18, 1878 ?"fMnd°e?y T Thursday 15^ Frvnvh ('.hih Hot liofi Sale triday At K\tHS VOLUME 90 - NUMBER 75 - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1979 ■ KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA NEWS BRIEFS } - ■ > ROTARY SPEAKER 9 Nelson Conner, chsdrman of the Cleveland County Board of Elec tions, will be guest speaker at the weekly Rotary Club meeting at noon today at Kings Mountain Country Club. Dennis Conner is in charge of the program. ERSKINE ALUMNI Kings Mountain Chapter of the ^ Ersklne College Alumni Association * will hold a dinner meeting Thursday (tonight) at 7 p.m. at Kings Mountain Motor Inn. Or. Charles Blair, local dentist. Is campaign chairman. GOSPEL SING Westover Baptist Church will sponsor the fourth Saturday night ^ gospel sing Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. at the church. Featured groups will be "The Crusaders" and "The Oiapelettes," of Qaffney, S.C. HOT DOG SUPPER The Kings Mountain High French CSub will sponsor a hot dog supper- bake sale Friday prior to the KM- East Oaston football game. It will be 0 held from S;30 until 7:80 p.m. In the cafeteria. Orders can be eaten In or taken out. REVIVAL BEGINS Revival services will be held Sept. 23-28 at Penley's Chapel Church, beginning at 7 p.m. each night. Rev. James Talbert of Brown Summitt, A N.C., will be the evangelist. Rev. ^ Leonard Huffstetler, Penley’s Chapel pastor. Invites all persons to attend. ( BOARD TO MEET The Cleveland County Technical ' Institute Board of Trustees will meet onTues., Sept. 26, at6:30p.m. In the Conference Room In the 2100 9 Building. CROCHET CLASS Rita Falls will Instruct a class In crocheting every Monday, beginning Monday, from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m. at KM Community Center. Registration Is at the first class ^ session. FLORAL DESIGN SCHOOL A class In floral design will begin Ihurs., Sept. 27 and continue each Thursday from 7 to 10 p.m. at KM Community Center with Carolyn M. Jackson, Instructor. Miss Rita Falls will Instruct a Christmas crafts and crocheting class, also beginning next Thursday and slated every Thursday, from 12:30until 2:30 p.m. at KM Depot Center. BOARD MEETINGS Cleveland County Board of Elections has scheduled meetings for Oct. 9,12, 16,19, "I, 26, 29, 30 and Nov. 1, 3, and 6, IB J at 10 a.m. to pass on applications for absentee 0 ballots for the Nov. 6 elections. The meetings are slated in the Elections Board Office but won't be held If there are no applications for ab sentee ballots to be approved. WOMAN’S CLUB Kings Mountsiln Woman’s Club will hold Its Initial meeting of the Fall at 7:46p.m. Monday night at the . Womem’s Club on East Mountain St. Mrs. Ed Heine, president, will preside. KMCC LUAU Residents of Kings Mountain Convalescent Center will hold a luau, featuring slides of Hawaii, at their Wednesday program at 2:80 p.m. at the nursing home. Elizabeth Stewart, Herald Co-Editor, will give ’V the program, assisted by Mrs. ( Jackie D. Barrett. Miss Stewart will give highlights of a 1973 National i Convention she attended In Honolulu. I I IN NEW LOCATION I Dr. K.F. Chen has occupied new * offices at 604 W. King St., the former building occupied by Tiara Hair j Designs. Dr. CTien Is a Kings I Mountain obstetrician and I gynecologist. Four Candidates In Grover Race By GARY STEWART Co-Editor Mayor W.W. (BIU) McCarter and three commissioner candidates have filed for offices In Orover’s November 6 election. McCarter, who Is seeking his third two-year term as mayor, and commissioner candidates Edward Phllbeck, Phil Harry and Juanita Pruette announced their can didacies Tuesday afternoon. The mayor’s and five com missioner seats sire up for grabs. There are currently three comm- tnlBsloners but an additional two were added through a special town ordinance. Incumbent commissioners Harold Herndon, Tommy Keeter and Martha Byers have not yet an nounced their Intentions. McCarter, who was elected to his current term In a write-in campaign two years ago, la a veteran of 22 years on the town beard. Including 18 as as a concilman. McCarter Is married to the former Sarah Harry and has two children, Ann Ruppert of Atlanta and Susan Olson of Winston-Salem. "It’s been a honor and a privilege to serve the people of Orover the JUANITA PRUETTE PHIL HARRY past two terms," said McCarter, who Is employed by Mlnette Mills. "I appreciate all the support the people have given me. "With 22 years as a mayor and commissioner I feel I can offer experienced leadership toward building a greater Orover,” he added. “Grover Is a great place to live and It would be a privilege to serve as mayor for another term.” McCarter spoke of several goals he’d like to see accomplished. In cluding a completed sewer system and expanded water system. "These two, I feel, will control the future (Turn to page 2A) Lions Club To Sponsor Free Clinic Kings Mountain Lions Club will iqionsor a free glaucoma clinic next Thursday, Sept. 27, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. W.K. Mauney, Jr., chairman of the civic club-sponsored clinic, and Tim Gladden,, club president, said the promotion Is aimed at adults 36 and older who are In the age bracket where incidence of glaucoma oc curs. Representatives of the Cleveland C>>anty Health Department will be In the city to conduct the clinic. . . RESCUE EFFORT—Members of the Kings Mountain Rescue Squad work with the Jaws of Life to free Diane Photo by Gary Stewan King (lying on ground under overturned car) from wrecked car Monday night on Crocker Road. 45-Minute Rescue On Crocker Road By GARY STEWART Co-Editor Monday night started off as a normal