a Cons Bindery Tn« ‘ Pringoert f •rt, i.^ch. 492e^ VT7 (L- %c VOLUME 91 - mMBER 48 - TUESDA Y, JUL Y 1,1980- KINGS MOUNTAIN, NOR TH CAROLINA Patrolman Harry Honeycutt Turns In Resignation Thurs. By ELIZABETH STEWART Co-Editor City patrolman Harry Honeycutt, 30, stormed out of City l^all Thursday night at 9 pjn. after a second confronta tion with the city board of com- tmissioners resulted in no addi tional pay for policemen and after he tendered his resignation to Mayor John Henry Moss. Otherwise, the hearing on the proposed S9 million plus city budget for 1980-81 was a relatively mild one and resulted in formal approval by unanimous vote. The $9,429,671.00 budget represents a five percent increase over last year and is based on a tax rate of SO cents and includes a five percent pay raise across- the-boards for tdl city employes. Honeycutt maintained that the five percent pay hike was in sufficient and questioned a pay plan scale which has been in ef fect for six years and allows for merit raises upon recommenda- timi of the Chief of Police. Honeycutt also maintained that other cities of comparable size to Kings Mountain, for instance Forest City, pay starting patrolmen considerably more. Police Comm. Norman King disagreed with the figures presented Honeycutt and both he and Cotimt. Jtm Childers said there is only a $10 dif ference in the pay in cities of similar size. Childm also main tained that the starting pay for city patrolmen has also been in creased since the new pay scale went into effect. Honeycutt ad mitted that he had been ‘treated fairly” and acknowledged that he had received three raises since he joined the force but that his take-home pay was never more than $6 after deductions were made. Honeycutt also complained that policemen are unable to take their vacation period all at one time and wanted to know why another detective and a chief of police has not been hired. ”1 dmt blame Sgt. Banett (Acting Police Chief Jackie Bar rett) for not taking the Chiefs job,” said Honeycutt. We have had five chiefs in 16 years and that means there is something wrong with the city administra tion. He declared that the con troversial pay scale merit pay plan was outdated from the beginning and told the board that he had “gone against Chief Barrett’s orders in failing to let him see these statements before 1 present them to you tonight. 1 believe in freedom of speech, however, although Chief Barrett says some things are handled better within the department.” Mayor Moss acknowledged that the proper way for an employe to resign is through department heads and replied to Honeycutt that two of the former chiefs of police retired Effective Lew! Friday Police Officer! Harry Honeycutt, who resig^ Thurs day night at a meeting of the city boind of commissione s, was in formed Friday momigg that his resignation had beeri accepted when he completed the third shift at 6 ajn. Friday morning. Acting Police Chie J.D. Bar rett said Honeycutt’s esignation became effective whe the Chief received it. Chief Bar ett said ci ty policy gave him th i option of receiving the ’^esigna ion at the beginning or end of this week. Honeycutt h'id [rfanr td to work until July 2, when he to work on a weldini job with a Charlotte constructic i firm. His resignation becamt quicker thim he inter led but the JO-year-old patrolma i is leaving the local fxolice depa 18 months “with n ings”, he said. ment after hard feel- bec'iuse of health ani that Chief Thomas McDeviti now of Forest City, served i that posi tion for nine years, irhe Mayor pointed out that tl; city pays retirement benefits' hich match those paid by empk :es. Comm. Hume! Houston, responding to Hon< icutt’s ques tion as to when a cl ef would be hired, said that appi lations have been taken and in irviewing is underway for the chiefs job. Houston, chairmat of the pay scale study commit x, said that each applicant woi i) be screen ed and given a c ance to sit down and talk w th commis sioners. “I don’t kn w how long that will be, but 1« II notify you personally when I e choice is made,” s^ Houst( i. Apparently um tisfied with the answers to 11 questions, Honeycutt conten kd that “you mean that if 450 people a^y youYe going to wal^until you in terview each one?