Page 2A-KINOS MOUNTAIN HERALD-Thursday, September »0, 1B79 Mayor McCarter included :»i Four File In Grover Youth Conference Set 3 • (Begliu on page lA) growth of Grover,’■ he aald. McCarter added he’d like to aee a new town facUlUee building (a committee U working on plans now), organise a youth council and con tinue the recreation program. ‘"These are just a few,” he said, "but I'm for anything for the bet terment of Grover." The three commissioner can didates are newcomers to the political ring. Phllbeck owns and operates Phllbeck Shell Service In the heart of town. Before moving to Grover several years ago, he was plant manager of National Tube and Reel Cb. of Shelby. Phllbeck Is married to the former Shirley Cash (»nd has three children, Barry, Beth and Loretta Lynn. "I would like to aee the town prosper,” he said. "I feel like everybody wants to work on the sewage system. And I feel l^e Grover has room to grow. “I think I can work with and for the people to make Grover a better place to live,” he said. Mrs. Pruetts, a Ufe-long resident of Grover, Is married to Lee Pniette and has one daughter, Janet Davis, and two grandchildren. She Is employed by Elisabeth Weaving Co. of Grover. He Usts as one of his main goals a good recreation program and recreation facilities. ‘"nils part of Cleveland County doesn’t have any type of recreation, and Grover has very little,” he said. "With the gas crisis like It Is, we need good recreation activities In our town. "I would like to serve all the people,” she said. ”I‘ve Uved here aU my Ufe and feel like I know the people real well, and they know me weU.” Harry, also employed by Mlnette Mills, returned to his native Grover eight years ago after completing a 2S-year tour of duty In the Air Force. He and his wife, Msuia, have fbur children, Ldtsa, Tina, Nancy and KeUl. “We’re In desperate need of a park which would Include a pool and play area,” he said. “We need activities to serve the old and young alike.” Young people and elected officials In Cleveland County ars expected to attend oiM of IT Regional Governor's Youth Conferences to bo held across the state during September and October. Others attending will Include adults who work with youth groups and directors of agencies that provide services to youth, such as parks and recreation departments and schools. tor Cleveland, McDowell, Polk and Rutherford Counties will be held on Wed., Oct. 8, at Isothermal w.w.;.x.;.:.:.w:.v-v.v.v.v.y.;.w.v.v.wv.w.v.y.M*v.y*| Community College In Spindale. ♦♦ NOW OPEN Betty’s Jean 106 Cleveland Ave. Kings Mountain, N. C. Harry has served as chairman o; the recreation committee for several years and has had a guiding hand In the Uttle league and Babe Ruth baseball programs. ”I feel like I could better serve as a councilman than recreation director,” he said. “We can got more done If we all work together. “I plan on serving the people with the best Interest of all,” he said. First Woman Lawyer"^ (Begins on page lA) profession now than ever before,” said Ms. Schultz who included IS her law school class Incluxed 16 women and 136 men. Among 70 women lawyers who have practiced during the past three or four years, or criminal cases, I wouldn’t trade Mrs. Schultz recalled that only two tor another occupation,” exclaims or three were In trial work. the pretty brunette. ”I love courtroom work and law. Already, Mrs. Schultz says she Whether It’s preparing a will or feels "right at home” In Kings handling domestic, personal Injury Motmtain. The regional con ferences are a follow-up to the Governor’s Youth Oonference held May 18-10, at Meredith OoUage In Raleigh. Participants of the one-day regional meetings will set local priorities and plan strategies for lili- plementlng the policy recommendattona made at the statewide contorence. Developed by some 800 youth ages 14-18 and adults who work with youth, the recommendations deal with five areas: youth employment, adolescent sexuality, discrimination,'' recreation and community education. I Just Arrived: ) • New Shipment Of Men’s and Women’s JEANS Early Detection Of Cancer Saves Lives Early detection of spokesman for the cancer saves lives, said Cleveland County Cancer PUBU8HED EACH TUESDAY AND THURSDAY GARLAND ATKINS Publisher GARY STEWART Co-Editor LIB STEWART Co-Editor DARRELL AUSTIN General Manager MEMBER OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION .. The Herald Is published by Herald Publishing House, P.O. Box 762, Kings Mountain, N.C. 28086. Business and editorial offices are located at 481 N. Piedmont Ave. Phone 739-7498. Second class postage paid at Kings Mountain, N.C. Single copy 16 cents. Subscriptton rates: $10 yearly In state. $6 six months. $11 yearly out-of-state. $5.60 six months. Student rate tor nine months $7.60. USPS 981-040. Society befolre members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 166 Thur sday night. The speakers were Kenneth Ledford, President of the Cleveland County Cancer Society, and Mrs. Gllda Cooper, member of the Executive Committee. Encouraging more" lOngs Mountain citizen- involvement in cancer drives in the community. President Ledford said that Kings Mountain has not sponsored a drive in a number of years but that Jim Downey, well known businessman, has volunteered to head the 1980 campaign. Mrs. Downey arranged the program for Thursday’s meeting. Mrs. Jackie D. Barrett presided In the absence of President Clara Rhea. Co-hostesses for a social TRAN SCO DIVIDEND hour were Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, her daughter, Mrs. Sand! Etters, and Mrs. Charles Hampton and her mother, Mrs. Laneva Weaver. “These regional meetings are Important because they wUl Invotvo local youth, youth workers and elected officials In helping to gear programs to local needs and problems,” said Governor Jim Hunt. Compare Up To *18.95 ONLY $9_99 65% Cotton 35% Celanese Fortrel Polyester Thursday, Friday and Saturday The Region C conference Hours; 8:00-5:00 Monday Thru Saturday Located At Stewart Plumbing Betty Conner, Owner Directors of Transco Companies, Inc. today announced a quarterly dividend of 81 cents per share on common stock. For discerning fashion-setters: a suit for all seasons, designed by Oleg Cassini Oleg Cassini, America's most recognized designer, creates timeless tailored clothing for men who appreciate refined good taste and true quality. Case in point: this Oleg Cassini town suit, beautifully cut with strong fashion expression, and subtly detailed for simplicity and sophistication. Discover the spe- lal look of this important designer clothing low and choose from our complete collection Qa/idne^ OPEN THURS. AND FW. NIGHTS Til 9:30 Where l^Hlr Earnings Are Ibp Rate. 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