meeting night for Kings Mountain Rescue Squad volunteers. After a brief meeting at the squad building, two ambulances headed west on Highway 74 (or a work detail at Bethware School. But as they neared the In tersection of Highway 74 and El Bethel Church Road, they received word of a car crash on the dirt portion of Crocker Road. One victim was pinned In the car. Three others were thrown from the vehicle and hadn’t been located In the tall weeds and thick pines. The ambulance trailing the leader ate dust as the two sped up the dirt road. One ambulance driven by Sgts. Roy Hammett and Bill Hannah and several cars were already at the scene. The volunteers quickly got their gear. Some got the "Jaws of Life" to begin the process of freeing the plnned-ln passenger. Others combed the woods and sides of the dark road for the three who had been thrown from the car. The woman In the car appeared In serious condition. Her (ace was lacerated. Moments later, the three who had been thrown from the car were located. One was dead. The other two were In serious condition. One had a tree limb stuck In his arm. Both were bleeding heavily. A 46-mlnute rescue effort had begun. Five new volunteers scurried EDWARD PHILBECK MAYOR W.W. (BILL) McCARTER Jacqui Schultz First Woman Lawyer about, getting first aid kits, stret chers, and other Items to relieve the victims’ pain long enough to get them on their way to professional help. The biggest task was freeing the woman from the car. It was literally smashed. The crash was so bad both back wheels had vanished. Trees even had to be cut with chain saws before the volunteers could have enough room to work. Hammett, Hannah and Captain Johnny Hltchlns led the effort. Most of the work was done by five new volunteers. Including VlrgU Cox, Terry Stefanlck, Bobby King, Charles Martin and Richard Oliver. King didn’t know the victim Inside the car was his wife, Diane. More experienced volunteers helped out. Many others stood and watched. (Turn to page 7A) By ELIZABETH STEWART Herald Co-Editor Move over men, another domain has been Invaded by women. This time It’s the law profession In Kings Mountain where Jacqui O’Neil Schultz Is this city’s, and probably Cleveland County’s, first woman lawyer. Ms. Schultz Joined the firm of Harrls-Bumgardner-Corry this week, moving from the law firm’s Gastonia office where she has been employed since June 1978. Prior to that time, she was assistant district attorney In the Gastonia district attorney’s office and was a trial lawyer for about 18 months. A practicing lawyer (or the past three years, Ms. Schultz doesn't remember when she didn’t want to become a trial lawyer. Bom in Canada, she graduated from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma and got a taste of politics on the campaign trail for U.S. Congressman James R. Jones, when Jones became the first Democrat from Tulsa to win a seat In Congress In a quarter of a century. ‘ ‘I followed Congressman Jones to Washington, D.C. and was his legislative aide and press secretary,” recalls Ms. Schultz. Her ambition to become a lawyer returned and Jacqui quit her job in Washington and enrolled at the University of Tulsa Law School, continuing to earn her way through school by working In Congressman Jones’ district office.She graduated with honors after two and one-half years. Jacqui met and married a lawyer, they moved to Gastonia and Mrs. Schultz took her first job In the DA’s office where she got working ex perience in the courtroom and was among the few women In North Carolina to engage In trial work. She handled the sex discrimination case filed by former employes of the Cleveland County Sheriff’s office against the county and obtained a verdict for the defendants and has been attorney In numerous litigation suits. She was licensed to practice law In 1976, majored In political science and economics. Jacqui and her husband, who are now separated, have never prac ticed together In the courtroom but have both practiced In Gaston County, where Schultz remains a practicing attorney. Her father, John Frazier O’Neil, and step mother now reside In Florida. Mickey Corry, partner In the Kings Mountain firm, said that Ms. Schultz’ duties here will be handling litigation suits, trial work, real estate, wills and estates, domestic law and personal Injury cases. Ms. Schultz holds membership in the North Carolina Association of Trial Lawyers, the American Bar Association, Altrusa CTub, Com mission on Gaston County Human Relations, and Is a member of the steering committee of League of Women Voters. Does Ms. Schultz recommend the legal profession as a job for today’s woman? "Very definitely,” she replies. “It's a very challenging job for both men and women and more women are entering the law (Turn to page 2A) JACQUI SCHULTZ ..KM’S first woman lawyer The Firefighter^ CAPTAIN J.D. BARRETT Kings Mountain Police Depart ment Chief Jackie D. Barrett, 48. of 202 Park Dr., joined the Kings Mountain Fire Department as a volunteer In 1963. He serves as secretary (or the Fireman's Pension Fund, Fireman’s Relief Fund amd Cleveland County Volunteer's Benefit Fund. Captain Barrett has been a member of the Kings Mountain Police Department force since 1986. He Is a Mason, member of First Presbyterian Church, and during his off-duty hours enjoys fishing and hunting. He and Arlene Schneider Barrett, First Presbyterian Church secretary, recently celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary The Barrett family Includes a daughter, Qieryl. who Is employed In the library of KM Senior High, and David, a freshman student at Ap palachian State Unl-’cslty at Boone.