^t means it will be six monthslne year, two years before a chiiis hired?” Continuing, Htpycutt asked Houston if the b^d had nar rowed down the aplicants who had applied for t|' Chiefs job and Houston repi d that when the job is filled "yt 11 be the first to know.” A heated iterchange developed at sevc J pewts dur ing the excha ;e between Honeycutt, King id Nicholson. And Comm. Bill 3rissom sug gested that “we al 10 to work for a company that w I let you have three weeks vaca bn off at the same time.” Said Honeycui “I work for the police depai uent but the only place I can ford to live is in the county. 9 i have people County Bloodmobile Visits ^ '^^J^ted below is the schedule bloodmobile visits in CHeveland County during July: July 10 - Pittsburgh Plate Glass On plant) at the PPG Shelby Plant. Hours 12:30 until t A 6 pjn. Goal 200 pints. ^ July 30 - Lafayette Street Methodist Church in Shelby. Sponsored by Softball League e Fellowship id the Frater nal Order of Pol :. Open to the public. Hours U 0 until 6 pjn. Goal ISO [mts. July 31 - Dc tr Elementary Schod in Shdb Sponsored by Dover Mills. He is 11 pjn. until 3 ajn. Goal I(X lints. Two KM Youths Cha Kings Mountain Police ar rested two Kings Mountain youths Thursday morning and - charged them with bre^ng, a entering and larceny at Wade Ford on Shelby Rd. Police chargi 19. of 1301 David B. DeV4: Wales Rd. Reported stol \ from a car. Red Lee Bickley, es Rd., and , 18, of 1308 was a battery who live in South Carolina and work for the city. I don’t hear anyone saying anything about that. King replied, “We haven’t said anything about you living outside the city.” Honeycutt said he is not the only police unhappy at his job. He knows of at least four who would leave the department if it were not for family and friends. He also maintains police morale is low and pointed to the sanita tion department, which he said is also underpaid, who will get a 10 percent raise in the upcoming year’s budget. ’They (the sanita tion workers) might get bit by a dog but they are not in physical danger everyday,” said the policeman. Honeycutt, as he did in his first appearance before the board, said equipment is not up to par. Gunbelts and holsters are worn out, he said, and guns were purchased about 10 years ago. Policemen go to target practice once a year and that’s to qualify. “We need target practice every three months,” he said. “When we do a good job who pats us on the back?” PtI. Honeycutt said his resignation will be effective July 2. Charging that city commis sioners are running the cHy at a cost of $10,000 per person, Clayvon Kelly, of Woodside Dr., said that taxes levied in the new budget represent a 23 percent m- crease over the current year. Citing new tax re-evaluation figures of real property of local citizens, including those sitting on the board of commissioners, Kelly said residents will be pay ing from 26 to 48 percent more in taxes. “My taxes from 1970 increased 88 percent but we still have the same tax rate. It’s misleading when we say that the city has maintained the same tax rate (65 cents for the past 16 years and now 50 cents because of the new countywide re- evaluation) because we are not talking about the same amount of money.” Kelly also cited figures that showed that the budget went from $1 million 15 years ago to almost $10 million today. “We still don’t have a population of 10,(X)0 people,” said Kelly, “ and this new tax-re- evaluation is going to affect us all but really hurt widows, those on social security and fixed in come, citing cases of several senior citizens whose property had doubled in value even after substracting an allowable $7400 tax base, the amount had doubl ed over last year. “Your salary, Mr. Mayor was $450 a month back in 1965 and 15 years later it’s $1968 a month and $23,625.00 annually,” said Kelly, who added, “That’s over a 300 percent increase. Why can’t our city employees get more than a 5 percent increase?” he asked. The Mayor corrected the salary figure and said his present salary is $2033728 annually. Ckxnm. Jim Childers noted that “we’d like to give everyone a 10 to 15 percent raise in the new budget but we just don’t have the money.” Mayor Moss said he was delighted to see public concern about the budget. “We’re having a good meeting tonight, folks,” said the Mayor, during the 90 minute discussion of the budget. The Mayor said that “we have a very tight budget-money wise, and we have attempted to take into consideration the immediate needs.” In a prepared budget message prior to the adoption, the mayor outlined various im provements in the city during the past year and said that because of inflation several pro posed considerations would have to be moved to the 1981 budget, mentioning specifically the im provements at the old City Hall, which is to be renovated into a law enforcement cemcr.