plans which hinge on a letter of Intent from the City of Kings Mountain on treatment of sewage. Mayor W.W. McCarter told the * board at the regular Monday night meeting that date for presentation of the 201 Sewer Study la slated for Aug. 1 but that procedure will also depend upon a letter of intent from Kings Mountain on whether or not the city will negotiate for treatment of sewerage. Mr. McCarter said that a meeting scheduled by OroVer with the Kings * Mountain commit ^e, of which Oomm. Jim Dlcke, Is chairman, was cancelled by the KM board and has not been rescheduled. Mayor McCarter said that he will ask for another meeting with the KM sewerage committee after the July 4th holidays. ' The mayor made the remarks during a progress report which also ^ revealed that any future plans, such as annexation, will alao hinge upon water and sewer for the areas considered. An annexation study conducted by the N.C. Department of Resources A Community Development did not recommend any annexation "at the present time” but leaned more favorably to an area around Spring I Acres and Elm Rd., recommending that the board "sit on any an nexation plsms until sewer system plans are completed.” "Until we're further along with our sewer system and we won't know our debt limit", said Mr. McCarter, "this group does not recommend any annexation. Area One, the largest of three areas under . consideration In the proposals .would ' require the town buy a $40,000 deep well, spend $M,000 In street paving and employ an additional policeman, while also suppling water and sewer services to 870 people. Area Two, the more compact of the three areas under discussion. Is recommended annexed only If determination can be made that a new deep well would not be needed and only If the 148 residents could be adequately served with water and sewer. Additional policemen would be required and street paving would cost approximately $14,000. Area three, the smallest of the trio, would not be a financial risk to annex but the annexation would hinge on water to the 67 residents of that area, said McCarter In reviewing the study which Is In booklet' form and available to Grover cltlsens In the Town Hall. In other business, ChsirUe Duvall, qiokesman for Mlnette Mills, asked the board to rebate Mlnette Mills tor disposing of Its own Industrial waste, suggesting a figure of $200 per month. "Our cost for refuse hauling Is $020 per month”, ssild Duvall,” and we think It only fair that our firm be treated fairly and that Mlnette be allowed some com- Girls State Delegates To Speak At Meeting Girls State Cltlsens Janet Childers and Leslie Hsunbrlght will give a report of their week at Girls State this summer at Thursday’s (tonight's) meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Building. A covered dish supper will be Little Theatre Meeting Tonight Kings Mountain Little Theatre will hold a regular meeting Thursday (tonight) at 7:30 p.m. at Park Grace Auditorium. Ray Holmes, new president of the pensatlon from the town”. Duvall pointed out that his firm Is the city's largest taxpayer and receives little city services, noting that Mlnette has Its own fire and police protection for employes. Duvall suggested that the $2S0 per month allocation come from the former fee which was paid the city’s refuse collector, Marvin llimer, whose salary was cut from $860 per month to $600 per month Mr. Duvall said that garbage Is collected only on Saturdays and that his firm has been handling the collections Itself for sometimes. Upon motion of Comm. Harold Herndon, seconded by Tommy Keeter. the lioard tabled the matter until Its August meeting, Herndon com menting that "since some cities leave waste pickup to Industry and there are other plants In town, we need to study this proposal further and come up with some workable solutions." 0 * EARN OOVERNOR’S AWARD-Monday three members of the Kings Mountain Rescue Squad were singled out by Oov. Jim Hunt and presented Oovernor’s Awards during ceremonies at Brown Auditorium In Shelby. Lett to right, Sgt. Roy Hammett, Capt. Johnny Photo by Tom McIntyre Hutchins and Lt. David Hannah. The awards read: “For outstanding citlsen Involvement and for exem plary volunteer service to your community and to the state of North Carolina...” A separate award was presented by the Oovemor to the entire squad. Observed The Holiday served. Unit President Clara Rhea will conduct business of the meeting. Both Miss Childers and Miss Hambrlght are rising seniors at KMSHS. Miss Childers Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BUI ChUders and Miss Hambrlght Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hambrlght. group, wlU preside at the regular meeting, to which all members and any prospecUve members are en couraged to attend to plan the year's work. Independence Day 1979 was a holiday for majority of Kings Mountain citizens. Most of the Kings Mountain business and Industrial community closed for the day, with most ac tivity at the area shopping centers and at parks and swimming pools. Downtown stores wUl be open for business today (Thursday). Kings Mountain Parks and Recreation Department sponsored a mammoth Fourth of July celebration at City Park where young and old participated In con tests, fun games, sports, and varied activities. Kings Mountain Country Club and Lake Montonla Club, Inc. also sponsored events for members and guests. Most Industry In town, with the exception of Phenix Plant of Burlington MUls, closed for the week. Employes of Phenix Plant wUl take a vacation, beginning July 8th. Cleveland County Historical Association sponsored an old- fashioned July 4th celebration at the historical museum on the court- square. Country music, square dancing, clogging, games,and other events were on tap. Rescue Squad Report Kings Mountain Rescue Squad traveled 2,671 miles for a total of 841 man hours on 110 trips during the month of June, according to Squad Capt. Roy S. Hammett. The monthly log reports 68 house calls, 11 wrecks, 48 emergencies, 33 transports, three blood runs, nine assists, answering calls where two persons were dead on arrival, and transporting four pedestrians to hospitals after accidents. Sgt. Hammett said that KMRS made 60 trips to Kings Mountain Hospital, and other transports to hospitals; KM(X7, six; Shelby, one: Charlotte Memorial, six; Cleveland Memorial, four; Charlotte Rehabilitation Center, one; Morgan ton, one; Gaston Memorial, two; Guardian Care, one; Gaston ^fentai Health, one; Winston Salem, one; and Roanoke. Ala., one.