- In other actions Thursday night: •Southeastern Consulting Engipeers of Charlotte was hired to do an electric rate study after Engineer W.H. Little Jr. told the board that Duke Power Co. has applied for a 9.1 increase in elec tric rates effective Aug. 20 to wholesale customers. Little ex plained that the state utility com mission could delay the increase until September or October but suggested that a study should be made to determine how much the costs will go up to city customers. Saying that he is sure Duke will get an increase. Little said he does not know how much the increase will mean but that the base rate is going up 24J percent. •Set July 14th as date for a public hearing on street assessments for Princeton Drive. •Awarded contract to the low bidder. Mill Power Supply Co. of Charlotte, at $10,469.64 for six 50-KVA pad mount trans formers and awarded the low bid to Phillips Utilities of Gaffney, S.C. at $140,426.00 for exten sions to the KM sewer line to serve the new Canterbury Road industry. Commercial Shearing Co. RECITES PLEDGE — As ths notion prsparos to colobrots In- dopondonco Day on Friday throo-yaar-old John Forrost Tsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L Tsor. rocitss ths plsdgs of allogiancs to tho flog. Young Tsor Isomsd ths flag plsdgs cmd wos on ths program for a rscsnt mooting of Colonsl Frsdsrick Hombright Chaptsr DAR ot ths homo of Mrs. HJL Goforth. Icdin's mothsr is a formsr DAR Rsgsnt. Grover Town Board Adopts 1980-81 Budget GROVER — A budget of $125,403.51 for 1980-81 was unanimously adopted by Grover Town Board in a special meeting Thursday night. The board also gave all employes a five percent across- the-boards pay raise and set the tax rate at 23 cents per $100 valuation. Absent from the meeting was Commissioner Edward Philbeck who was on vacation. The new budget is $8,928.88 more than last year and the tax rate is 12 cents tower than the current year’s rate due to the re- evaluation property. All actions at Thursday’s meeting were unanimous. Comm. Quay Moss made the motion to raise salaries. At last Monday night’s budget meeting the Council voted 3-2 not to give employes raises but changed their minds later in executive ses sion and rescinded the action 3-2 for more discussion Thursday night. The big winner at this week’s budget hearings was the Police Department which received $22,481.06 which includes the cost of a new Chevrolet Malibu for Police Chief Steve Walker and where $2,0(X) is budgeted for a fingerprinting machine, fire extinguisher, first aid kit and walkie-talkie. The Fire Depart ment received $1,000 for capital improvements and street im provements are budgeted at $14,099.00 with sidewalk con struction expected to cost $1,000 and new street lights expected to account for $3J)27.W. The Sanitation Department is ear marked to receive $11288.86, the cemetery department will receive $1,000 and recreation and city beautification is ex pected to cost $3492.(X). In other actions: The board re tained Kings Mountain lawyer Scott Neisler as town attorney. 'f • '■ ( id VISIT WITH CX>NGRESSMAN-CongrMHnaB lomM To BroyhllL contor. It thowa with Mrt. Suo Payno. tocond from loft, adminlttrator of Klagt Mouatala CoBvalotcoat Contor and curront Prooldont of tho Ncoth Carolina Hoolth Coro Focilltiot Atoodatloa. la tho aatioa't copltol. Othort aro, I. Craig Souia of Roloigh. Exocutlvo Vico Prooldont of tho Aaooclatlon, and Mr. ond Mrt. BUI Rogort of MGR, Inc. of Spo^ tanburg. S.C. Tho group ottondod a conforonco of tho Amorlcan Hoalth Caro Attoclatlon In Wothlngton. D.C. loot wook (luno 23-25). Thoy alto mol with Sonatort lotto Holrnt ond Robort Morgan ond Congrottman lamot Martin and Rlchardton Proyor.

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